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The product described by this document may contain "open source" software covered by the GNU General Public License or other
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This document is designed for system administrators with a working knowledge of Layer 2 and
Layer 3 switching and routing.
If you are using a Brocade Layer 3 Switch, you should be familiar with the following protocols if
applicable to your network – IP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, ISIS, IGMP, PIM, DVMRP, and VRRP.
Supported hardware and software
Although many different software and hardware configurations are tested and supported by
Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. for 12.3 documenting all possible configurations and
scenarios is beyond the scope of this document.
The following hardware platforms are supported by this release of this guide:
• ServerIron ADX 1000
• ServerIron ADX 4000
• ServerIron ADX 8000
• ServerIron ADX 10000
Document conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats used in this
Text formatting
The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used are as follows:
ServerIron ADX Security Guidexiii
bold textIdentifies command names
Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
Identifies keywords
Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
italic textProvides emphasis
Identifies variables
Identifies document titles
code textIdentifies CLI output
For readability, command names in the narrative portions of this guide are presented in bold: for
example, show version.
Notes, cautions, and danger notices
The following notices and statements are used in this manual. They are listed below in order of
increasing severity of potential hazards.
A note provides a tip, guidance or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference
to related information.
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause
damage to hardware, firmware, software, or data.
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely
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Notice to the reader
This document may contain references to the trademarks of the following corporations. These
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CorporationReferenced Trademarks and Products
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xivServerIron ADX Security Guide
CorporationReferenced Trademarks and Products
Microsoft CorporationWindows NT, Windows 2000
The Open GroupLinux
Related publications
The following Brocade documents supplement the information in this guide:
• Release Notes for ServerIron Switch and Router Software TrafficWorks 12.2.00
• ServerIron ADX Graphical User Interface
• ServerIron ADX Server Load Balancing Guide
• ServerIron ADX Advanced Server Load Balancing Guide
• ServerIron ADX Global Server Load Balancing Guide
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latest e-mail and telephone contact information..
ServerIron ADX Security Guidexv
xviServerIron ADX Security Guide
Network Security
TCP SYN attacks
ServerIron software contains many intrusion detection and prevention capabilities. The ServerIron
can be configured to defend against a variety of TCP SYN attacks, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks,
and Smurf attacks.
TCP SYN attacks disrupt normal traffic flow by exploiting the way TCP connections are established.
When a normal TCP connection occurs, the connecting host first sends a TCP SYN packet to the
destination host. The destination host (actually the ServerIron, acting as an intermediary between
the source and destination hosts) responds with a SYN ACK packet. The connecting host then
returns an ACK packet. This process, known as a “TCP three-way handshake”, establishes the TCP
A TCP SYN attack floods a host with TCP SYN packets. For each of these TCP SYN packets, the
ServerIron responds with a SYN ACK packet and adds an entry to its session table. However, no
ACK packet is actually sent back, so the connection is incomplete. If the attacker sends enough
TCP SYN packets, the session table fills up with incomplete connections, and service can be denied
to legitimate TCP connections.
IP TCP syn-proxy
Configure the ip tcp syn-proxy command as shown in the following.
1. Configure syn-proxy in the global mode.
ServerIronADX(config)# ip tcp syn-proxy
Syntax: ip tcp syn-proxy
You must configure ip tcp syn-proxy command only at the global level, to turn on and off the
global syn-proxy flag.
2. Enable syn-proxy on each interface handling inbound SYN requests (no change here).
ServerIronADX(config)#interface e 3/1
ServerIronADX(config-if-3/1)# ip tcp syn-proxy in
Usage guidelines:
• The default value for a valid ACK time is 32 seconds and is not user configurable.
• If you enter a value, it is ignored. The command remains in the config file the way you enter it,
in case you need to downgrade to the previous release.
ServerIron ADX Security Guide1
Granular application of syn-proxy feature
• ServerIron may accept the ACK during 33 seconds to 64 seconds due to the syn-proxy
algorithm, but it does not accept the ACK after 64 seconds.
• If you enter a value for the ip tcp syn-proxy <value> command from the CLI or upgrade from an
older release such as 09.4.x to 09.5.2a with the ip tcp syn-proxy <value> command in the
config file, you receive the following warning message.
Warning: The value 10 is being ignored.
Default ACK validate time of 32 seconds will be used.
To change the MSL value, issue 'server msl <value>'.
Granular application of syn-proxy feature
This feature applies to ServerIron ADX Syn-Proxy. When this feature is enabled, traffic destined to a
virtual server IP is denied if the destination port is not defined under any of the virtual server
This feature prevents ServerIron ADX from responding with TCP SYN-ACK to TCP SYN for ports not
defined under VIP.
Use the following command to validate traffic against a configured virtual port.
ServerIronADX(config)# server syn-cookie-check-vport
Syntax: [no] server syn-cookie-check-vport
Use SYN-def (also known as SYN-Defense) to protect the hosts behind the ServerIron (not the
ServerIron itself) by the ServerIron to complete the TCP three-way handshake on behalf of a
connecting client. There is no SYN-cookie functionality with SYN-def.
SYN-Defense is recommened for only where Direct Server Return (DSR) is used. DSR is not
supported with SYN-proxy and is supported with SYN-def. For non DSR scenarios, use Syn-Proxy only.
show server traffic
Use the show server traffic command to display information about the number of times the
incomplete connection threshold was reached.
The last line contains information relevant to the incomplete connection threshold. The TCP
SYN-DEF RST field displays the number of times the incomplete connection threshold was reached.
The Server Resets field displays the number of times the ServerIron sent a TCP RESET packet to
the destination real server.
The SYN-def feature allows the ServerIron to complete the TCP three-way handshake on behalf of a
connecting client. When a connecting client sends a TCP SYN to a server, the ServerIron forwards
the SYN to the real server, then forwards the SYN ACK from the server to the client. Next, the
ServerIron sends an ACK to the real server, completing the three-way handshake on behalf of the
connecting client. This action allows the real server to move the connection from its pending
connection queue to its established (and much larger) connection queue.
Use the server syn-def-dont-send-ack command to prevent the ServerIron from sending the ACK to
the real server to complete the three-way handshake.
Use the show server debug command to display information about the configuration, as shown in
the following example.
ServerIron ADX Security Guide3
No response to non-SYN first packet of a TCP flow
SLB-chassis1/1#show server debug
Generic Deug Info
BP Distribution = Enabled JetCore = No
No of BPs = 3 No of Partner BPs = 0
Partner Chassis MAC = 0000.0000.0000
Partner BP1 MAC = 0000.0000.0000 Partner BP2 MAC = 0000.0000.0000
Partner BP3 MAC = 0000.0000.0000 Partner BP4 MAC = 0000.0000.0000
Partner BP5 MAC = 0000.0000.0000 Partner BP6 MAC = 0000.0000.0000
Server Load Balancing Debug Info
Total Get = 3 Total Free = 0
Get Fails = 0 Get Buffer failure = 0
Forward Sp = 0 Reverse Sp = 0
Bad creates = 0 TCP Resets = 0
Fw resets = 0 Rev Resets = 0
Double Free = 0 Error = 0
Free inv Sess Idx = 0 Free list Idx inv = 0
Cache-Reassigns = 0 Trans-Denied = 0
Multi Path Fwd Use = 0 Multi Path Rev Use = 0
Bad non-owner = 0 Select Fwall = 0
FTP-trans-error = 0 Cache track-error = 0
Fw tcp inside move = 0 Fw udp inside move = 0
Fw SYNC delayed = 0 ownership contention = 0
FW stale to conns = 0 FW stale to delq con = 0
FW stale from conns = 0 FW stale from delq c = 0
FW stale from nuke c = 0 Sac frwds = 0
Unxpectd udata = 0 Unxpectd udata(def) = 0
Client->Server = 0 Server->Client = 0
Drops = 0 Aged = 0
Fw_drops = 0 Rev_drops = 0
FIN_or_RST = 0 old-conn = 0
Disable_drop = 0 Exceed_drop = 0
Stale_drop = 0 Unsuccessful = 0
SYN def/proxy RST = 0 Server Resets = 0
Out of Memory = 0 Out of Memory = 0
last conn rate = 0 max conn rate = 0
last TCP attack rate = 0 max TCP attack rate = 0
fast vport found = 0 fast vport n found = 0
Fwd to non-static FI = 0 Dup stale SYN = 0
TCP forward FIN = 0 TCP reverse FIN = 0
Fast path FWD FIN = 0 Fast path REV FIN = 0
Fast path SLB SYN = 0 Dup SYN after FIN = 0
Duplicate SYN = 0 Duplicate sessions = 0
TCP ttl FIN recvd = 0 TCP ttl reset recvd = 0
Sessions in DEL_Q = 0 Sess force deleted = 0
Fwd sess not found = 0 sess already in delQ = 0
Sess rmvd from delQ = 0
Fragment buf full er = 0 Incoming TCP cksum e = 0
New sess sync sent = 0 New sess sync recvd = 0
L4 msg sent = 0 L4 msg recvd = 0
foundry packet sent = 0 ipc packet sent = 2818942
TCP SYN received = 0 TCP SYN dropped = 0
TCP SYN to MP = 0 TCP SYN ACK to MP = 0
TCP SYN ACK received = 0 TCP SYN ACK dropped = 0
TCP pkt received = 0 TCP pkt dropped = 0
TCP pkt to MP = 0 PBSLB tftp status = In progres
Total C->S Conn = 0 Total S->C Conn = 0
Total Reassign = 0 Unsuccessful Conn = 0
Server State - 0: diasbled, 1:enabled, 2:failed, 3:test, 4:suspect, 5:grace_dn, 6:active
Real Server St CurrConn TotConn TotRevConn CurrSess PeakConn
R1 1 0/0/0 0 0 0 0
rs1 1 0/0/0 0 0 0 0
No response to non-SYN first packet of a TCP flow
ServerIron can remain passive for non-SYN packet in the beginning of the flow. The default
behavior is to send TCP RESET to client when a non-SYN packet is received in the beginning.
4ServerIron ADX Security Guide
By default, when ServerIron ADX receives TCP packet that is destined to VIP and there is no session
match then it sends TCP reset to the sender. However, if one desires to remain passive then the
above feature can be enabled.
To not send the reset packet, use the following command.
ServerIronADX(config)# server reset-on-syn-only
To remove the configuration, use the following command.
ServerIronADX(config)# no server reset-on-syn-only
Syntax: [no] server reset-on-syn-only
Prioritizing management traffic
ServerIron ADX software allows the system to prioritize traffic destined to the management IP
address in order to facilitate uninterrupted access to the ServerIron switch even under heavy load
conditions. This feature allows you to prioritize management traffic based on the following.
1. Client IP address/subnet
2. Protocol (TCP/UDP/IP) and
Prioritizing management traffic
3. TCP or UDP port number
With this feature turned on, the specified traffic is directly forwarded to the Management Module in
hardware. In the following example, traffic from the source subnet and destined to
management IP for TCP port 22 (SSH) is prioritized.
ServerIronADX(config)# server prioritize-mgmt-traffic 6 22
Syntax: server prioritize-mgmt-traffic <source ip> <mask> <destination ip> [<protocol>] [<port>]
The <source ip> variable specifies the Source IP address.
The <mask> variable specifies the Mask for the source IP address.
The <destination ip> variable specifies the Destination management IP address. The destination IP
address must already be configured on the ServerIron ADX. If the IP address is not configured, the
command is rejected.
The <protocol> variable specifies any protocol.
The <port> variable specifies a TCP or UDP port.
It is also possible to prioritize management traffic from any source ip as shown in the example
ServerIronADX(config)# server prioritize-mgmt-traffic any 6 22
Syntax: [no] server prioritize-mgmt-traffic any <destination ip> [<protocol>] [<port>]
The prioritizing management traffic feature should not be enabled for a ServerIron ADX router VE
address if this interface is used for source-NAT as that would break the SLB traffic flow.
Refer to the following examples.
Prioritization of TCP port 80 traffic to management IP
ServerIron ADX Security Guide5
Peak BP utilization with TRAP
ServerIronADX# server prioritize-mgmt-traffic 6
Prioritization of TCP port 80 traffic to management IP from any source IP address
ServerIronADX# server prioritize-mgmt-traffic any 6 80
Prioritization of UDP port 2222 traffic to management IP
ServerIronADX# server prioritize-mgmt-traffic 17
Prioritization of IP protocol 89 (OSPF) traffic to management IP
ServerIronADX# server prioritize-mgmt-traffic 89
Protection against attack in hardware
ServerIron ADX allows for protection against attack in hardware without impacting MP or BP CPU
utilization. Configure the server the drop-all-mgmt-access command to drop all traffic destined to a
specified management IP address.
The following command drops all traffic destined to the management IP address
ServerIronADX(config)# server drop-all-mgmt-access
Syntax: [no] server drop-all-mgmt-access <destination ip>
For a router, the destination IP address is the physical or ve interface IP address For a switch, the
destination IP address is the management IP address.
The server drop-all-mgmt-access feature when used in combination with the server
prioritize-mgmt-traffic feature allows you to prioritize valid traffic while blocking unwanted traffic
destined to the management IP address.
For example, with the following configuration, only ssh, telnet and http traffic destined to
management IP address will be prioritized and all other traffic destined to
The show cpu-utilization command displays CPU utilization peaks since the system boot or the last
reset of counters (using the clear cpu utilization command).
The command, clear cpu-utilization, on both the MP and the BP is used to reset the counter.
6ServerIron ADX Security Guide
Transaction Rate Limit (TRL)
BP utilization threshold
The bp-utilization-threshold command allows you to specify a threshold for BP CPU utilization.
Define this command under the global configuration mode.
When the threshold is exceeded, the event is logged and a trap is sent. The log and trap are
rate-limited to one per two minutes.
The command takes a percentage string as parameter.
Transaction Rate Limit, allows the ServerIron ADX to monitor and limit traffic from any one IP
Understanding transaction rate limit
Transaction Rate Limit counts the number of transactions received from any one IP address. If the
transaction count exceeds a specified threshold value, traffic from that IP address is held and not
processed for a specified number of minutes.
Transaction rate limit provides the flexibility to specify different configurations for different clients,
based on the client IP address/prefix.
Transaction rate limit provides the following benefits:
• Ability to apply a default transaction rate limit value to all clients, while maintaining an
exception list.
• Ability to apply a different transaction rate limit rate per client IP or prefix.
• Ability to exclude specific IP addresses or prefixes from transaction rate limit and maintain an
exclude list.
• Ability to apply transaction rate limit to traffic coming to a specific VIP only.
ServerIron ADX Security Guide7
Transaction Rate Limit (TRL)
• Ability to operate on a per VIP basis, whereby a different rate limit can be applied to traffic
Configuring transaction rate limit
To enable transaction rate limit, you must configure parameters for each client address/prefix and
apply the transaction rate limit configuration to a specific VIP.
Before you can configure transaction rate limit, you must configure a virtual server. The following
example shows how to configure a virtual server.
ServerIronADX> enable
ServerIronADX# config terminal
ServerIronADX(config)# server virtual-name-or-ip bwVIP
Syntax: [no] server virtual-name-or-ip <vip-name-or-address> <ip address>
Configure transaction rate limit rule set
coming to a different VIP.
The transaction rate limit parameters are grouped into a set and each set is associated with a
name. To create a set of transaction rate limit rules, follow these steps.
1. Enable privileged EXEC mode.
ServerIronADX> enable
2. Enter global configuration mode.
ServerIronADX# configure terminal
3. Configure name of a transaction rate limit rule set and enter client transaction rate limit
configuration mode.
You can specify a default transaction rate limit configuration for all other clients that are not
explicitly configured. To create a transaction rate limit default for a group, follow these steps.
1. Enable privileged EXEC mode.
ServerIronADX> enable
2. Enter global configuration mode.
ServerIronADX# configure terminal
3. Specify name of transaction rate limit rule set and enter client transaction rate limit
configuration mode.
5. The transaction rate limit policy pertaining to the protocol and the port must be applied to
either the physical or the virtual interface for pass through traffic. This will ensure that the
traffic is brought to the application processor (BP) for rate-limitation.
Applying policy on physical interface
ServerIronADX(config) # interface eth 1/1
ServerIronADX(config-if-1/1) # ip tcp trans-rate 80
Applying policy on virtual interface
ServerIronADX(config) # interface ve 20
ServerIronADX(config-vif-20) # ip udp trans-rate 53
Syntax: [no} ip tcp | udp trans-rate <ports>
Syntax: [no} ip icmp trans-rate
The <ports> parameter specifies one or more TCP or UDP ports to monitor. You can monitor up
to four ports.
Apply transaction rate limit to a VIP
After configuring transaction rate limit, you must bind transaction rate limit to a VIP. To enable
transaction rate limit, follow these steps.
1. Enable privileged EXEC mode.
ServerIronADX> enable
10ServerIron ADX Security Guide
Transaction Rate Limit (TRL)
2. Enter global configuration mode.
ServerIronADX# configure terminal
3. Specify server virtual-name-or-ip command and VIP name to enter virtual server configuration
ServerIronADX(config)# server virtual-name-or-ip bwVIP
Syntax: [no] server virtual-name-or-ip <name-or-address>
5. The transaction rate limit policy pertaining to the protocol and the port must be applied to
either the physical or the virtual interface for traffic hitting to Virtual IP.
Applying policy on physical interface
ServerIronADX(config) # interface eth 1/1
ServerIronADX(config-if-1/1) # ip tcp trans-rate 80
Applying policy on virtual interface
ServerIronADX(config) # interface ve 20
ServerIronADX(config-vif-20) # ip udp trans-rate 53
Syntax: [no} ip tcp | udp trans-rate <ports>
Syntax: [no} ip icmp trans-rate
The <ports> parameter specifies one or more TCP or UDP ports to monitor. You can monitor up
to four ports.
Deleting all TRL rules in a policy
You can delete all TRL rules in a policy as shown.
This is the same format as the show running-configuration command generates.
Configuring the maximum number of rules
By default a TRL a policy can have up to 2500 IPv4 rules and 2500 IPv6 rules. A maximum of
15,000 IPv4 and 15,000 IPv6 rules are supported on a ServerIron ADX for all policies. While the
maximum number of rules cannot be increased over the 15,000 maximum, these limits can be
changed globally or locally per-policy.
Changing the maximum number of rules globally.
You can change the maximum number of TRL rules globally on a ServerIron ADX for all policies as
The max-ipv4-rules parameter specifies that the rules limit is being set for IPv4 rules.
The max-ipv6-rules parameter specifies that the rules limit is being set for IPv6 rules.
The <rules-count> variable specifies the number of rules that will be supported globally. The
maximum values (also the default) are: 15,000 for IPv4 and 15,000 for IPv6.
Changing the maximum number of rules locally per-policy.
You can change the maximum number of TRL rules for an individual policy on a ServerIron ADX for
as shown.
The max-ipv4-rules parameter specifies that the rules limit is being set for IPv4 rules for the
specified policy.
The max-ipv6-rules parameter specifies that the rules limit is being set for IPv6 rules for the
specified policy.
The <rules-count> variable specifies the number of rules that will be supported for the specified
policy that this command is being configured under. The default values are: 2500 for IPv4 and
2500 for IPv6. The value for each (IPv4 and IPv6) can be set to any number as long as the global
limits are observed.
12ServerIron ADX Security Guide
Transaction Rate Limit (TRL)
Saving a TRL configuration
The following applies to saving a TRL config:
• the startup-config cannot store 15,000 IPv4 and 15,000 IPv6 rules.
• If the total number of IPv4 and IPv6 rules exceeds 2500, issuing the write mem command
stores the TRL rules in the “trl_conf.txt” file on the internal USB drive.
• the policy config and global/local maximum rule count config is always stored in the
Disabling the storage of TRL rules on the internal USB drive
By default, storage of TRL rules on the internal USB drive of a ServerIron ADX is enabled. You can
disable the storage of TRL rules on the internal USB drive of a ServerIron ADX as shown.
ServerIronADX(config)# no client-trans-rate-limit usb-config-gen
Syntax: no client-trans-rate-limit usb-config-gen
Where the storage of TRL rules on the internal USB drive of a ServerIron ADX is disabled and the
total rules exceeds 2500, only 2500 rules would be saved in startup-config.
Transaction rate limit command reference
This section describes the syntax, semantics, and usage for each transaction rate limit command.
This section contains the following sections:
• “client-trans-rate-limit”
• “trl”
Use the client-trans-rate-limit command in the global configuration mode to configure a transaction
rate limit rule name and traffic type.
If TRL per client subnet is not needed, Global TRL can be used to create a configuration to apply to
all the incoming traffic.
Use ip [tcp | udp | icmp] trans-rate to enable TRL on the ServerIron for TCP, UDP, or ICMP traffic. If
any more than a specified number packets per second come from the same IP address over a
specified interval, then all traffic from that IP address is held down for a specified number of
monitor-interval <interval> Amount of time used to measure incoming traffic. This parameter is
specified in increments of 100ms. For example, to measure traffic over a 1 second interval, you
would specify 10 for this.
conn-rate <rate> Threshold for the number of connections per second from any one IP address.
Traffic exceeding this rate over the specified interval is subject to hold down.
hold-down-time <minutes> Number of minutes that traffic from an IP address that has sent
packets at rate higher than the configured threshold is to be held down.
ServerIronADX(config)# ip tcp trans-rate monitor-interval 600 conn-rate 100
hold-down-time 5
This command configures the ServerIron to monitor incoming TCP traffic. If more than 100 TCP
connections per second arrive from the same IP address over a 60-second interval (600 X 100ms),
then all TCP traffic from that IP address is held down for 5 minutes.
To apply TRL to TCP traffic coming into port 80 on interface 1/1.
ServerIronADX(config)# interface ethernet 1/1
ServerIronADX(config-if-1/1)# ip tcp trans-rate 80
where <ports> sets one or more TCP or UDP ports to monitor. With TRL, the ServerIron can monitor
up to 4 specific ports. The ServerIron can also monitor traffic to all the ports by configuring the
default port.
TRL plus security ACL-ID
Even though TRL is applied to an interface and effects all traffic received on this interface, with the
security acl-id <acl-num> command TRL can be applied only to specific traffic coming in on that
interface.Refer to “security acl-id” on page 15.
security acl-id
The security global command accepts acl-id <acl-num> as a parameter.
Syntax: [no] security acl-id <id>
ServerIronADX(config)# security acl-id 4
Once security acl-id <acl-num> is configured, only packets matching the configured ACL will be
subject to the L4 security rules configured on the system. (Specifically, TRL and manual hold down
will take effect only for packets matching this configured ACL). If you want specific traffic to bypass
the L4 security features, then do not include those IP addresses in the access list.
The security acl-id takes precedence over all TRL configuration.
Transaction rate limit hold-down value
if you configure "hold down 0," the incoming request is not held down. Instead it generates a log.
Displaying TRL rules statistics
You can display statistics for TRL rules as shown.
Syntax: show client-trl rules-stat
Displaying TRL rules in a policy
You can display TRL rules in a policy as shown.
ServerIron ADX Security Guide15
Transaction Rate Limit (TRL)
ServerIronADX#show client-trl trl-policy1 ipv6 40
Max Count: 2500 Total Count: 2
source destination vers attempt start last HD time Any tcp0000ab6ae 00000000 Y9 Any tcp0000ab6ea 00000000 Y9
Syntax: show client-trl <policy-name> { ipv4 | ipv6} <index>
The <policy-name> variable specifies the TRL policy that you want to display rules for.
The show client-trl command displays entries in the TRL policy list, starting from the point specified
with the <index> parameter.
Displaying IP address with held down traffic
To display a list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses whose traffic has been held down, enter commands
such as the following.
Syntax: rconsole <slotnum> <cpunum>
Syntax: show security holddown
The following table lists the output from the show security holddown command.
TABLE 1Output from the show security holddown command
sourceSource IPv4 or IPv6 address that is currently being held down
destinationTCP, UDP, or ICMP depending on the type of traffic sent by the client.
versUsed by Brocade Technical Support.
attemptNumber of connection attempts made by the client during the current monitoring interval.
startTime stamp representing the start of the monitoring interval.
lastTime stamp representing the last time the ServerIron received a connection request from
the client.
HDWhether the IP address is currently being held down. Y indicates that the address is being
held down. N indicates that it is not.
timeTime remaining for this IP address to be held down, if the HD field contains Y.
Refusing new connections from a specified IP address
Use the security hold-source-ip command to refuse new connections from a specified IP address
for a specified amount of time. This feature applies to all TCP, UDP, and ICMP traffic originating
from the specified IP address.