Brocade Communications Systems Brocade 8/12c, Network Advisor 11.1.X User Manual

53-1002321-01 13 May 2011
Brocade Network Advisor
Migration Guide
Supporting Network Advisor 11.1.X
Copyright © 2010-2011, Brocade Communications Systems, Incorporated.
Brocade, the B-wing symbol, BigIron, DCX, Fabric OS, FastIron, IronPoint, IronShield, IronView, IronWare, JetCore, NetIron, SecureIron, ServerIron, StorageX, and TurboIron are registered trademarks, and Network Advisor, Extraordinary Networks, and SAN Health are trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States and/or in other countries. All other brands, products, or service names are or may be trademarks or service marks of, and are used to identify, products or services of their respective owners.
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Document History
Title Publication number Summary of changes Date
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 53-1002321-01 New document. May 2011
In this guide
Feature support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Network Advisor packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Management server and client ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Migration paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Pre-migration requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Installing the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cross operating system migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
DCFM migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Network Advisor migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Network Advisor 11.0.X to 11.1.X command mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Cross flavor migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Unsupported server migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Configuring an explicit server IP address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
IPv6 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Syslog troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
In this guide
Feature support
Tab le 1 details whether the SAN features are supported in the Professional, Professional Plus, or Enterprise
versions, or only through the Element Manager of the device.
TABLE 1 SAN features supported
Feature Description Professional Professional
Access Gateway Management Access Gateway topology display
Firmware download SupportSave Performance statistics Configuration file management
Active Sessions Active sessions Yes Yes Yes
Call Home Support all Call centers
SupportSave for Fabric OS switches Support last 100 events
Configuration Management Periodic configuration backup and persistence No Yes Yes
Manual backup
Save configuration
Configuration repository management No Yes Yes
Replicate switch configuration No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 3 of 82 53-1002321-01
Feature support
TABLE 1 SAN features supported (Continued)
Feature Description Professional Professional
Network Advisor Client
Authentication Authorization Auditing
Deployment Manager Yes Yes Yes
Encryption Layer 2 FC support Yes Yes Yes
Encryption configuration and monitoring No Yes Yes
Fabric Binding Fabric Binding No Yes Yes
Fabric Watch All Fabric Watch features Element
Fault Management Show switch events
FCIP Management FCIP configuration wizard
FICON/CUP Cascaded FICON configuration wizard No No Yes
Network Advisor user management No Yes Yes
Access Gateway – Cisco interop suppor t No Yes Yes
Device decommissioning No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Show fabric events Event actions Pseudo events Syslog registration and forwarding SNMP trap registration and forwarding
NOTE: Professional edition does not support
Event actions, Pseudo events, Syslog forwarding, and SNMP trap forwarding.
Yes Yes Yes Tro ubl eshoot ing
FCIP performance FCIP ping FCIP traceroute
Cascaded FICON Fabric merge wizard No No Yes
PDCM Matrix Element
Firmware Management and SupportSave
HBA Management Discovery Yes Yes Yes
HBA Port/Storage port mapping HBA port/Storage port mapping Yes Yes Yes
High Integrity Fabric High Integrity Fabric No Yes Yes
IPv6 Server - Client support
Firmware download Yes Yes Yes
Capture SupportSave Yes Yes Yes
Configuration Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Server - Server support Server - Switch support
TABLE 1 SAN features supported (Continued)
Feature support
Feature Description Professional Professional
Client - Server support
NOTE: Raw IPv6 is not supported for Client -
Server communication (Northbound address) due to a JBOSS version limitation.
iS CSI D isc over y Discove r y Yes Yes Yes
License New License Key No Yes Yes
Limited M-EOS fabric support Features that support M-EOS switches
Mixed fabric support Pure fabric support
Meta-SAN Routing configuration No Yes Yes
Domain ID configuration No Yes Yes
M-EOS Element Manager Switch configuration for M-EOS switches
through Element Manager
Migration Migration from legacy EFCM and Fabric
Name Server Collection and Views Yes Yes Yes
Open Trunking Support Display trunks on the topology Yes Yes Yes
Display trunks properties Yes Yes Yes
Displ ay m arc hin g ant s Yes Yes Yes
Display connections properties Yes Yes Yes
Performance management Real Time Performance
Collection Display Reports (5-second intervals on selected ports)
Historical Performance
Collection Display Reports (5-minute intervals on selected ports)
Thresholds No Yes Yes
Top talkers No Yes Yes
Marching ants No Yes Yes
Performance aging No Yes Yes
End-to-End monitors No Yes Yes
Policy Monitor Best practice monitoring Yes Yes Yes
Port Administration All Port Administration features Element
Port Fencing Port Fencing policy configuration for M-EOS
No No No
No Yes Yes
No Yes Yes
No No No
Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes
No Yes Yes
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 5 of 82 53-1002321-01
Feature support
TABLE 1 SAN features supported (Continued)
Feature Description Professional Professional
RBAC User management No Yes Yes
Reports Generate Yes Yes Yes
View Ye s Yes Ye s
Scalability Up to 1000 port support Yes Yes Yes
Up to 2560 port support No Yes Yes
Up to 9000 port support No No Yes
Security management Replicate switch policy configuration No Yes Yes
SNMP configuration Yes Yes Yes
L2 ACL Yes Yes Yes
SMI Agent Server Profile
Fabric Profile Indication Sub Profile Zone Control Sub Profile Enhanced Zoning and Enhanced Zoning
Control Sub Profile FDMI (Fabric Device Management Interface)
Sub Profile Fabrics Virtual Fabrics Sub Profile Topology View Sub Profile FC HBA (Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter)
Profile Fan, Power Supply, and Sensor Profiles Inter Fabric Routing (FCR) Profile Tru nking CP Blade Sub Profile CEE (Converged Enhanced Ethernet) Launch In Context Profile Switch Profile Role Based Authorization(CEE ACL) Profile N port Virtualizer (AG NPIV) Profile Profile Registration Sub Profile Object Manager Adapter Sub Profile Fabric Views Sub Profile Physical Package Sub Profile Software Sub Profile Access Points Sub Profile Location Sub Profile Fabric Switch Partitioning Sub Profile FC Initiator Ports Sub Profile Fabric and Host discovery SAN Zoning
Switch configuration management Basic configurations through Element Manager Element
Switch port enable/disable Switch port enable/disable through right-click
No Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
TABLE 1 SAN features supported (Continued)
Feature support
Feature Description Professional Professional
Tel net Tel net
NOTE: Telnet through the server is only
supported on Windows systems.
Tool launcher Tool launcher (Setup tools) No Yes Yes
Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Device connectivity troubleshooting wizard Yes Yes Yes
Tra c e Rou te Ping
Fabric device sharing No Yes Yes
Diagnostic Port Test
Virtual Fabrics Discovery Yes Yes Yes
Configuration No Yes Yes
VM Plugin Support VM Plugin No Yes Yes
Zoning Member selection Yes Yes Yes
Zone editing Yes Yes Yes
Live fabric library scope Yes Yes Yes
Qo S su ppor t Yes Yes Yes
Zone alias support Yes Yes Yes
Delete Zone database No Yes Yes
Impac t an alys is Yes Yes Ye s
Remove offline devices No Yes Yes
TI Zones Yes Yes Yes
Device to Zone / zoneset participation analysis Yes Yes Yes
LSAN Zones No Yes Yes
Rolling back to an activated zone database No Yes Yes
Import or export a zone database No Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 7 of 82 53-1002321-01
Network Advisor packages
Network Advisor packages
Tab le 2 summarizes the packages and available versions for each package.
TABLE 2 Packages and versions
Package Versions
SAN with SMI Agent Licensed Version—Enterprise
SAN—Support for 24 fabrics, 10,000 devices, and 9,000 switch ports
Licensed Version—Professional Plus
SAN—Support for 4 fabrics, 4,096 devices, and ,2560 switch ports
SAN—Support for 1 fabric and 1,000 ports
NOTE: SMI Agent is not supported on Professional.
SMI Agent only N/A
Management server and client ports
The Management application has two parts: the Server and the Client. The Server is installed on one machine and stores device-related information; it does not have a user interface. To view information through a user interface, you must log in to the Server through a Client. The Server and Clients may reside on the same machine, or on separate machines. If you are running Professional, the server and the client must be on the same machine.
In some cases, a network may utilize virtual private network (VPN) or firewall technology, which can prohibit communication between Switches and the Servers or Clients. In other words, a Server or Client can find a Switch, appear to log in, but is immediately logged out because the Switch cannot reach the Server or Client. To resolve this issue, check to determine if the ports in the table below need to be opened up in the firewall.
Professional edition does not support remote clients.
Tab le 3 lists the ports that need to be opened up in the firewall for Professional.
TABLE 3 Professional ports
Port Number Ports Transport Description Communication Path Open in Firewall
1, 2
25 SMTP Server port TCP SMTP Server port for E-mail
49 TACACS+ Authentication port TCP TACACS+ server port for
FTP Port (Control) TCP FTP Control port for internal
FTP server
FTP Port (Data) TCP FTP Data port for internal
FTP server
SSH or Secure Telnet TCP Sectelnet port from server to
switch/client to switch
Telnet TCP Telnet port from server/client
to switch
authentication if TACACS+ is chosen as an external authentication
Client–Server Switch–Server
Client–Server Switch–Server
Server–Switch Client–Switch
Server–Switch Client–Switch
Server–SMTP Server
Server–TACACS+ Server
No Yes
No Yes
Management server and client ports
TABLE 3 Professional ports (Continued)
Port Number Ports Transport Description Communication Path Open in Firewall
80 jboss.web.http.port TCP Non-SSL HTTP/1.1 connector
Client–Server No
3, 4, 5
636 LDAP Authentication SSL port TCP LDAP server port for
Switch http TCP Switch non-SSL http port for
http and CAL communication
Server–Switch Client–Switch
SNMP Port UDP Default SNMP port Server–Switch Yes
snmp.trap.port UDP Default SNMP trap port Switch–Server Yes
Syslog Port UDP Default Syslog Port Switch–Server Yes
authentication if LDAP is
Server–LDAP Server
chosen as an external authentication and SSL is enabled
5432 Database port (Enforced during install) TCP Port used by database Server–Database
Remote ODBC– Database
24600 jboss.naming.jnp.port - port 0 TCP Bootstrap JNP service port Client–Server No
24601 jboss.connector.ejb3.port - port 1 TCP EJB3 connector port Client–Server No
24602 jboss.connector.bisocket.port - port 2 TCP Bisocket connector port Client–Server No
24603 jboss.connector.bisocket.secondary.port
- port 3
TCP Bisocket connector secondary
Client–Server No
24604 jboss.naming.rmi.port - port 4 TCP RMI naming service port Client–Server No
24605 jboss.jrmp.invoker.port - port 5 TCP RMI/JRMP invoker port Client–Server No
24606 jboss.pooled.invoker.port - port 6 TCP Pooled invoker port Client–Server No
24607 jboss.connector.socket.port - port 7 TCP Socket invoker port Server No
24608 jboss.web.ajp.port - port 8 TCP AJP 1.3 connector port Server No
24609 jboss.web.service.port – port 9 TCP Web service port Server No
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 9 of 82 53-1002321-01
Management server and client ports
TABLE 3 Professional ports (Continued)
Port Number Ports Transport Description Communication Path Open in Firewall
24610 connector.bind.port – port 10 TCP Port to listen for requests on Server No
1 Port is not configurable (either in the switch or the Management server).
2 Every FTP session requires an additional port which is randomly picked. If the firewall is enabled then FTP operation (used for firmware
download, technical support, firmware import (from client-server) and so on.) will fail.
3 Ports configurable in the switch and the Management server. Port must be the same for all switches managed by the Management
4 Ports used to launch the Web Tools application for Fabric OS switches from the Management client. This is applicable only when the
Fabric OS version is earlier than 6.1.1.
5 Port 80 is the default web server port number. If you set the web server port number to a port other than the default, you must open that
port in the firewall.
6 The Syslog listening port is configurable in the Management server. The switch always sends syslog messages to port 514. If you have
any other syslog daemon on the Management server machine already listening to 514, then the Management Server can be configured to listen to a different port. You must manually configure relay in existing syslogd to forward the syslog messages to the Management Server listening on the configured port.
7 The Management server tries to find a contiguous block of 13 ports from the starting port configured (for example, 24600); if any port in
this range is not available for the Management application, then you must provide a new starting port. Note that Port 1 to Port 12 in “Ports” column of the table above are not separately configurable and those ports vary based on the starting port number configuration (specified as Port 0 in the above table). The port numbers mentioned in the table above are the default ports (for example, when 24600 is selected as the starting port number).
Tab le 4 lists the ports that need to be opened up in the firewall for Trial and Licensed Version.
TABLE 4 Trial and Licensed Version ports
Port Number Ports Transport Description Communication Path Open in Firewall
1, 2
25 SMTP Server port TCP SMTP Server port for E-mail
49 TACACS+ Authentication port TCP TACACS+ server port for
80 jboss.web.http.port TCP Non-SSL HTTP/1.1 connector
3, 4
FTP Port (Control) TCP FTP Control port for internal
FTP server
FTP Port (Data) TCP FTP Data port for internal
FTP server
SSH or Secure Telnet TCP Sectelnet port from server to
switch/client to switch
Telnet TCP Telnet port from server/client
to switch
authentication if TACACS+ is
Client–Server Switch–Server
Client–Server Switch–Server
Server–Switch Client–Switch
Server–Switch Client–Switch
Server–SMTP Server
Server–TACACS+ Server
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
chosen as an external authentication
Client–Server Yes
Switch http TCP Switch non-SSL http port for
http and CAL communication
Server–Switch Client–Switch
SNMP Port UDP Default SNMP port Server–Switch Yes
snmp.trap.port UDP Default SNMP trap port Switch–Server Yes
Management server and client ports
TABLE 4 Trial and Licensed Version ports (Continued)
Port Number Ports Transport Description Communication Path Open in Firewall
389 LDAP Authentication Server Port TCP LDAP server port for
authentication if LDAP is
Server–LDAP Server
chosen as an external authentication
3, 4, 5
636 LDAP Authentication SSL port TCP LDAP server port for
Switch https TCP Switch SSL http port for https
and CAL communication
Server–Switch Client–Switch
Syslog Port UDP Default Syslog Port Switch–Server Yes
authentication if LDAP is
Server–LDAP Server
chosen as an external authentication and SSL is enabled
1, 7
1812 RADIUS Authentication Server Port TCP RADIUS server port for
MPI TCP MPI trap recipient port Switch–Server Yes
authentication if RADIUS is
Server–RADIUS Server
chosen as an external authentication
1, 9
MPI TCP MPI discovery NMRU port Server–Switch Yes
MPI TCP MPI discovery NMRU port for
Server–Switch Yes
Database port (Enforced during install) TCP Port used by database Server–Database
Remote ODBC– Database
1, 5, 7
5988 SMI Agent port TCP SMI Agent port SMI Agent Server–
MPI TCP XML-RCP port for SSL Server–Switch Yes
5989 SMI Agent port with SSL enabled TCP SMI Agent port with SSL
1, 7
MPI TCP XML-RCP port/HTTP port Server–Switch Yes
jboss.naming.jnp.port - port 0 TCP Bootstrap JNP service port Client–Server Yes
SMI Agent Server– Client
24601 jboss.connector.ejb3.port - port 1 TCP EJB3 connector port Client–Server Yes
24602 jboss.connector.bisocket.port - port 2 TCP Bisocket connector port Client–Server Yes
24603 jboss.connector.bisocket.secondary.port
- port 3
jboss.connector.sslbisocket.port - port 4 TCP SSL Bisocket connector port Client–Server Yes
jboss.connector.sslbisocket.secondary.p ort - port 5
TCP Bisocket connector secondary
TCP SSL Bisocket connector
secondary port
Client–Server Yes
Client–Server Yes
24606 smp.registry.port - port 6 TCP RMI registry port Client–Server Yes
24607 smp.server.export.port - port 7 TCP RMI export port Client–Server Yes
24608 smp.server.cliProxyListening port - port 8TCP CLI proxy telnet port Client–Server Yes
24609 jboss.naming.rmi.port - port 9 TCP RMI naming service port Client–Server Yes
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 11 of 82 53-1002321-01
Management server and client ports
TABLE 4 Trial and Licensed Version ports (Continued)
Port Number Ports Transport Description Communication Path Open in Firewall
24610 jboss.jrmp.invoker.port - port 10 TCP RMI/JRMP invoker port Client–Server Yes
24611 jboss.pooled.invoker.port - port 11 TCP Pooled invoker port Client–Server Yes
24612 jboss.connector.socket.port - port 12 TCP Socket invoker port Server No
24613 jboss.web.ajp.port - port 13 TCP AJP 1.3 connector port Server No
24614 jboss.web.service.port – port 14 TCP Web service port Server No
24615 connector.bind.port – port 15 TCP Port to listen for requests on Server No
Client Export Port TCP Client port to which server
55556 Launch in Context (LIC) client hand
shaking port
pushes the M-EOS device Element Manager updates
TCP Client port used to check if a
Management application client opened using LIC is running on the same host
NOTE: If this port is in use, the
application uses the next available port.
Server–Client Yes
Client No
1 Port is not configurable (either in the switch or the Management server).
2 Every FTP session requires an additional port which is randomly picked. If the firewall is enabled then FTP operation (used for firmware
download, technical support, firmware import (from client-server) and so on.) will fail.
3 Ports configurable in the switch and the Management server. Port must be the same for all switches managed by the Management
4 Ports used to launch the Web Tools application for Fabric OS switches from the Management client. This is applicable only when the
Fabric OS version is earlier than 6.1.1.
5 Port used for SSL communication. If SSL is enabled, you must open 443*, 24604, and 24605 in the firewall. If SSL is not enabled, port
80* must be open in the firewall and 443*, 24604, and 24605 can be closed. An asterisk (*) denotes the default web server port number. If you set the web server port number to a port other than the default, you must open that port in the firewall.
6 The Syslog listening port is configurable in the Management server. The switch always sends syslog messages to port 514. If you have
any other syslog daemon on the Management server machine already listening to 514, then the Management Server can be configured to listen to a different port. You must manually configure relay in existing syslogd to forward the syslog messages to the Management Server listening on the configured port.
7 Ports used for communicating with M-EOSn (M-i10K) directors. M-i10K always uses NMRU over SSL (2049). M-i10K always uses 8080
for http requests (firmware download, configuration backup/ restore, data collection). If M-EOSn firmware version is less than 9.1 the Management application uses 8080 for XML-RPC requests (discovery and asset collection). If the M-EOSn firmware version is more than 9.1 then it always uses SSL port (4430) for XML-RPC.
8 Port must be opened in firewall for the server when the remote ODBC client needs to talk to the Management database server (Only for
EE). The same port is used by the Management server to database server (local). This is not used by the Management client.
9 Ports used for communicating with M-EOS (excluding M-i10K) switches (only required when the Management server manages M-EOS
10 Port should be opened in firewall in the Management client to allow communication between server and client (only applicable for
M-EOS switches). If this port is not opened in the firewall, then the M-EOS element manager does not receive updates. Also if multiple clients are opened, it will try to use the next available port (55556). So if there are n clients opened in the same machine then you must open 55555 (configurable) to 55555 + n ports in the firewall.
11 The Management server tries to find a contiguous block of 16 ports from the starting port configured (for example, 24600); if any port in
this range is not available for the Management application, then you must provide a new starting port. Note that Port 1 to Port 15 in “Ports” column of the table above are not separately configurable and those ports vary based on the starting port number configuration (specified as Port 0 in the above table). The port numbers mentioned in the table above are the default ports (for example, when 24600 is selected as the starting port number).
System requirements
System requirements
Use the following sections to determine if you have met the requirements for this application.
“Operating system requirements” on page 13
“Host requirements” on page 15
“Memory requirements” on page 15
“Disk space requirements” on page 16
“Browser requirements” on page 16
“Client and server system requirements” on page 17
“Scalability requirements” on page 17
Operating system requirements
Tab le 5 summarizes the required Operating Systems (OS) for servers and the packages supported by each OS
TABLE 5 Server operating system requirements
Operating system Version Guest OS version Supported packages
2003 Server SP2 (32-bit)
2008 Server (32-bit)
SAN with SMI Agent SMI Agent only
XP Professional SP3 (32-bit)
7 Professional (32-bit)
2008 R2 Data Center
Edition (64-bit)
SAN with SMI Agent SMI Agent only
2008 R2 Standard Edition
2008 R2 Enterprise Edition
RedHat AS 4.8 (32-bit)
RedHat 5.5 Advanced
Platform (32-bit)
SAN with SMI Agent SMI Agent only
SuSE ES 10 SP 1, 11
Oracle Enterprise 5.X
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 13 of 82 53-1002321-01
System requirements
TABLE 5 Server operating system requirements (Continued)
Operating system Version Guest OS version Supported packages
VMware ESX Server 4
vCenter 4.1
Windows 2003 Server SP2
Windows 2008 Standard
Edition (32-bit)
ESX Server 4
vCenter 4.1
Windows 2008 R2 Data Center
Edition (64-bit)
Windows 2008 R2 Standard
Edition (64-bit)
Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise
Edition (64-bit)
Linux RedHat 5.5 Advanced
Platform (32-bit)
Linux SuSE ES 10 SP 1, 11
Linux Oracle Enterprise 5.X
Tab le 6 summarizes the required OS for clients.
TABLE 6 Client operating system requirements
Operating system Version Guest OS version
2003 Server SP2 (32-bit)
2008 Server (32-bit)
XP Professional SP3 (32-bit)
7 Professional (32-bit)
2008 R2 Data Center Edition (64-bit)
2008 R2 Standard Edition (64-bit)
2008 R2 Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
RedHat AS 4.8 (32-bit)
RedHat 5.5 Advanced Platform (32-bit)
SuSE ES 10 SP 1, 11 (32-bit)
Oracle Enterprise 5.X (32-bit)
ESX Server 4
vCenter 4.1
ESX Server 4
vCenter 4.1
Windows 2003 Server SP2 (32-bit)
Windows 2008 Standard Edition (32-bit)
Windows 2008 R2 Data Center Edition (64-bit)
Windows 2008 R2 Standard Edition (64-bit)
Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
Linux RedHat 5.5 Advanced Platform (32-bit)
Linux SuSE ES 10 SP 1, 11 (32-bit)
Linux Oracle Enterprise 5.X (32-bit)
SAN with SMI Agent SMI Agent only
SAN with SMI Agent SMI Agent only
System requirements
Host requirements
Tab le 7 summarizes the minimum required host requirements for running Network Advisor SAN with SMI Agent on
Windows and Linux systems.
TABLE 7 SAN with SMI Agent host requirements
Professional Professional Plus Enterprise
Small Medium Large LAN
Server plus one local client
Remote client only
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
N/A Intel Core2 duo
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
2GHz or equivalent
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
Intel Dual CPU Core2 duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
Intel Dual CPU Core2 duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
Tab le 8 summarizes the minimum required host requirements for running SMI Agent only on Windows and Linux
TABLE 8 SMI Agent only host requirements
Small Medium Large
Server plus one local client
Remote client only
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
Intel Dual CPU Core2 duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
Intel Dual CPU Core2 duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent
Intel Core2 duo 2GHz or equivalent
Memory requirements
Tab le 9 summarizes the minimum required system memory requirements for running Network Advisor SAN with SMI
Agent on Windows and Linux systems.
These requirements are only applicable when no other applications are running on Network Advisor.
Paging space should be equal to or exceed the physical memory size.
TABLE 9 SAN with SMI Agent memory requirements
Server/Client Professional Professional
Server plus 1 local client 2 GB (32-bit)
3 GB (64-bit)
Remote client only N/A 1 GB 1 GB 2 GB 2 GB
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 15 of 82 53-1002321-01
3 GB (32-bit) 4 GB (64-bit)
Enterprise Small Medium Large
3 GB (32-bit) 4 GB (64-bit)
4 GB (32-bit) 6 GB (64-bit)
4 GB (32-bit) 6 GB (64-bit)
System requirements
Tab le 10 summarizes the minimum required system memory requirements for running SMI Agent only on Windows
and Linux systems.
TABLE 10 SMI Agent only memory requirements
Server/Client Enterprise
Small Medium Large
Server plus 1 local client 3 GB 4 GB 4 GB
Remote client only 1 GB 2 GB 2 GB
Disk space requirements
Tab le 11 summarizes the minimum required disk space requirements for running Network Advisor SAN with SMI
Agent on Windows and Linux systems.
TABLE 11 SAN with SMI Agent disk space requirements
Server/Client Professional Professional
Server plus 1 local client 10 GB 10 GB 20 GB 40 GB 60 GB
Remote client only N/A 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
Enterprise Small Medium Large
Tab le 12 summarizes the minimum required disk space requirements for running SMI Agent only on Windows and
Linux systems.
TABLE 12 SMI Agent only disk space requirements
Server/Client Enterprise
Small Medium Large
Server plus 1 local client 20 GB 40 GB 60 GB
Remote client only 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
If you enable periodic supportSave or configure the Network Advisor server as the Upload Failure Data Capture location for monitored switches, then additional disk space will be required. Each switch supportSave file is approximately 5 MB and each Upload Failure Data Capture file is approximately 500 KB. To determine the disk space requirements, multiply the frequency of scheduled supportSave files by 5 MB and the expected Upload Failure Data Capture files by 500 KB before the planned periodic purge activity.
Browser requirements
The launch of Network Advisor and the launch of Element Manager (Web Tools) from the application are supported from the following browsers with a Java plug-in:
- Windows Internet Explorer under Windows
- Firefox under Windows or Linux
Java Plug-ins
- Oracle JRE 1.6.0 update 24 for Network Advisor
- Oracle JRE 1.6.0 update 24 for WebTools
System requirements
Client and server system requirements
Network Advisor has the following client and server system requirements:
Professional Edition — A single server supports a single client (local client only).
Professional Plus Trial — A single server supports a maximum of 8 clients (local or remote).
Professional Plus Licensed Version — A single server supports a maximum of 8 clients (local or remote).
Enterprise Trial — A single server supports a maximum of 8 clients (local or remote).
Enterprise Licensed Version — A single server supports a maximum of 8 clients (local or remote).
Scalability requirements
Tab le 13 through Table 18 summarize the scalability limits for support with Network Advisor.
TABLE 13 Enterprise-supported limits by SAN size
Small Medium Large
Number of Fabrics 81624
Number of Domains 20 60 120
Number of Switch Ports 2000 5000 9000
Number of Device Ports 5000 10000 20000
Number of Access Gateways 20 30 40
Performance Monitoring Polling 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
TABLE 14 Professional Plus-supported limits by SAN size
Values Limits
Number of Fabrics 4
Number of Domains 20
Number of Switch Ports 2560
Number of Device Ports 4096
Number of Access Gateways 20
Performance Monitoring Polling 5 minutes
TABLE 15 Professional-supported limits by SAN size
Values Limits
Number of Fabrics 1
Number of Domains 10
Number of Switch Ports 1000
Number of Device Ports 1000
Number of Access Gateways 5
Performance Monitoring Polling N/A
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System requirements
TABLE 16 Supported limits by SAN size for mixed fabrics (Fabric OS and M-EOS fabrics)
Values Small Medium Large
Number of Fabrics 81624
Number of Domains 10 30 60
Number of Switch Ports 1000 2500 5000
Number of Device Ports 2500 5000 10000
Number of Access Gateways 20 30 40
Performance Monitoring Polling 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
TABLE 17 Supported limits by SAN size for pure M-EOS fabrics
Small Medium Large
Number of Fabrics 81624
Number of Domains 10 30 60
Number of Switch Ports 1000 2500 5000
Number of Device Ports 2500 5000 10000
Number of Access Gateways 20 30 40
Performance Monitoring Polling 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
TABLE 18 Enterprise-supported limits by SAN size for SMI Agent only on pure Fabric OS fabrics
Small Medium Large
Number of Fabrics 81624
Number of Domains 20 60 120
Number of Switch Ports 2000 5000 9000
Number of Device Ports 5000 10000 20000
Number of Access Gateways 20 30 40
System requirements
TABLE 19 Supported limits by SAN size for SMI Agent only on mixed fabrics (Fabric OS and M-EOS fabrics)
Values Small Medium Large
Number of Fabrics 81624
Number of Domains 10 30 60
Number of Switch Ports 1000 2500 5000
Number of Device Ports 2500 5000 10000
Number of Access Gateways 20 30 40
TABLE 20 Supported limits by SAN size for SMI Agent only on pure M-EOS fabrics
Small Medium Large
Number of Fabrics 81624
Number of Domains 10 30 60
Number of Switch Ports 1000 2500 5000
Number of Device Ports 2500 5000 10000
Number of Access Gateways 20 30 40
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Migration paths
Migration paths
You cannot migrate directly from EFCM or Fabric Manager to Network Advisor 11.1.X. To migrate from EFCM or Fabric Manager, you must first migrate to DCFM 10.3.X, then migrate to DCFM 10.4.X, then migrate to Network Advisor 11.1.X. For more information about migrating from EFCM or Fabric Manager to DCFM 10.3.X, contact your customer representative.
You cannot migrate directly from INM to Network Advisor 11.1.X. You must first migrate to Network Advisor 11.0.X, then migrate to Network Advisor 11.1.X. To migrate from INM to Network Advisor 11.1.X, contact your customer representative.
You cannot migrate directly from DCFM 10.0.X, DCFM 10.1.X or DCFM 10.3.X to Network Advisor 11.1.X. You must first migrate to DCFM 10.4.X, then migrate to Network Advisor 11.1.X. To migrate from DCFM 10.0.X, DCFM 10.1.X or DCFM 10.3.X to DCFM 10.4.X, contact your customer representative.
Tab le 21 shows the migration paths from DCFM. For the step-by-step migration procedures, refer to “DCFM migration” on page 27.
TABLE 21 DCFM migration paths
Current version Professional version Trial version Licensed Version
Professional Plus
DCFM 10.4.X Professional Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DCFM 10.4.X Professional Plus trial No Yes Yes Yes Yes
DCFM 10.4.X Professional Plus edition No No No Yes Yes
DCFM 10.4.X Enterprise trial No No Yes No Yes
DCFM 10.4.X Enterprise edition No No No No Yes
Enterprise Professional
Tab le 22 shows the migration paths from SMI Agent only. For the step-by-step migration procedures, refer to “DCFM SMI Agent migration” on page 40 or “Network Advisor SMI Agent migration” on page 71.
TABLE 22 SMI Agent only migration paths
Current version Professional version Trial version Licensed Version SMI Agent only
Professional Plus
DCFM 10.4.X SMI Agent only No No No No No Yes
Network Advisor 11.0.X SMI Agent only
Network Advisor 11.1.X SMI Agent only
No No No No No Yes
No No No No No Yes
Enterprise Professional
Migration paths
Tab le 23 shows the migration paths from SAN with SMI Agent. For the step-by-step migration procedures, refer to “Network Advisor migration” on page 43.
TABLE 23 Network Advisor migration paths
Current version Professional version Trial version Licensed Version
Professional Plus
Network Advisor 11.0.X Professional Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Network Advisor 11.0.X Mid-Market trial No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Network Advisor 11.0.X Mid-Market edition No No No Yes Yes
Network Advisor 11.0.X Enterprise trial No No Yes No Yes
Network Advisor 11.0.X Enterprise edition No No No No Yes
Network Advisor 11.1.X Professional Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Network Advisor 11.1.X Professional Plus trial No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Network Advisor 11.1.X Professional Plus edition No No No Yes Yes
Network Advisor 11.1.X Enterprise trial No No Yes No Yes
Network Advisor 11.1.X Enterprise edition No No No No Yes
Enterprise Professional
Tab le 24 shows the migration paths from Brocade and Non-Brocade SAN with SMI Agent. For the migration
procedures, refer to “Cross flavor migration” on page 73.
Cross flavor migration is only supported within the same release and version.
TABLE 24 Cross flavor migration paths
Current version Professional version Trial version Licensed Version
Professional Plus
11.1.X Professional Yes No No No No
11.1.X Professional Plus trial No Yes No No No
11.1.X Professional Plus edition No No No Yes No
11.1.X Enterprise trial No No Yes No No
11.1.X Enterprise edition No No No No Yes
Brocade Network Advisor Migration Guide 21 of 82 53-1002321-01
Enterprise Professional
Pre-migration requirements
Pre-migration requirements
Before you install Network Advisor, make sure you meet the following pre-migration requirements for each platform.
Pre-migration requirements on Windows systems
Before you migrate from your current software edition, complete the following:
Make sure all system requirements have been met prior to installation. For specific system requirements, refer
to “System requirements” on page 13.
Make sure that you fully back up your current Management application data on your management server.
Make sure you close all instances of the application before migrating.
Make sure to install Network Advisor on the same system as your current Management application.
Make sure that the current application services are running.
For DCFM, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start > Programs > DCFM 10.X.X > Server Management Console (where 10.X.X is 10.4.0 or later) from the DCFM server.
2. Click the Services tab.
The tab lists the DCFM services.
3. Click Start, if necessary.
Pre-migration requirements on UNIX systems
Before you migrate from your current software edition, complete the following:
Make sure all system requirements have been met prior to installation. For specific system requirements, refer
to “System requirements” on page 13.
Make sure that you fully back up your current Management application data on your management server.
Make sure you close all instances of the application before upgrading.
Make sure to install Network Advisor on the same system as your current Management application.
Make sure that the current application services are running.
For DCFM, complete the following steps:
1. Go to Install_Home/bin.
2. Execute ./smc or sh smc.
3. Click the Services tab.
The tab lists the DCFM services.
4. Click Start, if necessary.
Check for and install the latest Java patches for your operating system. Network Advisor requires Oracle
JRE 1.6.0_24. For the website listing patch information, go to
Make sure that an X Server is available for display and is configured to permit X Client applications to display
from the host on which they are installing the Network Advisor Server (typically, this simply requires that the systems console be present and running with a logged in user on the X Server-based desktop session, such as KDE, GNOME, and so on).
Pre-migration requirements
Make sure that the DISPLAY environment variable is correctly defined in the shell with a valid value (for example,
to display to the local console, export DISPLAY=:0.0, or to display to a remote system that has an X Server running, export DISPLAY=
You may also need to consider a firewall that might block the display to the X Server which listens by default on TCP port 6000 on the remote host.
To display to a remote system you need to permit the remote display of the X Server by running command xhost +IP, where IP is the IP address of the Network Advisor server host from the X-based desktop of the remote system.
Make sure you test the DISPLAY definition by running the command xterm from the same shell from which you
install.bin. A new X terminal window to the destination X Server display should open.
Additional requirements for Professional to Licensed Version migration
Before you migrate from Professional to Licensed Version, complete the following steps.
1. Partially uninstall the application.
a. Choose one of the following options:
(Windows systems) Select Start > Programs > Network Advisor 11.X.X > Uninstall Network Advisor.
(UNIX systems) Go to Install_Home/Uninstall_Network_Advisor11_X_X and execute
b. Select Partial Uninstall on the Uninstall Option screen:
c. Click Uninstall.
d. Click Done on the Uninstall Complete screen.
2. Make sure the Professional edition services are running:
a. Select Start > Programs > Network Advisor 11.0.X > Server Management Console from the Network Advisor
b. Click the Services tab.
The tab lists the Network Advisor services.
c. Click Start, if necessary.
Additional trial requirements
Two versions of the Management application (DCFM, Network Advisor, or INM) cannot reside on the same host
unless there are two guest operating system’s on the same host.
Data collected during the Trial cannot be migrated back to the Professional software.
Data collected during Enterprise trial cannot be migrated back to Professional or Professional Plus software.
Once the Enterprise trial period expires, you must upgrade to a Licensed Version.
A trial to full software upgrade can also be performed by updating the license key in the License dialog box of
the trial client.
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Installing the application
Installing the application
Use Tab le 25 to help install the application.
TABLE 25 Management application installation
Operating system Procedures
Windows or UNIX systems
To install the application, review the following sections:
“Pre-migration requirements on Windows systems” on page 22
“Pre-migration requirements on UNIX systems” on page 22
“Additional requirements for Professional to Licensed Version migration” on page 23
“Additional trial requirements” on page 23
“Installing the application” on page 24
Use this procedure to install Network Advisor SAN with SMI Agent or SMI Agent only on both Windows and UNIX systems.
To install the new application version, complete the following steps.
1. Insert the installation DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
For Windows systems, if autorun is enabled, the DVD Index page launches automatically. Click the Install
If autorun is not enabled, open this file: DVD_Drive\Application_Name\windows\install.exe.
For UNIX systems, open this file: DVD_Drive\Application_Name\UNIX_Platform\install.bin.
2. Click Next on the Introduction screen.
3. Read the agreement on the License Agreement screen, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement, and click Next.
4. Select the usual location for your system application files (for example, D:\Program Files\Application_Name
11.1.X or opt/Application_Name 11_1_X) on the Select Install Folder screen and click Next.
Do not install to the root directory C:\ (Windows) or / (UNIX).
5. Review the displayed installation summary on the Pre-Installation Summary screen and click Install.
6. Make sure the Launch Configuration check box is selected (default) on the Installation Complete screen, and click Done.
To migrate data and configure the application, refer to one of the following sections:
“Cross operating system migration” on page 25
“DCFM migration” on page 27
“Network Advisor migration” on page 43
“Cross flavor migration” on page 73
“Unsupported server migration” on page 74
Cross operating system migration
Cross operating system migration
Network Advisor 11.1.0 is not supported on the Solaris or Windows Vista operating systems. To migrate from DCFM on Solaris, you must first migrate to a Windows or Linux operating system. To migrate from DCFM on Windows Vista, you must first migrate to a supported Windows operating system.
Solaris to Windows migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Solaris to Linux migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Windows Vista to supported Windows migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Unsupported server migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Solaris to Windows migration
The Windows operating system version must match the Solaris version.
Migrating DCFM 10.4.X data from Solaris to Windows To migrate data from DCFM 10.4.X on Solaris to Windows, complete the following steps.
1. Configure the Samba server, if necessary. Refer to “Configuring the Samba server on Solaris” on page 25.
2. Perform a partial uninstall of DCFM 10.4.X. Refer to “Uninstalling from UNIX systems” on page 82
3. Share and copy the partially uninstalled source from Solaris to Windows.
4. Install DCFM 10.4.X on Windows and migrate the DCFM 10.4.X Solaris data to DCFM 10.4.X Windows. Refer to
the DCFM 10.4.X Migration Guide.
5. Install Network Advisor 11.1.X on Windows and migrate from DCFM 10.4.X. Refer to “DCFM migration” on
page 27.
Configuring the Samba server on Solaris The Samba server running on Solaris allows sharing the file system with Windows. Use the Samba server to migrate
data across operating systems.
If the Samba server is not already configured, complete the following steps.
1. Create a backup copy.
For example, cp -p /etc/sfw/smb.conf /etc/sfw/smb.conf.old.
2. Open the smb.conf file ( /etc/sfw/smb.conf) in a text editor.
3. Go to the line workgroup = WORKGROUP.
4. Change the line workgroup = WORKGROUP to match your Windows workgroup or domain (for example
workgroup = SOMECOMPANY).
5. Go to the following paragraph in the smb.conf file and update the folder to share to Windows.
A publicly accessible directory, read/write to all users. Note that all files created in the directory by users will be owned by the default user, so any user with access can delete any other user's files. Obviously this directory must be writable by the default user. Another user could of course be specified, in which case all files would be owned by that user instead.
Path = /opt (Folder to share to Windows operating system)
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