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Notes, cautions, and warnings.....................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Text formatting conventions.........................................................................................................................................................................................................5
About This Document........................................................................................................................................................................................................9
What's new in this document................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Network and management interfaces............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Network interfaces for an ICX-6430-C device.................................................................................................................................................................12
Port, system, and power status LEDs............................................................................................................................................................................................13
Port status LEDs............................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
System status LEDs.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Network connection status LEDs........................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Power supplies.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Power supply usage..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Items included with an ICX 6430-C device................................................................................................................................................................................19
Summary of installation tasks............................................................................................................................................................................................................19
General precautions......................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Power precautions.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Preparing the installation site..............................................................................................................................................................................................................21
Installing the device................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22
Rack mount installation...............................................................................................................................................................................................................23
Wall mount installation.................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
Wall mount installation using wall mount brackets.......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Mounting the device with a magnet.......................................................................................................................................................................................31
Powering on the system.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................38
Conguring an ICX 6430-C Device.............................................................................................................................................................................41
IP address conguration...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Managing an ICX 6430-C Device................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Temperature settings.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................43
Displaying the temperature........................................................................................................................................................................................................43
Changing the temperature warning level ............................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Temperature shutdown levels...................................................................................................................................................................................................44
System specications............................................................................................................................................................................................................................45
Weight and physical dimensions...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Power supply specications (per PSU)..........................................................................................................................................................................................47
Power consumption (maximum conguration)...........................................................................................................................................................................47
Data port specications (Ethernet)...................................................................................................................................................................................................47
Serial port specications (pinout RJ-45).......................................................................................................................................................................................47
Power and cooling problems....................................................................................................................................................................................................51
Virtual Cable Test command syntax......................................................................................................................................................................................52
Viewing the results of the cable analysis..............................................................................................................................................................................52
Canadian requirements.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................55
China CC statement...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................56
Europe and Australia (CISPR 22 Class A Warning)..................................................................................................................................................................56
KCC statement (Republic of Korea).................................................................................................................................................................................................57
Cautions and Danger Notices........................................................................................................................................................................................59
General cautions.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................59
General dangers.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................61
Dangers related to equipment weight...................................................................................................................................................................................63
The document conventions describe text formatting conventions, command syntax conventions, and important notice formats used in
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Notes, cautions, and warnings
Notes, cautions, and warning statements may be used in this document. They are listed in the order of increasing severity of potential
A Note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference to related information.
An Attention statement indicates a stronger note, for example, to alert you when trac might be interrupted or the device might
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause damage to hardware,
rmware, software, or data.
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to you. Safety
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Text formatting conventions
Text formatting conventions such as boldface, italic, or Courier font may be used to highlight specic words or phrases.
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bold textIdenties command names, keywords, and command options.
italic textIdenties a variable.
valueIn Fibre Channel products, a xed value provided as input to a command option is printed in plain text, for
example, --show WWN.
[ ]Syntax components displayed within square brackets are optional.
Default responses to system prompts are enclosed in square brackets.
{ x | y | z }A choice of required parameters is enclosed in curly brackets separated by vertical bars. You must select
one of the options.
In Fibre Channel products, square brackets may be used instead for this purpose.
x | yA vertical bar separates mutually exclusive elements.
< >Nonprinting characters, for example, passwords, are enclosed in angle brackets.
...Repeat the previous element, for example, member[member...].
\Indicates a “soft” line break in command examples. If a backslash separates two lines of a command
input, enter the entire command at the prompt without the backslash.
dene groupings of parameters and their logical
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6Part Number: 53-1003618-02
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•What's new in this document...........................................................................................................................................................................9
•Network and management interfaces.......................................................................................................................................................11
•Port, system, and power status LEDs.......................................................................................................................................................13
The ICX 6430-C12 device includes the following management interfaces, and a reset button on the front panel of the device:
•Console management interface (RJ-45 serial port)
•Out-of-band management interface (RJ-45 port)
•Reset button
FIGURE 1 Management interfaces on an ICX 6430-C12 device
1.Console port
2.Slot 1 (10/100/1000 Mbps ports)
3.Slot 2 (Copper uplink ports)
Console management interface
The console management interface is an RJ-45 serial port that allows you to congure and manage the device using a third-party
terminal emulation application from a directly connected PC.
Out-of-band management interface
The out-of-band management interface is an RJ-45 port that allows you to
The reset button allows you to restart the system without switching the power supplies o and on or using the CLI. When the reset button
is pressed, the system resets and the software is reloaded. The button is directly below the power LED on the left of the front panel.
Network interfaces for an ICX-6430-C device
An ICX 6430-C device contains the following interfaces:
•12 1-GbE ports with RJ-45 copper connectors (Slot 1, Ports 1-12)
–Ports 1- 4 are dedicated PoE/PoE+ ports.
Standard 802.3at PoE+ ports support up to 30W per port.
Standard 802.3af PoE ports support up to 15.4W per port.
Total PoE power capacity is 68W.
Some possible PoE/PoE+ conguration combinations include:
›2 standard PoE ports supporting full capacity (15.4W x 2 = 30.8W)
1 standard PoE+port supporting full capacity (30W)
1 PoE or PoE+ port supporting partial capacity, no greater than 7W (7W)
Total PoE/PoE+ power: 67.8W
›2 standard PoE+ ports supporting full capacity (30W x 2 = 60W)
1 PoE or PoE+ port supporting partial capacity, no greater than 7W (7W)
Total PoE/PoE+ power: 67W
›4 standard PoE ports supporting full capacity (15.4W x 4 = 62W)
The following table lists the slot designations for an ICX 6430-C device. Refer to the “Network and management interfaces” section for
the location of slots 1- 3 on the front panel of an ICX 6430-C device.
TABLE 1 Slot designations for an ICX 6430-C device
An ICX t6430-C device provides 12 RJ-45 ports that reside on Slot 1 of the device. The 12 RJ-45 ports operate at 10 Mbps or 100
Mbps half or full duplex, or at 1000 Mbps full duplex. Because all ports support automatic MDI or MDI-X operation, you can use
straight-through cables for all network connections to PCs or servers, or to other devices or hubs. In addition, it is ideal (and preferred) to
use straight-through cables for switch-to-switch connections.
Each port supports auto-negotiation, so the optimum transmission mode (half or full duplex), and the data rate (10, 100, or 1000 Mbps)
can be selected automatically. If a device connected to one of these ports does not support auto-negotiation, the communication mode
of the port can be congured manually.
100 Mbps/1 GbE uplink ports
An ICX 6430-C device provides four independent 100Mbps/1GbE uplink ports.
100 Mbps/1 GbE RJ-45 ports C1 and C2, residing on slot 2 of the device, can be used as uplink ports or additional network
Additionally, an ICX 6430-C device contains two 1100 Mbps/1 GbE small form-factor pluggable (SFP) ports (ports F1 and F2). These
ports reside on slot 3 of the switch and can be used as uplink ports. The SFP ports support 100 Mbps/1 GbE port speeds.
For information about supported SFP transceivers, refer to the Brocade website.
Port, system, and power status LEDs
An ICX 6430-C device include LEDs that indicate the status of device components:
•Port status LEDs on page 13
•System status LEDs on page 14 (including power status LEDs)
•Network connection status LEDs on page 15
Port status LEDs
The following
FIGURE 2 Port status LEDs an ICX 6430-C12 device
1.Port status LEDs2.PoE/PoE+ LEDs
The following table lists the port status LEDs on an ICX 6430-C device and their corresponding conditions and status.
gure shows the location of the port status LEDs on the ICX 6430-C12 device:
Out-of-band management port (2 LEDs)O (right side)Oine
On/Flashing (left side)Link-up. Flashing indicates the port is
transmitting and receiving user packets.
On/Green (right side)1 Gbps Link-up
Right LED o, left LED on or ashing10/100 Mbps Link-up. Flashing indicates the
port is transmitting and receiving user packets.
1 GbE ports
(1 - 12, Slot 1)
PoE+(1 - 4)On/Green (right side)The port is providing PoE or PoE+ power to a
100 Mbps/1 GbE RJ-45 ports (C1 - C2, Slot
100 Mbps/1 GbE SFP ports (F1 - F2, Slot 3)
O (right side)The right LED on the ports indicates PoE/PoE+
activity and is only active on ports 1-4. On non-
PoE/PoE+ ports, the right LED remains o.O (left side)A link is not established with a remote port.
On/Flashing Green (left side)The port has established a valid link at 10, 100,
or 1000 Mbps. Flashing indicates the port is
transmitting and receiving user packets.
connected device.
O (right side)The port is not providing PoE or PoE+ power.
On/ Flashing GreenThe port is operating at 1 Gbps. Flashing
indicates the port is transmitting and receiving
user packets at 1 Gbps.
OA link is not established with a remote port.
On/ Flashing GreenThe SFP port is operating at 1 Gbps. Flashing
indicates the port is transmitting and receiving
user packets at 1 Gbps.
OA link is not established with a remote port.
System status LEDs
The following
FIGURE 3 System status LEDs on an ICX 6430-C12 device
1.System status LEDs
The following table lists the system status LEDs on an ICX 6430-C device and their corresponding conditions and status:
gure shows the location of the system status LEDs on an ICX 6430-C device:
GreenPower supply is operating normally.
AmberPower supply fault.
OPower supply o.
Flashing GreenSystem self-diagnostic test in progress. System
reloads automatically.
Steady AmberSystem self-diagnostic test has detected a fault.
(Fan, thermal, or any interface fault.) The user
must reload the system.
Steady GreenSystem self-diagnostic test passed.
Port, system, and power status LEDs
Network connection status LEDs
After you install the network cables, you can observe certain LEDs to determine if the network connections are functioning properly. The
following table outlines the LEDs related to the network connections, the desired state of each LED, possible abnormal states of each
LED, and what to do if an LED indicates an abnormal state.
TABLE 4 Network connection-related LED states
LEDDesired stateMeaningAbnormal stateMeaning or action
Ethernet (1-12, Slot 1)
On or ashing (Green)The port has established a
valid link at 10, 100, or
1000 Mbps. Flashing
indicates the port is
transmitting and receiving
user packets.
OA link is not established with
the remote port. You can do
the following:
•Verify that the
connection to the
other network
device has been
properly made.
Also, make
certain that the
other network
device is powered
on and operating
•Verify that the
port has not been
disabled through
a conguration
change. You can
use the CLI. If
you have
congured an IP
address on the
device, you also
can use the Web
TABLE 4 Network connection-related LED states (continued)
LEDDesired stateMeaningAbnormal stateMeaning or action
interface or
Brocade Network
•If the other
actions do not
resolve the
problem, try
using a dierent
port or a dierent
(1-4, Slot 1)
SFP (F1 - F2, Slot 3)On or ashing (Green)The SFP port is operating.
On (Green)The port is providing PoE or
PoE+ power to a connected
Flashing green indicates the
port is transmitting and
receiving user packets.
OA link is not established with
the PoE device. You can do
the following:
•Verify that the
connection to the
other network
device has been
properly made.
•If the other
actions do not
resolve the
problem, try
using a dierent
port or a dierent
OA link is not established with
the remote port. You can do
the following:
•Verify that the
connection to the
other network
device has been
properly made.
Also, make
certain that the
other network
device is powered
on and operating
•Verify that the
transmit port on
the device is
connected to the
receive port on
the other network
device, and that
the receive port
on the device is
connected to the
transmit port on
the other network
device. If you are
not certain,
remove the two
cable connectors
from the port
connector and
TABLE 4 Network connection-related LED states (continued)
LEDDesired stateMeaningAbnormal stateMeaning or action
reinsert them in
the port
reversing their
•Dust may have
accumulated in
the cable
connector or port
•Verify that the
port has not been
disabled through
a conguration
•If the other
actions do not
resolve the
problem, try
using a dierent
port or a dierent
Uplink ports
(C1-C2, Slot 2)
On or ashing (Green)The ports are operating.
Flashing green indicates the
port is transmitting and
recieving user packets.
OA link is not established with
the remote port. You can do
the following:
•Verify that the
connection to the
other network
device has been
properly made.
Also, make
certain that the
other network
device is powered
on and operating
•Verify that the
port has not been
disabled through
a conguration
change. You can
use the CLI. If
you have
congured an IP
address on the
device, you also
can use the Web
interface or
Brocade Network
•If the other
actions do not
resolve the
problem, try
using a dierent
TABLE 4 Network connection-related LED states (continued)
LEDDesired stateMeaningAbnormal stateMeaning or action
port or a dierent
If a problem persists after taking these actions, contact Brocade Technical Support.
Power supplies
An ICX 6430-C device has one standard power supply receptacle on the rear panel of the device for the AC power cord.
FIGURE 4 ICX 6430-C AC power connection
1.Kensington lock hole
2.AC power supply socket
Power supply usage
The maximum power capacity of the ICX 6430-C12 device is 100W. 23W drawn from the AC line power supply input (of the total
100W capacity of the device) are necessary to power the ICX 6430-C12 device. PoE/PoE+ power capacity and output capability is
•Items included with an ICX 6430-C device...........................................................................................................................................19
•Summary of installation tasks.......................................................................................................................................................................19
•Preparing the installation site........................................................................................................................................................................21
•Installing the device...........................................................................................................................................................................................22
•Powering on the system................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Items included with an ICX 6430-C device
The procedures in this manual are for qualied service personnel.
Before beginning the installation, see the precautions in “Power precautions.”
The device ships with all of the following items included in your shipping container. Verify the contents of your shipping container. If any
items are missing, contact the place of purchase.
•ICX 6430-C device
•Wall mounting kit containing two wall-mount screws and two plastic anchors
•One AC power cord - US only
•Power cable clip
•Console cable
•Four rubber feet
•China ROHS sheet
•Read Me First document
•Wall Mount Holes Location template (single sheet)
Additional mounting options available for order include the following:
•A wall mount option is available to order for a secure wall mount, in addition to the basic wall mount.
•An additional rack-mounting kit is available to order to mount the device in a two-post rack.
•A magnet mount option is available to order to mount the device securely on a metal surface.
Summary of installation tasks
Follow the steps listed in the following table to install your device. Details for each step are provided in the sections indicated.