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TitlePublication numberSummary of changesDate
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access
Point Installation Guide
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access
Point Installation Guide
This document is designed for system administrators with a working knowledge of
Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching and routing.
If you are using a Brocade Layer 3 Controller, you should be familiar with the
following protocols if applicable to your network – IP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, ISIS, IGMP,
Supported hardware and software
The following hardware platforms are supported by this release of this guide:
•Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point
The following software version is supported by this release of this guide:
•Software version and later
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guidei
Document conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats
used in this document.
Notes, cautions, and warnings
The following notices and statements are used in this manual. They are listed below
in order of increasing severity of potential hazards.
A note provides a tip, guidance or advice, emphasizes important information, or
provides a reference to related information.
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially
hazardous to you or cause damage to hardware, firmware, software, or
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be
potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to you. Safety labels are also
attached directly to products to warn of these conditions or situations.
Contacting Brocade
When contacting Brocade support, please provide the following information:
•Serial number of the unit
•Model number or product name
•Software version
iiBrocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide
Customer Support Web Site
Brocade Support Central Web site, located at provides
information and online assistance including developer tools, software downloads,
product manuals and online repair requests.
Because quality is our first concern at Brocade, we have made every effort to
ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document. However, if you find an
error or an omission, or you think that a topic needs further development, we want
to hear from you. Forward your feedback to:
Provide the title and version number and as much detail as possible about your
comment, including the topic heading and page number and your suggestions for
E-mail and telephone access
Go to for email and
telephone contact information.
Warranty coverage
Contact Brocade Communications Systems using any of the methods listed above
for information about the standard and extended warranties.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guideiii
As a standalone access point, The Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point
provides small and medium-sized businesses with a consolidated wired and
wireless networking infrastructure, all in a single device. The integrated router,
gateway, firewall, DHCP and Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) simplify and reduce the
costs associated with networking by eliminating the need to purchase and manage
multiple pieces of equipment.
The access point is also designed to meet the needs of large, distributed
enterprises by converging the functionality of a thick access point and thin access
port into a single device. This mode enables the deployment of a fully featured
intelligent access point that can be centrally configured and managed via a
Brocade Mobility controller in either corporate headquarters or a network operations center (NOC). In the event the connection between the access point and
the wireless switch is lost, a Remote Site Survivability (RSS) feature ensures the
delivery of uninterrupted wireless services at the local or remote site. All traffic
between the adaptive access points and the wireless switch is secured though an
IPSec tunnel. Additionally, compatibility with Brocade’s RF Management Suite
(RFMS) allows you to centrally plan, deploy, monitor and secure large deployments.
With the introduction of the Mobility 7131 Series Access Point 4.x firmware
baseline, Brocade is also introducing a new series of Brocade Mobility 7131N
Access Points as a compliment to the existing Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point
family. The new Brocade Mobility 7131N Access Points support the same feature
set as existing Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Points, however Brocade Mobility
7131N Access Points support a three radio model (with the third radio dedicated
exclusively to WIPS support).
Both the Brocade Mobility 7131 and Brocade Mobility 7131N Access Points share
the same Web applet (user interface) and installation methods. Therefore, the UI
and installation descriptions within this guide apply to both models.
If new to the Mobility 7131 Series Access Points or access point technology in
general, refer to the Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Product Reference Guide to
familiarize yourself with access point technology and the feature set exclusive to
the Mobility 7131 Series Access Points. The guide is available, at
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide1
•Read all installation instructions and site survey reports, and verify correct
•Remove jewelry and watches before installing this equipment.
•Verify that the unit is grounded before connecting it to the power source.
•Verify that any device connected to this unit is properly wired and grounded.
•Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical circuit.
•Verify that the electrical circuits have appropriate overload protection.
•Attach only approved power cords to the device.
•Verify that the power connector and socket are accessible at all times during
•Do not work with power circuits in dimly lit spaces.
equipment installation before connecting the access point to its power source.
the operation of the equipment.
•Do not install this equipment or work with its power circuits during
thunderstorms or other weather conditions that could cause a power surge.
•Verify there is adequate ventilation around the device, and that ambient
•Before installing or handling the Mobility 7131 Series Access Points, have on hand
an ESD wrist strap or other ESD voltage limiting device.
For safety reasons, the ESD wrist strap should contain a 1 meg ohm series
Site preparation
•Consult your site survey and network analysis reports to determine specific
equipment placement, power drops, and so on.
•Assign installation responsibility to the appropriate personnel.
•Identify and document where all installed components are located.
•Provide a sufficient number of power drops for your equipment.
•Ensure adequate, dust-free ventilation to all installed equipment.
2Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide
Site preparation
•Identify and prepare Ethernet and console port connections.
•Verify that cable lengths are within the maximum allowable distances for
optimal signal transmission.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide3
Site preparation
4Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide
Hardware Installation
A Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point or Brocade Mobility 7131N Access Point
installation includes mounting the access point, connecting the access point to the
network, connecting antennae and applying power. Installation procedures vary for
different environments.
Both a Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point and Brocade Mobility 7131N Access
Point have the following port designations:
•GE1/POE - LAN port
•GE2 - WAN Port
Before installing a Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point and Brocade Mobility 7131N
Access Point, verify the following:
•Do not install in wet or dusty areas without additional protection. Contact a
Brocade representative for more information.
•Verify the environment has a continuous temperature range between -20° C to
50° C.
Package contents
Check package contents for the correct model of the Brocade Mobility 7131 Access
Point or Brocade Mobility 7131N Access Point and applicable accessories. Each
available configuration (at a minimum), contains:
•Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point or Brocade Mobility 7131N Access Point
(accessories dependent on SKU ordered)
•Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide (this guide,
supporting both Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point and Brocade Mobility
7131N Access Point models)
•Wall mount screw and anchor kit
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide5
Access point placement
•Accessories Bag (4 rubber feet and a LED light pipe and badge with label for
above the ceiling installations)
Contact the Brocade Support Center to report missing or improperly functioning
Some access points ship with a protective cover (facade) or a 6-element MIMO
antenna. The cover disconnects from the access point as illustrated on the next
page. When attached, LEDs continue to illuminate through the cover.
Access point placement
For optimal performance, install the access point away from transformers,
heavy-duty motors, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other
industrial equipment. Signal loss can occur when metal, concrete, walls or floors
block transmission. Install the access point in an open area or add access points as
needed to improve coverage.
Antenna coverage is analogous to lighting. Users might find an area lit from far
away to be not bright enough. An area lit sharply might minimize coverage and
create dark areas. Uniform antenna placement in an area (like even placement of a
light bulb) provides even, efficient coverage.
Place the access point using the following guidelines:
6Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide
Access point placement
•Install the access point at an ideal height of 10 feet from the ground.
•Orient the access point antennas vertically for best reception.
•Point the access point antennas downward if attaching to the ceiling.
To maximize the access point’s radio coverage area, Brocade recommends
conducting a site survey to define and document radio interference obstacles
before installing the access point.
Antenna options
Brocade supports two antenna suites for Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Points and
Brocade Mobility 7131N Access Point. One antenna suite supporting the 2.4 GHz
band and another antenna suite supporting the 5 GHz band. Select an antenna
model best suited to the intended operational environment of your access point.
The Brocade Mobility 7131N Access Point can be purchased in a three radio
configuration. If a three radio SKU is purchased, the access point ships with a
single antenna, factory connected, to the access point chassis (next to the existing
R1-A connector). This antenna is in addition to the other six antennas available to
the access point’s other two radios. The single antenna supporting the Brocade
Mobility 7131N Access Point’s third radio supports sensor mode only and can not
function as a WLAN radio.
Antenna connectors for single radio model access points are located on the same
side of the access point as the LAN and WAN port connections (GE1/POE and GE2).
On single radio versions, the R-SMA connectors can support both bands and should
be connected to a R-SMA dual-band antenna or an appropriate single band
R1 defines the access point’s radio 1 antenna connectors and R2 defines radio 2
antenna connectors.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide7
Access point placement
Certain Rogue AP Detection features use a radio to perform dual-band scanning.
The dedicated radio should be connected to an appropriate dual-band dipole
antenna (Part No. ML-2452-APA2-01).
The 2.4 GHz antenna suite includes the following models:
Part numberAntenna typeNominal net gain (dBi)
ML-2499-11PNA2-01RWide Angle Directional8.5
ML-2499-HPA3-01R Omni-Directional Antenna 3.3
ML-2499-BYGA2-01RYagi Antenna13.9
ML-2452-PTA2M3X3-2Facade with 6 Element Antenna
ML-2452-PTA3M3-0363 Port MIMO Antenna3.0
An additional adapter is required to use ML-2499-11PNA2-01R and
ML-2499-BYGA2-01R model antennas. Please contact Brocade for more
The 5 GHz antenna suite includes the following models:
8Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide
Mounting the access point
Part numberAntenna typeNominal net gain (dBi)
ML-5299-WPNA1-01RPanel Antenna13.0
ML-5299-HPA1-01RWide-Band Omni-Directional
ML-2452-PTA2M3X3-2Facade with 6 Element
Antenna Module
ML-2452-PTA3M3-0363 Port MIMO Antenna3.0
For detailed specifications on the antennas available to the Mobility 7131 Series
Access Points, refer to the Brocade Mobility Series Access Point Product Reference Guide or the Enterprise Wireless LAN Antenna Specification Guide. Both guides are
available at
Mounting the access point
Both the Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point and Brocade Mobility 7131N Access
Point can attach to a wall, mount under a suspended T-Bar or above a ceiling
(plenum or attic) following the same installation instructions. Choose one of the
following mounting options based on the physical environment of the coverage
area. Do not mount the access point in a location that has not been approved in a
site survey.
Wall mounting
Wall mounting requires hanging the access point along its width (or length) using
the pair of slots on the bottom of the unit and the access point mounting template
(on the next page) for the screws.
An access point should be wall mounted to concrete or
plaster-wall-board (dry wall) only. Do not wall mount the access point to
combustible surfaces.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide9
Mounting the access point
The hardware and tools (customer provided) required to install the access point on
a wall consists of:
•Two Phillips pan head self-tapping screws
(ANSI Standard) #6-18 X 0.875in. Type A or AB Self-Tapping screw, or
(ANSI Standard Metric) M3.5 X 0.6 X 20mm Type D Self-Tapping screw
•Two wall anchors
•Wall mount template (included on the next page)
•Security cable (optional third part provided accessory)
10Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide
Mounting the access point
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide11
Mounting the access point
To mount the access point on a wall using the provided template:
1.Photocopy the template (on the previous page) to a blank piece of paper. Do
not reduce or enlarge the scale of the template.
If printing the mounting template (on the previous page) from an
electronic PDF, dimensionally confirm the template by measuring each
value for accuracy.
2.Tape the template to the wall mounting surface.
•If the installation requires the antenna be positioned vertically, the centerline
reference (of the template) needs to be positioned vertically. The cabling shall
exit the access point in a vertical direction.
•If the installation requires the antenna be positioned horizontally, the vertical
centerline (of the template) needs to be positioned horizontally. The cabling
shall exit the access point in a horizontal direction.
3.At mounting targets A and B, mark the mounting surface through the template
at the target center.
4.Discard the mounting template.
5.At each point, drill a hole in the wall, insert an anchor, screw into the anchor the
wall mounting screw and stop when there is 1mm between the screw head and
the wall.
If pre-drilling a hole, the recommended hole size is 2.8mm (0.11in.) if the
screws are going directly into the wall and 6mm (0.23in.) if wall anchors are
being used.
6.If required, install and attach a security cable to the access point lock port.
7.Attach the antennas to their correct connectors.
8.For information on available antennas, see “Antenna options” on page 7.
9.Place the large center opening of each of the mount slots over the screw
10. Slide the access point down along the mounting surface to hang the mount
slots on the screw heads.
12Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide
Mounting the access point
Ensure you are placing the antennas on the correct connectors
(depending on your single or dual-radio model and frequency used) to
ensure the successful operation of the access point.
It is recommended the access point be mounted with the RJ45 cable connector
oriented upwards or downwards to ensure proper operation.
11. Cable the Mobility 7131 Series Access Point using either the Power over
Ethernet (PoE) or an approved line cord and power supply.
For POE installations, connect an RJ-45 CAT5e (or CAT6) Ethernet cable
between a PoE switch port and the Brocade Mobility 7131 GE1/POE port.
For standard power adapter and line cord installations:
a.Connect a RJ-45 CAT5e (or CAT6) Ethernet cable between the network data
supply (host) and the Mobility 7131 Series Access Point GE1/POE or GE2
b.Verify the power adapter is correctly rated according the country of
c.Connect the power supply line cord to the power adapter.
d.Attach the power adapter cable into the power connector on the Mobility
7131 Series Access Point .
e.Attach the power supply line cord to a power supply.
Do not actually connect to the power source until the cabling portion of
the installation is complete.
12. Verify the behavior of the access point LEDs. For more information, see “LED
indicators” on page 19.
13. The access point is ready to configure. For information on basic access point
device configuration, see “Configuring basic device settings” on page 29.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Series Access Point Installation Guide13
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