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The document conventions describe text formatting conventions, command syntax conventions, and
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Text formatting conventions
Text formatting conventions such as boldface, italic, or Courier font may be used in the flow of the text
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bold text
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Identifies command names
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Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
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Identifies variables
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Identifies CLI output
Identifies command syntax examples
Command syntax conventions
Bold and italic text identify command syntax components. Delimiters and operators define groupings of
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bold textIdentifies command names, keywords, and command options.
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[ ]Syntax components displayed within square brackets are optional.
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In Fibre Channel products, square brackets may be used instead for this
Repeat the previous element, for example, member[member...].
Indicates a “soft” line break in command examples. If a backslash separates
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12FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
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14FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
About This Document
● Supported hardware and software.................................................................................. 15
● What’s new in this document ......................................................................................... 15
● How command information is presented in this guide.....................................................16
Supported hardware and software
This guide supports the following product families for the FastIron 08.0.30 release:
• FCX Series
• FastIron X Series ( FastIron SX 800, FastIron SX 1600)
• ICX 6610 Series
• ICX 6430 Series (ICX 6430, ICX 6430-C12)
• ICX 6450 Series (ICX 6450, ICX 6450-C12-PD)
• ICX 6650 Series
• ICX 7250 Series
• ICX 7450 Series
• ICX 7750 Series
The Brocade ICX 6430-C switch supports the same feature set as the Brocade ICX 6430 switch unless
otherwise noted.
The Brocade ICX 6450-C12-PD switch supports the same feature set as the Brocade ICX 6450 switch
unless otherwise noted.
For information about the specific models and modules supported in a product family, refer to the
hardware installation guide for that product family.
What’s new in this document
The following tables include descriptions of new information added to this guide for the FastIron 08.0.30
How command information is presented in this guide
Summary of enhancements in FastIron release 08.0.30TABLE 1
FeatureDescriptionDescribed in
ICX 7750 40 Gbps
breakout port
Energy efficient
External USB hotplugAllows you to copy images, cores, logs and
HistogramThe histogram framework feature monitors and
Certain ICX 7750 40 Gbps ports can be
configured with sub-ports when a breakout
cable is installed.
Regulates and saves power consumed by the
active hardware components in the switch and
conserves power during idle time. This feature
is supported on the ICX 7250 and ICX 7450
configurations between the external USB and
the internal eUSB. This feature is supported on
ICX 7250, ICX 7450 and ICX 7750 devices.
records system resource usage information.
This feature is supported on ICX 6430, ICX
6450, ICX 7250, ICX 7450 and ICX 7750
EFM-OAM provides mechanisms to monitor link
operation, health and improve fault isolation of
Ethernet network to increase management
Refer to the chapter 40 GbpsBreakout Ports for configuration
information. Refer to the ICX 7750
Ethernet Switch Hardware Installation
Guide for information on the breakout
Refer to the chapter Operations
Administration and Maintenance
Refer to the chapter Operations
Administration and Maintenance
Refer to the chapter Operations
Administration and Maintenance
Refer to IEEE 802.3ah EFM-OAM on
page 114
sFlow sample modeThe sample mode can be changed to include
sFlow source IP
Flash timeoutThe flash timeout can be configured to a value
Elapsed timestamp
display for port statistics
the dropped packets for sFlow sampling.
The sFlow source interface can be configured
from which the IP source address is selected for
the sFlow datagram.
from 12 through 60 minutes.
The elapsed time between the most recent
reset of the port statistics counters and the time
when the show statistics command is
executed, can be displayed in the output of the
show statistics command.
Refer to Changing the sampling
mode on page 251
Refer to sFlow and source IP address
on page 248
Refer to Flash timeout on page 94
Refer to Enabling the display of the
elapsed timestamp for port statistics
reset on page 231
How command information is presented in this guide
For all new content supported in FastIron Release 08.0.20 and later, command information is
documented in a standalone command reference guide.
In an effort to provide consistent command line interface (CLI) documentation for all products, Brocade
is in the process of completing a standalone command reference for the FastIron platforms. This
16FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
About This Document
process involves separating command syntax and parameter descriptions from configuration tasks.
Until this process is completed, command information is presented in two ways:
• For all new content supported in FastIron Release 08.0.20 and later, the CLI is documented in
separate command pages included in the FastIron Command Reference. Command pages are
compiled in alphabetical order and follow a standard format to present syntax, parameters, usage
guidelines, examples, and command history.
Many commands from previous FastIron releases are also included in the command reference.
• Legacy content in configuration guides continues to include command syntax and parameter
descriptions in the chapters where the features are documented.
If you do not find command syntax information embedded in a configuration task, refer to the FastIron
The management port applies to FCX, SX 800, SX 1600, ICX 6430, and ICX 6450 devices.
The management port is an out-of-band port that customers can use to manage their devices without
interfering with the in-band ports. The management port is widely used to download images and
configurations, for Telnet sessions and for Web management.
For FCX devices, the MAC address for the management port is derived from the base MAC address of
the unit, plus the number of ports in the base module. For example, on a 48-port FCX standalone
device, the base MAC address is 0000.0034.2200. The management port MAC address for this device
would be 0000.0034.2200 plus 0x30, or 0000.0034.2230. The 0x30 in this case equals the 48 ports on
the base module.
For SX 800 and SX 1600 devices, the MAC address for the management port is derived as if the
management port is the last port on the management module where it is located. For example, on a 2 X
10G management module, the MAC address of the management port is that of the third port on that
How the management port works
The following rules apply to management ports:
• Only packets that are specifically addressed to the management port MAC address or the broadcast
MAC address are processed by the Layer 2 switch or Layer 3 switch. All other packets are filtered
• No packet received on a management port is sent to any in-band ports, and no packets received on
in-band ports are sent to a management port.
• A management port is not part of any VLAN
• Configuring a strict management VRF disables certain features on the management port.
• Protocols are not supported on the management port.
• Creating a management VLAN disables the management port on the device.
• For FCX and ICX devices, all features that can be configured from the global configuration mode can
also be configured from the interface level of the management port. Features that are configured
through the management port take effect globally, not on the management port itself.
For switches, any in-band port may be used for management purposes. A router sends Layer 3 packets
using the MAC address of the port as the source MAC address.
For stacking devices, (for example, an FCX stack) each stack unit has one out-of band management
port. Only the management port on the Active Controller will actively send and receive packets. If a new
Active Controller is elected, the new Active Controller management port will become the active
management port. In this situation, the MAC address of the old Active Controller and the MAC address
of the new controller will be different.
CLI Commands for use with the management port
The following CLI commands can be used with a management port.
To display the current configuration, use the show running-config interface management
Syntax:show running-config interfacemanagementnum
device(config-if-mgmt)# ip addr
device(config)# show running-config interface management 1
interface management 1
ip address
To display the current configuration, use the show interfaces management command.
Syntax: show interfaces management num
device(config)# show interfaces management 1
GigEthernetmgmt1 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is GigEthernet, address is 0000.0076.544a (bia 0000.0076.544a)
Configured speed auto, actual 1Gbit, configured duplex fdx, actual fdx
Configured mdi mode AUTO, actual none
BPRU guard is disabled, ROOT protect is disabled
Link Error Dampening is Disabled
STP configured to OFF, priority is level0, MAC-learning is enabled
Flow Control is config disabled, oper enabled
Mirror disabled, Monitor disabled
Not member of any active trunks
Not member of any configured trunks
No port name
IPG MII 0 bits-time, IPG GMII 0 bits-time
IP MTU 1500 bytes
300 second input rate: 83728 bits/sec, 130 packets/sec, 0.01% utilization
300 second output rate: 24 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization
39926 packets input, 3210077 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 4353 broadcasts, 32503 multicasts, 370 unicasts
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 ignored
0 runts, 0 giants
22 packets output, 1540 bytres, 0 underruns
Transmitted 0 broadcasts, 6 multicasts, 16 unicasts
0 output errors, 0 collisions
To display the management interface information in brief form, enter the show interfaces brief
management command.
Syntax: show interfaces brief management num
device# show interfaces brief management 1
Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pri MAC Name
mgmt1 Up None Full 1G None No 0 0000.0076.544a
To display management port statistics, enter the show statistics management command.
Syntax: show statistics management num
device# show statistics management 1
Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pri MAC Name
mgmt1 Up None Full 1G None No 0 0000.0076.544a
Port mgmt1 Counters:
InOctets 3210941 OutOctets 1540
InPkts 39939 OutPackets 22
InBroadcastPkts 4355 OutbroadcastPkts 0
InMultiastPkts 35214 OutMulticastPkts 6
InUnicastPkts 370 OutUnicastPkts 16
InBadPkts 0
InFragments 0
To display the management interface statistics in brief form, enter the show statistics brief
management command.
Syntax: show statistics brief management num
device(config)# show statistics brief management 1
Port In Packets Out PacketsTrunk In Errors Out Errors
mgmt1 39946 22 0 0
Total 39945 22 0 0
Web Management Interface
Web Management Interface
The Web Management Interface is a browser-based interface that allows administrators to manage and
monitor a single Brocade device or a group of Brocade devices connected together.
For many of the features on a Brocade device, the Web Management Interface can be used as an
alternate to the CLI for creating new configurations, modifying existing ones, and monitoring the traffic
on a device.
For more information on how to log in and use the Web Management Interface, refer to the FastIron SX,FCX, and ICX Web Management Interface User Guide.
Management VRFs
Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) allows routers to maintain multiple routing tables and forwarding
tables on the same router. A management VRF can be configured to control the flow of management
traffic as described in this section.
For information on configuring Multi-VRF, sometimes called VRF-Lite or Multi-VRF CE, refer to the
FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide.
A management VRF is used to provide secure management access to the device by sending inbound
and outbound management traffic through the VRF specified as a global management VRF and through
the out-of-band management port, thereby isolating management traffic from the network data traffic.
By default, the inbound traffic is unaware of VRF and allows incoming packets from any VRF, including
the default VRF. Outbound traffic is sent only through the default VRF. The default VRF consists of an
out-of-band management port and all the LP ports that do not belong to any other VRFs.
Any VRF, except the default VRF, can be configured as a management VRF. When a management
VRF is configured, the management traffic is allowed through the ports belonging to the specified VRF
and the out-of-band management port. The management traffic through the ports belonging to the other
VRFs and the default VRF are dropped, and the rejection statistics are incremented.
If the management VRF is not configured, the management applications follows default behavior. The
management VRF is configured the same way for IPv4 and IPv6 management traffic.
The management VRF is supported by the following management applications:
• SNMP server
• SNMP trap generator
• Telnet server
• SSH server
• Telnet client
• RADIUS client
• TACACS+ client
• Syslog
Any ping or traceroute commands use the VRF specified in the command or the default VRF if no
VRF is specified.
Source interface and management VRF compatibility
A source interface must be configured for management applications. When a source interface is
configured, management applications use the lowest configured IP address of the specified interface
as the source IP address in all the outgoing packets. If the configured interface is not part of the
management VRF, the response packet does not reach the destination. If the compatibility check fails
while either the management VRF or the source interface is being configured, the following warning
message is displayed. However, the configuration command is accepted.
The source-interface for Telnet, TFTP is not part of the management-vrf
Supported management applications
This section explains the management VRF support provided by the management applications.
SNMP server
When the management VRF is configured, the SNMP server receives SNMP requests and sends
SNMP responses only through the ports belonging to the management VRF and through the out-ofband management port.
Any change in the management VRF configuration becomes immediately effective for the SNMP
SNMP trap generator
When the management VRF is configured, the SNMP trap generator sends traps to trap hosts through
the ports belonging to the management VRF and through the out-of-band management port.
Any change in the management VRF configuration takes effect immediately for the SNMP trap
22FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
SSH server
The SNMP source interface configuration command snmp-server trap-source must be compatible
with the management VRF configuration.
SSH server
When the management VRF is configured, the incoming SSH connection requests are allowed only
from the ports belonging to the management VRF and from the out-of-band management port.
Management VRF enforcement occurs only while a connection is established.
To allow the incoming SSH connection requests only from the management VRF and not from the outof-band management port, enter the following command.
device(config)# ip ssh strict-management-vrf
The ip ssh strict-management-vrf command is applicable only when the management VRF is
configured. If not, the command issues the following warning message.
Warning - Management-vrf is not configured.
For the SSH server, changing the management VRF configuration or configuring the ip ssh strictmanagement-vrf command does not affect the existing SSH connections. The changes are be applied
only to new incoming connection requests.
Telnet client
When the VRF name is specified in the telnet vrf command, the Telnet client initiates Telnet requests
only from the ports belonging to the specified VRF.
To configure the VRF name in outbound Telnet sessions, enter the following command at the privileged
EXEC level.
The vrf-name variable specifies the name of the pre-configured VRF.
RADIUS client
When the management VRF is configured, the RADIUS client sends RADIUS requests or receives
responses only through the ports belonging to the management VRF and through the out-of-band
management port.
Any change in the management VRF configuration takes effect immediately for the RADIUS client.
The RADIUS source interface configuration command ip radius source-interface must be compatible
with the management VRF configuration.
When the management VRF is configured, the TACACS+ client establishes connections with TACACS
+ servers only through the ports belonging to the management VRF and the out-of-band management
For the TACACS+ client, a change in the management VRF configuration does not affect the existing
TACACS+ connections. The changes are applied only to new TACACS+ connections.
The TACACS+ source interface configuration command ip tacacs source-interface must be
compatible with the management VRF configuration.
When the management VRF is configured, TFTP sends or receives data and acknowledgments only
through ports belonging to the management VRF and through the out-of-band management port.
Any change in the management VRF configuration takes effect immediately for TFTP. You cannot
change in the management VRF configuration while TFTP is in progress.
The TFTP source interface configuration command ip tftp source-interface must be compatible with
the management VRF configuration.
SCP uses SSH as the underlying transport. The behavior of SCP is similar to the SSH server.
When the management VRF is configured, the Syslog module sends log messages only through the
ports belonging to the management VRF and the out-of-band management port.
Any change in the management VRF configuration takes effect immediately for Syslog.
The Syslog source interface configuration command ip syslog source-interface must be compatible
with the management VRF configuration.
Configuring a global management VRF
To configure a VRF as a global management VRF, enter the following command.
device(config)# management-vrf mvrf
Syntax:[no] management-vrf vrf-name
24FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
Configuration notes
The vrf-name parameter must specify the name of a pre-configured VRF. If the VRF is not preconfigured, command execution fails, and the following error message is displayed.
Error - VRF <vrf-name>
doesn't exist
When the management VRF is configured, the following Syslog message is displayed.
SYSLOG: VRF <vrf-name>
has been configured as management-vrf
Enter the no form of the command to remove the management VRF. When the management VRF is
deleted, the following Syslog message is displayed.
SYSLOG: VRF <vrf-name>
has been un-configured as management-vrf
Configuration notes
Consider the following configuration notes:
• If a management VRF is already configured, you must remove the existing management VRF
configuration before configuring a new one. If not, the system displays the following error message.
device(config)# management-vrf red
Error - VRF mvrf already configured as management-vrf
• If you try to delete a management VRF that was not configured, the system displays the following
error message.
device(config)# no management-vrf red
Error - VRF red is not the current management-vrf
• If a VRF is currently configured as the management VRF, it cannot be deleted or modified.
Attempting to do so causes the system to return the following error message.
device(config)# no vrf mvrf
Error - Cannot modify/delete a VRF which is configured as management-vrf
Displaying management VRF information
To display IP Information for a specified VRF, enter the following command at any level of the CLI.
device(config)# show vrf mvrf
VRF mvrf, default RD 1100:1100, Table ID 11
Configured as management-vrf
IP Router-Id:
ve3300 ve3400
Address Family IPv4
Max Routes: 641
Number of Unicast Routes: 2
Address Family IPv6
Max Routes: 64
Number of Unicast Routes: 2
Syntax:show vrfvrf-name
The vrf-name parameter specifies the VRF for which you want to display IP information.
Management VRF name Displays the configured management VRF name.
Management Application Displays the management application names.
Rx Drop PktsDisplays the number of packets dropped in the inbound traffic.
Tx Drop PktsDisplays the number of packets dropped in the outbound traffic.
TCP Connection rejects Displays the number of TCP connections per application rejected due to management
VRF validation.
Make sure that the management VRF is configured before executing the show management-vrf
command. If not, the system displays the following error message.
Error - Management VRF is not configured.
To clear the management VRF rejection statistics, enter the following command.
● Requiring users to press the Enter key after the message of the day banner................ 87
● Setting a privileged EXEC CLI level banner....................................................................88
● Displaying a console message when an incoming Telnet session is detected............... 88
Basic system parameter configuration
Brocade devices are configured at the factory with default parameters that allow you to begin using the
basic features of the system immediately. However, many of the advanced features such as VLANs or
routing protocols for the device must first be enabled at the system (global) level before they can be
configured. If you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to configure system parameters, you can find
these system level parameters at the Global CONFIG level of the CLI.
Before assigning or modifying any router parameters, you must assign the IP subnet (interface)
addresses for each port.
For information about configuring IP addresses, DNS resolver, DHCP assist, and other IP-related
parameters, refer to "IP Configuration" chapter in the FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing
Configuration Guide
For information about the Syslog buffer and messages, refer to Basic system parameter configuration.
The procedures in this section describe how to configure the basic system parameters listed in Basic
Software Features on page 29.
Entering system administration information
You can configure a system name, contact, and location for a Brocade device and save the information
locally in the configuration file for future reference. This information is not required for system operation
but is suggested. When you configure a system name, the name replaces the default system name in
the CLI command prompt.
The name, contact, and location each can be up to 255 alphanumeric characters.
Here is an example of how to configure a system name, system contact, and location.
device(config)# hostname zappa
zappa(config)# snmp-server contact Support Services
zappa(config)# snmp-server location Centerville
zappa(config)# end
zappa# write memory
Syntax:hostname string
Syntax: snmp-server contact string
Syntax: snmp-server location string
The text strings can contain blanks. The SNMP text strings do not require quotation marks when they
contain blanks but the host name does.
The chassis name command does not change the CLI prompt. Instead, the command assigns an
administrative ID to the device.
SNMP parameter configuration
Use the procedures in this section to perform the following configuration tasks:
• Specify a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap receiver.
• Specify a source address and community string for all traps sent by the device.
• Change the holddown time for SNMP traps
• Disable individual SNMP traps. (All traps are enabled by default.)
• Disable traps for CLI access that is authenticated by a local user account, a RADIUS server, or a
To add and modify "get" (read-only) and "set" (read-write) community strings, refer to "Security
Access" chapter in the FastIron Ethernet Switch Security Configuration Guide .
Specifying an SNMP trap receiver
You can specify a trap receiver to ensure that all SNMP traps sent by the Brocade device go to the
same SNMP trap receiver or set of receivers, typically one or more host devices on the network. When
you specify the host, you also specify a community string. The Brocade device sends all the SNMP
traps to the specified hosts and includes the specified community string. Administrators can therefore
filter for traps from a Brocade device based on IP address or community string.
When you add a trap receiver, the software automatically encrypts the community string you associate
with the receiver when the string is displayed by the CLI or Web Management Interface. If you want
the software to show the community string in the clear, you must explicitly specify this when you add a
trap receiver. In either case, the software does not encrypt the string in the SNMP traps sent to the
To specify the host to which the device sends all SNMP traps, use one of the following methods.
To add a trap receiver and encrypt the display of the community string, enter commands such as the
30FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
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