Busch-Jaeger 1795-214 Service Manual

-1 -8289 Rev. 01 │ 17.12.2012
Temperature controller
1094….1097 U 1094….1097 UTA 1095 UF 1795
Pos: 2 /#N eustr uk tur #/Onl ine- Dok umen ta tion ( +KN X) /Tit elbl ät ter/T e mper at urreg ler /Tit elbl att 10 94... .1 097 @ 26 \mod_1342698041601_15.docx @ 224303 @ @ 1
=== Ende der Li st e für Te xtm arke Cov er == =
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8289
— 2 —
Pos: 4 /#N eustr uk tur #/Onl ine- Dok umen ta tion ( +KN X) /In halt sver zei chni s ( --> F ür al le D ok ume nte < --)/I nhalts verz eichni s @ 19\mod_1320649044386_15.docx @ 109653 @ @ 1
1 Safety ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Intended use ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
3 Environment ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
4 Operation ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
5 Technical data .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Setup and function ................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.1 Features of function and equipment ........................................................................................................ 6
6.2 Possible combinations ............................................................................................................................ 7
7 Installation and electrical connection ....................................................................................................................... 8
7.1 Requirements for the electrician ............................................................................................................. 8
7.2 Mounting ................................................................................................................................................. 8
7.3 Electrical connection ............................................................................................................................. 10
8 Commissioning ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
8.1 Calibrating the display of the actual temperature value (applies only to UTA devices) ......................... 11
8.2 Offset function(scale correction) ......................................................................................................... 11
=== Ende der Li st e für Te xtm arke TOC == =
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8289
— 3 —
Consider the protection of the environment!
device at the appropriate collecting depot.
Pos: 6 /#N eustr uk tur #/Onl ine- Dokumentation (+KNX)/Übersc hri fte n (--> Für alle Do ku ment e <--)/1. Ebene/S - T/Sicherhei t @ 18\mod_1302612791790_15.docx @ 103357 @ 1 @ 1

1 Safety

Pos: 7 /#N eustr uk tur #/Onl ine- Dok umen ta tion ( +KN X) /Si cher hei tshi nw eis e un d Hi nweis e ( --> F ür all e D o kume nte < --)/W arn hinw eis e/Sic herh eit - 230 V @ 18\mod_1302606816750_15.docx @ 103308 @ @ 1
Electric voltage!
Risk of death and fire due to electrical voltage of 230 V. – Work on the 230V supply system may only be performed by authorised electricians! – Disconnect the mains power supply prior to installation and/or disassembly!
Pos: 8 /#N eustr uk tur #/Onl ine- Dok umen ta tion ( +KN X) /Ü bersc hri fte n (--> Für alle Do ku ment e <--)/1. Ebene/A - F/Bestimmu ngsge mäßer Gebra uch @ 18\mod_1302763321316_15.docx @ 103483 @ 1 @ 1

2 Intended use

Pos: 9 /#N eustr uk tur #/Onl ine- Dokumentation (+KNX)/Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/B usch- Di mmer /Bes ti mmung sg em äßer Gebr a uch @ 2 3\mod_1335350449857_15.docx @ 208763 @ @ 1
The device is to be used exclusively with the components that are supplied and licensed as described in chapter "Setup and function".
Pos: 10 /#N eustr u ktur #/O nline-Do ku ment ati on (+ KN X)/Ü ber sc hrift en ( --> F ür all e D ok ume nte < --)/1. E bene/U - Z/U mwel t @ 18\mod_1302614158967_15.docx @ 103383 @ 1 @ 1

3 Environment

Pos: 11 /#N eustr u ktur #/O nlin e-Dokumentation (+KNX)/Sicherheitshinweise und Hinweise (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/Hinweise - Umwelt/Hinweis - Umwelt - Hinweis Elektrogeräte @ 18\mod_1302763973434_15.docx @ 103500 @ @ 1
Used electric and electronic devices must not be disposed of with domestic waste. – The device contains valuable raw materials which can be recycled. Therefore, dispose of the
Pos: 12 /#N eustr u ktur #/O nlin e-Dokumentation (+KNX)/Sicherheitshinweise und Hinweise (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/Hinweise - Umwelt/Hinweis - Umwelt - Entsorgung Elektrogeräte @ 20\mod_1325760695972_15.docx @ 136583 @ @ 1
All packaging materials and devices bear the markings and test seals for proper disposal. Always dispose of the packaging material and electric devices and their components via the authorized collecting depots and disposal companies. The products meet the legal requirements, in particular the laws governing electronic and electrical devices and the REACH ordinance. (EU Directive 2002/96/EC WEEE and 2002/95/EC RoHS) (EU REACH ordinance and law for the implementation of the ordinance (EC) No.1907/2006)
Pos: 13 /#N eustr u ktur #/O nlin e-Do ku ment ati on (+ KN X)/S teuer m odul e - Online-Dokumentation (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenumbruch ++++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898668093_0.docx @ 52149 @ @ 1
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8289
— 4 —
Mark / Symbol
Designation / Function
LED - temperature reduction active
Slide switch
Control knob for selecting the desired room temperature
1 = 5°C
2 = 10°C
3 = 15°C
4 = 20°C
5 = 25°C
6 = 30°C
Switch position for external temperature reduction
Switch position for selected temperature
Switch position for continuous temperature reduction
Symbol in the display
Designation / Function
Heating switched on
Temperature reduction active
Pos: 14 /#N eustr u ktur #/O nlin e-Do ku ment ati on (+ KN X)/Ü ber sc hrift en ( --> F ür all e D ok ume nte < --)/1. Ebene/A - F/Bedienu ng @ 11\ mod_1279185541649_15.docx @ 83043 @ 1 @ 1

4 Operation

Pos: 15 /#N eustr u ktur #/O nlin e-Do ku ment ati on (+ KN X)/B edi enu ng/T em perat urr egl er /Bedi en ung Zentr al sc heibe f ür 10 94. ...1 097 @ 26\mod_1342699745536_15.docx @ 224317 @ @ 1
Fig. 1: Cover
The temperature is continuously variable with the adjusting knob (C). The difference in temperature between two digits is approximately 5°C. For temperature adjustment and values, see the opposite columns.
Fig. 2: Cover with cutout for display of actual temperature value (only for ... UTA)
Pos: 16 /#N eustr u ktur #/O nlin e-Do ku ment ati on (+ KN X)/S teuer m odul e - Online-Dokumentation (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenumbruch ++++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898668093_0.docx @ 52149 @ @ 1
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