Bush K - 360, K-265S, K - 285 AK, K - 300 AK, K - 330 AK Owner's Manual

owner’s manual
The world of inflaTable boaTs
owner’s manual
producTion of inflaTable boaT
This manual has been completed to help you to operate your craft with safe­ty and pleasure.
It contains details of the craft; the equipment supplied or tted its systems, and information on their operation. Please, read the manual carefully, and
familiarize yourself with the craft before using it.
This owner’s manual is not a course on boating safety or seamanship. If this
is your rst craft, or you are changing to a type of craft you are familiar with, for your own comfort and safety, please ensure that you obtain handling and
operating experience before “assuming command” of the craft. Your dealer or national sailing federation or yacht club will be pleased to advise you of
local sea schools, or competent instructors.
Ensure that the anticipated wind and sea conditions will correspond to the
design category of your craft, and that your screw are able to handle the
craft in these conditions.
Even when your boat is categorized for them, the sea and wind conditions
corresponding to the design category C range from severe storm condi-
tions for category, to strong conditions for the top of category C, open to the hazards of a freak wave of gust. These are therefore dangerous conditions, where only a competent, t and trained screw using a well maintained craft
can satisfactorily operate.
This owner’s manual is not a detailed maintenance or trouble-shooting
guide. In the case of difculty, refer to the boat builder or his representative. If a maintenance manual is provided, use it for the craft maintenance.
Always use trained and competent people for maintenance, xing or modi­cations. Modications that may affect the safety characteristics of the craft shall be assessed, executed and documented by competent people. The boat builder cannot be held responsible for modication that he has not
In some countries, a driving license or authorization are required, or specic
regulation are in force.
Always maintain your craft properly and make allowance for the deterioration that will occur in the time and as a result of heavy use or misuse of the craft.
Any craft, no matter how strong it may be, can be severely damaged if not
used properly. This is not compatible with safe boating. Always adjust the speed and direction of the craft to sea conditions.
The craft should have onboard the appropriate safety equipment (lifejackets, harness, etc) according to the type of craft, weather conditions, etc. This equip-
ment is mandatory in some countries. The screw should be familiar with the use
of all safety equipment and emergency manoeuvring (man overboard recover, towing etc) sailing schools and clubs regularly organize drill sessions.
All person should wear a suitable buoyancy aid (life jacket/ personal otation device) when on the deck. Note that, in some countries, it is a legal requirement
to wear a buoyancy aid that complies with their national regulations and times.
1. Declaration of conformity 4-6
2. General 7-9
3. Assembly and disassembly 10-17
4. Safety and operation recommendations 18-25
5. Maintenance 26-27
6. Environment 28
7. Warranty 29-30
8. Specications 31
9. Warranty Card 32
owner’s manual specificaTions, descripTion and feaTures
2. General
2.1 safeTy alerTs
This manual uses the following safety alerts to draw your attention to special safety instructions that should be followed.
DANGER - Denotes that an extreme intrinsic hazard exists which would result in high probability of death or irreparable injury if proper precautions are not taken.
WARNING - Denotes that a hazard exist which can result in injury or death if proper precautionsare not taken.
CAUTION - Denotes a reminder of safety practices or direct atten­tion to unsafe practices which could result in personal injury or dam­age to the craft or component or to the environment.
2.2 naTional leGislaTion
Before you prepare for the water with your BUSH inatable, check the local legislation on any restrictions on the specic water you want to use. You
might check for speed-restriction and restrictions on the use of outboard
engines, restrictions on the airborne sounds, etc.
2.3 General safeTy informaTion
Safe Boating Suggestions.
In order to safely enjoy the waterways, familiarize yourself with local and other governmental boating regulations and restrictions, and consider the
following suggestions:
WARNING: If this boat is used around the mother ship at open sea,
take the necessary precautions! Don’t lose contact with the mother ship!
Use otation devices. Have an approved personal otation device of suitable size for each person aboard (it is the law) and have it readily accessible.
Do not overload your boat. Most boats are rated and certied for maximum load (weight) capacities (refer to your boat capacity plate). If in doubt, con-
tact your dealer or the boats manufacturer.
Perform safety checks and required maintenance. Follow a regular schedule and ensure that all repairs are properly made. Know and obey all nautical rules and laws of the waterways.
Make sure everyone in the boat is properly seated. Do not allow anyone to
sit or ride on any part of the boat that was not intended for such use.
This includes the back of seats, gunwales, transom, bow, decks, raised sh­ing seats, any rotating shing seat; or anywhere that an unexpected accel­eration, sudden stopping, unexpected loss of boat control, or sudden boat
movement could cause a person to be thrown overboard or into the boat.
Never be under the inuence of alcohol or drugs while boating (it is the law).
Alcohol or drug use impairs your judgment and greatly reduces your ability to react quickly. Prepare other boat operators. Instruct at least one other per-
son on board in the basics of starting and operating the outboard, and boat handling, in case the driver becomes disabled or falls overboard.
Passenger boarding. Stop the engine whenever passengers are boarding, unloading, or are near the back (stern) of the boat. Just shifting the outboard into neutral is not sufcient.
Be alert. The operator of the boat is responsible by law to maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing. The operator must have an unobstructed view
particularly the front. No passengers load, or shing seats should block the
operators view when operating the boat above idle speed.
Never drive your boat directly behind a water skier in case the skier falls. .
Watch fallen skiers. When using your boat for water skiing or similar activi-
ties, always keep fallen or down skier on the operator’s side of the boat while
returning to assist the skier. The operator should always have the down skier sight and never back up to the skier or anyone in the water.
owner’s manual assembly and disassembly
WARNING: Do not exceed the maximum recommended number of persons. Regardless of the number of persons aboard, the total
weight of persons and equipment must never exceed the maximum recommended load. Always use the seats/seating spaces provided.
WARNING: When loading the craft never exceed the maximum recommended load. Always load the craft carefully and distrib-
ute loads appropriately to maintain design trim (approximate level).
Avoid placing heavy weight high up.
Outboard engine.
DANGER: The maximum motor power of this boat is given in the
specication in this manual. Overpowering a boat can result in se­rious injury, death or boat damage. The installation and operation
instructions of the outboard motor can be found in this manual.
DANGER: You might lose control of the boat when using the motor at full speed. Accidents may occur. BUSH can not be held respon­sible for these actions.
3. assembly and disassembly
3.1 The valves
The BUSH valves are especially designed for safe and comfortable use. The
valves are designed at to increase the comfort in the boat and to prevent
damage the boat.
Operation of the valve:
Take off outside cap (b). The valve is closed when the middle screw (a) is in upside position.
To open the valve put your nger (a) in the middle of the valve and push the middle screw down, turn your nger ¼ until the screw locks. To close the valve push the screw and turn your nger ¼ until the screw
comes up
Pump connection:
Put end piece (the nozzle tting) of the pump on the valve.• Turn right (clockwise) and start pumping.Keep pumping until no air can be put into the boat.• When ready, be sure to take off the pump.Be sure to put on the protection cap again (for protection from dirt and • damage).
owner’s manual assembly and disassembly
3.2 inflaTion of Tube and keel
Remove any sharp objects from at surface where boat will be assembled. To inate the boat, roll the boat out on the oor. If the boat is unpacked,
check if all parts are present. Check that the valves are closed. This can be
done by putting your nger in the valve, push the little colored knob in, and
turn to the right one stroke. If the knob jumps up a little it is possible get air
into the boat. (To let air out of the boat you have to turn the knob). Get your delivered pump. Push the nozzle, end piece on the valve and turn right. The
pump will tighten on the valve. Put enough air in the boat to give the boat
some form. All chambers should be inated equally avoid damage to the
bulkheads that separate the chambers.
3.3. order of inflaTion of Tubes
Inate the boat in the following order:
side chambers1.
front chambers (if applicable)2. oor chamber (if applicable)3. keel chamber (if applicable). 4.
CAUTION: Over-ination can cause structural damage to your boat.
Never surpass these values!
The maximum ination pressure for the body is 0.25 bar = 3.6 psi. The maximum ination pressure for the keel is 0.35 bar = 5 psi. The maximum ination pressure for the oor is 0.7 bar = 10 psi.
CAUTION: DO NOT use mechanical compressors to inate your boat. Overination may result in ruptured seams and/or bulkheads.
The pump that is delivered gives exactly the right pressure to your boat.
3.4 floor
BUSH boats which are equipped with an inatable or a non-inatable oor must be operated with these oors properly installed before use. Using the boat without the provided oors unsafe, uncomfortable and may result in
damage to the boat.
3.5 floorboard insTallaTion
Place the front section (bow board 1) of the oorboard as far in the front • of the boat as possible. Make sure the hole in the bottom is straight
above the valve of the keel section.
Place part two into the boat. Put the two parts of the oorboard “in line”.
Insert the back section under transom holders. Push down the two parts to the bottom of the boat. The oorboards will be in a level position.
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