Bryant 50YEW, 50PSW, 50GSW, GSW Design Manual

50YEW, 50PSW, & GSW
Water-to-Water System Design Guide Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Table of Contents
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Part 1: System Overview
Why Hydronics .............................................................................................1
Part II: Load Side Design
Heat Gain / Loss Calculations ..............................................................6
System Design & Selection .................................................................10
Piping Design ...............................................................................................22
Source & Load Pump Sizing ...............................................................24
Distribution Design ..................................................................................24
Radiant Floor Heating ............................................................................26
Baseboard Heating ...................................................................................27
Cast Iron Heating .....................................................................................28
Fan Coils ........................................................................................................29
Snow Melt Applications ........................................................................30
Part III: Source Side Design
System Selection ....................................................................................... 31
Open Loop Design ..................................................................................38
Closed Loop Design ............................................................................... 40
Closed Loop Instillation Guidelines ................................................42
Part IV: Controls
50YEW Controls ...................................................................................... 56
Wiring Diagrams .......................................................................................59
Revision Log...............................................................Inside Back Cover
Bryant works continually to improve its products. As a result, the design and specifi cations of each product at the time for order may be changed without notice and may not be as described herein. Please contact Bryant’s Customer Service Department at 1-405-745-2920 for specifi c information on the current design and spec i fi ca tions, and placing orders. Statements and other in for ma tion contained herein are not express warranties and do not form the basis of any bargain between the par ties, but are merely Bryant’s opinion or com men da tion of its products.
Unit Information
50YEW Water-to-Water Series
Features .......................................................................................................... 70
Model Key .....................................................................................................72
Unit Performance ..................................................................................... 74
Physical Data ...............................................................................................75
Unit Dimensions .......................................................................................76
Electrical Data .............................................................................................77
Wiring Diagrams .......................................................................................78
Engineering Specifi cations .................................................................... 82
GSW Water-to-Water Series
Features .......................................................................................................... 86
Model Key .....................................................................................................88
Unit Performance ..................................................................................... 90
Physical Data ...............................................................................................97
Unit Dimensions .......................................................................................98
Electrical Data .......................................................................................... 100
Wiring Diagrams ....................................................................................101
Engineering Specifi cations ................................................................. 103
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
According to Webster’s Dictionary, hydronic heating is “a system of heating or cooling that involves the transfer of heat by a circulating uid (as water or vapor) in a closed system of pipes.” Because water is the most effi cient way to move thermal energy, a hydronic system requires much less transport energy in the process and takes up far less space. For example, a 1” [25mm] diameter pipe can carry as much heat as a 10” x 19” [254 x 483 mm] rectangular duct carrying hot air at 130°F [54°C]. In addition, the mass of the ground loop [geothermal piping] and/or radiant fl oor piping provides thermal storage, allowing the system to virtually ignore large changes in outdoor temperatures. There is no storage benefi t in most HVAC systems.
Figure 1-1: Thermal Energy Comparison
Hydronics systems, especially systems using radiant fl oor heating, provide lower operating costs than forced air systems. More Watts are used to circulate air through ductwork than to circulate water through piping. For example, a typical 80% effi cient natural gas residential furnace with an output capacity of 80,000 Btuh [23.4 kW] uses an 850 Watt fan motor. For every Watt used to power the fan, 94 Btuh [28 Watts] of heat is delivered via the forced air ductwork. If a boiler or heat pump is used to generate heat, but the heat is delivered through a radiant fl oor system, the pumping power would typically be around 300-400 Watts, or 40% to 50% of the air delivery system Watts, resulting in around 230 Btuh [67 Watts] of heat per Watt of pump power.
Radiant fl oor systems provide heat at occupant level. Hot air rises to the ceiling (forced air systems), but heat always moves to cold (radiant system). Therefore, a warm fl oor will heat objects in the space, not the air directly, resulting in a space that feels warmer at lower thermostat settings. Occupants will feel more comfor table, and when the thermostat setting is lowered, the heat loss decreases, resulting in better comfort at lower operating costs.
Hydronic heating systems can be combined with boilers or heat pumps to generate hot water for radiant fl oor systems, baseboard convectors, or radiators. Heat pumps are inherently more effi cient than fossil fuel (natural gas, oil, or propane) heating systems, and geothermal heat pumps are more effi cient than air-source heat pumps, due to the mild heat source of the ground (as compared to outdoor air temperatures). Water-to-air heat pumps heat the air,
and require a fan to circulate air through ductwork. Water-to-water heat pumps heat water, allowing the design of a hydronic heating system with the benefi ts of more effi cient energy distribution, lower operating costs and better comfort.
Fossil fuel furnaces and boilers are always less than 100% effi cient. Even the best systems are 95-96% effi cient. Geothermal heat pumps typically deliver 4 to 6 Watts of heat for every Watt of energy consumed to run the compressor and ground loop pump(s). In other words, for each Watt of energy used, 3 to 5 Watts of free energy from the ground is added to provide 4 to 6 Watts of energy to heat the space. The use of a high effi ciency water-to-water heat pump and a hydronic heating system is an unbeatable combination.
Water-to-Water Heat Pumps
Bryant water-to-water heat pumps offer high effi ciencies, advanced features, extremely quiet operation and application fl exibility. As Bryant’s most adaptable products, water-to-water heat pumps may be used for radiant fl oor heating, snow/ice melt, domestic hot water heating, and many other hydronic heating applications.
Bryant’s exclusive double isolation compressor mounting system provides the quietest water-to-water units on the market. Compressors are mounted on rubber-grommets or vibration isolation springs to a heavy gauge mounting plate, which is then isolated from the cabinet base with rubber grommets for maximized vibration/sound attenuation. A compressor discharge muffl er and additional sound attenuation materials further enhance the quiet operation (50YEW models).
Bryant water-to-water heat pumps are available as heating only (50YEW series) or with reversible operation for heating and cooling (50PSW and GSW series). Figure 1-2 shows the simple refrigerant circuit of the 50YEW series. With only four major components, the refrigerant circuit is easy to understand and troubleshoot if necessary.
The 50YEW series includes a special high temperature scroll compressor coupled with heat exchangers designed specifi cally for water heating, which provides unmatched effi ciencies and performance. The evaporator is a coaxial (tube-in-tube) heat exchanger that is capable of operation over a wide range of temperatures, and is more rugged than other types of evaporators, especially for open loop (well water) systems. The condenser uses a close approach temperature brazed plate heat exchanger that is designed for high temperature operation. This combination of coaxial/brazed plate heat exchangers provides the best combination of durability and effi ciency. Bryant always recommends coaxial heat exchangers for evaporators. Brazed plate heat exchangers may be used for condensers when the unit is not reversible.
Part I: System Overview
Water Pipe
Air Duct
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
Figure 1-2: 50YEW Series Refrigerant Circuit
Figure 1-3: Reversible Water-to-Water Heat Pump, Heating Mode
Figure 1-4: Reversible Water-to-Water Heat Pump, Cooling Mode
Coaxial HX
Brazed Plate HX
Coaxial HX
Coaxial HX
Chilled Water
Coaxial HX
Coaxial HX
Part I: System Overview
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
The 50YEW series compressors have a wide operating map, which allows high temperature operation, up to 145°F [63°C] leaving water temperature, even at 32°F [0°C] ground loop temperatures. The ground loop heat exchanger [evaporator] is called the “Source” heat exchanger in Bryant technical literature, and the heating system heat exchanger is called the “Load” heat exchanger. The terminology is not as important for heating only water-to-water units, since the ground loop heat exchanger is always an evaporator, but for reversible units, the evaporator and condenser change, depending upon operating mode, heating or cooling.
Figure 1-3 shows a Bryant reversible water-to-water unit. With the addition of a reversing valve, the Source and Load heat exchangers can change functions, depending upon the desired mode of operation. In the heating mode, the “Load” heat exchanger functions as the condenser, and the “Source” heat exchanger functions as the evaporator.
In fi gure 1-4, the reversible water-to-water heat pump now provides chilled water on the load side instead of hot water. The load heat exchanger becomes the evaporator, and the source heat exchanger becomes the condenser. Because the evaporator is susceptible to freezing under adverse operating conditions (e.g. failed pump, controls problem, etc.), a coaxial heat exchanger is used on the load side for reversible units.
When selecting equipment for systems that require cooling, all aspects of the system design should be considered. In many cases, a separate water-to-air unit for forced air cooling is more cost effective than using a chilled water / fan coil application due to the complication in controls and seasonal change-over. For ground loop applications, the water-to-water and water-to-air units can share one ground loop system.
Figure 1-5: COP vs TD
Design Temperatures
Various types of hydronic distribution systems have been used successfully with geothermal heat pumps. Radiant fl oor systems use relatively mild water temperatures, whereas baseboard radiation and other types of heat distribution systems typically use hotter water temperatures. When designing or retrofi tting an existing hydronic heating system, it is especially impor tant to consider maximum heat pump water temperatures as well as the effect water temperatures have on system effi ciency.
Heat pumps using R-22 refrigerant are not designed to produce water above 130°F [54°C]. Some heat pumps with R-410A and R-407C refrigerant are capable of producing water up to 145°F [63°C]. Regardless of the refrigerant, the effi ciency of the heat pump decreases as the temperature difference (TD) between the heat source (generally the earth loop) and the load water (the distribution system) increases. Figure 1-5 illustrates the effect of source and load temperatures on the system. The heating capacity of the heat pump also decreases as the temperature difference increases.
As the temperature difference increases, the Coeffi cient of Performance (COP) decreases. When the system produces 130°F [54°C] water from a 30° [-1°C] earth loop, the TD is 100°F [55°C], and the COP is approximately 2.5. If the system is producing water at 90° F [32°C], the TD is 60°F [33°C] and the COP rises to about 5.0, doubling the effi ciency.
If the water temperature of the earth loop is 90°F [32°C], and the distribution system requires the same temperature, a heat pump would not be needed. The system would operate at infi nite effi ciency, other than the cost of pumping the water through the
Part I: System Overview
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
distribution system. When using the various types of hydronic heat distribution systems, the temperature limits of the geothermal system must be a major consideration. In new construction, the distribution system can easily be designed with the temperature limits in mind. In retrofi ts, care must be taken to address the operating temperature limits of the existing distribution system.
System Components
The effi ciency, life expectancy and reliability of any hydronic heating system depends upon how well the various components (heat pump, distribution system, contols, etc.) work together. The heat pump must be sized for the building loads; the earth loop must be sized to match the building loads, ground conditions and climate; the circulating pumps must be sized for the equipment, piping and ground loop. The distribution system must be designed to heat and/or cool the building comfortably. The components must then all be controlled effectively.
Building Heat Loss & Heat Gain
The design must begin with an accurate heating and/or cooling load of the building. This is the most important step in the design process. The sizing of the circulation pumps, the distribution system and the earth loop are all derived directly from the sizing of the equipment. Overestimating the heat loss or heat gain means over sizing the system. The extra cost of the oversized system is unnecessary. In fact, it may result in the selection of a different type of system. If an oversized system is installed, it may be ineffi cient and uncomfortable. If the system is undersized it will not do an adequate job of heating and/or cooling the building.
Loop Design & Installation
Several factors determine the loop design for a specifi c installation. The energy balance of the building determines how much heat is taken from and rejected to the earth over the course of a year. The climate determines the ambient earth temperatures and is a major factor in the energy needs of the building. The ear th itself (the conductivity of the soil or rock and the moisture content) are major factors in calculating the size of the loop. The earth can only take (heat rejected) or give up (heat extracted/absorbed) a fi xed amount of Btu/hr [Watts] in a given area. The heat exchanger must have suffi cient surface area.
The design of the loop itself (the size and type of pipe, the velocity of the liquid circulating in the pipe and the spacing and layout of the pipe) has a major effect on the heat absorption and rejection capabilities of the loop. The depth (ver tical) or trench length (horizontal) of the loop must be calculated using IGSHPA (International Ground Source Heat Pump Association) methods or approved software. In addition, the type and percentage of antifreeze can have a signifi cant effect on loop performance.
The workmanship of the installation also plays a large role in the effectiveness of the loop. All fusion joints must be done properly. Vertical loops must be grouted properly for good contact with the earth. Horizontal loops must be backfi lled with material that will not cut the pipe, and the soil should be compacted around the pipe for good contact. All closed loop piping systems should be hydrostatically pressure tested before burial.
Many factors affect loop performance. Bryant offers training in loop design and installation, and also provides residential and commercial loop sizing software.
The control of a mechanical system determines how it functions. For the building to work effi ciently and comfortably, the building owner or manager must understand system functionality and controls.
As Figure 1-5 shows, the effi ciency of a heat pump is a factor of the difference in temperature between the source and the load. The heat loss or heat gain of a building varies with the weather and the use of the building. As the outdoor temperature decreases, the heat loss of the building increases. When the ventilation system is operating, the heating or cooling loads increase. As the occupancy increases, or more lighting is used, or the solar gain increases, the cooling load increases. At times the building may require virtually no heating or cooling.
The output of the hydronic heating distribution equipment, whether it is baseboard radiation, fan coil units or radiant fl oor heating equipment, is directly related to the temperature and velocity of the water fl owing through it. Baseboard radiation puts out approximately 50% less heat with 110°F [43°C] water than with 130°F [54°C] water. The same is true with fan coil units and radiant fl oor heating. For example, if a system is designed to meet the maximum heat loss of a building with 130°F [54°C] water, it follows that if the heat loss is 50% lower (when the outdoor temperature is higher), the load can be met with 110°F [43°C] water. The lower water temperature greatly increases the COP of the heat pump. Outdoor temperature reset, discussed in part IV of this manual, is a very cost-effective method of matching the heating (load side) water temperature with the heat loss of the building.
Other considerations for controls include heating/cooling switchover, pump control, backup heat (if equipped), distribution system or zone controls, and priority assignments (e.g. determining if radiant fl oor heating or domestic hot water will take priority). The 50YEW series includes internal controls, which makes system installation much easier. Other Bryant water-to-water heat pumps must be controlled via external controls.
Part I: System Overview
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Hydronic geothermal systems can be used very effectively in new installations, as well as in many retrofi t applications. Effi cient systems can be designed for residential, commercial and industrial applications.
To make a system as effi cient as possible, it is important to follow good design criteria. Some of the factors to consider are listed below:
• An accurate heat loss and heat gain must be calculated to properly size the system.
• The system must meet the application requirements. In other words, the design of the system must take into consideration the type of distribution system and the needs of the customer. For example, baseboard radiation designed for 180°F [82°C] water should not be used with 130°F [54°C] water without careful consideration and design analysis.
• The components of the system must be designed to work together. The earth loop must be designed to work with the heat pump; the pumping system must work effectively with the earth loop and the heat distribution system; and the distribution system must be chosen to work properly with the water temperatures available from the heat pump.
• The system must be controlled to operate as effi ciently as possible. It is important to operate the system to take variations in the building loads into account. For example, the heat loss of the building is reduced when the outdoor temperature climbs, and the temperature of the water circulated through the distribution system can be lowered, allowing the heat pumps to operate more effi ciently. It is possible to integrate the functions of the mechanical systems in a building.
Part I: System Overview
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
Heat loss loss/gain calculations for any residential HVAC design should be performed using standard industry practices. Br yant accepted calculations include methods developed by ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) used in Manual J, HRAI (Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada) and ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers). Light commercial load calculations should be performed using ACCA Manual N or the ASHRAE method. Other methods for load calculations outside of North America are acceptable providing the methodology is recognized by the local HVAC industry.
Heat Loss Calculations for Radiant Floor or Zoned Baseboard Systems
A room-by-room calculation must be performed for all radiant oor or zoned baseboard systems in order to determine the design of the radiation system. Once the heat loss has been calculated and the decision on fl ooring material has been made for each room, the amount of radiant fl oor tubing, pipe spacing, water temperature and layout can be determined, based upon the Btuh/square foot [Watts/square meter] requirements. Similarly, the amount of heat loss will allow the designer to determine the length of baseboard convector required based upon the design water temperature.
Outdoor design temperatures should be obtained from the appropriate ACCA, ASHRAE or HRAI manual at the 99.6% condition or local requirements, whichever is most severe. Indoor design temperatures vary, based upon the type of system and customer preference. Following are some minimum design guidelines:
*The nature of radiant fl oor heating tends to allow occupants to feel the same comfort level with radiant fl oor heating at 65°F [18°C] as with a forced air system at 70°F [21°C].
It is important to remember that a radiant fl oor system heats objects, not the air. In turn, these objects radiate heat, which heat people and furnishings to a comfortable temperature. Air temperature remains near 65°F [18°C], and is approximately equal from ceiling to fl oor. Forced air heating, by comparison, heats the air, which heats the people and objects. Therefore, a higher air temperature is required in order to bring people and objects up to the same temperature as in a radiant heating system.
When calculating the heat loss of a structure, the nature of radiant heating should be considered to allow for a more appropriately sized system. As mentioned above, a thermostat setting of 65°F [18°C] for a radiant fl oor system is comparable to a forced air system with a thermostat setting of 70°F [21°C]. This principle affects the heat loss in two ways:
1. The lower temperature difference [between indoor and outdoor temperatures] causes the heat loss to be lower.
2. The lack of air movement lowers the infi ltration rate of the structure.
Following is an example of the differences in load calculations for radiant fl oor systems and forced air systems:
System A: Forced Air System
ACCA Manual J heat loss calculation 2,000 sq. ft. [186 sq. meter] residential structure Outside design temperature = 0°F [-18°C] Indoor design temperature = 70°F [21°C] Temperature difference = 70°F [39°C] Air changes per hour = 0.60 AC/H Heat loss = 50,000 Btu/hr [14,654 Watts]
System B: Radiant Floor System
ACCA Manual J heat loss calculation 2,000 sq. ft. [186 sq. meter] residential structure Outside design temperature = 0°F [-18°C] Indoor design temperature = 65°F [18°C] Temperature difference = 65°F [36°C] Air changes per hour = 0.50 AC/H Heat loss = 44,423 Btu/hr [13,020 Watts]
When the characteristics of a radiant fl oor system are considered, equipment sizing can be signifi cantly impacted. In the example above, the heat loss for the structure decreases by 5,577 Btu/hr [1,635 Watts], or 11%. Industry estimates are as high as 20%. However, Bryant encourages the use of load calculations at actual temperature differences and infi ltration rates for equipment sizing, rather than “rules of thumb.”
Heat Gain Calculations
Most space cooling is accomplished through the use of forced air. Heat gain calculations must be performed on a room-by-room or zoned basis. Although load calculations for single zone systems may consider the whole house or building as one zone, a room-by­room calculation will facilitate air duct sizing.
Outdoor design temperatures should be obtained from the appropriate ACCA, ASHRAE or HRAI manual at the 0.4% condition or local requirements, whichever is most severe. Indoor design temperatures for cooling typically range from 70-78°F [21­25°C], with most designed at 75°F [24°C].
System Type
Design Range
Indoor Design 100% Radiant Floor* 65-70°F [18-21°C] 65°F [18°C] Mixed Radiant/Forced Air 68-72°F [20-22°C] 68°F [20°C] Baseboard 68-72°F [20-22°C] 68°F [20°C]
Part II: Load Side Design
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Water-to-Water Equipment Sizing
Water-to-water equipment sizing is dependent upon the type of hydronic system application (load side – indoor) and the type of ground loop system (source side – outdoor). Since the capacity and effi ciency of the water-to-water unit is directly related to the entering source temperature, care must be taken to insure that the unit will provide adequate capacity at design conditions. The complexity of the ground loop sizing can be simplifi ed with the use of software, like Bryant’s GeoDesigner. GeoDesigner allows the user to enter the heat loss/heat gain, the water-to-water unit size, and the ground loop parameters. An analysis based upon bin weather data allows the user to size the equipment/ground loop and obtain annual operating costs. Below is a typical screen shot.
Figure 2-1: GeoDesigner Heat Pump / Loop Sizing
Part II: Load Side Design / Equipment Sizing
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
Backup Heat
Just like water-to-air systems, which typically have some type of backup heating capability, water-to-water systems can also benefi t from the use of supplemental heating to help lower initial installation costs. Design temperatures are usually chosen for 1%. In other words, 99% of the time, the outdoor temperature is above the design temperature. If the heat pump is designed to handle 100% of the load, it is larger than required 99% of the time. GeoDesigner can determine an economical balance point that will allow the water-to-water unit to be downsized when a backup boiler or water heater is used for supplemental heat.
For example, suppose a home in Chicago has a heat loss the same as the example above [44,423 Btuh, 13,019 Watts]. One 50YEW010 unit has a heating capacity of approximately 10kW [33,000 Btuh] at 32°F [0°C] entering source (ground loop) temperature. According to GeoDesigner, the water-to-water unit could handle the heating load 98% of the time. A backup electric boiler would consume about 326 kWh annually for back up heat [$33 per year at $0.10/ kWh]. Two 50YEW010 units could handle the heating load no matter what the outdoor temperature is (100% heating – no backup required). However, this combination would only save about 239 kWh per year [$24 per year at $0.10/kWh], yet the additional installation cost for a second unit and signifi cantly more ground loop would never pay back in operating cost savings. In most cases, sizing for 100% of the heating load is not cost effective.
Cooling is not always desired with radiant heating systems. A water-to-water heat pump system can provide chilled water to ducted or non-ducted fan coil units. A reversible water-to-water heat pump can provide chilled water to cool the building, as well as hot water for the heating system. Buildings with fan coil units can generally be retrofi tted for cooling quite easily. The diffi culty, as mentioned in part I, is using existing fan coils for heating, especially if they were originally sized for high water temperatures.
For optimal cooling and dehumidifi cation, Br yant recommends a separate water-to-air heat pump for cooling. Controls are much simpler when a water-to-water unit is used for space heating and/or domestic water heating, and a water-to-air unit is used for cooling. Since the water-to-water and water-to-air units can share one ground loop, the installation cost of using a water-to-air unit for cooling is simply the incremental cost of the unit. Generally, no additional ground loop is required (in Northern climates), and the cost of the water-to-air unit is usually less than the cost of chilled water/fan coil units, especially if the cost of additional piping/ valving/controls and labor is considered. The cost of a water-to­air unit is approximately the same as a ductless mini split, and is much more effi cient. The advantages of geothermal heat pumps for cooling (no outdoor unit, no refrigerant line sets, longevity, etc.) should be considered when cooling is required.
Buffer Tank Sizing / Application
All water-to-water units used in heating applications require a buffer tank to prevent equipment short cycling and to allow different fl ow rates through the water-to-water unit than through
the hydronic heating delivery system. A buffer tank is also required for chilled water cooling applications if the water-to-water unit(s) is more than 20% larger than the cooling load and/or multiple fan coil units will be used. Water-to-water units sized for the cooling load in applications with only ONE fan coil unit may be able to operate without a buffer tank, but this would be an unusual situation, since the cooling load is normally much smaller than the heating load. The best approach is to plan for a buffer tank in every application.
The size of the buffer tank should be determined based upon the predominant use of the water-to-water equipment (heating or cooling). For heating, buffer tanks should be sized at one U.S. gallon per 1,000 Btuh [13 Liters per kW] of heating capacity at the maximum entering source water temperature (EST) and the minimum entering load water temperature (ELT), the point at which the water-to-water unit has the highest heating capacity, usually 50-70°F [10-21°C] EST and 80-90°F [26-32°C] ELT. For cooling, buffer tanks should be sized at one U.S. gallon per 1,000 Btuh [13 Liters per kW] of cooling capacity at the minimum EST and the maximum ELT, the point at which the water-to-water unit has the highest cooling capacity, usually 50-70°F [10-21°C] EST and 50-60°F [10-16°C] ELT. Select the size of the tank based upon the larger of the calculations (heating or cooling). The minimum buffer tank size is 40 U.S. gallons [150 Liters] for any system.
Electric water heaters typically make good buffer tanks because of the availability and relatively low cost. However, the water heater must be A.S.M.E. rated (rated for heating) in order to qualify as a buffer tank. Attention should be paid to insulation values of the tank, especially when a buffer tank is used to store chilled water due to the potential for condensation. A minimum insulation value of R-12 [2.11 K-m2/W] is recommended for storage tanks.
Part II: Load Side Design / Equipment Sizing
Maximum leaving water temperature of the 50YEW series equipment is 145°F [63°C]. For domestic hot water tank temperatures or heating buffer tank temperatures above 130°F [54°C], pump and pipe sizing is critical to insure that the fl ow rate through the heat pump is suffi cient to maintain leaving water temperatures below the maximum temperature, and to provide water fl ow rates within the ranges shown in the performance section of this manual.
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Figure 2-2: Connections – Electric Water Heater / Buffer Tank
When using an electric water heat as a buffer tank, there are fewer water connections. Alternate piping arrangements may be required to make up for the lack of water connections. Schematics are shown in the next section. Above is an illustration showing the water connection differences between a buffer tank and an electric water heater.
Typical Electric
Water Heater
Drain (3)
Connection for Press Relief Valve
Hot/Cold Water
(1) (2)
Buffer Tank
Connection for Press Relief Valve
Load & Source Connections
Drain (5)
Part II: Load Side Design / Equipment Sizing
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
As mentioned in part I, hydronics applications offer a wide range of application fl exibility, so much in fact, that it is necessary to narrow down the choices in order to start designing the system. As with any heating and cooling design, there is never a perfect solution, but rather a compromise between installation costs, operating costs, desired features and comfort. Once the system is selected, design of the distribution system, pumps, piping and other components can be considered.
Figure 2-3a: System Selection Flow Chart (Part 1)
Figures 2-3a and 2-3b present system selection in fl ow chart format for the load side of the water-to-water unit. There are six piping schematics following the fl ow charts that illustrate each of the possible choices. There are also two additional piping schematics, one for alternate buffer tank piping, and one for using a backup boiler for supplemental heat. To select the correct drawing, begin in fi gure 2-3a, and fi nish the selection process in fi gure 2-3b.
(Load Side Applications)
Radiant Floor
Baseboard Convection
Radiator Fan Coil
Chilled Water / Fan Coil
Chilled Radiant Floor
Chilled Water / Fan Coil
Chilled Radiant Floor
See drawing 2-5 (
GSW + sep htg /clg buffer
No Cooling or Separate
Cooling System
No Cooling or Separate
Cooling System
Use 50PSW or GSW series
Reversible Model
Buffer tank for heating and
a separate buffer tank for
One buffer tank for both
heating and cooling
Use 50YEW (high temp) or 50PSW/GSW ( med temp)
Use 50YEW (high temp)
NOTE: Green arrows indicate Bryant recommended applications.
High temp (
) unit is
not reversible.
See drawing 2-6 (
one htg
/clg buffer
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Figure 2-3b: System Selection Flow Chart (Part 2)
Buffer Tank?
Buffer tank is required
Ye s
Wat er ?
Ye s
Ye s
50YEW has integrated
controls. Choose 50YEW
(other choices are possible,
but not shown in
Ye s
NOTE: Green arrows indicate Bryant recommended applications.
See drawing 2-1 (50YEW +
Indirect Water Heater)
Secondary Heat Exchanger / Pump
is required. See drawing 2-2 (50YEW
+HX + Pump + Water Heater)
Buffer Tank?
Ye s
Wat er ?
Ye s
Wat er
Ye s
See drawing 2-1 (50YEW +
Indirect Water Heater)
Secondary Heat Exchanger / Pump
is required. See drawing 2-2
(50YEW + HX + Pump +
Water Heat)
See drawing 2-3 (
or drawing 2-4 (
See drawing 2-3 (
Buffer tank is required
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
System Descriptions
Figure 2-4: Component Legend for Drawings 2-1 to 2-9
Drawing 2-1 – 50YEW Typical Load Piping Indirect Water Heater / No Cooling or Separate Cooling System: System #1 uses one or more water-to-water units and a buffer tank for each unit. Drawing 2-1 shows a typical piping arrangement for this system. A thermistor mounted in an immersion well senses buffer tank temperature, which allows the internal controls (50YEW units only) to engage the water-to-water unit compressor, load pump and source pump(s) when the tank temperature drops below the set point, typically 120°F [49°C] or less. The radiant fl oor (or baseboard, radiator, fan coil, etc.) system therefore is completely isolated from the water-to-water unit. The controls for the hydronic distribution system energize pumps and/or zone valves to allow heated water in the buffer tank to fl ow through the heating distribution system. Potable water is heated via an indirect water heater, so that heating system water and potable water do not mix. The 50YEW unit has an internal motorized valve, which allows the load pump to send heated water to the buffer tank or the indirect water heater. A thermistor mounted in an immersion well senses DHW tank temperature, which allows the internal controls (50YEW units only) to engage the water-to-water unit compressor, load pump and source pump(s) when the DHW tank temperature drops below the set point, typically 130°F [54°C]. If desired, cooling is accomplished with a separate system.
Component Legend
3-Way Valve - Manually Operated
3-Way Valve - Motorized
Mixing Valve
Ball Valve
Gate Valve
Pressure Reducing Valve
Pressure Relief ("Pop-Off") Valve
Pressure/Temperature (P/T) Port
Circulator Pump
Heat Exchanger
Check Valve
Water Heater
Buffer Tank
1. Place air vent at the highest point in the system. If internal expansion tanks are installed, only an air vent is required.
2. Thermistors should be installed in an immersion well.
Locate thermistor in the bottom half of the tank.
3. If electric water heat is used instead of buffer tank, see drawing 2-7.
4. P/T (pressure/temperature) ports are internal for 50YEW units on load and source connections.
5. Other components (additional ball valves, unions, etc.) may be required for ease of service. This drawing shows only minimum requirements. Your specific installation will dictate final component selections.
6. Buffer tank must be approved as a heating vessel.
7. Local code supercedes any piping arrangements or components shown on this drawing.
Radiant Floor,
or Fan Coil
Heating System
Ta nk
Note 1
Air Vent
See drawings in section 3 for Source connections
Note 3
Source HX
Load HX
(brz plt)
P. R. V .
Note 2
If heat exchanger of indirect water heater does not have enough mass, see drawing 2-9
Note 2
Drawing 2-1: 50YEW Typical Load Piping ­Indirect Water Heater / No Cooling or Separate Cooling System
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Drawing 2-2 – 50YEW Typical Load Piping Water Heater with Secondary Heat Exchanger / No Cooling or Separate Cooling System: System #2 uses one or more water-to-water units and a buffer tank for each unit. Drawing 2-2 shows a typical piping arrangement for this system. A thermistor mounted in an immersion well senses tank temperature, which allows the internal controls (50YEW units only) to engage the water-to-water unit compressor, load pump and source pump(s) when the tank temperature drops below the set point, typically 120°F [49°C] or less. The radiant fl oor (or baseboard, radiator, fan coil, etc.) system therefore is completely isolated from the water-to-water unit. The controls for the hydronic distribution system energize pumps and/or zone valves to allow heated water in the buffer tank to fl ow through the heating distribution system. Potable water is heated via a direct water heater (typically an electric water heater) and a secondary heat exchanger (typically a brazed plate heat exchanger), so that heating system water and potable water do not mix. The 50YEW unit has an internal motorized valve, which allows the load pump to send heated water to the buffer tank or the secondary heat exchanger for heating potable water. A thermistor mounted in an immersion well senses tank
temperature, which allows the internal controls (50YEW units only) to engage the water-to-water unit compressor, load pump and source pump(s) when the tank temperature drops below the set point, typically 130°F [54°C]. The use of a direct water heat and secondary heat exchanger requires a pump between the secondary heat exchanger and the water heater. The addition of a pump contactor near the water heater will be necessary to energize the pump any time the 50YEW load pump is energized for potable water heating. If desired, the 50YEW controls allow emergency water heating via electric elements if the 50YEW unit is locked out. This requires a contactor at the water heater to energize the electric elements when the heat pump is locked out. Cooling is accomplished with a separate system.
Secondary Heat Exchanger Sizing: Due to the lower water temperatures associated with heat pumps (as compared to 180-200°F [82-93°C] boiler temperatures), heat exchanger sizing is critical. Bryant recommends the use of sizing software provided by the heat exchanger manufacturer. An example is shown in fi gure 2-5. NOTE: Even though the maximum leaving water temperature of the 50YEW series equipment is 145°F [63°C], some room for piping changes, pump performance, and/ or pressure switch tolerance, should be considered via slightly lower design temperatures (143°F [62°C] is shown in fi gure 2-5 example). Refrigerant high pressure switches typically have a tolerance of ± 15 psi [±1 Bar], potentially resulting in nuisance faults if the switch tolerance is on the lower side of the range. The compressor is rated for 145-149°F [63-65°C] operation, but if the switch is marginal, a slightly conservative design temperature will help avoid nuisance faults.
Drawing 2-2: 50YEW Typical Load Piping ­Water Heater with Secondary Heat Exchanger / No Cooling or Separate Cooling System
Note 2
Buffer Tank
1. Place air vent at the highest point in the system. If internal expansion tanks are installed, only an air vent is required.
2. Thermistors should be installed in an immersion well.
Locate thermistor in the bottom half of the tank.
3. If electric water heat is used instead of buffer tank, see drawing 7.
4. P/T (pressure/temperature) ports are internal for 50YEW units on load and source connections.
5. Other components (additional ball valves, unions, etc.) may be required for ease of service. This drawing shows only minimum requirements. Your specific installation will dictate final component selections.
6. Buffer tank must be approved as a heating vessel.
7. Local code supercedes any piping arrangements or components shown on this drawing.
Radiant Floor,
or Fan Coil
Heating System
See drawings in section 3 for Source connections
Note 3
Water Heater
Ta nk
Note 2
Air Vent
Plate Heat Exchanger
Source HX
Load HX
(brz plt)
P. R. V .
Note 2
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
Maximum leaving water temperature of the 50YEW series equipment is 145°F [63°C]. For domestic hot water tank temperatures or heating buffer tank temperatures above 130°F [54°C], pump and pipe sizing is critical to insure that the fl ow rate through the heat pump is suffi cient to maintain leaving water temperatures below the maximum temperature, and to provide water fl ow rates within the ranges shown in the performance section of this manual.
v.1.5.6 SWEP North America, Inc.
3483 Satellite Blvd., Suite 210
Duluth, GA 30096
HEAT EXCHANGER: B10Tx30H/1P (1” fittings) SINGLE PHASE - Rating
]76.15[00.521]76.16[00.341:]C°[F°erutarepmettelnI ]40.65[78.231]22.75[00.531:]C°[F°erutarepmetteltuO
] : 9.34 [0.868]
5994:tfrqs/h/utBxulftaeH Log mean temperature difference °F [°C] : 10.06 [5.59] Overall H.T.C. (available/required) Btu/sqrft,h,°F : 950/496
]85.11[86.1]71.11[26.1:]aPk[isplatot-sporderusserP ]23.1[191.0]43.1[491.0:]aPk[ispstropni-
Disclaimer: Data used in this calculation is subject to change without notice. "SWEP may have patents, trademarks, copyrightsor otherintellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document." "Except as expressly provided in any writtenlicense agreementfrom SWEP," "the furnishing of thisdocument does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property."
Sized to deliver 130°F [54°C] at the DHW tank.
DHW tank
Heat Pump
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Figure 2-5: Example Secondary Heat Exchanger Sizing
Drawing 2-3 – 50YEW Typical Load Piping / No DHW Heating or Separate DHW System / No Cooling or Separate Cooling System: System #3 uses one or more water-to-water units and a buffer tank for each unit. Drawing 2-3 shows a typical piping arrangement for this system. A thermistor mounted in an immersion well senses tank temperature, which allows the internal controls (50YEW units only) to engage the water-to-water unit compressor, load pump and source pump(s) when the tank temperature drops below the set point, typically 120°F [49°C] or less. The radiant fl oor (or baseboard, radiator, fan coil, etc.) system therefore is completely isolated from the water-to-water unit. The controls for the hydronic distribution system energize pumps and/or zone valves to allow heated water in the buffer tank to fl ow through the heating distribution system. Potable water is heated with a separate system. If desired, cooling is accomplished with a separate system.
Buffer Tank
1. Place air vent at the highest point in the system. If internal expansion tanks are installed, only an air vent is required.
2. Thermistor should be installed in an immersion well.
Locate thermistor in the bottom half of the tank.
3. If DHW option is not used, DHW supply connection MUST be plugged.
4. If electric water heat is used instead of buffer tank, see drawing 2-7.
5. P/T (pressure/temperature) ports are internal for 50YEW units on load and source connections.
6. Other components (additional ball valves, unions, etc.) may be required for ease of service. This drawing shows only minimum requirements. Your specific installation will dictate final component selections.
7. Buffer tank must be approved as a heating vessel.
8. Local code supercedes any piping arrangements or components shown on this drawing.
Radiant Floor,
or Fan Coil
Heating System
See drawings in section 3 for Source connections
Note 4
Source HX
Load HX (brz plt)
Air Vent
Note 1
Note 3
P. R. V .
Cold Water Supply
Note 2
Drawing 2-3: 50YEW Typical Load Piping ­No DHW Heating or Separate DHW System / No Cooling or Separate Cooling System
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
Drawing 2-4 – 50PSW/GSW Typical Load Piping / No DHW Heating or Separate DHW System / No Cooling or Separate Cooling System: System #4 uses one or more water-to-water units and a buffer tank for each unit. Drawing 2-4 shows a typical piping arrangement for this system. A thermistor mounted in an immersion well senses tank temperature, which allows the water­to-water unit to engage the compressor, load pump and source pump(s) when the tank temperature drops below the set point, typically 120°F [49°C] or less. The radiant fl oor (or baseboard, radiator, fan coil, etc.) system therefore is completely isolated from the water-to-water unit. The controls for the hydronic distribution system energize pumps and/or zone valves to allow heated water in the buffer tank to fl ow through the heating distribution system. Potable water is heated with a separate system. If desired, cooling is accomplished with a separate system.
Buffer Tank
1. Place air vent at the highest point in the system.
2. Aqua-stat should be installed in an immersion well.
Locate aqua-stat in the bottom half of the tank.
3. If electric water heat is used instead of buffer tank, see drawing 2-7.
4. Other components (additional ball valves, unions, etc.) may be required for ease of service. This drawing shows only minimum requirements. Your specific installation will dictate final component selections.
5. Buffer tank must be approved as a heating vessel.
6. Local code supercedes any piping arrangements or components shown on this drawing.
Radiant Floor
See drawings in section 3 for Source connections
Notes 2,3
or GSW
Source HX
Load HX
Air Vent
Note 1
P. R. V .
Cold Water Supply
P/T port (50PSW / GSW units only)
Drawing 2-4: 50PSW / GSW Typical Load Piping ­No DHW Heating or Separate DHW System / No Cooling or Separate Cooling System
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Drawing 2-5 – 50PSW/GSW Typical Load Piping - Chilled Water Cooling System / Separate Heating & Cooling Buffer Tanks / No DHW Heating or Separate DHW System: System #5 uses one or more water-to-water units and two buffer tanks, one for heated water, and one for chilled water. Drawing 2-5 shows a typical piping arrangement for this system. An aqua-stat (well-mounted if possible) in each tank senses tank temperature, which allows the water-to-water unit to engage the compressor, load pump and source pump(s) when the heating tank temperature drops below the set point [typically 120°F [49°C] or less], or when the chilled water tank temperature rises above the set point (typically 45­50°F [7-10°C]). The radiant fl oor (or baseboard, radiator, fan coil, etc.) heating system and the chilled water cooling system (typically
Drawing 2-5: 50PSW / GSW Typical Load Piping ­Chilled Water Cooling System / Separate Heating and Cooling Buffer Tanks - No DHW Heating or Separate DHW System
Chilled Water
Buffer Tank
1. Place air vent at the highest point in the system.
2. Aqua-stat should be installed in an immersion well.
Locate aqua-stat in the bottom half of the tank.
3. If electric water heat is used instead of buffer tank, see drawing 2-7.
4. Motorized valve to be activated by unit RV solenoid coil (24VAC).
5. Chilled water tank must be insulated to avoid condensation.
6. Other components (additional ball valves, unions, etc.) may be required for ease of service. This drawing shows only minimum requirements. Your specific installation will dictate final component selections.
7. Buffer tank must be approved as a heating vessel.
8. Local code supercedes any piping arrangements or components shown on this drawing.
Radiant Floor
See drawings in section 3 for Source connections
or GSW
Source HX
Load HX (coaxial)
Ta nk
Air Vent
Note 1
Buffer Tank
Fan Coil Units
Notes 2,3
Note 4
Notes 2,3,5
Cold Water Supply
P. R. V .
P/T port (50PSW / GSW units only)
Note 2
Note 2
fan coil units) therefore are completely isolated from the water­to-water unit. The controls for the hydronic distribution system energize pumps and/or zone valves to allow heated/chilled water in the buffer tanks to fl ow through the heating/cooling distribution systems. The motorized valve is used to switch between the two tanks based upon heating or cooling season. Due to the complexity of the controls, a manual seasonal changeover switch is the best way to determine heated or chilled water operation. The switch (typically a light switch) switches the unit reversing valve and motorized valve. A reversible unit is required for this application (50YEW is heating only – 50PSW/GSW units are reversible). Potable water is heated with a separate system.
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Bryant: Whatever It Takes.
Drawing 2-6 – 50PSW/GSW Typical Load Piping - Chilled Water Cooling / Single Buffer Tank / No DHW Heating or Separate DHW System: System #6 uses one or more water-to-water units and a buffer tank for each unit. Drawing 2-6 shows a typical piping arrangement for this system. Two aqua-stats (well­mounted if possible) sense tank temperature, one for heating and one for cooling, which allows the water-to-water unit to engage the compressor, load pump and source pump(s) when the tank temperature drops below the set point (typically 120°F [49°C] or less] in the heating mode, or when the tank temperature rises above the set point [typically 45-50°F [7-10°C]) in the cooling mode. The radiant fl oor (or baseboard, radiator, fan coil, etc.) heating system and the chilled water cooling system (typically fan coil units) therefore are completely isolated from the water­to-water unit. The controls for the hydronic distribution system energize pumps and/or zone valves to allow heated/chilled water
in the buffer tank to fl ow through the heating/cooling distribution systems. The motorized valves are used to switch between the two distribution systems (and aqua-stats) based upon heating or cooling season. Due to the complexity of the controls, a manual seasonal changeover switch is the best way to determine heated or chilled water operation. The switch (typically a light switch) switches the unit reversing valve, motorized valves, and aqua-stats (additional relays are required for determining heating/cooling logic). A reversible unit is required for this application (50YEW is heating only – 50PSW/GSW units are reversible). When using one tank for both heated and chilled water, a buffer tank (not an electric water heater) is recommended, since water heaters do not have enough connections to facilitate all of the water connections and the two well-mounted aqua-stats. Potable water is heated with a separate system.
1. Motorized valves to be activated by unit RV solenoid coil (24VAC).
2. Aqua-stat should be installed in an immersion well.
Locate heating aqua-stat in the bottom half of the tank.
Locate cooling aqua-stat in the top half of the tank.
3. Chilled water tank must be insulated to avoid condensation.
4. Place air vent at the highest point in the system.
5. Other components (additional ball valves, unions, etc.) may be required for ease of service. This drawing shows only minimum requirements. Your specific installation will dictate final component selections.
6. Buffer tank must be approved as a heating vessel.
7. Local code supercedes any piping arrangements or components shown on this drawing.
Heating / Chilling
Buffer Tank
To/ Fro m
Radiant Floor
See drawings in section 3 for Source connections
Notes 2,3
or GSW
Source HX
Load HX (coaxial)
Air Vent
Note 4
Note 1
To/ Fro m
Fan Coil Units
P. R. V .
Cold Water Supply
P/T port (50PSW / GSW only)
Drawing 2-6: 50PSW / GSW Typical Load Piping ­Chilled Water Cooling System / Single Buffer Tank
- No DHW Heating or Separate DHW System
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-Water System Design Guide
Drawing 2-7 – Alternate Buffer Tank (Electric Water Heater) Typical Piping: A “true” buffer tank is the best approach for control of a hydronic system using a heat pump. Tanks are usually well insulated, and there are typically a number of water connections (6 or more in many cases), so that plumbing is easier and water ows are not restricted. However, due to the cost of buffer tanks, some installers use an electric water heater for the buffer tank. An electric water heater is much less expensive, but may not have enough water connections, and may require external installation. Drawing 2-7 may be used as an alternate piping schematic for drawings 2-1 through 2-5 when an electric water heater is used. Drawing 2-6 requires a buffer tank due to the need for two aqua­stats. If a water heater is used, it must be approved as a heating vessel (A.S.M.E. approval in the U.S.).
Drawing 2-7: Alternate Buffer Tank (Electric Water Heater) Typical Piping
Part II: Load Side Design / System Design & Selection
Water Heater
1. Not all components shown (expansion tank, air vent, etc.). Drawing is for buffer tank connections only.
2. Pump not needed for 50YEW unit with internal load pump option.
3. Thermistor or aqua-stat should be installed in an immersion well. If water heater does not have well, one of the heating elements should be removed, and a well adapter
4. Other components (additional ball valves, unions, etc.) may be required for ease of service. This drawing shows only minimum requirements. Your specific installation will dictate final component selections.
5. Buffer tank must be approved as a heating vessel.
6. Local code supercedes any piping arrangements or components shown on this drawing.
Thermistor or Aqua-stat
Note 3
Note 3
From Water-to-Water Unit
Note 1
Notes 1,2
To Water-to-Water Unit
(ASME Approved)
should be installed. Locate thermistor/aqua-stat in the bottom half of the tank.
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