Brother fax-1860c, fax-1960c, mfc-3360c Service Manual

form or by any means without perm ission in wri ting from the publi sher.
Specifications are subject to change wit hout notice.


This Service Manual is intended for use by service personnel and details the specifications, const r uc ti on, theory of oper a t ion, and maint ena nce for t he Br ot her mac hines not ed on the f r ont c over . It includes information required for troubleshooting and service--disassembly, reassembly, and lubrication--so that service personnel will be able to understand equipment function, repair the equipment in a timely manner a nd order s pare parts as neces sary.
To per for m appr opr ia te maintena nce so that the machine is alwa ys in t he best poss ible condit ion for the cus tomer, service personnel must adequa tely unders tand and apply this manual .
The table below shows the functional comparison between the models covered by this manual.
Model MFC3360C FAX1960C FAX1860C RAM 16 MB LCD 16 characters x 1 line, monochrome Handset (Hook switch PCB) ---
Cordless h andset (Cordless PCB and charge PCB)
Backup battery --- --- TAD --- --- ADF Movable platen --- --- --­PhotoCapture Center --- --- --­Photo tray --- --- ---
1 unit*
Number of cordless handsets that the machine has as standard. Up to four cordless handsets including optional ones
can be registered.
This manual describes the models and their versions destined for major countries. The specifications and functions are subject to change depending upon each destination.
i Confidential

How this manual is organized

This ma nual is ma de u p of nine chap ters and appendices.
Conta ins ext erna l views and na mes of components a nd descr ibes t heir func tions. Infor mation abou t the keys on the control p anel is included to help you check op erat ion or make adjustments.
List s the sp ecif ic ations of each model, which enab les you to make a c omparison of different models.
Gives a n overview of the sca nning and pr inting mechanisms as well as t he sensors , a ctua tors, and control electronics. It aids in understanding the basic principles of operation as well as locating defects f or troubl es hooting.
Deta ils err or messages and c odes tha t t he incorp ora ted self -diagnos tic func tions disp lay if a ny er r or or malf unct ion occur s . If any er ror messa ge ap pea rs , r efer to this cha pt er to f ind which component s should b e checked or rep laced.
The lat ter ha lf of this chap ter provides sa mple prob lems tha t cou ld occur in t he main sections of the machine and r ela t ed tr ou bles hooting p r ocedu r es. T his will help s ervic e per sonnel p inpoint a nd r ep a ir defective components.
Descr ib es how to tr a ns fer da t a left in t he mac hine to b e sent f or r epa ir . T he s ervic e per sonnel s hould inst ru ct end us ers to fo llo w the t r a n s fer pr o cedu re given i n t hi s ch a p t er i f t h e ma ch ine at t he u s er s i t e cannot print received dat a due t o the print ing mechanism defective. End us ers ca n tr ansfer r eceived data to another machine to prevent data loss.
Deta ils pr ocedur es for disa ss embling and r eas sembling the mac hine together wit h r elat ed notes . The disassembly order flow provided enables you to see at a glance the quickest way to get to component(s ) involved.
At the s tar t of a dis assembly job, you check the dis assembly or der flow tha t guides you through a shortcut to the target components.
This chapter also covers screw tightening torques and lubrication points to which the specified lubricants shou ld be app lied du ring reassembly job s.
Deta ils a dju st ments a nd up da t ing of s ett ings , which a r e r equir ed if t he head/ ca r r i a ge unit, ma in PC B and some other part s have been replac ed.
Pr ovides c l eaning pr oc edu res not c overed by the Us er's G uide. Before starting any repair work, c lean the machine as it may s olve the prob lem concer ned.
ii Confidential
Descr ibes the maintena nce mode which is exc lusively designed for t he pu rpose of checks, set tings and a djustments of the machine u sing the keys on t he control panel.
In the maintenance mode, you ca n updat e memory (EE PROM: electr ically era sable pr ogrammable read-only memory) contents for optimizing the drive conditions of the head/ c arriage unit or the pa per feed roller and pa per ejection roller in the engine unit , if those units have been rep laced, or for setting the C I S s c a nn er a rea , f or ex ampl e. You c a n als o c u s t omiz e t he E E P R O M a c c or di ng t o t he s hi p ment destina tion of t he machine concerned. In addit ion, you ca n perf orm oper ationa l checks of t he LC D, contr ol panel PCB or sensors , perfor m a pr int test, displa y the log informat ion or err or codes, a nd modify firmware switches (WSW).
For models with a cordless handset, the maintenance functions dedicated to cordless handsets a re provided.
Appendix 1 Reading Labels
Shows the location of labels put on some parts and describes the coding information for serial number, pr opert y data, and manufacturing informat ion.
Appendix 2 Firmware Installation
Pr ovides instr uc tions on how to cha nge fir mwar e stor ed in the fla sh R OM on the main P CB or loa d firmware t o a new main P CB from the host PC.
Appendix 3 EEPROM Customizing Codes
Pr ovides instr uctions on how to set up t he EEPR OM cu stomizing codes f or the va riou s pr eferences exclus ively designed for ea ch dest inat ion. T he specif ied cust omizing code is s tor ed in the EEP ROM mount ed on the ma in PCB . If t he main PC B is r eplac ed, ther efore, you need t o set up t he pr oper customizing code with the mac hine in the maintenanc e mode.
Cus tomizing codes cu stomize fir mware f or individua l models, enab ling the common firmwar e to be used for various models. A list of EEPROM customizing codes comes with the firmware data provided b y B rother Indus tries .
Appendix 4 Firmw are S witches (WSW)
Descr ibes t he functions of the fir mware s witches, which can be divided int o two gr oups : one is for cust omizing prefer ences designed for the shipp ing destina tion ( as describ ed in Appendix 3) a nd the other is for modifying pr eferences tha t match t he machine to the environmenta l conditions. Use the latter gr oup if t he mac hine malf unctions du e to mismatching.
Appendix 5 Wiring Diagrams
Pr ovides the wiring diagrams tha t help you u nderst and the connections bet ween PCBs.
Appendix 6 Circuit Diagrams
Provides the circuit diagrams of the MJ PCB and power supply PCB.
Appendix 7 Deletion of Personal Information
Provides instr uctions on how to delete per sonal informat ion recorded in the machine and cordless handset(s).
iii Confidential


To use the machine safely
Please refer to these instructions for later reference and before attempting any maintenance.
There are high voltage electrodes inside the machine. Before you clean the machine, make sure you have unplugged t he telephone line c or d fir st and then the power cord from the AC power outlet .
To prevent injuries, be c ar eful not to put your hands on the edge of the machine under the panel cover.
Do not handle the plug with wet hands. Doing this might cause an el ectr ic al shock.
To prevent injuries, be careful not to touch the area shaded in the illustration.
When moving the machine you must lift it from the base, by placi ng y our hand at each side of the unit as shown in the ill ustr ation. Do NOT carry the machine by holding the panel cover.
iv Confidential
Use caution when installing or m odifying tele phone lines. Ne ve r touch te lephone wires o r term inal s that are
not insulated unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the wall jack. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm. Never install a telephone wall jack in a wet location.
This prod uct m ust be instal led ne ar an AC po we r o utle t th at is e asily acce ssible . In c ase of em e rgencies, you
must disconnect the power cord from the AC power outlet in order to shut off power completely.
To reduce th e risk of shoc k or fire, u se onl y a No. 26 AWG or larger te lecommunic ation line cord.
Lightning and power surges can damage this product! We recommend that you use a quality surge
protection device on the AC power line and on the telephone line, or unplug the cords during a lightning storm.
When using the machine, basic safety precautions shoul d always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electri c shock and injury to persons, including the following:
1. Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath t ub, wash bo wl, kitchen sink or washing machine, in a wet basem ent or near a swimming pool.
2. Avoid using this product during a lightning from lightning.
3. Do not use this product to report a gas leak in the vicinity of t he leak .
4. Use only the power cord provided with the machine.
storm. There may be a remote risk of el ectr ic shock
v Confidential
Choosing a location
Place the machine on a flat, stable surface that is free of vibration and shocks, such as a desk. Put the machine near a tele phone wall j ack and a stan dard, g rounded AC powe r outle t. Choo se a lo cation where the tem perature remains between 50°F and 95°F (10°C and 35°C).
Avoid placing the machine in a high-traffic area. Avoid placing the machine on the carpet. Do not place the machine near heaters, air conditioners, water, chemicals, or refrigerators. Do not expose the machine to direct sunlight, excessive heat, moisture, or dust. Do not connect the machine to electrical outlets controlled by wall switches or automatic timers. Disruption of power can wipe out information in the machine’s memory. Do not connect the machine to electrical outlets on the same circuit as large appliances or other equipment
that might disrupt the power supply.
Avoid interference sources, such as speakers or the base units of cordless phones.
vi Confidential
Legal limitations for copying
vii Confidential


This chapter contains external views and names of components and describes their functions. Infor mation a bou t t he keys on the cont rol p anel is included to help you check op era tion or make adjustments.
1.1 OUTLINE .....................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 CONTROL PANEL......................................................................................................1-3
1.3 COMPONENTS...........................................................................................................1-9


Fax machine
Front view
(7) Document support
(6) USB interface connector
(8) Rear cover
(1) Control panel
(Panel cover)
(2) Ink cartridge cover
(3) Document tray
(9) External telephone
line jack
Back view
(11) Upper jam clear cover
(5) Handset*
(4) Paper tray
(10) Telephone line jack
* For models with handset
(12) Lower jam clear cover
1-1 Confidential
No. Name Description
(1) Control panel (Panel cover)
Use the keys to operate the machine. The liquid crystal display
(LCD) shows the machine operation status. (2) Ink cartridge cover Open to replace ink cartridges. (3) Document tray Scanned documents come out here.
(4) Paper tray
Load paper here. Paper will be fed into the machine, sheet by
sheet. (5) Handset* Use for telephone conversations. (6) USB interface connector Connect the USB cable here. (7) Document support This supports documents (originals) loaded. (8) Rear cover Load documents (originals) here. (9) External telephone line jack Plug in the modular plug on the external telephone line here.
(10) Telephone line jack Plug in the modular plug on the telephone line here. (11) Upper jam clear cover
Open to remove paper jammed inside the machine.
(12) Lower jam clear cover
* For models with handset
Cordless handset (For models with cordless handset)
(1) Cordless handset
No. Name Description
(1) Cordless handset Use for telephone conversations.
1-2 Confidential


Fax machine MFC3360C (U.S.A. model)
1-3 Confidential
1-4 Confidential
1-5 Confidential
European Model of the MFC3360C
The European m odel of t he MFC3360C does not have the Hook/Hold, Quality, or On/Off key, but it has the following keys that ar e not on the U.S.A . model.
Mute Puts the current phone c all on hold.
Tel/R This key is used to hav e a telephone conversation after picking up the external handset in F/T pseudo-
ringing. Also, use this key to gain access to an outside line or transfer a call to another extension when it is
connected to a PBX. Power Save
Puts the machine into Power Save m ode.
1-6 Confidential
Cordless handset (For models with cordless handset)
1-7 Confidential
LCD display screen
1-8 Confidential


The machine consists of the following ma jor components :
Document support
Control panel ASSY
Blank cover
Charge PCB*
Low clear cover
Models with cordless handset
Cordless handset*
Models with handset
Handset mount
Upper jam clear cover switch
Hook switch actuator
Head/carriage unit
Models with cordless handset
Upper jam clear cover
Rear cover
Ink cartridge cover switch
Inner frame
Models with handset
Upper jam clear cover
Rear cover
Ink absorber box
Side cover R
Antenna & cordless PCB ASSY*
Document chute ASSY
Maintenance unit
Hook switch actuator support
Registration sensor PCB
PF encoder PCB
Flushing box
Lower cover
*1 For models with cordless handset *2 For models with handset
Engine unit
MJ/PS shield unit
Power supply PCB
Document tray
Ink refill ASSY
Ink cartridge cover
Paper tray ASSY
1-9 Confidential


This cha pter list s the specifica tions of each model, which ena bles you to make a comparis on of different models.
2.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Gener al Specifications ..................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Paper S pec ifi c ations ........................................................................................2-3
2.1.3 Printable Area..................................................................................................2-6
2.2 SPECIFICATIONS LIST..............................................................................................2-7


2.1.1 General Specifications
Memory Capacity Automat ic Document Feeder (ADF) Paper Tray 100 sheets, 80 g/m Printer Type Ink Jet Print Method Piezoelectric, 376 nozzles
16 MB Up to 20 pages
(20 lb)
(47 nozzles x 2 lines staggered, for each color)
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Operating E nvi r onment 50°F to 95°F (10°C to 35°C) Best Print Quality 68°F to 91°F (20°C to 33°C) Power Source 100 to 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz (U.S.A./Canada)
16 characters x 1 line
220 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz (Europe/Asia)
Power Consumption
Minimum: Standby: Peak:
FAX1960C Minimum:
Standby: Peak:
FAX1860C Minimum:
Standby: Peak:
U.S .A. models European/Asia n/Oceanian models
4 W 6 W
27 W
7 W
4 W 6 W
26 W
8 W
30 W
4 W 6 W
27 W
2-1 Confidential
Dimensions (W x D x H)
Models with handset
407 x 292 x 214 mm (16.0 x 11.5 x 7.8 inches)
407 x 490 x 325 mm (16.0 x 19.3 x 12.8 inches)
(with document support and document tray opened)
325 mm (12.8 inches)
214 mm
(7.8 inches)
407 mm (16.0 inches)
Models with cordless handset 422 x 292 x 301 mm (16.6 x 11.5 x 11.9 inches)
422 x 490 x 325 mm (16.6 x 19.3 x 12.8 inches)
(with document support and document tray opened)
325 mm (12.8 inches)
301 mm (11.9 inches)
422 mm (16.6 inches)
292 mm (11.5 inches)
490 mm (19.3 inches)
292 mm (11.5 inches)
490 mm (19.3 inches)
6.0 kg (13.2 lb)
2-2 Confidential
2.1.2 Paper Specifications
Recomm ended Paper
Brot her Paper
Paper Type Item Paper Type Item Letter Plain BP60PL A4 Plain BP60PA Letter Glossy BP61GLL A4 Glossy BP61GLA Letter Inkjet (Photo Matte) BP60ML A4 Inkjet (Photo Matte) BP60MA 4 x 6 inch Glossy Photo BP61GLP 10 x 15 cm Glossy Photo BP61GLP
Transparencies: 3M Transparency Film
Paper Type and Si ze for Each Operation
Paper Type Paper Size
mm (inches) Cut Sheet Letter 216 x 279 (8 1/2 x 11) Yes Yes Yes A4 210 x 297 (8.3 x 11.7) Yes Yes Yes Legal 216 x 356 (8 1/ 2 x 14) Yes Yes Yes Executive 184 x 267 (7 1/4 x 10 1/2) - - Yes JIS B5 182 x 257 (7.2 x 10.1) - - Yes A5 148 x 210 (5.8 x 8.3) - Yes Yes A6 105 x 148 (4.1 x 5.8) - - Yes Cards Photo 102 x 152 (4 x 6) - Yes Yes Photo 2L 127 x 178 (5 x 7) - - Yes Index Card 127 x 203 (5 x 8) - - Yes Post Card 1 100 x 148 (3.9 x 5. 8) - - Yes Post Card 2 (Double) 148 x 200 (5. 8 x 7. 9) - - Yes Envelopes C5 Envelope 162 x 229 (6.4 x 9) - - Yes DL Envelope 110 x 220 (4. 3 x 8. 7) - - Yes COM-10 105 x 241 (4 1/8 x 9 1/2) - - Yes
Fax Copy Printer
Monarch 98 x 191 (3 7/8 x 7 1/2) - - Yes JE4 Envelope 105 x 235 (4.1 x 9.3) - - Yes Transparencies Letter 216 x 279 (8 1/2 x 11) - Yes Yes A4 210 x 297 (8.3 x 11.7) - Yes Yes
2-3 Confidential
Paper Weight, Thickness and Capacity
Pa p er Type Weight T hic knes s No. of sheets Cut Sheet Plain Paper 64 to 120 g/m2
(17 to 32 lb)
Inkjet Paper 64 to 200 g/m2
(17 to 53 lb)
Glossy Paper Up to 220 g/m2
(Up to 58 lb)
Cards Photo 4 x 6 inches Up to 240 g/m2
(Up to 64 lb)
Index Card Up to 120 g/m2
(Up to 32 lb)
Post Card Up to 200 g/m2
(Up to 53 lb)
Envelopes 75 to 95 g/m
(20 to 25 lb)
0.08 to 0.15 mm (0.003 to 0.006 inch)
0.08 to 0.25 mm (0.003 to 0.01 inch)
Up to 0.25 mm (Up to 0.01 inch)
Up to 0.28 mm (Up to 0.01 inch)
Up to 0.15 mm (Up to 0.006 inch)
Up to 0.23 mm (Up to 0.01 inch)
Up to 0.52 mm (Up to 0.02 inch)
Transparencies - - 10
* Up to 100 sheets for paper of 80 g/m2 (20 lb)
Up to 50 sheets for Legal size paper of 80 g/m
(20 lb)
Output Paper Capac ity of the Paper Tray Cover
Paper Tray Cover
Up to 50 sheets of 80 g/m2 (20 lb) (Letter)
- Transparencies or glossy paper must be picked up from the paper tray c over one pa ge at a time to avoid s mu dging.
2-4 Confidential
Do not use paper or envelopes:
that are damaged, cur l ed, wrinkled, or irregula rly shaped
2 mm (0.08 inch) or longer
2 mm (0.08 inch) or longer
that are extr emely shiny or highly textur ed that were previously printed by a printer that cannot be arr anged uniformly when sta cked that are made with a short grain
Do not use envelopes:
that are of a baggy constr uction that ar e embossed (have r aised wr i ting on them) that have clasp s on them that are not sharply creased that ar e pr epr i n ted on the inside
2-5 Confidential
2.1.3 Printable Area
The printable area depends on the settings in the application you are using. The figures below show the unprintable areas on cut sheet paper and envelopes.
Cut Sheet Paper Envelopes
(3) (4)
(1) (1)
(2) (2)
unprintable area
Paper (1) Top (2) Bottom (3) Left (4) Right
(3) (4)
Cut sheet
Envelopes 12 mm (0.47 inch) 24 mm (0.95 inch ) 3 mm (0.12 i nch) 3 mm (0.12 inch)
3 mm (0.12 inch ) 0 mm (0 inch)*
3 mm (0.12 inch ) 0 mm (0 inch)*
3 mm (0.12 inch ) 0 mm (0 inch)*
3 mm (0.12 inch ) 0 mm (0 inch)*
* Wh en y o u set the borderless pr i n ting feature t o ON. P rintable a rea depends on the printer driver set tings.
The figu res above are approx imate and the printab le area may vary depending on the type of cut sheet paper you are using.
The bo rderles s feature is not a v ailabl e for en v el o pes.
2-6 Confidential


Model name
Print Head Technology
Scanning Method CPU Speed
Back up Clock Operating
Environment Temperature (Best Print Quality)
Humidity On/Off Switch
Demo Model Yes
USA Europe Asia / Oceania USA USA
BH7 (KKCCMMYY) 47 nozzles x 2 lines / each color
5 - 35 (20 - 33) degrees Centigrade
20 - 80% (without condensation)
- Yes
FAX1860C FAX1960C
Panel Key for demo sheet
Simultaneous Operation
Test Sheet Minimum Input of
ADF (Width / Height)
Maximum Input of ADF (Width / Height)
Minimum Output of Auto Cut sheet Feeder (Width / Height)
Maximum Output of Auto Cut sheet Feeder (Width / Height)
Sheet Weight (Paper tray)
Yes: Print Quality / Alignment (in Ink Key)
89 / 127mm (3.5 / 5")
215.9 / 355.6mm (8.5 / 14")
89 / 127mm (3.5 / 5")
216 / 356mm (8.5 / 14")
64 - 220g/m2 (17 - 58lb)
Sheet Weight (ADF)
64 - 90g/mm2 (17 - 24lb)
2-7 Confidential
Model name
USA Europe Asia / Oceania USA USA
FAX1860C FAX1960C
ADF (pages) Paper Capacity
(sheets) Output Paper
Capacity (sheets) Brother Paper
(for Plain, Glossy and Inkjet)
4x6" Glossy
Recommended Paper Only for Transparency
LCD Size LCD Language English
French for
Canada model
Illuminated Mode Key
Illuminated Mode Key Color
A4 Plain
A4 Glossy
A4 Inkjet
4x6" Glossy
3M 3410 Transparency film
Depend on
each country
Fax / Scan / Copy
Yellow green for Mode key, TAD key
Yes (20)
100 (80g/m2)
50 (80g/m2)
16 x 1line
4x6" Glossy
French for Canada model
Fax / Copy
Memory Capacity
(physical: Mbytes) Memory Backup (with
battery 24 hour)
For with MC or
FAX Preview
Back Up Print:
Yes ON/OFF (in function Menu)
Memory Security Yes Transmission Lock -
Power Source AC 120V
AC 220-240V 50/60Hz AC 120V 50/60Hz
Power Consumption
27W/4W/6W 27W/4W/6W 30W/7W/8W
26W/4W/6W (Peak/Minimum/Stand by)
Energy Star
Yes Compliant Machine Noise
2-8 Confidential
+ 378 hidden pages