Tiger Cool Froth EXT Cleaning Card
Required Supplies:
36000.1189 Cafiza Tablets (ea)
36000.1188 Cafiza Tablets (cs of 12)
04238.0000 Cleaning Pitcher
To order cleaning supplies call Bunn® at 800-626-2866
39265.0000 Rinza Cleaner (ea)
39265.0001 Rinza Cleaner (cs of 6)
Clean Paper Towels
Open POD holder. Move white
switch to the left position.
Remove and empty the
grounds drawer.
Place one Cafiza cleaning
tablet in the pod holder.
Place grounds drawer sideways on the driptray.
Close pod holder and lock in
Pour 1 oz (30 ml) of Rinza
into a ½ gallon cleaning
Raise the pod holder.
Remove both sets of draw
tubes from milk containers,
wipe thoroughly and place
into cleaning pitcher, making
sure tubes touch the bottom
of the pitcher.
Press the Rinse key and allow
the Tiger to cycle through 4
soap and soak cycles. (Allow
approx. 8 min)
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When prompted, empty the
cleaning pitcher, rinse and
place the tubes back into the
Press the rinse key – the Tiger will cycle through 2 clear
water rinse cycles (6/6 total).

Cleaning (continued)
When prompted, dump
the water collected in the
grounds drawer.
Wipe the Thermoblock with a
clean paper towel.
CAUTION: Do not scour. You
will remove the protective
Rinse the grounds drawer
and set aside.
Reinsert and tighten the labyrinth (clockwise motion) and
replace grounds drawer.
Unscrew the labyrinth from
the Thermoblock. (counterclockwise motion)
Wipe out grounds drawer
base area.
Wash the labyrinth under
clean running water.
Press the rinse key to complete the clean cycle.
Open the pod drawer and
move the white switch to the
Reinsert the draw tubes into
the milk containers.
Screen as shown above will
appear when cleaning is
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