User Manual
Draft-N Wireless USB Adapter

• Insert the AirNavigator CD
into the CD-ROM drive of your
computer. The AirNavigator
Setup Wizard should launch
• To launch the AirNavigator
Setup Wizard manually, click
Start, then Run. Type “D:\
Setup.exe”, where D is the drive
letter assigned to your CDrom.
• Click OK to launch the wizard.
Getting Started

• Select Install Wireless
Installing Drivers

• Click Next to install a driver for the USB adapter.
• Select Agree and click Next to continue the process after reviewing the license
• A window will appear prompting the insertion of the Wireless Adapter. Plug the
included cable into the AirStation Wireless USB Adapter and your PC’s USB port.
Installing Drivers

• When the ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ launches, click Next to run the wizard.
• If the ‘Digital Signature Not Found’ page opens, click Yes.
• When the Wireless USB Adapter is successfully installed, click Finish. Restart your
computer if prompted.
Installing Wireless Drivers

Connecting Wireless Clients to your Network
Buffalo supports three different
methods for connecting your wireless
client device to your network.
If your AP supports AOSS, use it
to connect simply and securely.
Install the Client Manager from your
AirNavigator CD (page 7) and turn to
page 10.
You may also use the Client Manager
software from your AirNavigator CD to
configure your network manually. See
page 15 for more on Client Manager.
If you’re running Windows XP on your
PC, you may use its built-in Zero
Configuration tool to connect to your
router/AP. See page 20 for more on
Zero Configuration.

Client Manager can be used to survey and connect to available access points, congure
WPA/WEP encryption, and create connection proles.
Note: When Client Manager is installed, Windows XP Wireless Zero Conguration is
automatically disabled.
Installing Client Manager
Insert the AirNavigator CD into the CDROM drive of you computer. If the Air
Navigator Setup Wizard does not launch
automatically, launch it manually by
clicking Start and then Run. Enter D:\
Setup.exe in the dialog box that appears.
Click OK.
Select Install Wireless Client Manager.
Client Manager

Client Manager
• Press Agree to accept the license agreement.
• Press Next to begin the installation.

Client Manager
• Click OK when Client Manager
installation is complete.
• Press Exit Setup to exit AirNavigator.
• Client Manager is now installed and
running. Right-click on its icon (the
black antenna) to use it.

The AOSS button for this wireless client is in its Client Manager software. Start
Client Manager by right clicking on the black antenna icon in your System Tray,
or by launching the Client Manager from your Start Menu: Programs >> Buffalo
>>AirStation Utility >> Client Manager. The AOSS button is under the Proles
AOSS (AirStation One-Touch Secure
System) is a simple, one-touch setup
for connecting wireless clients to an
access point while enforcing the most
secure possible connection encryption
type. Users no longer need to worry
about choosing the proper security
protocols, IP addresses, or SSID. AOSS
determines the optimal connection and
congures itself in seconds. If your
router doesn’t support AOSS, turn to
page 6 to congure your connection
manually with Client Manager or
Wireless Zero Cong.
Using AOSS

• Click the blue AOSS button on the Client Manager’s screen. The AOSS wizard will
• Now, press the AOSS button on the Access Point. Hold it down until the AOSS LED
begins to ash.
Using AOSS

Once AOSS is complete (about 30 seconds), the connection is archived as a prole for later
use. To minimize Client Manager to the system tray, click the ‘X’ in the top right corner.
AOSS will scan for an AOSS partner for about two minutes. If it times out before nding
one, just press the AOSS buttons again.
Output power is reduced to 25% of normal during AOSS for security reasons. If you’re
having trouble making an AOSS connection, temporarily move the devices closer together.
AOSS will automatically use the highest level of security available for all currently
connected wireless devices.
If you have trouble connecting with AOSS, temporarily disable all personal rewalls on
your PC, such as ZoneAlarm or Microsoft Personal Firewall. These programs may be re-
enabled after AOSS has nished.
Using AOSS

You may use Client Manager to congure your wireless network. Client Manager consists
of the Status page, the Survey page, and the Proles page. You can access each page by
clicking the corresponding button on Client Manager. In addition to these pages, several
dialog boxes are also available. You can access the Edit Prole dialog box, New Prole
dialog box, IP Conguration dialog box, or WEP Conguration dialog box using the Client
Manager pages. You may also initiate AOSS.
Status Page
Click Status to open this page. By
default, this page is displayed when
you start Client Manager. Details of
connection status are displayed.
This page only displays connection
information; no changes to settings are
made here.
This page includes the following
• Adapter Name – Displays the part
number of the wireless adaptor that is
being used.
Client Manager Configuration