Thank you for purchasing the Buffalo CloudStation. This simple device gives you the
exibility of cloud-based storage without the worries that come with storing your important
data on someone else’s servers. Using Pogoplug software, CloudStation lets you serve up
les, photos, and multimedia over the Web to any of your devices, wherever you may be.
Turn to page 4 to set up your CloudStation.
Because we’re constantly updating our products, the images and text in this manual may
vary slightly from the images and text displayed by your CloudStation. As time passes,
future user interfaces, updated software, and later versions of this manual may be available
for download from www.buffalotech.com. For more information on CloudStation, see

Table of Contents
Setup 4
Diagrams and Layout (CS-WX & CS-WV) 7
Power Mode Switch 10
Diagrams and Layout (CS-X) 11
Using your CloudStation
Login 13
Uploading 14
Downloading 15
Pogoplug Applications 16
Sharing 17
Search 19
Slideshows 20
Creating New Folders 21
Renaming Files and Folders 22
Renaming Devices 23
Active Copy 24
Settings and Conguration
General Settings 25
Social Settings 26
Media Settings 28
Security Settings 29
Upload Settings 30
Adding a Printer 31
Device Settings 34
Local Settings 35
Adding a Second Drive 38
Time Machine 40
BitTorrent Client 41
Direct Copy 43
Status LED Flash Codes 45
Specications (CS-WX & CS-WV) 47
Specications (CS-X) 48
Contact Information (USA) 49
Contact Information (Europe) 50
GPL Information 51

Open a browser window on your computer and go to https://cloudstation.pogoplug.com/. Click
Set Up Your CloudStation.
Plug one end of the included Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on your CloudStation and the
other end into any available LAN port on your router.
In the browser window, click Next.

Now, plug your CloudStation into a surge protector, wall socket, or power strip.
Move the power mode switch on the back of the unit to the on (middle) position. The blue power
LED will begin to blink.
Wait for the CloudStation to boot. This will take about 5 minutes. When the power LED on the
front panel stops blinking and glows steadily, the unit has nished booting. The info/error LED
should not be blinking. If it is, turn to the next page to troubleshoot.
In the browser window, click Next. Follow the instructions on the screen to nish installing your

If you’ve connected your CloudStation to a power source and to a router, but the info/error LED
is ashing amber or your CloudStation suddenly turned off by itself, here are some things you
can check:
Is the power mode switch on the back of the CloudStation (CS-WX and CS-WV models only) in
the On position? If it’s in the Auto (top) position, the CloudStation may suddenly shut down
after a few minutes. Move it to the On (bottom) position until you’ve installed NAS Navigator
software on your computers.
Is the amber info/error LED on the front of your CloudStation (CS-WX and CS-WV models only)
ashing? Check the following:
Is the Ethernet cable connected to your CloudStation and to your router?
Is your router turned on?
Is your router congured to automatically assign IP addresses (DHCP)?
Do you have a rewall installed that blocks UDP, or is UDP disabled on your router?
If you have veried all of the above and the info/error LED on the front of your CloudStation is
still ashing, please move the power mode switch to the Off position, wait until the power LED
turns off, and then move it back to the On position. It will take about ve minutes to boot.
If you continue to have problems, please contact tech support. Tech support contact
information is available on pages 49 and 50.

Back Panel Layout
Front Panel Removed (CS-WX and CS-WV)
Second hard
Main hard drive
Press tab to
release drive

Front Panel Layout
Rear (CS-WX and CS-WV)
Function Button
Auto Power
Power On
Power Off
(to router)
Socket for
Kensington-style lock
Power cord
stress relief

The “Power Mode” switch on the back of the
unit has three positions: Auto, On, and Off.
The Auto position automatically powers the
unit on or off with your PC. If your PC is turned
on the CloudStation will power up; if the PC is
turned off the CloudStation will power down.
You must have installed the NAS Navigator
software (available from www.buffalotech.com)
on your PC for this feature to work. Otherwise,
if you move the switch to Auto, your unit will
power down by itself and you will have to
manually turn it back on.
Move the switch to the On (middle) position to
have the CloudStation turn on and stay on.
To turn off the CloudStation, move the switch
to the Off position. It will take several minutes
to fully shut down. Do not unplug the unit
until shutdown is complete and the power LED
is no longer lit.
Power Mode Switch (CS-WX and CS-WV)

Using Your CloudStation
To access your CloudStation, open a browser
and go to https://cloudstation.pogoplug.com.
Enter the email address and password that you
registered during setup.

Using Your CloudStation
Locate the drive and folder you would like to
upload to. If this is your rst time using the
CloudStation, click on the cloudshare folder.
Click Upload Files on the grey toolbar at the top
of the screen.
When the upload les dialogue appears, select
Add File(s) and choose the le(s) you would like
to upload.
Click Upload.

Locate the folder or le you would like to download and
point to it with your mouse pointer.
Hover over the le to see the down arrow. Click the down
arrow and choose Download.
The le will be saved to the download location specied
in your browser preferences. If you are downloading
an entire folder, it will be compressed to a zip le
automatically before download.

Pogoplug Drive software allows your CloudStation
to appear to your computer as a directly attached
drive. You can see and access all drives and
folders shared with you via the Files Shared with
me folder. This works whether you are on the
local network or outside of it.
Pogoplug Mobile software for iPhone, iPad, and
Android devices give you the ability to access les
on your CloudStation from anywhere, anytime on
your mobile device.
To download the Pogoplug applications visit
Pogoplug Applications
www.buffaloCloudStation.com/support/downloads or click on the blue Install Pogoplug on your
computer button at the top left of the home page.
Note: Because the software is client based and the CloudStation drives are not physically
attached to your computer, there are some limitations to what you can do with them. For
example, CloudStation drive maintenance through the software is not supported.