BT Home Hub 4r User Manual

User Guide
BT Home Hub 4r
Follow the steps in this guide to set up your kit.
Plug in
If you need some further help, see the FAQs at or call 0808 100 6116*
*Cal ls made from w ithin the UK m ainland net work are fr ee. Mobile a nd Interna tional call c osts may va ry.
Check box contents
11 2
3 4
WAN USB Reset Power Power
On| Off
Broadband DSL
11 2
3 4
WAN USB Reset Power Power
On| Off
11 2
3 4
WAN USB Reset Power
BT Hub 4r and 2-part power supply
To assemble the power plug slide the two parts together, as per the diagram.
Grey ended broadband cable
Yellow ended E thernet cable
2 ADSL filters
Red ended Ethernet cable (WAN - Fibre & Cable only)
This guide
Find out more
• If you need more detailed instructions, Frequently Asked Questions are available at thelp
• If you cannot find the answer to your problem in the Frequently Asked Questions, then please call our free Helpline on 0808 100 6116*. Our dedicated advisors are more likely to be able to help you than the retailer where you made your purchase.
Hub 4r ADSL & FIBRE Combined Guide v21.indd 1 08/10/2013 09:44
General Information
Broadband DSL
11 2
3 4
WAN USB Reset Power Power
Broadband DSL
How to rec ycle your equipment
The symbol shown here and on the product means that the product is classed as electrical or electronic equipment, so DO NOT put it in your normal rubbish bin.
It’s all par t of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive to recycle products in the best way – to be kinder to the planet, get rid of dangerous things more safely and bury less rubbish in the ground.
You should contact your retailer or supplier for advice on how to dispose of this product in an environmentally friendly way.
Your BT Home Hub 4r is guaranteed for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase. Subject to the terms listed below, the guarantee will provide for the repair of, or at BT’s or its agent’s discretion, the option to replace the Hub or any component thereof which is identified as faulty or below standard, or as a result of inferior workmanship or materials. Produc ts over 28 days old from the date of purchase may be replaced with a refurbished or repaired product.
The conditions of this guarantee are:
• the guarantee shall only apply to defects that occur within the 1 year guarantee period
• proof of purchase is required
• the equipment is returned to BT or its agent as instructed.
This guarantee does not cover any faults or defects caused by accidents, misuse, fair wear and tear, neglect, tampering with the equipment, or any attempt at adjustment or repair other than through approved agents. This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights. To find out what to do if your hub is in or outside of the 1 year guarantee, please see the FAQs at
Declaration of Conformity
For a copy o f the Declar ation of Conf ormity pl ease refer t o
Offices worldwide
The ser vices we’ve d escribed i n this public ation may not al ways be avail able and we may ch ange them. No thing we’ve wri tten here is co ntract ual. When we sup ply servi ces and equip ment, our ter ms and condit ions apply.
© Brit ish Telecommu nications p lc 2013 Regis tered Of fice: 81 Newga te Street, L ondon EC1 A 7AJ Regis tered in Eng land No. 180 0000 Versio n number: BB 1 .0 Writ ten and desig ned by Muse Pub lishing. Web s ites in this bookl et are for illu stratio n only. BT isn’t re sponsible f or content of thir d party si tes.
11 2
3 4
WAN USB Reset Power Power
On| Off
11 2
3 4
WAN USB Re set Power Power
On| Off
ADSL set-up
3 4
WAN USB Reset Power
Plug in
Unplug any existing broadband kit, then:
1 Assemble the power plug (by sliding the
two par ts together), connect the power cable and switch on at the socket.
2 Plug in the broadband cable (grey ends).
3 Press the Power button on the back of
the BT Hub.
Wait for the blue light. This might take a few minutes. No blue light? See connection help overleaf.
BT Home Hub 4r
11 2
3 4
WAN USB Reset Power Power
On| Off
Power socket
BT main socket
Filter needed
If you are a BT broadband customer your Hub will automatically be configured for you by default.
If you aren’t a BT broadband customer you will need to enter your broadband configuration by following the step by step instructions below.
Simply open your web browser and type bthub.home in the address bar.
1 Click Settings.
2 Enter your Admin password, or if prompted set
your new password. (This can be found on the card on the back of the Hub or on the base of the Hub). Click OK.
3 Click the Broadband tab along the top, you will
need to click Disconnect if already connected.
4 Follow the link at the bottom of the page to the
Advanced Settings page.
5 Click Add.
6 Enter the name of your internet provider
and choose ADSL/ ADSL 2Plus as the Connec tion type. Your ISP connection, VPI/VCI and Encapsulation will automatically default to the correct settings, then click Apply. (If your broadband does not connec t you may need to contact your service provider for your correct ISP Connection, VCI/VPI & Encapsulation settings).
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