Base Series Fan Coil
Sizes 018 thru 037
Product Data
The FFMA Series Fan Coil unit is primarily designed for
apartment applications as an upflow only indoor fan coil for
split--system heat pumps for use with Puron refrigerant.
Accessory field--installed electric heat kits are available in 5, 7.5 or
10 kW sizes. The 018, 024, 030, and 036 size units use a piston
refrigerant metering device. The 019, 025, 031 and 037 size units
come equipped with a TXV. All unit sizes are factory--configured
for Puron refrigerant. However, they can be used for R--22
applications with the addition of an accessory R--22 TXV kit.
This fan coil may be installed in a frame mount or wall hung
applications. The cabinet sizes allow units to fit between standard
stud spacings. No return--air ductwork is required if the application
provides for return air in the front of the cabinet through a louvered
closet door or optional louvered wall panel. This unit is field
convertible to bottom return without the need for an additional
accessory kit.
The cabinet exterior is made of galvanized sheet metal and is sealed
to limit cabinet air leakage to 2% when tested at 1.0 inches of static
pressure and 1.4% when tested at 0.5 inches of static pressure. The
cabinet is fully insulated to meet applications in conditioned space.
This unit is not approved for installation in unconditioned spaces.
The FFMA 018, 024, 030, and 036 sizes use a 3--speed PSC motor.
The FFMA 019, 025, 031, and 037 sizes use a 5--speed multi--tap
ECM motor for efficiency. Motors are suspended at three points
on rubber grommets for quieter operation. Coils are tin--plated
copper tube, aluminum fin.
Refrigerant lines and thermostat low voltage connections are made
through the top while the high voltage connections are made from
either the right, left or top side of the fan coil. Sweat--type
refrigerant connections on both liquid and vapor lines make for
swift, low--cost installation. All service access to the unit is
conveniently located in the front.
Primary and secondary drain connections exit from the bottom or
either side of the cabinet. Fresh air intake holes measuring 3.4” (35
mm) are located on each side of the unit cabinet and come capped
from the factory.

F=FanCoil Heating Size
0 0 = N o F a c t o r y --- I n s t a l l e d
Type Electric Heat
F = T h r u --- t h e --- Wa l l
Tube Ty p e
Position 0 = Copper
M=Upflow/Apartment T=TinPlate
Electrical Capacity
N = 208/230v, 1ph--- 60 Hz 018, 019 = 18,000
024, 025 = 24,000
Refrigerant 030, 031 = 30,000
P=Puron (R---410A)
036, 037 = 36,000
the environmentally sound refrigerant
Use of the AHRI Certified
TM Mark indicates a
participation in the
program For verification
of certification for individual
products, go to

Low voltage
Breaker switch
(comes with accessory
electric heater only)
Front return shown. Units
may also be installed as
bottom return. See the
applications section for
more detail.
Primary drain connection
3/4” (19 mm) female
pipe thread (fpt)
Return air opening
Liquid line connection
copper (sweat)
Vapor line connection
copper (sweat)
High voltage connection
7/8” (22 mm) dia
knock outs
(both sides of unit)
Some heater sizes may
require a conduit larger than
the 7/8” (22 mm) opening;
in this situation the high-voltage
connection opening should be
enlarged to fit conduit.
Fresh air intakes,
3.4” (85.8 mm) dia
opening with
plastic cap
Auxiliary drain connection
3/4” (19 mm) female
pipe thread (fpt)
NOTE: Hand tighten only
All units are vertical upflow only.
Equipment shown with field-installed electric heat.
Fig. 1 -- Dimensional Drawing with Circuit Breaker
Dimensions- In. (mm)
Model Size
18, 19 36-1/2 (928) 20-1/2 (521) 17-2/5 (452) 15 (381) 9-1/2 (242) 88 / 99 (40 / 45)
24, 25 36-1/2 (928) 20-1/2 (521) 17-2/5 (452) 15 (381) 9-1/2 (242) 88 / 99 (40 / 45)
30, 31 39-1/2 (1004) 22 (559) 18-4/5 (478) 19 (483) 9-1/2 (242) 110/ 121 (50 / 55)
36, 37 39-1/2 (1004) 22 (559) 18-4/5 (478) 19 (483) 9-1/2 (242) 110/ 121 (50 / 55)
Unit He ight
Unit Width
Unit Width
Unit Depth
Unit Depth
Unit Weight /
Shipping Weight
Lbs. (kg)