May 2014
FIPS Security Seal
Procedures for Brocade FCX Series and
Brocade FastIron SX Series

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Document History
Title Publication number Summary of changes Date
FIPS Security Seal Procedures for
Brocade FCX Series and Brocade
FastIron SX Series
53-1002119-01 New document May 2014
2 of 13 FIPS Security Seal Procedures for Brocade FCX Series and Brocade FastIron SX Series
Publication Number: 53-1002119-01

In this document
This document contains the instructions for the application of FIPS-compliant tamper-evident security seals to
Brocade FastIron hardware devices and includes the following sections:
• FIPS security seals
• Preparing to apply FIPS security seals
• Applying seals to Brocade devices
FIPS security seals
Each seal in the Tamper Evident Seals kit (XBR-000195) measures 1.27 cm (.5 in.) by 3.18 cm (1.25 in.) and has a
unique serial number printed on it. Seals must be correctly placed on each hardware device to satisfy the
requirements for FIPS 140-2 Level 2 compliance.
The seals should be stored in a room temperature environment—between 20 and 25ºC (68 to 77ºF). Avoid applying
seals in environments where the temperature is 10ºC (50ºF) or less.
The seals have a shelf life of one year. After that period, new seals should be purchased.
It is recommended that you follow your company’s policy for recording the seal serial numbers used and for proper
disposal of expired seals.
Once installed, if the seals are tampered with, you will be able to see the following tamper evidence:
• Appearance of a checkerboard destruct pattern
• Graphics printed within the seal can be partially visible on both the removed seal and the residue remaining on
the surface
• Residue seen under ultraviolet light
Allow the adhesive on the back of each seal at least 24 hours to cure; tamper evidence might not be visible until the
adhesive cures.
Preparing to apply FIPS security seals
The time to apply security seals varies by the number of seals required for a particular model. The application of
seals to a Brocade FastIron or NetIron can take 10 minutes or longer.
Before beginning this task, ensure that you have the proper Tamper Evident Seals Kit (part number XBR-000195)
and alcohol pads to clean the surfaces on which the seals will be affixed. Clean surfaces with alcohol and ensure
that the surfaces are dry before applying security seals.
FIPS Security Seal Procedures for Brocade FCX Series and Brocade FastIron SX Series 3 of 13
Publication Number: 53-1002119-01

Applying seals to Brocade devices
Seal placement varies by switch model. This section includes the following FIPS seal application procedures:
• Applying seals to Brocade FCX 624S-F, Brocade FCX 624S, and Brocade FCX 624S-HPOE
• Applying seals to Brocade FCX 648S and Brocade FCX 648S-HPOE devices
• Applying seals to Brocade FastIron SX 800 devices
• Applying seals to Brocade FastIron SX 1600 devices
The figures in this document show transparent representations of the seals to show the specific openings
or fasteners that the seals are designed to cover. The actual seals are opaque.
To apply security seals, ensure that the following requirements are met:
• Carefully remove the seals from the backing and place them on the device. Do not use bare fingers to handle
the labels. Using tweezers, peel away the backing slowly and carefully to avoid contaminating or disturbing the
• When applying a seal to the device, use firm pressure across the surface of the entire seal to ensure maximum
• Allow at least 24 hours for the adhesive to fully cure. Evidence of tampering might not be apparent until the
adhesive cures.
You should store any extra seals in a secure, temperature-controlled area.
Applying seals to Brocade FCX 624S-F, Brocade FCX 624S, and Brocade FCX 624S-HPOE
Use the figures in this section as a guide for security seal placement on the following Brocade FastIron devices:
• Brocade FCX 624S-F
• Brocade FCX 624S
• Brocade FCX 624S-HPOE
The connectors on the faceplates of your particular device might vary from the connectors shown on the figures, but
the placement of the seals will be the same. Figure 1 on page 5 and Figure 2 on page 6 display a Brocade FCX 624S
with seals as a model for the seal placement on the Brocade FCX 624S-F, Brocade FCX 624S, and Brocade FCX
624S-HPOE. Each of these devices requires the placement of 13 seals:
• Top: Affix 4 total seals to the top panel of the device. Affix two seals so that they cover the left and right
frontmost screws on the top panel of the device. Affix two seals so that they cover the two screws adjacent to the
frontmost screws on the top panel. See Figure 1 for correct seal orientation and positioning.
• Right and left sides: Affix 4 total seals to the left and right sides of the device--two seals on the right side and
two seals on the left side. Each seal should cover two holes on either side of the first vent section. See Figure 1
for correct seal orientation and positioning on the right side of the device. The orientation and placement of
seals on the left side mirrors the orientation and placement of seals on the right side of the device (visible in
Figure 1).
• Front: Affix one seal horizontally-aligned with half affixed to the front panel and half affixed to the bottom panel.
You must bend this seal to place it correctly. See Figure 1 for correct seal orientation and positioning.
4 of 13 FIPS Security Seal Procedures for Brocade FCX Series and Brocade FastIron SX Series
Publication Number: 53-1002119-01