Buffalo WCR-G300, WCR-HP-G300 User Manual

User Manual WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300
802.11n / b / g Wireless Access Point Router
Chapter 1 - Product Overview .........................................5
Front Panel LED's .......................................................................... 8
Back Panel ..................................................................................... 10
Right Side ...................................................................................... 10
Bottom ............................................................................................ 11
Chapter 2 - Installation ..................................................... 12
Antenna Placement ................................................................. 12
Initial Setup ............................................................................. 12
WDS Setup ............................................................................. 13
Chapter 3 - Conguration ................................................16
Accessing the Web-based Conguration Interface ................. 16
Conguration Menu (Router Mode) ......................................... 18
Conguration Menu (Bridge Mode) ......................................... 20
Setup ....................................................................................... 22
Internet/LAN (LAN Cong) ...................................................... 24
Internet (Router Mode only) ........................................................... 24
PPPoE (Router Mode only) ............................................................ 25
DDNS (Router Mode only) ............................................................. 27
LAN ................................................................................................ 29
DHCP Lease (Router Mode only) .................................................. 31
NAT (Router Mode only) ................................................................ 32
Route ............................................................................................. 33
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 1
Wireless Cong ....................................................................... 34
WPS ............................................................................................... 34
AOSS ............................................................................................. 35
Basic .............................................................................................. 37
Advanced ....................................................................................... 40
WMM .............................................................................................. 41
MAC Filter ...................................................................................... 43
WDS (Bridge Mode only) ............................................................... 44
Security (Router Mode only) ................................................... 46
Firewall (Router Mode only) ........................................................... 46
IP Filter (Router Mode only) ........................................................... 48
VPN Pass-Through (Router Mode only) ........................................ 49
LAN Cong (Router Mode only) .............................................. 50
Port Forwarding (Router Mode only) .............................................. 50
DMZ (Router Mode only) ............................................................... 51
UPnP (Router Mode only) .............................................................. 52
QoS (Router Mode only) ................................................................ 53
Admin Cong ........................................................................... 54
Name ............................................................................................. 54
Password ....................................................................................... 55
Time/Date ...................................................................................... 56
NTP ................................................................................................ 57
ECO ............................................................................................... 58
Access ........................................................................................... 60
Log ................................................................................................. 61
Save/Restore ................................................................................. 62
Initialize/Restart ............................................................................. 63
Update ........................................................................................... 64
Diagnostic ............................................................................... 65
System Info .................................................................................... 65
Logs ............................................................................................... 67
Packet Info ..................................................................................... 68
Client Monitor ................................................................................. 69
Ping ................................................................................................ 70
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 2
Chapter 4 - Connect to a Wireless Network ................... 71
Automatic Secure Setup (AOSS/WPS) ................................... 71
Windows 7 or Vista (Client Manager V) ......................................... 72
Windows XP (Client Manager 3) .................................................... 73
Mac OS X (AOSS Assistant) .......................................................... 74
Manual Setup .......................................................................... 75
Windows 7 (WLAN AutoCong) ..................................................... 75
Windows Vista (WLAN AutoCong) ............................................... 76
Windows XP (Wireless Zero Conguration) ................................... 79
Mac OS X (Wi-Fi) ........................................................................... 80
Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting ............................................81
Cannot connect to the Internet over wired connection. ........... 81
Cannot access the web-based conguration interface. .......... 81
Cannot connect to the network wirelessly. .............................. 82
You forgot AirStation's SSID, Encryption Key, or Password. ... 82
The link speed is slower than 300 Mbps. ................................ 82
Other Tips ................................................................................ 83
Appendix A - Specications ............................................86
Appendix B - Default Conguration Settings ................88
Appendix C - Checking Wireless Signal Quality ...........93
Appendix D - TCP/IP Settings ..........................................96
Appendix E - Restoring the Default Conguration ........100
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 3
Appendix F - Regulatory Compliance Information ........ 101
Appendix G - Environmental Information ......................107
Appendix H - GPL Information ........................................108
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 4
Chapter 1 - Product Overview
Supports IEEE802.11n and IEEE802.11b/g
With support for Wireless-N, Wireless-G, and Wireless-B standards, the AirStation can transfer data to and from all standard 2.4 GHz wireless clients.
Supports WDS
WDS bridging allows multiple units to operate in a bridged network for extended coverage.
Dual speed mode
Dual speed mode makes wireless transmission faster by using 2 channels, allowing 300 Mbps data transmission.
Support AOSS and WPS
Both AOSS (AirStation One-touch Secure System) and WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) are supported. These automatic connection standards make connection with compatable wireless devices easier.
Security Features
The AirStation is equipped with the following security features:
• WPA/WPA2 mixed PSK
• WEP(128/64 bit)
• Privacy Separator
• MAC address access restriction
• Deny Any Connection/SSID stealth
• Web conguration interface with password
• Firewall with easy rules
Automatic Channel Selection
Monitors wireless interference and automatically assigns the clearest, best channel.
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 5
Chapter 1 Product Overview
To restore settings back to the factory defaults, hold down the Reset button on the bottom of the unit.
Browser Based Administration
This unit can be easily congured from a web browser on your computer.
300 Mbps High Speed Mode
300 Mbps is the link speed of WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 when using Wireless-N mode. It represents actual wireless data speeds, including overhead. Because the overhead is not available for user data transfer, usable wireless throughput will be substantially slower.
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Chapter 1 Product Overview
Package Contents
Following items are included in your AirStation. If any of the items are missing, please contact your vender.
• Main unit ..............................................................................................1
• AC adapter ...........................................................................................1
• LAN cable .............................................................................................1
• Quick Setup Guide............................................................................1
• Admin Card .........................................................................................1
• Main unit ..............................................................................................1
• High-gain antennas .........................................................................2
• AC adapter ...........................................................................................1
• LAN cable .............................................................................................1
• Quick Setup Guide............................................................................1
• Admin Card .........................................................................................1
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 7
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Hardware Overview
Front Panel LED's
1 2 3 4 5
Power LED (Green)
On: The AC adapter is connected
O: The AC adapter is not connected
Security LED (Amber)
Indicates security status.
O: Encryption is not set On: Encryption has been set Double blink: The unit is waiting for an AOSS or WPS security key Blinking: AOSS or WPS error; failed to exchange security keys
Note: When the Security LED is lit, an encryption key has been set. Wireless clients will need the
same key to connect.
Wireless LED (Green)
Indicates wireless LAN status.
Blinking: Wireless LAN is transmitting On: Wireless LAN is connected but not active
Router LED (Green) On: Router functionality is enabled
O: Router functionality is disabled
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 8
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Diag LED (Red) This indicates the status of the unit depending on the number of blinks per
Note: When the unit is rst turned on or restarted, the Diag LED will blink
for almost a minute during boot. This is normal.
Diag LED
Meaning Status
2 blinks *
3 blinks *
Flash ROM error Cannot read or write to the ash memory.
Ethernet (wired) LAN
Ethernet LAN controller is malfunctioning.
4 blinks *
Wireless LAN error Wireless LAN controller is malfunctioning.
5 blinks IP address setting error Because the network addresses of both the Internet port (INTERNET
port) and the LAN port are the same, it is not possible to establish communication. Change the LAN side IP address of this unit.
Continuously blinking
Updating the rmware
Saving settings Initializing settings
Updating the rmware. Saving the settings. Initializing the settings.
*1 Unplug the AC adapter from the wall socket, wait for a few seconds, and then plug it again. If the
Diag LED still ashes, please contact technical support.
*2 Never unplug the AC adapter while the Diag LED is blinking continuously.
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 9
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Back Panel
7 8 9
Antenna connectors
The WCR-G300N has xed antennas here.
For the WCR-HP-G300, screw on the included antennas here.
DC Connector
Connect the included AC adapter here.
Internet Port
10 Mbps and 100 Mbps connections are supported.
Note: In bridge / AP mode, the Internet port becomes a regular LAN port, for a total of 5 usable
LAN ports.
LAN Port
Connect your computer, hub, or other Ethernet devices to these ports.
This switching hub supports 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps connections.
Right Side
To initiate AOSS or WPS, hold down this button until the Security LED ashes (about 1 second).
Then, push or click the AOSS or WPS button on your wireless client device to complete the connection. Both devices must be powered on for this to work.
Reset Button
With the power on, hold down this button until the Diag LED comes on to initialize the
AirStation’s settings to their default values.
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Chapter 1 Product Overview
Factory Default Settings
This sticker shows the AirStation’s SSID, MAC address, and WPS PIN code.
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Chapter 2 - Installation
Antenna Placement
The antennas are included in the package. Screw the antennas on clockwise to install.
Initial Setup
To congure your AirStation, follow the procedure below.
Turn o your computer and modem. If the modem doesn’t have an o switch, unplug its power connector.
Find the LAN cable that connects your computer and modem. Unplug it from the computer.
Plug the LAN cable from the modem into the Internet (WAN) port of your AirStation. Turn on the modem.
Connect your computer to one of the AirStation’s LAN ports with the Ethernet cable. Turn on the AirStation, wait one minute, and then turn on your computer.
Conrm the devices are connected correctly.
Wait for a minute or so, until the AirStation’s LEDs are lit as described below:
Power Green LED on Wireless Green LED on Router Green LED on Diag O
Refer to pages 8 and 10 for LED locations and other details.
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Chapter 2 Installation
Launch a web browser. If the [home] setup screen is displayed, setup is complete. If a username and password screen are displayed, enter “admin” (in lower case) for the username, leave the password blank, and click [OK]. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete setup.
You’ve completed initial setup of your AirStation. Refer to Chapter 3 for advanced settings.
WDS Setup
To congure the WDS, follow the procedure below.
Change your computer’s IP to a xed address. For details, please refer to Appendix D (page 96).
ex) IP address Subnet mask Default gateway blank Preferred DNS server blank Alternate DNS server blank
Turn o your computer.
Connect your computer to one of the AirStation’s LAN ports with the Ethenet cable. Turn on the AirStation, wait one minute, and then turn on your computer.
Wait for about a minute, until the AirStation’s LEDs are lit as described below:
Power Green LED on Wireless Green LED on Router Green LED on Diag O
Refer to pages 8 and 10 for LED locations and other details.
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 13
Chapter 2 Installation
Open the web conguration interface (page 71).
In the [Mode information] menu, select [Bridge Mode], then click [Apply].
When this below screen appears, re-enter "admin" for the username and "password" for the password and click [OK].
The web conguration interface will open. Click [Wireless Cong] , then [WDS].
Check [Use].
Follow the directions below.
AOSS / WPS Settings
Under Connection type, select AOSS or WPS and click the AOSS or WPS button. Also push the AOSS or WPS button on the client device that you are connecting to the network. Automatic conguration will take about a minute. To return the unit to its original IP address settings, refer to Appendix D.
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 14
Chapter 2 Installation
Manual Settings
Select [Manual] from the Connection Type dropbox.
A list of available wireless APs will be generated. Select the target AP and click [Select]. Click [Search again] if no APs are found.
Congure the security settings to match that of the target AP, then click [Apply].
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 15
Revert your computer's IP adress settings to their original values as described in Appendix D (page 96).
ex) IP address obtain an IP address automatically Subnet mask obtain DNS server address automatically
WDS setup is complete. Refer to Chapter 4 for advanced settings.
Chapter 3 - Conguration
To access the AirStation’s advanced settings, use the web-based conguration interface.
Accessing the Web-based Conguration Interface
Follow the procedure below to open the web-based conguration interface.
Launch a web browser.
Enter the router’s LAN-side IP address in the address eld and press the [Enter] key.
Notes: The AirStation’s default LAN-side IP address depends on its mode setting. In router mode: In bridge mode: If you changed the IP address setting, then use the new IP address.
Enter “admin” for the username and “password” for the password and click [OK].
Note: If you forget your password, hold down the
Reset button (page 11) to initialize all settings. The password will then be blank.
Note that all other settings will also revert to
their default values.
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 16
Chapter 3 Conguration
The conguration interface is displayed.
Help is always displayed on the right side of the conguration interface. Refer to the Help screens for more information on each page.
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Chapter 3 Conguration
Conguration Menu (Router Mode)
The menu structure for the AirStation in router mode is the following. Please refer to the pages listed at right for explanations of each item.
Main screen Descriptions Page
Internet Congure Internet side port and settings Page 24
PPPoE PPPoE settings (DSL login) Page 25
DDNS DNS settings Page 27
LAN LAN side port and DHCP server conguration Page 29
DHCP Lease DHCP lease settings Page 31
NAT Network address translation settings, used to connect LAN side devices
to the Internet
Route Congure the IP communication route that the AirStation uses Page 33
Wireless Cong
WPS WPS settings and status Page 34
AOSS AOSS (AirStation One-touch Secure System) settings and status Page 35
Basic Congure basic wireless settings Page 37
Advanced Congure advanced wireless settings Page 40
WMM Set priorities for Wireless Multimedia Extensions (Wi-Fi Multimedia) Page 41
MAC Filter Limit access to specic devices Page 43
Firewall Protect your computer from outside intruders Page 46
IP Filter Edit IP lters which relates to the packets passing through the LAN side
and the Internet side
VPN Pass-through
Congure IPv6 passthrough, PPPoE passthrough, and PPTP passthrough Page 49
Page 32
Page 48
LAN Cong
Port Forwarding Congure port translation and exceptions for games and other programs Page 50
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 18
Chapter 3 Conguration
DMZ Congure a destination to transfer communication packets without a
Page 51
LAN side destination.
UPnP Congure UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) Page 52
QoS Congure priority for packets that require a certain data ow Page 53
Admin Cong
Name Congure the AirStation’s name Page 54
Password Congure the AirStation’s login password for access to conguration
Page 55
Time/Date Congure the AirStation’s internal clock Page 56
NTP Congure the AirStation to synchronize with an NTP server to
Page 57
automatically set the AirStation’s internal clock
ECO Congure ECO Mode Page 58
Access Congure access restrictions to the AirStation’s conguration interfaces Page 60
Log Congure a syslog server to manage the AirStation’s logs Page 61
Save/Restore Save or restore the AirStation’s conguration from a conguration le Page 62
Initialize/Restart Initialize the AirStation or reboot it Page 63
Update Update the AirStation’s rmware Page 64
System Info View current system information for the AirStation Page 65
Logs Check the AirStation’s logs Page 67
Packet Info View all packets transferred by the AirStation Page 68
Client Monitor View all devices currently connected to the AirStation Page 69
Ping Test the AirStation’s connection to other devices on the network Page 70
Click this to log out of the AirStation’s conguration interfaces
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 19
Chapter 3 Conguration
Conguration Menu (Bridge Mode)
The menu structure during a bridge mode is the following. Please refer to respective page for expla­nations regarding to each item.
Main screen Descriptions Page
LAN Cong
LAN Congure LAN side ports and devices Page 29
Route Congure the IP communication route that the AirStation uses Page 33
Wireless Cong
WPS WPS settings and status Page 34
AOSS AOSS (AirStation One-touch Secure System) settings and status Page 35
Basic Congure basic wireless settings Page 37
Advanced Congure advanced wireless settings Page 40
WMM Set priorities for Wireless Multimedia Extensions (Wi-Fi Multimedia) Page 41
MAC Filter Limit access to specic devices Page 43
WDS Congure communication among AirStatiion Page 44
Admin Cong
Name Congure the AirStation’s name Page 54
Password Congure the AirStation’s login password for access to conguration
Time/Date Congure the AirStation’s internal clock Page 56
NTP Congure the AirStation to synchronize with an NTP server to
automatically set the AirStation’s internal clock
ECO Congure ECO Mode Page 58
Access Congure access restrictions to the AirStation’s conguration interfaces Page 60
Log Congure a syslog server to manage the AirStation’s logs Page 61
Save/Restore Save or restore the AirStation’s conguration from a conguration le Page 62
Initialize/Restart Initialize the AirStation or reboot it Page 63
Update Update the AirStation’s rmware Page 64
Page 55
Page 57
System Info View current system information for the AirStation Page 65
Logs Check the AirStation’s logs Page 67
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 20
Chapter 3 Conguration
Packet Info View all packets transferred by the AirStation Page 68
Client Monitor View all devices currently connected to the AirStation Page 69
Ping Test the AirStation’s connection to other devices on the network Page 70
Click this to log out of the AirStation’s conguration interface
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 21
Chapter 3 Conguration
The home page of the conguration interface. You can verify settings and the status of the AirStation here.
Parameter Meaning
Internet/LAN (LAN Cong) Click to display the set tings page for WAN and LAN ports.
Wireless Cong Click to display the wireless set tings page.
Security Click to display the security set tings page.
LAN Cong
Router mode only
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 22
Click to display the set tings page to open ports for games and ap­plications.
Chapter 3 Conguration
Parameter Meaning
Admin Cong Click to display the administrative set tings page.
Diagnostic Click to display the status of the AirStation.
Easy Setup Easy Setup lets you easily congure AirStation settings like
encryption type or wireless channel.
Mode information Switches between router mode and bridge mode.
Internet Information
Router mode only
Check Connection
Router mode only
Router mode only
Displays the current information where the AirStation is connected on the Internet side.
Click to check if the AirStation is connected to the Internet properly.
Click to refresh the current screen.
Wireless Displays the current wireless settings.
AOSS Click to display the AOSS conguration interface.
WPS Click to display the WPS conguration interface.
ECO Mode Displays the operating status of ECO Mode.
Language Enable you to select the language you use.
If Auto is selected, the same language displayed in the browser will be selected automatically.
Manual If the AirStation is connected to the Internet, clicking this link opens
Logout Logs out of the AirStation’s conguration interface. If the web
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 23
a web page for downloading the AirStation User Manual.
conguration interface is not used for 5 minutes, it will log out automatically.
Chapter 3 Conguration
Internet/LAN (LAN Cong)
Internet (Router Mode only)
Congure the Internet (WAN) port here.
Parameter Meaning
Method of Acquiring IP Address Specify how the Internet side IP address is obtained.
Default Gateway Congure an IP address for the default gateway.
Address of DNS Name Server Specify an IP address for the DNS server.
Internet MAC Address Congure WAN-side MAC address.
MTU size of Internet Port The Internet (WAN) port’s MTU size may be set to any value from
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 24
Note: Conguring an improper MAC address may make the AirStation
unusable. Be careful!
578 to 1500 bytes.
Chapter 3 Conguration
PPPoE (Router Mode only)
Congure PPPoE settings here.
Parameter Meaning
Name of Connection Enter the name to identify the connected destination. You may
UserName Enter the PPPoE username provided by your ISP. You may enter up
Password Enter the password specied by your provider for PPPoE
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 25
enter up to 32 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
to 32 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
certication. You may enter up to 32 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Chapter 3 Conguration
Parameter Meaning
Service Name Fill in this eld only when your provider species a Service Name.
Leave blank otherwise. You may enter up to 32 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
PPPoE Static IP Select if using a static IP address.
Insert a check mark in this check box, and specify the IP address in the PPPoE IP Address box.
PPPoE IP Address Normally, PPPoE automatically obtains the IP address, but if you
want to specify an IP address, specify the IP address using this setting. To enable, check “PPPoE Static IP”.
Specify the DNS address. This setting is enabled when a check mark is inserted for PPPoE Static IP.
Connection Type Species the timing for the AirStation to connect to your provider.
Automatic disconnection Sets the timer for disconnection if the connection method is set
to [Connect on Demand] or [Manual]. You can enter up to 1440 minutes.
Authorization Congure an authorization method with a provider.
MTU Size The PPPoE MTU size may be set to any value from 578 to 1492.
MRU size The PPPoE MRU (Maximum Receive Unit) size may be set to any
value from 578 to 1492.
Keep Alive If enabled, the AirStation will request an LCP echo from the PPP
server once a minute. If the connection server doesn't respond within 6 minutes, the Internet connection will be cut o. If the PPP connection is often cut o, disable this.
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 26
Chapter 3 Conguration
DDNS (Router Mode only)
Congure Dynamic DNS settings here.
Parameter Meaning
Dynamic DNS Service Select a provider (DynDNS or TZO) for Dynamic DNS.
Only when DynDNS is selected
Only when DynDNS is selected
Only when DynDNS is selected
Email Address
Only when selecting TZO
Only when selecting TZO
Domain Name
Only when selecting TZO
Enter the username that you registered with DynDNS. You may enter up to 64 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Enter your DynDNS password. You may enter up to 64 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Enter your DynDNS hostname. Hostnames may include up to 255 alphanumerical characters, hyphens, and periods.
Enter the email address that you registered with TZO. You may enter up to 64 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Enter your TZO key. TZO keys may have up to 64 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Enter your TZO domain name. You may enter up to 255 alphanumerical characters, hyphens, and periods.
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 27
Chapter 3 Conguration
Parameter Meaning
IP Address Update Period Species the period to notify the dynamic DNS service provider of
the current IP address. When DynDNS is selected, set it between 0 and 35 days. When TZO is selected, set it between 0 and 99 days. If 0 (zero) is set, no periodic update is performed.
Internet Side IP Address The WAN-side IP address of the AirStation’s Internet port. This
address is sent to the dynamic DNS service provider.
Domain Name The domain name assigned by the dynamic DNS Service provider.
The AirStation can be accessed from the Internet using this domain name.
Status Displays the current status of the dynamic DNS service.
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 28
Chapter 3 Conguration
Congure the LAN side port and DHCP server settings.
Parameter Meaning
LAN Side IP Address Set a LAN side IP address and subnet mask.
DHCP Server Function
Router Mode only
DHCP IP Address Pool
Router Mode only
Advanced Settings
Router Mode only
Lease Period
Router Mode only
Default Gateway
Router Mode only
DNS Servers
Router Mode only
Enable or disable the DHCP server, which assigns IP addresses automatically.
Congure the range of IP addresses to be assigned by the DHCP server and IP addresses to be excluded from that range. Values from 0-253 may be entered.
Select Display to display the advanced settings options for the DHCP server.
Set the eective period of an IP address assigned by the DHCP server. Up to 999 hours may be entered.
Set the default gateway IP address for the DHCP server to issue to clients.
Set the DNS server IP address for the DHCP server to issue to clients.
WINS Server
Router Mode only
WCR-G300 / WCR-HP-G300 User Manual 29
Set the WINS server IP address for the DHCP server to issue to clients.
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