d Discard or recycle old control.
S NOTE: Mercury is a hazardous waste, if existing control contains any
mercury, it MUST be disposed of properly. The Evolution Connex
Control does not contain mercury.
S Select Evolution Control mounting plastic (backplate and decorative backplate
if desired).
S Route wires through large hole in mounting plastic. Level rear plastic against
wall (for aesthetic value only; Evolution Connex Control need not be level to
operate properly) and mark wall through two mounting holes.
S Drill two 3/16--in (4.8 mm) mounting holes in wall where marked.
S Secure mounting plastic to wall using two screws and anchors provided.
S Adjust length and routing of each wire to reach each wire entry on the
connector backplate. Strip 1/4--in (6.4 mm) of insulation from each wire.
S Match and connect thermostat wires to proper terminals on control backplate.
d See wiring diagrams in Appendix A.
S Push any excess wire into the wall. Seal hole in wall to prevent any air leaks.
Leaks can affect operation.
S Attach Evolution Control to the mounting plastic by lining up the plastic guides
on the back of the control with the opening on the mounting plastic and push
S Perform installation of all other system equipment (i.e. dampers, humidifier,
ventilator, UV lights, etc.).
S Turn on power to equipment.
4.4.1. Shielded Wire
If the thermostat wiring will be located near or in parallel with high voltage wiring,
radio, TV or Ethernet wiring, then four conductor, twisted--pair, shielded cable can
be used to reduce or eliminate potential interference. The shield wire should be
connected to the C terminal, or ground, at the indoor unit. The shield wire should