registered trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States and/or in other
All other brands, products, or service names are o r may be trademar ks or service marks of, and are used
to identify, products or services of their respective owners.
Notice: This document is for infor matio nal purposes only and does not set forth any warrant y , express
or implied, concerning any equipment, equipment feature, or service offered . BROCADE reserves the
right to make changes to this docu ment at any time, without notice, and assumes no respon sibility for
its use.
Export of technical data contained in this document may r equire an export license from the United States
Brocade Communications Systems, Incorporated
, SilkWorm®2400/2800, Fabric OSTMand the BROCADE logo are trademarks or
Note Regarding Applicability of the Brocade®
SilkWorm®2400 Hardware Reference Manual
to Hewlett-Packard
Please be aware that the following updates apply to the SilkWorm 2400 Hardware Reference
Manual for Hewlett-Packard.
• Model numbers and part numbers are not applicable.
• Optional licensing information is not applicable.
• Notices, TOC, and Preface are applicable.
• Chapter 1 (Introduction) is applicable.
• Chapter 2 (Installation) is applicable, except for the following, which are not applicable:
- Option of one power supply
- Additional racking information available from Hewlett-Packard
• Chapter 3 (Diagnostics) is applicable.
• Appendix A (Specifications) is applicable. However, Table A should state that the operating
temperature is 10o to 30o, not 0o to 40o.
• Appendix B (Switch Support) is not applicable. Refer to your Hewlett-Packard support
contract for support information.
This equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are design ed to provide reason able protection against harmfu l
interference when equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equi pment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operating this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user is responsible for repairs.
VCCI Statement
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council For Interference by
Information Technolog y Equipment (VC CI). If this equipment i s used in a domestic envi ronment, radio
disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective actions.
(Japanese Text)
CE Statement
The standards compliance label on the SilkWorm 2400 Fibre Channel Switch contains the CE mark
which indicates that this system conforms to the p rov isions of the following European Council
Directives, laws, and standards:
•Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 89/336/EEC and the C omplementary
Directives 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC:
- EN550022, Class A; Emissions Industrial Environment
- EN 50082-2 Immunity Industrial Environment
- EN61000-4-2 Electro Static Discharge
- EN61000-4-3 Radiated RF
- EN61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transients
- EN61000-4-5 Surge
- EN61000-4-6 Conducted RF
- EN61000-4-11 Line Interruption
•Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC and the Complementary Directive 93/68/EEC:
The SilkWorm® 2400 Hardware Reference Manual describes how to use and maintain
the SilkWorm
The audience for this manual includes:
■ Field Technicians
How this Manual is Organized
The following table describes how the manual is organized.
2400 Switch.
Switch features and system componentsChapter 1,
Installing and setting up the switchChapter 2,
Diagnostics Chapter 3,
Technical specificationsAppendix A,
Customer supportAppendix B,
SilkWorm 2400 Hardware Reference Manualix
Switch Support
Related Publications
Other publications that may provide related information include:
■ Fabric OS Version 2.0 Manual, Part Number: 53-000 1555- 01
■ Fibre Channel Standards
For detailed information on the Fibre Channel standards, see the Fibre Channel
Association web site:
Revision Histo r y
First Draft
Second Draft
Beta Draft
Beta 3 Draft
Final Draft
Channel Update
Port 0
Figure 1-1 Front Panel
SilkWorm 2400 is an 8-port Fibre Channel Gig abit Switch that consist s of a motherboard
with connectors for s upporting up to 8 ports, a nd fabric operating sys tem for building and
managing a Fabric. A Fabric is an active, intelligent, interconnect scheme for Fibre
Channel server and storag e nodes. Figure 1-1 shows the front vie w of the SilkWorm 2400
switch. Ports are numbered sequentially starting with zero for the left most port. The
switch face plate includes a silk screen imprint of the port number. Up to two power
supplies are suppor ted, t hese are s hown to the left a nd ri ght of the s witch por ts i n Figure
1-1. This chapter disc usses:
■ Features
■ System Components
WARNING SilkWorm 2400 contains two power supplies. To remove all power from the
system, disconnect both power supply cords.
Port 7
Power Supply #1Power Supply #2
SilkWorm 2400 Hardware Reference Manual1-1
Chapter 1 Introduction
Switch Features
The switch is a high-perfo rmance Fibre Channel Gigabit Switch with the follow ing
■ Simple – Easy setup and con figurat ion. After Po wer-On Se lf-Test (POST), you
need only add th e switc h’s Internet Prot ocol (IP) ad dres s. Th e rema inde r of the
switch’s setup is autom ated .
■ Intelligent – The fabric operating system allows discovery of all connected
devices and determines optimum data paths without intervention, supporting up
to 239 interco nne ct ed sw itc he s.
■ Flexible – GBIC modules support fiber and copper transmission media. The
switch’s modular constructio n g ives the swit ch a r ange of fle xi bility in creat in g,
upgrading, maintaining, and configuring a Fabric.
■ Reliable – Hig hly in tegrat ed, re liab le, multif unct ion (AS IC) dev ices a re used
throughout the sw itch.
■ High performance – Low-latency, high-performance design requires no CPU data
path interactio n resulti ng in a worst ca se dat a transfe r late ncy o f less than two
microseconds from any port to any port at peak Fibre Channel bandwidth of 100
MB/sec. The latency may differ when the destination or device is a loop.
■ Automated congestion management – Virtual channels lets the swit ch use
sophisticated co nges tion ma nage ment te chniqu es th at are per form ed
automatically by the swit ch.
■ Cascading – You can casc ade swi tches for large Fab ric sup port. Up to 239
switches can be in terco nnecte d for a la rge Fabric w ith h undred s of Fabr ic
■ Compatibility – SilkWorm
2400 has been designed to inter-operate with the
SilkWorm 1000 series switches using a compatibility mode.
■ Universal – Switch po rts are d esigned t o support F, FL and E-p ort modes of ope ration
with the software selecting the optimum mode of operation.
A minimum aggregate r outin g cap acity o f 4,00 0,000 f rames/ sec is s pecif ied for Clas s 2,
Class 3, and Class F frames. Non-bl ocki ng t hroughput of up to 8 x 100MBytes/s ec (0.8
GBytes/sec) is provided.
A maximum switch late ncy of l ess than t wo micro seconds is specifi ed for Cl ass 2, Cl ass
3, and Class F frames when the output port is free.
The unit may be managed in-band (using Fibre Channel protocol) or out-of-band via
connecting to the 10/100BaseT Ethernet port. Management interfaces include Telnet,
SNMP, SCSI Enclosure Services (SES), or a Web Tool.
System Components
The motherboard is enclosed in an air-cool ed chassi s which ma y be eithe r mounted in a
standard rack or used as a standalone unit. The chassis includes one or two power
supplies, a fan tray , an RJ-45 Ethernet co nnection for switch se t up and management, and
a serial port. The serial port is used for recovering factory settings only and initial
configuration of the IP address for the switch if default address is not known.
Fabric Operating System
The fabric operating system is tuned for each installation. The system provides a large
number of commands and libraries to manage real time tasks.
The switch accommodates up to eight GBIC modules. All interfaces have status lights
visible from the front panel giving a quick, visual check of the GBIC’s status and
System Components
GBIC modules supported are the ShortWave Length (SWL) and LongWave Length
(LWL) fiber-optics, and Copper (Cu) versions.
If your installation requires installing less than eight GBIC modules, the unused port
positions are protected by a metal, spring-loaded door.
SWL Fiber-Optic GBIC Module
The SWL fiber-optic GBIC module, with SC connector color-coded black, is based on
short wavelength lasers supporting 1.0625 Gbps link speeds. This GBIC module
supports 50-micron multi-mode fiber optic cables, with cables up to 500 meters in
length.The GBIC module is shipped with a protective plug in place and should remain in
place if no fiber optic cable is connected to the port. Figure 1-2 shows a GBIC module.
Figure 1-2 Short wavelength Laser (SWL) fiber optic GBIC module
The SWL GBIC module uses a Class 1 laser, which complies with the 21 CFR, subpart
(J) as of the date of manufacture.
SilkWorm 2400 Hardware Reference Manual1-3
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