Model 5-905
Installation Instructions
Location for the Bryant Model 5-905 power humidifier should be in the
warm air duct. CAUTION: Minimum duct size for mounting the humidifier is
8" X 19-”. Determine the most convenient side of duct for installation and
Lay out and cut a 7%" x 19-” hole on the bottom of the duct from the mounting
side. On the mounting side of the duct.
See Figure 1.
lay out a 7%” wide by 7” high hole.
Install ”Z” bars on the 19-” sides. Slide the humidifier tray into the ”Z” bars
until the front flange is 3” from the duct side. Position the inspection plate
on the humidifier tray until the edges of the inspection plate are even with
the front of the humidifier tray. Hold the inspection plate against the duct,
drill holes (1/8”) and screw into place with the screws provided.
Tap off the nearest water line with the saddle line valve provided. %” OD
copper tubing should be connected to the compression fitting in the Bryant
humidifier reservoir. Drain line should be connected to an open drain. (3/8”
ID plastic)
Cleaning - Depending on the type of water, discs may require
replacement when the humidity drops. In all cases,
pan should be drained and cleaned each spring.
Humidistat - Depending on the type of installation, one of the
following Honeywell humidistats is recommended:
1) for room installation, the H96D1008 is recommended.
2) for duct installation, the H9-9A1001 is recommended.
With the Bryant Bypass Adapter Package, the humidifier can be installed on the
supply or return plenum, or on either side of the furnace. In addition, there
is an adjustable humidity manual control on the top of the adapter package to
regulate humidity to "high," "Ipw^;" or "off" position.
To mount the adapter package:
r. Remove the door bn the motor side. '
2. Remove baffle, and place the adapter flush against
the area to which it is to be installed.
3. With a pencil, mark the mounting holes and the access
hole. Remove the adapter package, drill¿the marked
holes (1/8" drill). Cut out the access hole in the
plenum or furnace casing. Mount the adapter with (k)
screws provided. Slide humidifier into adapter and
replace baffle. (Make sure baffle top is towards
side access hole.) Fasten doors with screws provided.
Bypass piping from the adapter to the duct should have a diameter of 6".
The humidifier is factory assembled as a right-hand unit for installation on
the right-hand side of the furnace or plenum. To make a left-hand unit, rembve the float .assembly and re-assemble on. the-left-hand side of the tray.
Figure 2 Installation on Side of Furnace