Brocade Communications Systems NetIron CES 2000 Series Hardware Manual

h 31, 2009
NetIron CES 2000 Series
Hardware Guide
Copyright © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Document History
Title Publication number Summary of changes Date
NetIron CES 2000 Series New document March 2009


BOUT THIS GUIDE..................................................................................... 1-1
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................1-1
PDATES TO THIS MANUAL .........................................................................................................................1-1
UDIENCE ..................................................................................................................................................1-2
OMENCLATURE .........................................................................................................................................1-2
ELATED PUBLICATIONS .............................................................................................................................1-2
OW TO GET HELP OR REPORT ERRORS ....................................................................................................1-2
EB ACCESS .......................................................................................................................................1-2
MAIL ACCESS ...................................................................................................................................1-2
ELEPHONE ACCESS ............................................................................................................................1-2
ARRANTY COVERAGE ...............................................................................................................................1-3
RODUCT OVERVIEW .................................................................................. 2-1
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................2-1
RODUCT OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................2-2
OFTWARE FEATURES ................................................................................................................................2-2
PGRADE APPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................2-3
ARDWARE FEATURES ...............................................................................................................................2-3
ETIRON CES 2024C .........................................................................................................................2-3
ETIRON CES 2024F ..........................................................................................................................2-3
ETIRON CES 2048C .........................................................................................................................2-4
ETIRON CES 2048CX .......................................................................................................................2-5
ETIRON CES 2048F ..........................................................................................................................2-5
ETIRON CES 2048FX .......................................................................................................................2-5
ONTROL FEATURES ............................................................................................................................2-5
ERIAL MANAGEMENT INTERFACE (CONSOLE PORT)....................................................................... 2-5
ETIRON CES 2000 SERIES NETWORK INTERFACES...................................................................... 2-6
UPPORTED OPTICS ...................................................................................................................... 2-7
March 2009 © 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc. iii
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
PORT REGIONS ............................................................................................................................. 2-9
ETWORK INTERFACES ........................................................................................................................2-9
OWER SUPPLIES ..............................................................................................................................2-11
OWER SUPPLIES.................................................................................................................. 2-12
................................................................................................................................................... 2-12
BOUT REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLIES AND POWER SUPPLY FAILURE........................................... 2-12
OOLING SYSTEM AND FANS ..............................................................................................................2-13
ETIRON CES 2000 SERIES FANS ....................................................................................................2-13
NSTALLATION............................................................................................. 3-1
UNPACKING A SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................3-1
ACKAGE CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................................3-1
ENERAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................3-1
UMMARY OF INSTALLATION TASKS .............................................................................................................3-2
NSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS .......................................................................................................................3-3
IFTING PRECAUTIONS .........................................................................................................................3-3
OWER PRECAUTIONS .........................................................................................................................3-3
REPARING THE INSTALLATION SITE ............................................................................................................3-4
ABLING INFRASTRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................3-4
NSTALLATION LOCATION ......................................................................................................................3-4
NSTALLING A REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................3-5
NSTALLING AN AC POWER SUPPLY ......................................................................................................3-5
NSTALLING AN DC POWER SUPPLY ......................................................................................................3-7
NSTALLING THE DEVICE ..............................................................................................................................3-8
ESKTOP INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................3-8
ACK MOUNT INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................3-8
ORWARD RACK MOUNT POSITION ................................................................................................ 3-9
EVERSE RACK MOUNT POSITION .............................................................................................. 3-12
NSTALLATION STEPS ................................................................................................................... 3-12
OWERING ON THE SYSTEM .....................................................................................................................3-13
ERIFYING PROPER OPERATION ...............................................................................................................3-14
BSERVING THE POWER STATUS LEDS ..............................................................................................3-14
S FOR POWER AND FAN STATUS FOR THE NETIRON CES 2024 MODELS................................ 3-14
S FOR POWER AND FANS FOR THE NETIRON CES 2048 MODELS .......................................... 3-16
TTACHING A PC OR TERMINAL ................................................................................................................3-16
TO A NETWORK DEVICE .............................................................................. 4-1
ASSIGNING PERMANENT PASSWORDS .........................................................................................................4-1
ONFIGURING IP ADDRESSES .....................................................................................................................4-2
UPPORT OF SUB-NET MASKS .............................................................................................................4-3
SSIGNING AN IP ADDRESS TO A MANAGEMENT INTERFACE ..................................................................4-3
NABLING AND DISABLING THE INTERFACES ..........................................................................................4-5
NDERSTANDING HOW THE MANAGEMENT PORT FUNCTIONS .......................................................................4-5
iv © 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc. March 2009
CONNECTING A NETIRON CES 2000 SERIES SWITCH .................................................................................4-5
NSTALLING A FIBER-OPTIC MODULE .....................................................................................................4-6
ABLING A FIBER-OPTIC MODULE .........................................................................................................4-6
LEANING FIBER-OPTIC MODULES ........................................................................................................4-6
ANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS...................................................................... 5-1
LOGGING ON THROUGH THE CLI .................................................................................................................5-1
N-LINE HELP .....................................................................................................................................5-1
OMMAND COMPLETION .......................................................................................................................5-2
CROLL CONTROL ................................................................................................................................5-2
INE EDITING COMMANDS .....................................................................................................................5-2
EARCHING AND FILTERING OUTPUT FROM CLI COMMANDS ..................................................................5-3
EARCHING AND FILTERING OUTPUT FROM SHOW COMMANDS......................................................... 5-3
EARCHING AND FILTERING OUTPUT AT THE --MORE-- PROMPT ...................................................... 5-5
SING SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN REGULAR EXPRESSIONS............................................................... 5-6
AINTAINING THE HARDWARE..................................................................... 6-1
HARDWARE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE .........................................................................................................6-1
EPLACING A POWER SUPPLY ....................................................................................................................6-1
NSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS ........................................................................................6-2
ETERMINING WHICH POWER SUPPLY FAILED ......................................................................................6-2
OWER SUPPLIES ..........................................................................................................................6-2
EMOVING AN AC POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................ 6-3
NSTALLING AN AC POWER SUPPLY ............................................................................................... 6-3
ERIFYING PROPER OPERATION ...........................................................................................................6-3
ISPLAYING THE STATUS OF THE POWER SUPPLIES ..............................................................................6-4
NSTALLING OR REPLACING A 10-GIGABIT ETHERNET MODULE .....................................................................6-5
EMOVING A 2 X10-GIGABIT ETHERNET MODULE ..................................................................................6-5
NSTALLING A 2 X10-GIGABIT ETHERNET MODULE .................................................................................6-5
EPLACING A FIBER OPTIC MODULE ...........................................................................................................6-6
EMOVING A FIBER OPTIC MODULE ......................................................................................................6-6
NSTALLING A NEW FIBER OPTIC MODULE .............................................................................................6-7
ABLING A FIBER OPTIC MODULE .........................................................................................................6-7
LEANING THE FIBER-OPTIC CONNECTORS .................................................................................................6-7
PGRADING THE SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................6-7
IMAGES AND PROCEDURES REQUIRED ..................................................................................................7-1
ESCRIPTION OF THE SOFTWARE IMAGES REQUIRED ............................................................................7-2
PGRADING THE MULTI-SERVICE IRONWARE SOFTWARE ................................................................ 7-2
ISPLAYING FLASH MEMORY AND VERSION INFORMATION .....................................................................7-3
March 2009 © 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc. v
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
DISPLAYING FLASH INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 7-3
ISPLAYING VERSION INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 7-5
ACKING UP THE CURRENT SOFTWARE IMAGES ....................................................................................7-5
IRTUAL INTERFACE MODULE ...............................................................................................................7-5
PGRADING THE DEVICES MONITOR AND BOOT IMAGES .......................................................................7-6
OADING AND SAVING CONFIGURATION FILES .............................................................................................7-7
OPYING A CONFIGURATION FILE TO OR FROM A TFTP SERVER ..........................................................7-7
AKING LOCAL COPIES OF THE STARTUP CONFIGURATION FILE ............................................................7-8
YNAMIC CONFIGURATION LOADING ............................................................................................................7-8
SAGE CONSIDERATIONS............................................................................................................... 7-8
REPARING THE CONFIGURATION FILE ........................................................................................... 7-8
OADING THE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION INTO THE RUNNING-CONFIG ...........................................7-10
SING SNMP TO SAVE AND LOAD CONFIGURATION INFORMATION .............................................................7-10
RASING IMAGE AND CONFIGURATION FILES ..............................................................................................7-11
CHEDULING A SYSTEM RELOAD ...............................................................................................................7-11
ELOADING AT A SPECIFIC TIME .........................................................................................................7-11
ELOADING AFTER A SPECIFIC AMOUNT OF TIME ................................................................................7-11
IAGNOSTIC ERROR CODES AND REMEDIES FOR TFTP TRANSFERS ..........................................................7-12
PGRADE KIT CONTENTS ..........................................................................................................................7-13
ARDWARE INSTALLATION .........................................................................................................................7-14
AUTIONS AND WARNINGS..........................................................................A-1
CAUTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. A-1
ARNINGS ................................................................................................................................................ A-7
EGULATORY STATEMENTS ........................................................................B-1
U.S.A. ...................................................................................................................................................... B-1
NDUSTRY CANADA STATEMENT ................................................................................................................. B-1
UROPE AND AUSTRALIA ........................................................................................................................... B-1
ERMANY ................................................................................................................................................. B-1
APAN ....................................................................................................................................................... B-2
OREA ...................................................................................................................................................... B-2
HINA ....................................................................................................................................................... B-2
ARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS.......................................................................C-1
HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................... C-1
OWER SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................... C-1
HYSICAL DIMENSIONS ........................................................................................................................ C-2
PERATING ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................. C-3
vi © 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc. March 2009
STORAGE ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................... C-3
OOLING ........................................................................................................................................... C-3
AFETY AGENCY APPROVALS .............................................................................................................. C-3
LECTROMAGNETIC APPROVALS .......................................................................................................... C-4
ORT SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................................C-4
ONSOLE PORT PIN ASSIGNMENTS ..................................................................................................... C-4
ANAGEMENT PORT PIN ASSIGNMENTS ............................................................................................... C-5
March 2009 © 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc. vii
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
viii © 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc. March 2009
Chapter 1

About This Guide


Network planners today have to expand and extend the range of services offered further into the edge of the network. This requires extending the intelligence and high-touch processing capabilities to the network edge— whether in a metro network, a campus network or in a data center. The challenge at the edge of the network is compounded by the need to flexibly define and easily manage customer services in an intuitive manner. Further, of many rollouts. Whether deployed from a central office or from remote huts, space is an important constraint for such providers.
In order to meet these challenges, the NetIron Carrier Ethernet Switch (CES) 2000 Series was purpose-built to offer flexible, secure and advanced processing capabilities in a compact form factor. The NetIron CES 2000 Series is a compact 1 RU, multi-service edge/aggregation switch with a powerful set of capabilities chosen to combine performance with rich functionality at the edge of the network. The NetIron CES 2000 Series switches offer network planners a rich set of high-performance IPv4, Classic Layer 2, Provider Bridge (PB) and Provider Backbone Bridge (PBB) functionalities in the same device. With these capabilities, a diverse set of applications ranging from metro edge networks, ISPs, data centers, large enterprises, government networks, and education/ research can be addressed with the NetIron CES 2000 Series.
There are six flavors to the NetIron Carrier Ethernet Switch (CES) 2000 Series:
NetIron CES 2024C - accommodates 24-port 10/100/1000 RJ45 model with 4 combination 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) ports and an optional field upgradeable 2x10G uplink slot
NetIron CES 2024F— accommodates 24-port 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) model with 4 combination 10/100/ 1000 RJ45 ports and an optional field upgradeable 2x10G XFP uplink slot
NetIron CES 2048C — accommodates 48-port 10/100/1000 RJ45 model with 4 combination 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) ports
NetIron CES 2048CX — accommodates 448-port 10/100/1000 RJ45 model with 2x10G XFP uplink ports
NetIron CES 2048F — accommodates 48-port 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) model
NetIron CES 2048FX — accommodates 48-port 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) model with 2x10G XFP uplink ports

Updates to This Manual

This manual may be updated between releases. For the latest edition of this manual, check the Brocade Knowledge Portal at
March 2009 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 1 - 1
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series


This guide is designed for network installers, system administrators, and resellers who will install the NetIron hardware. This guide assumes a working knowledge of Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching and routing concepts.


This guide uses the following typographical conventions to show information:
Italic highlights the title of another publication and occasionally emphasizes a word or phrase.
Bold highlights a CLI command.
Bold Italic highlights a term that is being defined.
NOTE: A note emphasizes an important fact or calls your attention to a dependency.
CAUTION: A caution calls your attention to a possible hazard that can damage equipment.
WARNING: A warning calls your attention to a possible hazard that can cause injury or death.

Related Publications

The following Brocade documents supplement the information in this guide.
NetIron Series Configuration Guide – This guide describes the software features and the CLI commands used to configure the NetIron Routers.
NetIron Diagnostic Guide – for NetIron devices, provides descriptions of diagnostic commands that can help you diagnose and solve issues on Brocade devices.
IronWare Management Information Base Reference – contains the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Information Base (MIB) objects supported on Brocade devices.
NOTE: For the latest edition of this document, which contains the most up-to-date information, see Product Manuals at

How to Get Help or Report Errors

Brocade is committed to ensuring that your investment in our products remains cost-effective. If you need assistance or find errors in the manuals, contact Brocade using one of the following options.

Web Access

Go to and log in to the Knowledge Portal (KP) to obtain more information about a product, or to report documentation errors. To report errors, click on Cases > Create a New Ticket.

E-mail Access

Send an e-mail to:

Telephone Access

1.877.TURBOCALL (887.2622) – United States
1.408.207.1600 – Outside the United States
1 - 2 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009

Warranty Coverage

Contact Brocade using any of the methods listed above for information about the standard and extended warranties.
About This Guide
March 2009 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 1 - 3
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
1 - 4 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009
Chapter 2

Product Overview

This chapter contains an overview of the following Brocade NetIron Carrier Ethernet Switch (CES) 2000 Series devices:


This guide includes procedures for installing the hardware and configuring essential, basic parameters such as permanent passwords and IP addresses. The basic software configuration procedures show how to perform tasks using the CLI. This guide also includes instructions for managing and maintaining the NetIron Carrier Ethernet Switch (CES) hardware.
There are six flavors to the NetIron Carrier Ethernet Switch (CES) 2000 Series:
NetIron CES 2024C - accommodates 24-port 10/100/1000 RJ45 model with 4 combination 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) ports and an optional field upgradeable 2x10G uplink slot
NetIron CES 2024F— accommodates 24-port 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) model with 4 combination 10/100/ 1000 RJ45 ports and an optional field upgradeable 2x10G XFP uplink slot
NetIron CES 2048C — accommodates 48-port 10/100/1000 RJ45 model with 4 combination 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) ports
NetIron CES 2048CX — accommodates 48-port 10/100/1000 RJ45 model with 2x10G XFP uplink ports
NetIron CES 2048F — accommodates 48-port 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) model
NetIron CES 2048FX — accommodates 48-port 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) model with 2x10G XFP uplink ports
March 2009 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 2 - 1
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
Figure 2.1 NetIron CES 2024C
Figure 2.2
NetIron CES 2048CX

Product Overview

The NetIron CES 2000 Series is a compact 1 RU, multi-service edge/aggregation switch with a powerful set of capabilities that combine performance with rich functionality at the network edge. The NetIron CES 2000 Series switch offers network planners a broad set of high performance IPv4, Classic Layer 2, Provider Bridge (PB) and Provider Backbone Bridge (PBB) functionalities in the same device. With these capabilities, the NetIron CES 2000 Series addresses a diverse set of applications in metro edge networks, ISP networks, mobile backhaul networks, data centers, large enterprises, government networks and education/research.
Figure 2.3 NetIron CES 2000 Series Switch

Software Features

Software features differ depending on the software package that is purchased with the device. The BASE package on the NetIron CES 2000 devices support full Layer 2 Switching and base Layer 3 (RIP and static routes). The Metro Edge Premium (ME_PREM) package support full Layer 2 Switching, base Layer 3 (RIP and static routes), Provider Bridges (IEEE 802.1ad), Provider Backbone Bridges (IEEE 802.1ah), OSPF, ISIS, and Connectivity Fault Management (IEEE 802.1ag) and Service OAM. The Layer 3 Premium (L3_PREM) packages support full Layer 2 Switching, base Layer 3 (RIP and static routes), and full Layer 3 including BGP, ISIS and OSPF.
All NetIron CES devices can be upgraded to premium packages.
2 - 2 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009
Product Overview
18 20
Combo 100/1000 Fiber uplink/downlink ports
24 Copper Por
2222O2x4 Port Comboptio
nal 2x10 G Modul2xe
24 Copper Ports
Optional 2x10 G Ports

Upgrade Applications

You can convert (upgrade) your NetIron CES 2000 Series device. Converting your NetIron CES 2000 Series device allows you to run a software image that contains additional capabilities available in premium packages.
To convert your NetIron CES 2000 Series, you need an upgrade kit. The kit includes a Dual Inline Package (DIP) key, Multi-Service IronWare software, upgrade instructions, and other items. Alternatively, you can order an NetIron CES 2000 Series device with the ME_PROM or the L3_PROM software already installed.
Table 2.1: Upgrade Kits
Brocade Part Number Description
NI-CES-2024-MEU Metro Edge Premium upgrade for NetIron CES
2000 Series 24-port models.
NI-CES-2024-L3U L3 Premium upgrade for NetIron CES 2000 Series
24-port models.
NI-CES-2048-MEU Metro Edge Premium upgrade for NetIron CES
2000 Series 48-port models.
NI-CES-2048-L3U L3 Premium upgrade for NetIron CES 2000 Series
48-port models.

Hardware Features

This section describes the physical characteristics of the Brocade NetIron CES 2000 Series switch. For details about physical dimensions, power supply specifications, and pinouts, see the “Hardware Specifications” on page C-1.
The following figures show the front panels of the NetIron 2024 and 2048 devices.

NetIron CES 2024C

The NetIron CES 2024C has 24-ports of 10/100/1000 RJ45 with 4 combination 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) ports, an optional field upgradeable 2x10G uplink slot, and a required AC power supply.
Figure 2.4 NetIron CES 2024C Device with the Optional 2 ports of 10-G XFP Uplink

NetIron CES 2024F

The NetIron CES 2024F has 24-ports of 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) with 4 combination10/100/1000 RJ45 ports, an optional field upgradeable 2x10G XFP uplink slot, and a required AC power supply.
March 2009 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 2 - 3
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
15 1917
21 23
Combo 100/1000 Fiber uplink/downlink Ports
24 Port Fiber
24 Fiber Ports
246 10812
15 2117
16 18
26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
25 27 29 31 33
37 39
41 43 45
48 Port Copper
4 Port Combo
Figure 2.5 NetIron CES 2024F Device

NetIron CES 2048C

NetIron CES 2048C has 48-ports of 10/100/1000 RJ45 with 4 combination 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) ports, and a required AC power supply.
Figure 2.6 NetIron CES 2048C Device
2 - 4 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009
Product Overview
3579 11 4
13 15
141618 20 22 24 26
28 30
32 34 36 38 40 42
44 48
25 27 29 31 33 35
39 41 43
48 Copper Ports
Optional 2x10 G Ports
13 5 9711
18 20 22 24
13 15
17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33
28 30
32 34
37 4139 43
38 40 42
48 Fiber Ports
19 21
20 22 242526
27 29 31
35 37 39
43 45
30 32 34 36 38 40
42 44
48 Fiber Ports
2 x10 G Ports

NetIron CES 2048CX

NetIron CES 2048CX has 48-ports of 10/100/1000 RJ45 with 2x10G XFP uplink ports, and a required AC power supply.
Figure 2.7 NetIron CES 2048CX Device

NetIron CES 2048F

NetIron CES 2048F has 48-ports of 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) and a required AC power supply.
Figure 2.8 NetIron CES 2048F Device

NetIron CES 2048FX

NetIron CES 2048FX has 48-ports of 100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) with 2x10G XFP uplink ports, and a required AC power supply.
Figure 2.9 NetIron CES 2048FX Device

Control Features

Each NetIron CES 2000 Series front panel has a combination of the following control features:
Serial management interface (the port labeled Console)
10/100/1000 ports with RJ-45 copper connectors
100/1000 Hybrid Fiber (HF) ports
100/1000 ports with mini-GBIC slots for SFP MSA-compliant fiber transceivers
NetIron CES 2000 devices optionally support two 10-Gigabit Ethernet uplink ports for 10-Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable (XFP) MSA-compliant optical transceivers
Serial Management Interface (Console Port)
March 2009 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 2 - 5
The serial management interface enables you to configure and manage the device using a third-party terminal emulation application on a directly connected PC. A straight-through EIA/TIA DB-9 serial cable (M/F) ships with the device. The serial management interface (the port labeled Console) is located in the front panel.
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
LEDs for CES Ports
The 10/100/1000 Mbps ports on NetIron CES 2000 devices provide status information using the LEDs listed in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2: LEDs for NetIron CES 2024 Ports
LED Position State Meaning
10/100/1000 Port LEDs
Lnk/Act Bottom Left
(beneath the port)
Lnk/Act Bottom Left
(beneath the port)
Table 2.3: LEDs for NetIron CES 2048 Ports
LED Position State Meaning
10/100/1000 Port LEDs
Lnk/Act Bottom Left
(beneath the port)
Lnk/Act Bottom Left
(beneath the port)
On Link is up.
Off Link is down.
Blinking Port is transmitting or receiving traffic
On Link is up.
Off Link is down.
Blinking Port is transmitting or receiving traffic
On Link is up.
Off Link is down.
Blinking Port is transmitting or receiving traffic
On Link is up.
Off Link is down.
Blinking Port is transmitting or receiving traffic
NetIron CES 2000 Series Network Interfaces
This section describes the port types in the NetIron CES 2000 Series.
10/100/1000 Mbps Ports
The 100/1000 ports on the NetIron CES 2000 Series use auto-sensing and auto-negotiating to determine the speed (10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1000 Mbps) and duplex mode (full-duplex or half-duplex) of the port at the other end of the link and adjust port speed accordingly.
Combination Ports
On devices with combo ports, one port out of each pair of copper and fiber ports can be active at a time. Combo ports are numbered 1-4. For example, you can use either copper port 2 or fiber port 2, but not both at the same time. You can use a combination of fiber and copper ports or all copper or all fiber ports, as needed.
If you attach both the copper and fiber connectors for a port to the network, the fiber connectors take precedence over the copper connectors. These ports support true media automatic detection, meaning the device selects the
2 - 6 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009
Product Overview
fiber or copper connector based on link availability. If a fiber link cannot be established, the device selects the copper media.
10-Gbps Ports
The NetIron CES 2048CX and the NetIron CES 2048FX comes with 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports installed. A 24 port NetIron CES has a slot to accommodate a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module. If your device does not include a 10-GbE module, you can optionally install one. See “Installing or Replacing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet Module” on page 6-5.
The 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports use 10-Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable (XFP) MSA-compliant transceivers.
Table 2.4: LEDs for the NetIron CES 2000 Series Ports
LED Position State Meaning
10-Gbps Port LEDs
Lnk Top right for left-
most connector
Top left for right­most connector
Act Bottom right for
left-most connector
Bottom left for right-most connector
On The port is connected.
Off No fiber port connection exists.
On or Blinking Traffic is being transmitted and received
on the fiber port.
Off No traffic is being transmitted on the fiber
Supported Optics
100/1000 Ethernet Ports
This Ethernet Interface module contains 20 physical ports, through which you can connect your NetIron CES 2000 Series router to other network devices at a speed of 100 Mbps or 1 GbE.
Into a physical port, you must insert a fiber-optic transceiver provided by Brocade. The SFP-compliant fiber-optic modules provide an optical transceiver or physical medium-dependent (PMD) interface for fiber that can be used with the LAN physical layer (PHY)
The following 100 Mbps and 1 GbE optical transceivers are available from Brocade:
Table 2.5: SFP-Compliant Transceivers for the 100/1000 Ethernet Interface Module
Part Number Description
E1MG-TX SFP Copper, RJ-45 connector
E1MG-SX 1000Base-SX SFP optic, multi-mode fiber, LC connector
E1MTG-SX 1000Base-SX SFP optic, multi-mode fiber, MTRJ connector
E1MG-SX2-1310 1310 1000Base-SX SFP optic multi-mode fiber, LC connector and support for
distances up to 2km
E1MG-LX 1000Base-LX SFP optic, single-mode fiber, LC connector
E1MG-LHA 1000Base-LHA SFP optic, single-mode fiber, LC connector
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Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
Table 2.5: SFP-Compliant Transceivers for the 100/1000 Ethernet Interface Module
Part Number Description
E1MG-LHB 1000Base-LHB SFP optic, single-mode fiber, LC connector, 150km Maximum
E1MG-BXD 1000Base-BXD SFP optic single-mode fiber, 1490nm, LC connector.
This optic can only be connected to an E1MG-BXU
E1MG-CWDM80-1470 CWDM SFP optic, 80km, 1470nm, LC connector
E1MG-CWDM80-1490 CWDM SFP optic, 80Km, 1490nm, LC connector
E1MG-CWDM80-1510 CWDM SFP optic, 80Km, 1510nm, LC connector
E1MG-CWDM80-1530 CWDM SFP optic, 80Km, 1530nm, LC connector
E1MG-CWDM80-1550 CWDM SFP optic, 80Km, 1550nm, LC connector
E1MG-CWDM80-1570 CWDM SFP optic, 80Km, 1570nm, LC connector
E1MG-CWDM80-1590 CWDM SFP optic, 80Km, 1590nm, LC connector
E1MG-CWDM80-1610 CWDM SFP optic, 80Km, 1610nm, LC connector
E1MG-100FX 100Base-FX SFP optic multi-mode fiber, LC connector
E1MG-100BXU 100Base-BXU SFP optic single-mode fiber, 1310nm, LC connector.
This optic can only be connected to an E1MG-100BXD.
E1MG-100BXD 100Base-BXD SFP optic single-mode fiber, 1490nm, LC connector.
This optic can only be connected to an E1MG-100BXU.
E1MG-100FX-IR 100BaseFX-IR optic for SMF with LC connector. For distances up to 15nm.
E1MG-100FX-LR 100BaseFX-LR SFP optic for SMF with LC connector. For distances up to 40km.
10 Gigabit Ethernet Ports
A 10 Gigabit Ethernet module contains two physical ports, through which you can connect your NetIron CES 2000 Series router to other network devices at a speed of 10 Gigabits.
Into a physical port, you must insert a fiber-optic transceiver provided by Brocade. The XFP-compliant fiber-optic modules provide an optical transceiver or physical medium-dependent (PMD) interface for single or multi-mode fiber that can be used with the LAN physical layer (PHY).
The following 10 Gigabit optics are available from Brocade:
Table 2.6: XFP-Compliant Optics for the 10 GbE Ethernet Interface Module
Part Number Description
10G-XFP-SR 850nm serial pluggable XFP optic, target range 300m over multi-mode fiber
10G-XFP-LR 1310nm serial pluggable XFP optic for up to 10km over single-mode fiber
10G-XFP-ER 1550nm serial pluggable XFP optic for up to 40km over single-mode fiber
10G-XFP-ZR 1550nm serial pluggable XFP optic for up to 80km over single-mode fiber
10G-XFP-ZRD 10GBase-ZR DWDM, XFP optic, 80km, 1530.33 to 1561.42
10G-XFP-CX4 10-Base-CX4, XFP transceiver, 15km, CX connector
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Product Overview
Port Regions
Ports on the NetIron CES 2000 switches are grouped into regions. For a few features, such as port monitoring and unknown unicast configurations, you will need to know the region to which a port belongs. However, for most features, a port’s region does not affect configuration or operation of the feature. If a port’s region does affect configuration or operation of a feature, it is noted and described in the appropriate feature section of this guide.
NetIron CES 2024 switches with 24 ports:
Ports 1 – 24
Port 2/1 (optional 10-GbE uplink port)
Port 2/2 (optional 10-GbE uplink port)
NetIron CES 2048 switches with 48 ports:
Ports 1/1 –1/24
Ports 1/25 – 1/48
Port 1/2 (10-GbE uplink port on NetIron CES 2048CX and NetIron CES 2048FX models only)
Port 2/2 (10-GbE uplink port on NetIron CES 2048CX and NetIron CES 2048FX models only)

Network Interfaces

The output of the show media command displays the type of media installed in the ports.
NetIron#show media Port 1/1: Type : Copper Vendor: Unknown, Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/2: Type : Copper Vendor: Unknown, Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/3: Type : Copper Vendor: Unknown, Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/4: Type : Copper Vendor: Unknown, Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/5: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/6: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/7: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/8: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/9: Type : Copper
March 2009 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 2 - 9
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/10: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/11: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/12:
Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/13:
Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown
Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/14:
Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown
Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/15: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/16: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/17: Type : Copper
Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/18: Type : Copper
Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/19: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/20: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/21: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/22: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/23:
2 - 10 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009
Product Overview
Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 1/24: Type : Copper Vendor: , Version: Unknown Part# : Unknown, Serial#: Unknown Port 2/1: Type : 10GBASE-SR/SW (XFP) Vendor: FOUNDRY NETWORKS, Version: 00 Part# : FTLX8511D3-F1 , Serial#: KCP02X8 Port 2/2: Type : 10GBASE-SR/SW (XFP) Vendor: FOUNDRY NETWORKS, Version: 02 Part# : TRF2000EN-LF251 , Serial#: T07J23170 All show media done
Syntax: show media

Power Supplies

Each NetIron CES 2000 Series switch comes with one alternating-current (AC) power supply. All models have two power supply slots, enabling you to install a second power supply for redundancy.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
The power supplies can be swapped in or out of the device while the device is running. You can remove and insert a power supply without opening the chassis. The remaining supply provides enough power for the entire system.
The following sections provide further details about the power supplies for the NetIron CES 2000 Series of switches:
Power status LEDs are listed in “Observing the Power Status LEDs” on page 3-14.
Hardware specifications for the power supplies are listed in “Hardware Specifications” on page C-1.
“About Redundant Power Supplies and Power Supply Failure” on page 2-12
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Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
Power Supply
AC Power Supplies
Figure 2.10 shows a rear view of a NetIron CES 2000 device containing one AC power supply.
Figure 2.10 AC Power Supply
DC Power Supplies
Figure 2.11 shows the NetIron CES Series DC power supply.
Figure 2.11 DC Power Supply
About Redundant Power Supplies and Power Supply Failure
A NetIron CES 2000 device with redundant power supplies can maintain full operation when one power supply fails. Power supply failure can be a failure of the supply itself or the office power grid connected to the power supply.
2 - 12 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009
Product Overview
6 Cooling Fans

Cooling System and Fans

This section describes the fans in the NetIron CES 2000 Series device with 6 fans.

NetIron CES 2000 Series Fans

The NetIron CES 2000 Series device cooling fans use pull configuration to move the air from the front to the back of the device.
The fans in the NetIron CES Series switches include six four-speed fans that operate at low speed, medium speed, medium-high speed, and high speed based on the ambient temperature and configured or default temperature thresholds. All fans operate simultaneously at the same speed. If one fan fails, it does not affect the operation of the other fan.
The system uses a default or configured temperature threshold associated with it to determine at which speed the fan should operate. If desired, you can change the settings of the temperature thresholds associated with fan speed switches.
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Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
2 - 14 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009
Chapter 3


WARNING: The procedures in this manual are for qualified service personnel.
This chapter describes how to physically install a NetIron CES 2000 Series device.
Information about configuring IP addresses and connecting network devices is in the chapter “Connecting a NetIron CES 2000 Series Switch to a Network Device” on page 4-1.

Unpacking a System

The Foundry systems ship with all of the following items. Please review the list below and verify the contents. If any items are missing, please contact the place of purchase.

Package Contents

Foundry Networks NetIron CES 2000 Series device
115V AC power cable (for AC sourced devices)
CD-ROM containing software images and the user documentation (including this guide)
Warranty card

General Requirements

To manage the system, you need the following items for serial connection to the router:
A management station, such as a PC running a terminal emulation application.
A straight-through EIA/TIA DB-9 serial cable (F/F). The serial cable can be ordered separately from Foundry Networks. If you prefer to build your own cable, see the pinout information in “Attaching a PC or Terminal” on page 3-16.
You use the serial connection to perform basic configuration tasks including assigning an IP address and network mask to the system. This information is required for managing the system using the Web management interface or IronView Network Manager or using the CLI through Telnet.
WARNING: Do not use the handles on the power supply units to lift or carry a Brocade device.
March 2009 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 3 - 1
Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series

Summary of Installation Tasks

Follow the steps listed below to install your NetIron CES 2000 Series device. Details for each of the steps highlighted below are provided in this chapter and in the following chapter.
Table 3.1: Summary of Installation Tasks
Task Number
1 Ensure that the physical environment that will host the
2 Optionally insert a second or redundant power supply.
4 Install the Foundry device in an equipment rack. “Installing the Device” on page 3-8
5 Once the device is physically installed, plug the device
6 Verify that the system LEDs are registering the proper
Task Where to Find More Information
“Preparing the Installation Site” on page 3-4
device has the proper cabling and ventilation.
“Installing a Redundant Power Supply” on If you need to install a power supply, it may be easier to install it before mounting the device, although the power supplies are “hot swappable”, and can be installed or removed after the device is mounted and powered-on.
CAUTION: Remove the power cord from a power supply before you install it in or remove it from the device. Otherwise, the power supply or the device could be damaged as a result. (The device can be running while a power supply is being installed or removed, but the power supply itself should not be connected to a power source.)
into a nearby power source that adheres to the regulatory requirements outlined in this manual.
LED state after power-on of the system.
page 3-5
“Powering On the System” on page 3-13
“Verifying Proper Operation” on page 3-14
7 Attach a terminal or PC to the Foundry device. This will
enable you to configure the device via the Command Line Interface (CLI).
8 No default password is assigned to the CLI. For
additional access security, assign a password.
9 Before attaching equipment to the device, you need to
configure an interface IP address to the subnet on which it will be located. Initial IP address configuration is performed using the CLI with a direct serial connection. Subsequent IP address configuration can be performed using the Web management interface.
10 Once you power on the device and assign IP
addresses, the system is ready to accept network equipment.
13 Secure access to the device. Foundry NetIron Configuration Guide
3 - 2 © 2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. March 2009
“Attaching a PC or Terminal” on page 3-16
“Assigning Permanent Passwords” on
page 4-1
“Configuring IP Addresses” on page 4-2
“Connecting a NetIron CES 2000 Series
Switch” on page 4-5

Installation Precautions

Follow these precautions when installing the unit.
CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Lithium battery is a long life battery and it is very possible that you will never need to replace it. However, should you need to replace it, do not dispose of the battery along with household waste. Contact your local waste disposal agency for the address of the nearest battery deposit site.
WARNING: All fiber-optic interfaces use Class 1 lasers.
CAUTION: Do not install the device in an environment where the operating ambient temperature might exceed
40ο C (104ο F).
CAUTION: Make sure the air flow around the front, sides, and back of the device is not restricted.
CAUTION: Never leave tools inside the chassis.

Lifting Precautions

WARNING: Make sure the rack or cabinet housing the device is adequately secured to prevent it from becoming
unstable or falling over.
WARNING: Mount the devices you install in a rack or cabinet as low as possible. Place the heaviest device at the bottom and progressively place lighter devices above.

Power Precautions

CAUTION: Use a separate branch circuit for each AC power cord, which provides redundancy in case one of the
circuits fails.
CAUTION: Ensure that the device does not overload the power circuits, wiring, and over-current protection. To determine the possibility of overloading the supply circuits, add the ampere (amp) ratings of all devices installed on the same circuit as the device. Compare this total with the rating limit for the circuit. The maximum ampere rat­ings are usually printed on the devices near the input power connectors.
CAUTION: Make sure you insert the power supply right-side up. It is possible to insert the supply upside down, although the supply will not engage with the power backplane when upside down.
CAUTION: Remove the power cord from a power supply before you install it in or remove it from the device. Oth­erwise, the power supply or the device could be damaged as a result. (The device can be running while a power supply is being installed or removed, but the power supply itself should not be connected to a power source.)
CAUTION: The power supply is designed exclusively for use with the NetIron CES and CER 2000 Series devices. The power supply produces extensive power. Installing the power supply in a device other than the NetIron CES and CER 2000 Series devices will cause extensive damage to your equipment.
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Foundry Hardware Installation Guide for the NetIron CES 2000 Series
WARNING: Disconnect the power cord from all power sources to completely remove power from the device.
WARNING: Make sure to choose the appropriate circuit device depending on the number of AC power supplies
installed in the chassis. The minimum current draw for the system is one AC power supply.
WARNING: Power supplies are hot swappable. However, Brocade recommends that you disconnect the power supply from AC power before installing or removing the supply. The device can be running while a power supply is being installed or removed, but the power supply itself should not be connected to a power source. Otherwise, you could be injured or the power supply or other parts of the device could be damaged.
WARNING: Make sure that the power source circuits are properly grounded, then use the power cord supplied with the device to connect it to the power source.
WARNING: If the installation requires a different power cord than the one supplied with the device, make sure you use a power cord displaying the mark of the safety agency that defines the regulations for power cords in your country. The mark is your assurance that the power cord can be used safely with the device.
CAUTION: All devices with DC power supplies are intended for installation in restricted access areas only. A restricted access area is where access can be gained only by service personnel through the use of a special tool, lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location.
CAUTION: For the DC input circuit (DC power supply part number RPS9-DC), make sure there is a Listed 20 amp circuit breaker, minimum 48Vdc, double pole, on the input to the power supply. The input wiring for connec­tion to the product should be Listed copper wire, 12 AWG, marked VW-1, and rated minimum 90 C.
CAUTION: For a DC system (DC power supply part number RPS9-DC), use a grounding wire of at least 6 American Wire Gauge (AWG). The 6 AWG wire should be attached to an agency-approved crimp connector, crimped with the proper tool.

Preparing the Installation Site

Cabling Infrastructure

Ensure that the proper cabling is installed in the site. See “Hardware Specifications” on page C-1 or for a summary of supported cabling types and their specifications.
WARNING: The intra-building port(s) of the equipment or subassembly is suitable for connection to intra-building or unexposed wiring or cabling only. The intra-building port(s) of the equipment or subassembly MUST NOT be metallically connected to interfaces that connect to the OSP or its wiring. These interfaces are designed for use as intra-building interfaces only (Type 2 or Type 4 ports as described in GR-1089-CORE, Issue 4) and require isola­tion from the exposed OSP cabling. The addition of Primary Protectors is not sufficient protection in order to con­nect these interfaces metallically to OSP wiring.

Installation Location

Before installing the device, plan its location and orientation relative to other devices and equipment. Allow at least 3" of space at the front of the device for the twisted-pair, fiber-optic, and power cabling. Also, allow a minimum of 3" of space between the sides and the back of the device and walls or other obstructions.
The NetIron CES 2000 is suitable for installation in Network Telecommunications facilities and locations where the NEC (National Electric Code) apply.
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