Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service,
maintenance, or use can cause explosion, fire, electrical
shock, or other conditions which may cause death,
personal injury, or property damage. Consult a qualified
installer, service agency, or your distributor or branch for
information or assistance. The qualified installer or
agency must use factory--authorized kits or accessories
when modifying this product. Refer to the individual
instructions packaged with the kits or accessories when
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses, protective
clothing, and work gloves. Use quenching cloth for
brazing operations. Have fire extinguisher available. Read
these instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or
cautions included in literature and attached to the unit.
Consult local building codes and National Electrical Code
(NEC) for special requirements.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety--alert
instructions or manuals, be alert to the potential for
personal injury. Understand these signal words:
DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION. These words are
used with the safety--alert symbol. DANGER identifies
the most serious hazards which will result in severe
personal injury or death. WARNING signifies hazards
which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION
is used to identify unsafe practices which may result in
minor personal injury or product and property damage.
NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in
enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal
injury or death.
Before installing, modifying, or servicing system,
main electrical disconnect switch must be in the OFF
position. There may be more than 1 disconnect switch.
Lock out and tag switch with a suitable warning label.
When you see this symbol on the unit and in
Your airconditioner iscontrolled bythe thermostat mounted
on your wall. The thermostat is a highly sensitive low voltage device and is available in several different configurations from different manufacturers. The details listed below
are typical for most installations. Ask your dealer for more
specific information regarding the model of thermostat
Cooling Mode
Set the system selector switch to COOL. The air conditioner
will run until the actual room temperature is lowered to the
point you have selected.
Temperature Control
Set the temperature selector to your desired room temperature. The air conditioner will run any time the actual room
temperature rises above the point you have selected.
Fan Control
The fan selector switch allowsyou torun the fancontinuously or cycle it automatically with the cooling system. Set the
selector switch to ON for continuous operation or to AUTO
for automatic cycling. For maximum comfort satisfaction,
continuous fan operation throughout the year is recommended (selector switch set to ON).
Before Requesting a Service Call:
1. Check thermostat settings. Make sure to select atemperature below the actual room temperature. Make sure the
system selector switch is in the COOL position.
2. Inspect your return air filter. Replace a dirty filter or
clean a reusable type filter.
3. Check circuit breakers and/or fuses.Reset breakers orreplace fuses as necessary.
4. Inspect the coils and fins onthe outdoor unit. Clean away
any obstructions (grass clippings, leaves, dirt, dust, or
lint). Check that branches, twigs, or other debris are not
obstructing the fan blade.
If your system still does not operate,
contact your servicing dealer.
Have the Model and Serial Numbers of the indoor and outdoor units available and be sure to describe the problem.

Your systemshould beregularly inspected bya qualified service technician. Between visits, there are some routine
maintenance procedures you can do to help keep your system operating at peak performance.
Failure to follow this warning could result in
personal injury or death.
Turn OFF all electrical power to both the indoor and
outdoor units before performing any maintenance or
removing any panels or doors. There may be more
than one electrical disconnect switch
Air Filter
Inspect air filters atleast monthly andreplace or clean asrequired. Disposable type filters should be replaced. Reusable
type filters may be cleaned by soaking in mild detergent and
rinsing with cold water. Install filters with the arrows on the
side pointing in the direction of air flow.
Dirty air filtersare themost commoncause ofinadequate
cooling performance, and of compressor failures.
Condensate Drain
The indoor coil condenses water from the air, and thiswater
must be disposed through an appropriate drain system. During the cooling season check at least monthly for free flow
of drainage and clean if necessary.
Outdoor Unit Coils
Grass clippings, leaves, dirt, dust, lint from clothes dryers,
and fall--off from trees can be drawninto coils by movement
of the air. Clogged outdoor coils will lower the efficiency of
your unit and could cause damage to the compressor. Clean
debris away from the outdoor coils.
Use a soft bristle brush with light pressure only. Donot damage or bend coil fins. Damaged or bent fins may affect unit
Painted Surfaces
In geographical areas where the water hasa high concentration of minerals (calcium, iron, sulfur, etc.) it is recommended that lawn sprinklers not be allowed to spray on the
unit. Sprayingthis typeof wateron theunit mayresult inpremature deterioration of the paint finish and metal components.
Never use a weather cover over the outdoor unit unless it is
a ventilated typeor madeofbreathable fabric that will allow
moisture to evaporate rapidly. A cover that holds moisture
in the unit will cause more rust build--up and damage than
normal exposure to weather.
In addition to the routine maintenance that you perform,
your home comfort system should be inspected regularly by
a properly trained service technician. The inspection (preferably twice each year, but at least once every year) should
include the following:
S Routine inspection of air filter(s). Replacement or
cleaning as required.
S Inspection and cleaning of the blower wheel, housing,
and motor as required.
S Inspection and, if required, cleaning of indoor and
outdoor coils.
S Inspection of the indoor coil drain pan, plus the
primary and secondary drain lines. If supplied, the
auxiliary drain pan and line should be inspected at this
time. Service should include cleaning if required.
S A check of all electrical wiring and connections.
S A check for secure physical connections of individual
components within units.
S Operational check of the air conditioner system to
determine actual working condition. Necessary repair
and/or adjustment should be performed at this time.
Your servicing dealermay offer an economical service contract that coversseasonal inspections. Ask for further details.
Record the model, product, and serial numbers of your new
equipment.Thisinformation,alongwith the other ready reference facts requested, will benecessary shouldyou ever require information or service.
Copyright 2011 CAC/BDP. S 7310 W. Morris St. S Indianapolis, IN 46231
Manufacturer reserves the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.
Printed in Mexico edition date: 12/11
Catalog No: OG--- ACR410GEN ---01
Replaces: New