Brocade, Brocade Assurance, the B-wing symbol, DCX, Fabric OS, MLX, SAN Health, VCS, and VDX are
registered trademarks, and AnyIO, Brocade One, CloudPlex, Effortless Networking, ICX, NET Health, OpenScript,
and The Effortless Network are trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States
and/or in other countries. Other brands, products, or service names mentioned may be trademarks of their
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Notice: This document is for informational purposes only and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or
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reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time, without notice, and assumes no
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Contact a Brocade sales office for information on feature and product availability. Export of technical data
contained in this document may require an export license from the United States government.
Notice: The product described by this document may contain “open source” software covered by the GNU
General Public License or other open source license agreements. To find-out which open source software is
included in Brocade products, view the licensing terms applicable to the open source software, and obtain a
copy of the programming source code, please visit
Resolution of Important Defects ............................................................................................................................. 5
FOS v7.0.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................ 5
New Hardware Support ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Enhanced Optical ICL Topology Support for DCX 8510 ......................................................................................... 6
Support for Dynamic Fabric Provisioning: Fabric Assigned World Wide Name .................................................... 6
VCS/VDX6730 to FC SAN Connectivity ................................................................................................................... 6
Technical Support ..................................................................................................................................... 11
TSBs - Critical Issues to Consider Prior to Installing This FOS Release .............................................................. 13
TSB Issues Outstanding in FOS v7.0.2 ................................................................................................................. 13
TSB Issues Resolved in FOS v7.0.2 ...................................................................................................................... 13
Recommended Migration Paths to FOS v7.0.2 ................................................................................................... 13
FOS Upgrade and Downgrade Special Considerations........................................................................................ 14
Important Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Fabric OS Compatibility ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Blade Support ............................................................................................................................................ 18
ICLs on DCX/DCX-4S ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Port Mirroring ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Port Statistics ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Closed with Code Change in Fabric OS v7.0.2 ..................................................................................................... 33
Closed with Code Change in Fabric OS v7.0.1b................................................................................................... 53
Closed with Code Change in Fabric OS v7.0.1a – GA March 15, 2012 ............................................................. 58
Open Defects in Fabric OS v7.0.1......................................................................................................................... 63
Closed with Code Change in Fabric OS v7.0.1 GA December 15, 2011 ............................................................ 68
Closed with Code Change in Fabric OS v7.0.0c – GA November 18, 2011 ....................................................... 83
Closed with Code Change in Fabric OS v7.0.0b – GA August 24, 2011 ............................................................ 86
Closed with Code Change in Fabric OS v7.0.0a – GA June 2, 2011 .................................................................. 95
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 4 of 99
Fabric OS (FOS) v7.0.2 is a maintenance release based on FOS v7.0.1x. All hardware platforms and features
supported in FOS v7.0.1x are also supported in FOS v7.0.2.
Resolution of Important Defects
• 404780 High count of CRC w/Good EOF errors across multiple card types
• 403996 Enhancement needed to link credit loss recovery on 8G platforms
FOS v7.0.2 Features
FOS v7.0.2 is a maintenance release that contains fixes for defects including those from FOS v7.0.1a and FOS
v7.0.1b patch releases. In addition this release includes the following features and enhancements:
•D_Port Enhancements
o D_Port link saturation capability – ability to drive test traffic to saturate link utilization close to
line rate as part of D_Port test
•Ability to assign individual ports of an optical ICL to logical switches
o Prior to FOS v7.0.2, in Virtual Fabrics enabled environment, an entire ICL port (which includes
four individual ports as part of a single QSFP) has to be associated with a single logical switch.
Starting with FOS v7.0.2, the individual ports within an optical ICL can be assigned to different
logical switches. This feature is applicable to the DCX8510 platforms.
Note: Please note that if any individual port of a QSFP is part of the Base Switch, the
remaining ports of that QSFP cannot be assigned to any other logical switch.
•Bottleneck detection enhancements - Decoupling of latency and congestion alerts
In FOS v7.x releases prior to FOS v7.0.2, when users enabled bottleneck alerts, it would enable
alerting for both congestion and latency bottleneck conditions. Starting with FOS v7.0.2 users can
choose to enable alerts only for latency bottleneck while not enabling alerts for congestion bottleneck
or vice versa. Users still have the option to enable alerts for both congestion and latency bottleneck
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 5 of 99
FOS v7.0.1 Feature Descriptions
New Hardware Support
• Brocade 6505 entry level 16G FC switch
• FC8-32E and FC8-48E Condor3 based 8G blades for DCX 8510-8 and DCX 8510-4
Enhanced Optical ICL Topology Support for DCX 8510
FOS v7.0.1 supports the following enhanced topologies using optical ICLs:
• Support for up to nine DCX 8510 chassis in full mesh configuration using optical ICLs
• Support for ICL connectivity with up to ten DCX 8510 chassis in core-edge topology
This increased support delivers massive scalability, significantly reduces cabling complexity, and also makes
more ports available for device connectivity.
FOS v7.0.1 also adds support for Enterprise ICL license on DCX 8510 platforms. Description of this license can
be found in the “Optionally Licensed Software” section of this document.
Support for Dynamic Fabric Provisioning: Fabric Assigned World Wide Name
In order to simplify and accelerate server deployment and improve operational efficiency, FOS v7.0.1 provides
Fabric Assigned WWN or FA-PWWN capability. This feature allows users to create a virtual WWN for a server
instead of using the server’s physical port WWN (PWWN) to create zoning and LUN mapping/masking. When a
FA-PWWN capable server is attached to the SAN, this feature allows the fabric to assign this virtual WWN to
that server. This feature requires servers to be using Brocade HBAs/Adapters. Please consult Brocade
HBA/Adapter driver documentation and Release Notes to confirm minimum requirements for this feature. For
Brocade Network Advisor support, please consult Brocade Network Advisor documentation and Release Notes.
VCS/VDX6730 to FC SAN Connectivity
This feature enables connectivity between hosts (using FCoE) connected to VCS/VDX platforms and FC storage
connected to FC SAN via FCR. An E-port on a VDX6730 platform running NOS v2.1.1 is connected to an
EX_port on an FCR running FOS v7.0.1 to enable this functionality.
•Integrated Routing license is not required to share devices between VDX/VCS Ethernet fabric and FC
SAN fabric.
•It is recommended to use 5300, DCX/DCX-4S, DCX 8510-8, DCX 8510-4 for FCR functionality for
higher scalability.
• A new FCR EX_port mode 5 is used to connect VCS/VDX6730 to FCR
FCIP Enhancements
FOS v7.0.1 enables ESCON and Bus/Tag printer emulation support on FCIP platforms.
This feature provides near native performance for FICON Extended paths to remote ESCON or Bus and Tag
printers. Enabling FICON Printer emulation requires the Advanced FICON Acceleration license. This feature is
supported on 7800 and FX8-24.
D-port (Diagnostic Port) Support between Brocade 16G Fabric Adapter and Brocade 16G FC
D-port functionality is supported between a Brocade 16G Fabric Adapter with adapter firmware version 3.1 or
later, and a Brocade 16G FC switch running FOS v7.0.1 or later. This feature requires usage of 16G SFP+ at
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 6 of 99
both the adapter and the switch. For additional information please consult the Brocade Adapter Release Notes
for firmware version 3.1 or later, and the Brocade Adapter Administrator’s Guide.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 7 of 99
Optionally Licensed Software
Fabric OS v7.0.2 includes all basic switch and fabric support software, as well as optionally licensed software
that is enabled via license keys.
Optionally licensed features supported in FOS v7.0.2 include:
Brocade Ports on Demand
ade Ports on Demand—Allows customers to instantly scale the fabric by provisioning additional ports via
ade Ports on Demandade Ports on Demand
license key upgrade. (Applies to select models of switches).
Brocade Fabric or E_Port or Full Fabric
Brocade Fabric or E_Port or Full Fabric— This license enables a switch to connect to a multi-switch fabric via
Brocade Fabric or E_Port or Full FabricBrocade Fabric or E_Port or Full Fabric
E_Ports, forming ISL connections.
Note: This license is only required on select embedded switch models and Brocade 300, and does not apply to
other fixed-port switches or chassis-based platforms.
Brocade Extended Fabrics
Brocade Extended Fabrics—Provides greater than 10km of switched fabric connectivity at full bandwidth over
Brocade Extended FabricsBrocade Extended Fabrics
long distances (depending on platform this can be up to 3000km
Brocade ISL Trunking
Brocade ISL Trunking— Provides the ability to aggregate multiple physical links into one logical link for
Brocade ISL TrunkingBrocade ISL Trunking
enhanced network performance and fault tolerance. Also includes Access Gateway ISL Trunking on those
products that support Access Gateway deployment.
Brocade Advanced Performance Monitoring
Brocade Advanced Performance Monitoring—Enables performance monitoring of networked storage resources.
Brocade Advanced Performance MonitoringBrocade Advanced Performance Monitoring
This license includes the Top Talkers feature.
Brocade Fabric Watch
Brocade Fabric Watch — Monitors mission-critical switch operations and provides notification if established
Brocade Fabric WatchBrocade Fabric Watch
limits or thresholds are exceeded. Fabric Watch includes Port Fencing capabilities.
High Performance Extension over FC
High Performance Extension over FCIP/FC (
High Performance Extension over FCHigh Performance Extension over FC
license key also includes the FC-FastWrite feature and IPsec capabilities.
Note: The FC-FastWrite feature is not supported on FR4-18i in FOS v7.0 or later.
Brocade Accelerator for FI
Brocade Accelerator for FICON
Brocade Accelerator for FIBrocade Accelerator for FI
(formerly XRC) application (including Hitachi Data Systems HXRC and EMC’s XRC) as well as Tape Pipelining for
all FICON tape and virtual tape systems to significantly improve XRC and tape backup/recovery performance
over virtually unlimited distance for FR4-18i.
FICON Management Server
FICON Management Server— Also known as “CUP” (Control Unit Port), enables host-control of switches in
FICON Management ServerFICON Management Server
Mainframe environments.
Enhanced Group Management
Enhanced Group Management ———— This license enables full management of devices in a data center fabric with
Enhanced Group Management Enhanced Group Management
deeper element management functionality and greater management task aggregation throughout the
environment. This license is used in conjunction with Brocade Network Advisor application software and is
applicable to all FC platforms supported by FOS v7.0 or later.
Adaptive Networking with QoS
Adaptive Networking with QoS—Adaptive Networking provides a rich framework of capability allowing a user to
Adaptive Networking with QoSAdaptive Networking with QoS
ensure high priority connections obtain the bandwidth necessary for optimum performance, even in congested
environments. The QoS SID/DID Prioritization and Ingress Rate Limiting features are included in this license,
and are fully available on all 8Gb and 16Gb platforms.
Server Application Optimization
Server Application Optimization — When deployed with Brocade Server Adapters, this license optimizes overall
Server Application OptimizationServer Application Optimization
application performance for physical servers and virtual machines by extending virtual channels to the server
infrastructure. Application specific traffic flows can be configured, prioritized, and optimized throughout the
entire data center infrastructure. This license is not supported on the Brocade 8000.
CON – This license enables unique FICON emulation support for IBM’s Global Mirror
IP/FC (formerly known as “FCIP Services”) (For the FR4-18i blade) — This
Integrated Routing
Integrated Routing— This license allows any port in a DCX 8510-8, DCX 8510-4, Brocade 6510, DCX-4S, DCX,
Integrated RoutingIntegrated Routing
5300, 5100, 7800, or Brocade Encryption Switch to be configured as an EX_Port or VEX_Port (on some
platforms) supporting Fibre Channel Routing. This eliminates the need to add a dedicated router to a fabric for
FCR purposes.
Encryption Performance Upgrade
Encryption Performance Upgrade — This license provides additional encryption processing power. For the
Encryption Performance Upgrade Encryption Performance Upgrade
Brocade Encryption Switch or a DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4, the Encryption Performance License
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 8 of 99
can be installed to enable full encryption processing power on the BES or on all FS8-18 blades installed in a
DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4 chassis.
DataFort Compatibility
DataFort Compatibility — This license is required on the Brocade Encryption Switch or DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 8510-
DataFort CompatibilityDataFort Compatibility
8/DCX 8510-4 with FS8-18 blade(s) to read and decrypt NetApp DataFort-encrypted disk and tape LUNs.
DataFort Compatibility License is also required on the Brocade Encryption Switch or DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 85108/DCX 8510-4 Backbone with FS8-18 Encryption Blade(s) installed to write and encrypt the disk and tape
LUNs in NetApp DataFort Mode (Metadata and Encryption Algorithm) so that DataFort can read and decrypt
these LUNs. DataFort Mode tape encryption and compression is supported beginning with the FOS v6.2.0
release on DCX platforms. Availability of the DataFort Compatibility license is limited; contact your vendor for
Brocade 8000 FC Ports on Demand
Brocade Brocade
Advanced Extension
Advanced Extension – This license enables two advanced extension features: FCIP Trunking and Adaptive Rate
Advanced Extension Advanced Extension
8000 FC Ports on Demand ————
8000 FC Ports on Demand 8000 FC Ports on Demand
This license enables all eight FC ports on the Brocade 8000.
Limiting. The FCIP Trunking feature allows multiple IP source and destination address pairs (defined as FCIP
Circuits) via multiple 1GbE or 10GbE interfaces to provide a high bandwidth FCIP tunnel and failover resiliency.
In addition, each FCIP circuit supports four QoS classes (Class-F, High, Medium and Low Priority), each as a
TCP connection. The Adaptive Rate Limiting feature provides a minimum bandwidth guarantee for each tunnel
with full utilization of the available network bandwidth without impacting throughput performance under high
traffic load. This license is available on the 7800 and the DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4 for the FX824 on an individual slot basis.
10GbE FCIP/10G Fibre Channel
10G Fibre Channel – This license enables the two 10GbE ports on the FX8-24 or the 10G FC
10G Fibre Channel10G Fibre Channel
capability on FC16-xx blade ports. On the Brocade 6510, this license enables 10G FC ports. This license is
available on the DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4 on an individual slot basis.
24: With this license assigned to a slot with an FX8-24 blade, two additional operating modes (in
addition to 10 1GbE ports mode) can be selected;10 1GbE ports and 1 10GbE port, or 2
10GbE ports
xx: Enables 10G FC capability on an FC16-xx blade in a slot that has this license
•Brocade 6510
Brocade 6510: Enables 10G FC capability on the switch
Brocade 6510Brocade 6510
Advanced FICON
Advanced FICON Acceleration
Advanced FICONAdvanced FICON
Acceleration – This licensed feature uses specialized data management techniques and
automated intelligence to accelerate FICON tape read and write and IBM Global Mirror data replication
operations over distance, while maintaining the integrity of command and acknowledgement sequences. This
license is available on the 7800 and the DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4 for the FX8-24 on an
individual slot basis.
7800 Upgrade
7800 Upgrade – This license allows a Brocade 7800 to enable 16 FC ports (instead of the base four ports) and
7800 Upgrade 7800 Upgrade
six GbE ports (instead of the base two ports). This license is also required to enable additional FCIP tunnels
and also for advanced capabilities like tape read/write pipelining.
ICL 16
ICL 16----link, or Inter Chassis Links
link, or Inter Chassis Links -- This license provides dedicated high-bandwidth links between two Brocade
ICL 16ICL 16
link, or Inter Chassis Linkslink, or Inter Chassis Links
DCX chassis, without consuming valuable front-end 8Gb ports. Each chassis must have the 16-link ICL license
installed in order to enable the full 16-link ICL connections. Available on the DCX only.
ICL 8----Link
Link – This license activates all eight links on ICL ports on a DCX-4S chassis or half of the ICL bandwidth
for each ICL port on the DCX platform by enabling only eight links out of the sixteen links available. This allows
users to purchase half the bandwidth of DCX ICL ports initially and upgrade with an additional 8-link license to
utilize the full ICL bandwidth at a later time. This license is also useful for environments that wish to create ICL
connections between a DCX and a DCX-4S, the latter of which cannot support more than 8 links on an ICL port.
Available on the DCX-4S and DCX platforms only.
ICL POD License
ICL POD License –––– This license activates ICL ports on core blades of DCX 8510 platforms. An ICL 1st POD
ICL POD License ICL POD License
license only enables half of the ICL ports on CR16-8 core blades of DCX 8510-8 or all of the ICL ports on
CR16-4 core blades on DCX 8510-4. An ICL 2nd POD license enables all ICL ports on CR16-8 core blades on a
DCX 8510-8 platform. (The ICL 2nd POD license does not apply to the DCX 8510-4.)
Enterprise ICL
Enterprise ICL (EICL)
Enterprise ICLEnterprise ICL
(EICL) License
License –––– The EICL license is required on a Brocade DCX 8510 chassis when that chassis
is participating in a group of five or more Brocade DCX 8510 chassis connected via ICLs.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 9 of 99
Note that this license requirement does not depend upon the total number of DCX 8510 chassis that exist in a
fabric, but only on how many chassis are interconnected via ICLs. This license is only recognized/displayed
when operating with FOS v7.0.1 and later.
Temporary License Support
The following licenses are available in FOS v7.0.1 or later as Universal Temporary or regular temporary
• Fabric (E_Port) license
• Extended Fabric license
• Trunking license
• High Performance Extension license
• Advanced Performance Monitoring license
• Adaptive Networking license
• Fabric Watch license
• Integrated Routing license
• Server Application Optimization license
• Advanced Extension license
• Advanced FICON Acceleration license
• 10GbE FCIP/10G Fibre Channel license
• FICON Management Server (CUP) license
• Enterprise ICL license
Note: Temporary Licenses for features available on a per slot basis enable the feature for any and all slots in
the chassis.
Temporary and Universal Temporary licenses have durations and expiration dates established in the licenses
themselves. FOS will accept up to two temporary licenses and a single Universal license on a unit. Universal
Temporary license keys can only be installed once on a particular switch, but can be applied to as many
switches as desired. Temporary use duration (the length of time the feature will be enabled on a switch) is
provided with the license key. All Universal Temporary license keys have an expiration date upon which the
license can no longer be installed on any unit.
Supported Switches
Fabric OS v7.0.2 supports the Brocade 300, 5410/5424/5450/5460/5470/5480/NC-5480, 5100, 5300,
VA-40FC, Brocade Encryption Switch (BES), DCX/DCX-4S, 8000, 7800, 6505, 6510, DCX 8510-8 and DCX
Access Gateway mode is also supported by Fabric OS v7.0.2, and is supported on the following switches: the
Brocade 300, 5100, VA-40FC, 8000, 5450, 5460, 5470, 5480, NC-5480, M5424, 6510, 6505.
Standards Compliance
This software conforms to the Fibre Channel Standards in a manner consistent with accepted
engineering practices and procedures. In certain cases, Brocade might add proprietary supplemental
functions to those specified in the standards. For a list of FC standards conformance, visit the
following Brocade Web site:
The Brocade 8000 and FCOE10-24 blade conform to the following Ethernet standards:
• IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol
• IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 10 of 99
• IEEE 802.1w Rapid reconfiguration of Spanning Tree Protocol
• IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation with LACP
• IEEE 802.3ae 10G Ethernet
• IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tagging
• IEEE 802.1p Class of Service Prioritization and Tagging
• IEEE 802.1v VLAN Classification by Protocol and Port
• IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
• IEEE 802.3x Flow Control (Pause Frames)
The following draft versions of the Converged Enhanced Ethernet (CEE) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
Standards are also supported on the Brocade 8000 and FCOE10-24 blade:
• IEEE 802.1Qbb Priority-based Flow Control
• IEEE 802.1Qaz Enhanced Transmission Selection
• IEEE 802.1 DCB Capability Exchange Protocol (Proposed under the DCB Task Group of IEEE
802.1 Working Group)
•FC-BB-5 FCoE (Rev 2.0)
Technical Support
Contact your switch supplier for hardware, firmware, and software support, including product repairs and part
ordering. To expedite your call, have the following information immediately available:
1. General Information
General Information
General InformationGeneral Information
• Technical Support contract number, if applicable
• Switch model
• Switch operating system version
• Error numbers and messages received
• supportSav
o For dual CP platforms running FOS v6.2 and above, the supportsave command gathers
•Detailed description of the problem, including the switch or fabric behavior immediately following
the problem, and specific questions
• Description of any troubleshooting steps already performed and the results
• Serial console and Telnet session logs
• Syslog message logs
2. Switch Serial Number
Switch Serial Number
Switch Serial NumberSwitch Serial Number
The switch serial number is provided on the serial number label, examples of which are shown here:
e command output and associated files
e e
information from both CPs and any AP blades installed in the chassis
The serial number label is located as follows:
•Brocade Encryption Switch, VA-40FC, 300, 5100, 5300, 6510, 6505 — On the switch ID pull-out
tab located on the bottom of the port side of the switch
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 11 of 99
•Brocade 7800 — On the pull-out tab on the front left side of the chassis underneath the serial
console and Ethernet connection and on the bottom of the switch in a well on the left side
underneath (looking from front)
•Brocade 8000 — On the switch ID pullout tab located inside the chassis on the port side on the
left and also on the bottom of the chassis
• Brocade DCX, DCX 8510-8 — Bottom right of the port side
• Brocade DCX-4S, DCX 8510-4 — Back, upper left under the power supply
3. World Wi
World Wide Name (WWN)
World WiWorld Wi
de Name (WWN)
de Name (WWN)de Name (WWN)
When the Virtual Fabric feature is enabled on a switch, each logical switch has a unique
switch WWN. Use the wwn
If you cannot use the wwn
wwn command to display the switch WWN.
wwn command because the switch is inoperable, you can get the
primary WWN from the same place as the serial number, except for the Brocade DCX/DCX-4S
and DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4. For the Brocade DCX/DCX-4S and DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4
access the numbers on the WWN cards by removing the Brocade logo plate at the top of the
non-port side. The WWN is printed on the LED side of both cards.
There is only one License Identifier associated with a physical switch or director/backbone
chassis. This License Identifier is required as part of the ordering process for new FOS
Use the licenseId
licenseId command to display the License Identifier.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 12 of 99
FOS Migration Considerations
This section contains important details to consider before migrating to or from this FOS release.
TSBs - Critical Issues to Consider Prior to Installing This FOS Release
Technical Support Bulletins (TSBs) are produced to provide detailed information about high priority defects or
issues present in FOS releases. The following sections specify all current TSBs that have been identified as
being a risk to or resolved with this specific version of Fabric OS. Please review carefully and refer to the
complete TSB for relevant issues prior to migrating to this version of code. TSBs can be found at under the “Technical Documentation” section of the “documentation” tab.
TSB Issues Outstanding in FOS v7.0.2
Issues in the following list of TSBs are known to be potential risks to using FOS v7.0.2 and should be
considered carefully prior to using this release of code:
TSB Summary
TSB Issues Resolved in FOS v7.0.2
Issues in the following list of TSBs are known FOS v7.0.1 and FOS v7.0.1a risks that are not exposures in FOS
v7.0.2. Note that the issues addressed in this list of TSBs may also be resolved in other FOS releases. Refer
to the specific Release Notes for each release to verify resolution details.
TSB Summary
In Fabric OS v7.0.1 and v7.0.1a, an Integrated Routing license is incorrectly required
for VEX_Ports on FR4-18i blades.
Recommended Migration Paths to FOS v7.0.2
Migrating from FOS v7.0
Migrating from FOS v7.0
Migrating from FOS v7.0Migrating from FOS v7.0
Any 8G or 16G platforms running any FOS v7.0.0x or FOS v7.0.1x release can be non-disruptively upgraded to
FOS v7.0.2.
Migrating from FOS v6.4.x
Migrating Migrating
DCX/DCX-4S units running any FOS v6.4.x release can be non-disruptively upgraded to FOS v7.0.2.
Any 8G platforms (other than DCX/DCX-4S) that are currently operating at lower than FOS v6.4.1a must be
upgraded to FOS v6.4.1a or later before non-disruptively upgrading to FOS v7.0.2 Upgrading these platforms
from any FOS V6.4.x release lower than
Upgrading any 8G platform operating at FOS v6.4.1a or later to FOS v7.0.2 is non-disruptive to FC traffic.
Migrating from FOS v6.
Migrating from FOS v6.4.1_fcoe1
Migrating from FOS v6.Migrating from FOS v6.
The upgrade from FOS v6.4.1_fcoe1 to FOS v7.0.2 is non-disruptive to both FC and FCoE traffic on DCX and
Note: Upgrading from FOS v6.4.1_fcoe or FOS v6.4.x releases other than v6.4.1_fcoe1 to FOS v7.0.2 will be
disruptive to FCoE traffic going through FCOE10-24 blades in DCX/DCX-4S. When loading FOS v7.0.2 with
Brocade Network Advisor v11.1.1/11.1.1a, there is no warning flagging this FCoE traffic disruption.
from FOS v6.4.x
from FOS v6.4.xfrom FOS v6.4.x
lower than FOS v6.4.1a
lower thanlower than
FOS v6.4.1a to FOS v7.0
FOS v6.4.1aFOS v6.4.1a
to FOS v7.0.2
to FOS v7.0to FOS v7.0
.2 will cause disruption to FC traffic
will cause disruption to FC traffic.
will cause disruption to FC trafficwill cause disruption to FC traffic
Migrating from FOS v6.3.x
Migrating from FOS v6.3.x
Migrating from FOS v6.3.xMigrating from FOS v6.3.x
To non-disruptively migrate from FOS v6.3.x to v7.0.2, units should first load FOS v6.4.1a or later (v6.4.1b
should be used for encryption platforms, units operating in Access Gateway mode, or units with ports
configured as EX or VEX for FCR), and then migrate to FOS v7.0.2.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 13 of 99
FOS Upgrade and Downgrade Special Considerations
The DCX/DCX-4S units running any FOS v6.4.x can be non-disruptively upgraded to FOS v7.0.2. This upgrade is
non-disruptive to FC traffic only. When loading FOS v7.0.2 to a DCX chassis with FCOE10-24 blades with
Brocade Network Advisor v11.1.1/11.1.1a, there is no warning flagging FCoE traffic disruption.
The DCX/DCX-4S units running FOS v6.4.1_fcoe1 can be non-disruptively upgraded to FOS v7.0.2. This
upgrade is non-disruptive to both FCoE traffic through FCOE10-24 blades and FC traffic.
Non-disruptive upgrade to FOS v7.0.2 on 8G switches is allowed from FOS
Disruptive upgrades to Fabric OS 7.0.2 are allowed and supported from FOS 6.3 (up to a two-level migration)
using the optional “-s” parameter with the firmwaredownload command.
If there are multiple node EGs (encryption groups) in a fabric, please complete firmwaredownload on one node
at a time before downloading on another node.
The Brocade 8000 does not support non-disruptive hot code loads (HCL). Upgrading the Brocade 8000 to FOS
v7.0 .1 will be disruptive to the I/O through the switch.
FC FastWrite , EX_Ports, and TCP byte streaming on FR4-18i must be disabled prior to upgrading to FOS v7.0.2.
Failure to do so will cause the upgrade to be blocked.
Upgrading a switch currently operating in interopmode 2 or 3 to FOS v7.0.2 is disruptive. The interopmode
must be changed to 0 prior to upgrading to FOS v7.0.2, as interopmodes 2 and 3 are not supported on FOS
v7.0.2. Changing the interopmode is an offline operation.
v6.4.1aaaa or later.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 14 of 99
Important Notes
This section contains information that you should consider before you use this Fabric OS release.
Brocade Network Advisor Compatibility
Brocade® Network Advisor provides the industry’s first unified network management solution for data, storage,
and converged networks. It supports Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks (SANs), Fibre Channel over Ethernet
(FCoE) networks, Layer 2/3 IP switching and routing networks, wireless networks, application delivery
networks, and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) networks. In addition, Brocade Network Advisor supports
comprehensive lifecycle management capabilities across different networks through a seamless and unified
user experience. It is the next-generation successor product to legacy Brocade management products (Brocade
Data Center Fabric Manager (DCFM), Brocade Fabric Manager (FM) and Brocade Enterprise Fabric Connectivity
Manager (EFCM)).
Brocade Network Advisor is available with flexible packaging and licensing options for a wide range of network
deployments and for future network expansion. Brocade Network Advisor 11.1.0 is available in
• SAN-only edition
• IP-only edition
• SAN+IP edition.
For SAN Management, Network Advisor 11.1 is available in three editions:
Network Advisor Professiona
Network Advisor Professionallll: a fabric management application that is ideally suited for small-size
businesses that need a lightweight management product to manage their smaller fabrics. It manages
one FOS fabric at a time and up to 1,000 switch ports. It provides support for Brocade FC switches,
Brocade HBAs / CNAs, and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) switches.
•Network Advisor Professional Plus
Network Advisor Professional Plus: a SAN management application designed for medium-size
Network Advisor Professional PlusNetwork Advisor Professional Plus
businesses or departmental SANs for managing up to four physical or virtual fabrics (FOS, M-EOS and
Mixed fabrics) and up to 2,560 switch ports. It supports Brocade backbone and director products
(DCX 8510-4/DCX-4S, 48Ks, etc.), FC switches, Fibre Channel Over IP (FCIP) switches, Fibre Channel
Routing (FCR) switches/ Integrated Routing (IR) capabilities, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) / DCB
switches, and Brocade HBAs / CNAs.
•Network Advisor Enterprise
Network Advisor Enterprise:::: a management application designed for enterprise-class SANs for
managing up to 24 physical or virtual fabrics and up to 9,000 switch ports. Network Advisor SAN
Enterprise supports all the hardware platforms and features that Network Advisor Professional Plus
supports, and adds support for the Brocade DCX Backbone (DCX 8510-8/DCX) and Fiber Connectivity
(FICON) capabilities.
More details about Network Advisor’s new enhancements can be found in the Network Advisor 11.1 Release
Notes, Network Advisor 11.1 User Guide, and Network Advisor 11.1 Installation, Migration, & Transition
Brocade Network Advisor 11.0 and DCFM 10.4 cannot manage switches running FOS v7.0 or later.
Brocade Network Advisor 11.1.3 is required to manage Brocade 6505 platform.
DCFM Compatibility
DCFM is not qualified or support the management of switches operating with FOS v7.0 and later firmware
versions. You must first upgrade DCFM to Network Advisor 11.1 or later if you are planning to upgrade devices
to FOS v7.0 or you risk losing management connectivity
to FOS v7.0 or you risk losing management connectivity.
to FOS v7.0 or you risk losing management connectivityto FOS v7.0 or you risk losing management connectivity
You must first upgrade DCFM to Network Advisor 11.1 or later if you are planning to upgrade devices
You must first upgrade DCFM to Network Advisor 11.1 or later if you are planning to upgrade devices You must first upgrade DCFM to Network Advisor 11.1 or later if you are planning to upgrade devices
WebTools Compatibility
FOS v7.0.2 is qualified and supported only with Oracle JRE 1.6.0 update 24.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 15 of 99
SMI Compatibility
• It is important to note that host SMI-S agents cannot be used to manage switches running FOS v7.0.2
• If users want to manage a switch running FOS v7.0.2 using SMI-S interface, they must use Brocade
Network Advisor’s integrated SMI agent.
Fabric OS Compatibility
The following table lists the earliest versions of Brocade software supported in this release, that is, the earliest
supported software versions that interoperate. Brocade recommends using the latest software versions to get
the greatest benefit from the SAN.
To ensure that a configuration is fully supported, always check the appropriate SAN, storage or blade server
product support page to verify support of specific code levels on specific switch platforms prior to installing on
your switch. Use only FOS versions that are supported by the provider.
For a list of the effective end-of-life dates for all versions of Fabric OS, visit the following Brocade Web site:
Supported Products and FOS Interoperability
Supported Products and FOS Interoperability
Supported Products and FOS InteroperabilitySupported Products and FOS Interoperability
Brocade 2000-series switches Not supported, end of support
(December 2007)
Brocade 3200, 3800 Direct E-port connections are not
supported – must use FCR
Brocade 3000 Direct E-port connections are not
supported – must use FCR v3.2.1c
Silkworm 3016, 3250, 3850, 3900, 24000 Direct E-port connections are not
supported – must use FCR
4100, 4900, 7500, 7500e, 5000, 200E, 48K
v6.2.2 or later
Brocade 4012, 4016, 4018, 4020, 4024, 4424
Silkworm 12000 v5.0.x 3 (Direct E_Port connections are
not supported – must use FCR)
Brocade 5410, 5480, 5424,
, 5450, 5460, 5470, NC-5480 v6.2.0 or later
, ,
Brocade DCX, 300, 5100, 5300 v6.1.0e and later
VA-40FC v6.2.1_vfc 6, v6.2.2 or later
Brocade DCX-4S v6.2.0 or later
Brocade DCX with FS8-18 blade(s), Brocade Encryption Switch v6.1.1_enc or later
Brocade 7800, DCX and DCX-4S with FCOE10-24 or FX8-24 blades V6.3.0 or later
Brocade 8000 V6.1.2_CEE1 or later
2 6
Brocade DCX/DCX-4S with FA4-18 blade(s) DCX requires v6.0.x or later 6, DCX-4S
requires 6.2.x or later
5 6
Brocade DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4 FOS v7.0 or later
Brocade 6510 FOS v7.0 or later
Brocade 6505 FOS v7.0.1 or later
48000 with FA4-18 blade(s), Brocade 7600 V6.2.2 or later
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 16 of 99
Supported Products and FOS Interoperability
Supported Products and FOS Interoperability
Supported Products and FOS InteroperabilitySupported Products and FOS Interoperability
Secure Fabric OS (on any model) Not Supported
Mi10k, M6140, ED-6064, ES-3232, ES-4300, ES-4400, ES-4500, ES4700 (McDATA Fabric Mode and Open Fabric Mode) 1
Direct E_Port connections are not
supported – must use FCR.
M-EOS v9.9.5 or later
McDATA ED-5000 32-port FC director Not Supported
Multi----Protocol Router
Protocol Router IIIInterop
Protocol Router Protocol Router
Brocade 7420 Not supported
Brocade 7500 and FR4-18i blade V6.2.2 and higher
4 6
McDATA SANRouters 1620 and 2640 Not Supported
NOS (VDX Platform)
(VDX Platform) IIIInterop
(VDX Platform) (VDX Platform)
Brocade VDX6710, VDX6720, VDX6730 NOS v2.1.1 or later
Table Notes:
When routing to an M-EOS edge fabric using frame redirection, the M-EOS fabric must have a FOS-based product in
order to configure the frame redirection zone information in the edge fabric.
When directly attached to a Host or Target that is part of an encryption flow.
These platforms may not be directly attached to hosts or targets for encryption flows.
McDATA 1620 and 2640 SANRouters should not be used with FOS-based routing (FCR) for connections to the same
edge fabric.
FA4-18 is not supported in a DCX/DCX-4S that is running FOS v7.0 or later
If operating with FOS v6.2.2e
platform. Otherwise, ISL will segment.
Connectivity to FC SAN is established via VDX6730 connected to FCR running FOS v7.0.1 or later. FCR platforms
supported include 5100, VA-40FC, 5300, 7800, DCX, DCX-4S, DCX 8510-8, DCX 8510-4, 6510. For higher FCR
backbone scalability (refer to separate “Brocade SAN Scalability Guidelines” documentation for details), please use
5300, DCX, DCX-4S, DCX 8510-8, DCX 8510-4.
FOS v6.2.2e or earlier
FOS v6.2.2eFOS v6.2.2e
or earlier, Adaptive Networking QoS must be disabled when connecting to 16G FC
or earlieror earlier
Zoning Compatibility
Zoning Compatibility Note
Zoning Compatibility Zoning Compatibility
Users are recommended to upgrade to the following versions of firmware when interoperating with a switch
running FOS v7.0 or later in the same layer 2 fabric to overcome some of the zoning operations restrictions
that otherwise exist:
Main code level
Main code level
Main code levelMain code level
FOS v6.2 FOS v6.2.2d or later
FOS v6.3 FOS v6.3.2a or later
FOS v6.4 FOS v6.4.1 or later
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 17 of 99
Patch code levels with full zoning
Patch code levels with full zoning
Patch code levels with full zoning Patch code levels with full zoning
If there are switches running FOS versions lower than the above listed patch levels in the same fabric as a
switch with FOS v7.0 or later, then cfgsave and cfgenable operations initiated
the zoning database is greater than 128KB. In such scenarios zoning operations such as cfgsave/cfgenable
can still be performed successfully if initiated from a switch running FOS v7.0 or later.
initiated from these switches will fail if
Blade Support
Fabric OS v7.0.1 or later software is fully qualified and supports the blades for the DCX/DCX-4S noted in the
following table
DCX/DCX----4S Blade Support Matrix
4S Blade Support Matrix
4S Blade Support Matrix4S Blade Support Matrix
16-, 32-, 48- and 64-port 8Gbit port blades (FC8-16,
FC8-32, FC8-48, FC8-64) and the 6-port 10G FC blade
Intelligent blade Up to a total of 8/4 intelligent blades. See below for
FCIP/FC Router blade (FR4-18i) Up to a maximum of 4 blades of this type. This can be
Virtualization/Application Blade (FA4-18) Not supported on FOS v7.0 or later
Encryption Blade (FS8-18) Up to a maximum of 4 blades of this type.
Next Generation Distance Extension Blade (FX8-24) Up to a max of 4 blades of this type.
FCoE/L2 CEE blade FCOE10-24 Up to a max of 4 blades of this type. Not supported in
Supported with FOS v6.0 and above (FC8-64 requires
FOS v6.4) with any mix and up to 8/4 of each. No
restrictions around intermix.
maximum supported limits of each blade.
extended under special circumstances, but must be
approved by Brocade’s Product Team. Up to 8 FR4-18i
blades can be installed in a DCX if they are used only
for FCIP without routing.
Note: FR4-18i cannot coexist with FX8-24 in FOS v7.0
or later
FR4-18i does not support EX-ports, FC FastWrite and
WAN optimization features in FOS v7.0 or later
FR4-18i supports VEX ports on FOS v7.0 or later
Note: FR4-18i cannot coexist with FX8-24 in FOS v7.0
or later
Not supported in
Not supported in Not supported in
the same chassis with other intelligent blades or the
the same chassis with other intelligent blades or the
the same chassis with other intelligent blades or the the same chassis with other intelligent blades or the
FC8----64 port blade.
64 port blade.
64 port blade.64 port blade.
FC16-32, FC16-48 Not supported
Table 1111 Blade Support Matrix for DCX and DCX
Table Table
Note: The iSCSI FC4-16IP blade is not qualified for the DCX/DCX-4S.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 18 of 99
Blade Support Matrix for DCX and DCX----4444SSSS wi
Blade Support Matrix for DCX and DCXBlade Support Matrix for DCX and DCX
with FOS v7.0
th FOS v7.0.1
th FOS v7.0th FOS v7.0
.1 or Later
or Later
or Lateror Later
Fabric OS v7.0.1 or later software is fully qualified and supports the blades for the DCX 8510-8 and DCX 85104 noted in the table below.
DCX 8510
DCX 8510----8/
DCX 8510DCX 8510
8/DCX 8510
DCX 8510----4 Bl
DCX 8510DCX 8510
4 Blade Support Matrix
ade Support Matrix
4 Bl4 Bl
ade Support Matrixade Support Matrix
FC16-32, FC16-48 16G FC blades Supported starting with FOS v7.0
FC8-64 64 port 8Gbit port blade With any mix and up to 8/4 of each. No restrictions
around intermix.
Note: FC8-16, FC8-32, FC8-48 blades are not
supported on DCX 8510 platforms
FC8-32E, FC8-48E Condor3 based 8G blades Supported starting with FOS v7.0.11
FC10-6 Not supported.
Intelligent blade Up to a total of 8/4 intelligent blades. See below for
maximum supported limits of each blade.
FCIP/FC Router blade (FR4-18i) Not supported.
Virtualization/Application Blade (FA4-18) Not supported
Encryption Blade (FS8-18) Up to a maximum of 4 blades of this type.
Next Generation Distance Extension Blade (FX8-24) Up to a maximum of 4 blades of this type.
FCoE/L2 CEE blade FCOE10-24 Not supported
Table 2222 Blade Support Matrix for
Table Table
Blade Support Matrix for DCX 8510
Blade Support Matrix for Blade Support Matrix for
DCX 8510----8 and
DCX 8510DCX 8510
8 and DCX 8510
DCX 8510----4 with FOS v7.0
8 and 8 and
DCX 8510DCX 8510
4 with FOS v7.0.1
4 with FOS v7.04 with FOS v7.0
.1 or Later
or Later
or Lateror Later
Note: The iSCSI FC4-16IP blade is not qualified for the DCX 8510-8/DCX 8510-4.
1. Note that 16G SFP+ is not supported in FC8-32E and FC8-48E blades
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 19 of 99
Power Supply Requirements for Blades in DCX/DCX
Power Supply Requirements for Blades in DCX/DCX----4S
Power Supply Requirements for Blades in DCX/DCXPower Supply Requirements for Blades in DCX/DCX
Blades Type of Blade
FC10-6, FC8-
Type of Blade
Type of BladeType of Blade
Port Blade 2 Power
16, FC8-32,
FC 8-48, FC864
FR4-18i Intelligent
@110 VAC
@200-240 VAC
2 Power Supplies
Not Supported 2 Power Supplies
Not Supported DCX: 2 or 4 Power
DCX-4S: 2 Power
•Distribute the Power Supplies
evenly to 2 different AC
connections for redundancy.
•For DCX with three or more
FS8-18 Blades, (2+2)
220VAC Power Supplies are
required for redundancy.
•For DCX with one or two
FS8-18 Blades, (2) 220VAC
Power Supplies are required
for redundancy.
•For DCX-4S, (2) 220VAC
Power Supplies provide
redundant configuration
with any supported number
of FS8-18 Blades.
•For both DCX and DCX-4S
with FX8-24 blades, (1+1)
220VAC Power Supplies are
required for redundancy.
Table 3333 Power Supply Requirements for DCX
Table Table
Power Supply Requirements for DCX and DCX
Power Supply Requirements for DCXPower Supply Requirements for DCX
and DCX----4S
and DCXand DCX
4S 4S
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 20 of 99
Typical Power Supply Requirements
Power Supply Requirements Guidelines
Typical Typical
Power Supply RequirementsPower Supply Requirements
(For specific calculation of power draw with different blade combinations, please refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications
(For specific calculation of power draw with different blade combinations, please refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications
(For specific calculation of power draw with different blade combinations, please refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications (For specific calculation of power draw with different blade combinations, please refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications
Number of Ports
Number of Ports
Number of PortsNumber of Ports
in the 8510
in the 8510----8 Backbone Hardware Reference Ma
in the 8510in the 8510
Blades Type of Blade
8 Backbone Hardware Reference Manual)
8 Backbone Hardware Reference Ma8 Backbone Hardware Reference Ma
Type of Blade
Type of BladeType of Blade
Guidelines for Blades
DCX 8510
DCX 8510----8
DCX 8510DCX 8510
(Redundant (Redundant
for Blades iiiin DCX 8510
for Blades for Blades
@110 VAC
@110 VAC
@110 VAC @110 VAC
8 8
n DCX 8510----8888
n DCX 8510n DCX 8510
DCX 8510
DCX 8510----8
DCX 8510DCX 8510
@200----240 VAC
(Redundant (Redundant
8 8
240 VAC
240 VAC240 VAC
Any combination
of 8Gb or 16Gb
ports with QSFP
256 16Gb ports +
256 8Gb ports +
192 16Gb Ports &
max 2 intelligent
blades (FX8-24
with QSFP ICLs
192 8Gb Ports &
max 2 intelligent
blades (FX8-24
combination) with
336 16Gb ports +
FC8-64, FC16-32,
FC16-32, FC16-48
(Maximum of fully
populated FC16-32
FC8-32E, FC8-48E
(Maximum of fully
populated FC8-32E
FC16-32, FC16-48,
FX8-24, FS8-18
FC8-32E, FC8-48E,
FX8-24, FS8-18
(Maximum of
seven FC16-48
blades, with one
empty port blade
Port Blade 4 Power Supplies 2 Power
Port Blade 4 Power Supplies 2 Power
Port Blade 4 Power Supplies 2 Power
Port /
4 Power Supplies 2 Power
Port /
4 Power Supplies 2 Power
Port Blade
4 Power Supplies 2 Power
200-240VAC: 1+1
Power Supplies
110VAC: 2+21
Power Supplies
200-240VAC: 1+1
Power Supplies
110VAC: 2+2
Power Supplies
Max 8 FC16-32 port
200-240VAC: 1+1
Power Supplies
110VAC: 2+2
Power Supplies
Max 8 FC8-32E port
200-240VAC: 1+1
Power Supplies
110VAC: 2+2
Power Supplies
Max four FC16-48
port blades and max
2 Intelligent blades
200-240VAC: 1+1
Power Supplies
110VAC: 2+2
Power Supplies
Max four FC8-48E
port blades and max
2 Intelligent blades
200-240VAC: 1+1
Power Supplies
110VAC: 2+2
Power Supplies
Max 7 FC16-48 port
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 21 of 99
Typical Power Supply Requirements
Power Supply Requirements Guidelines
Typical Typical
Power Supply RequirementsPower Supply Requirements
(For specific calculation of power draw with different blade combinations, please refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications
(For specific calculation of power draw with different blade combinations, please refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications
(For specific calculation of power draw with different blade combinations, please refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications (For specific calculation of power draw with different blade combinations, please refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications
Number of Ports
Number of Ports
Number of PortsNumber of Ports
in the 8510
in the 8510----8 Backbone Hardware Reference Ma
in the 8510in the 8510
Blades Type of Blade
8 Backbone Hardware Reference Manual)
8 Backbone Hardware Reference Ma8 Backbone Hardware Reference Ma
Type of Blade
Type of BladeType of Blade
Guidelines for Blades
DCX 8510
DCX 8510----8
DCX 8510DCX 8510
(Redundant (Redundant
for Blades iiiin DCX 8510
for Blades for Blades
@110 VAC
@110 VAC
@110 VAC @110 VAC
8 8
n DCX 8510----8888
n DCX 8510n DCX 8510
DCX 8510
DCX 8510----8
DCX 8510DCX 8510
@200----240 VAC
(Redundant (Redundant
8 8
240 VAC
240 VAC240 VAC
336 8Gb ports +
384 16Gb ports +
384 8Gb ports +
Any combination
of 8Gb or 16Gb
ports and
intelligent blades
with QSFP ICLs
Power Supply Requirements forPower Supply Requirements for
DCX 8510
200-240VAC: 1+1
Power Supplies
110VAC: 2+2
Power Supplies
Max 7 FC8-48E port
For DCX 8510-8, four
220V AC Power
Supplies are required
For DCX 8510-8, four
220V AC Power
Supplies are required
For DCX 8510-8, four
220V AC Power
Supplies are required
when any special
purpose blade are
1. When 2+2 power supply combination is used, the users are advised to configure the Fabric Watch setting for
switch marginal state to be two power supplies. Users can use the CLI switchstatuspolicyset to configure this
value if the current value is set to zero. In FOS v7.0.x, the default setting for the marginal state due to missing
power supplies is incorrectly set to zero (Defect 000349586), which will prevent Fabric Watch from generating
notifications when the switch enters the marginal state due to missing power supplies
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 22 of 99
Typical Power Supply Requirements
Power Supply Requirements Guidelines
Power Supply Requirements Power Supply Requirements
(For specific calculati
(For specific calculation of power draw with different
(For specific calculati(For specific calculati
Number of
Number of
Number of Number of
on of power draw with different blade combinations,
on of power draw with differenton of power draw with different
refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications refer to Appendix A: Power Specifications
4 4
240 VAC
240 VAC240 VAC
96 ports max
with QSFP
of 8Gb or 16
Gb ports and
blades with
Port Blade 2 Power Supplies 2 Power
Intelligent Blade
Table 5555 Power Supply Requirements for DCX
Table Table
Power Supply Requirements for DCX 8510
Power Supply Requirements for DCXPower Supply Requirements for DCX
Not Supported 2 Power
1+1 redundancy with 110
or 200-240 VAC power
200-240VAC: 1+1 Power
All scalability limits are subject to change. Limits may be increased once further testing has been completed,
even after the release of Fabric OS. For current scalability limits for Fabric OS, refer to the Brocade Scalability Guidelines document, available under the Technology and Architecture Resources section at
Other Important Notes and Recommendations
Adaptive Networking/Flow-Based QoS Prioritization
•Any 8G or 4G FC platform running FOS v6.2.2e or lower version of firmware cannot form an E-port
with a 16G FC platform when Adaptive Networking QoS is enabled at both ends of the ISL. Users must
disable QoS at either end of the ISL in order to successfully form an E-port under this condition.
Users can disable QoS via portcfgQos --disable command. Please consult Fabric OS Command
Reference manual for details related to portcfgQoS command.
•When using QoS in a fabric with 4G ports or switches, FOS v6.2.2 or later must be installed on all
products in order to pass QoS info. E_Ports from the DCX to other switches must come up AFTER
6.2.2 is running on those switches.
Access Gateway
• AG cascading is not supported on Brocade 6510, Brocade 6505 in FOS v7.0.1 or later.
• Users who want to utilize Access Gateway’s Device-based mapping feature in the ESX environments
are encouraged to refer to the SAN TechNote GA-TN-276-00 for best implementation practices.
Please follow these instructions to access this technote:
o Log in to
o Go to Documentation > Tech Notes.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 23 of 99
o Look for the Tech Note on Access Gateway Device-Based Mapping in VMware ESX Server.
Brocade HBA/Adapter Compatibility
•Brocade HBA/Adapter should be using driver version or later when attached to 16G ports on
Brocade switches.
•D-port tests must be run with FEC disabled. Sometimes, a D-Port test may get stuck in “IN
PROGRESS” state, when FEC is enabled for a port. The D-Port stuck in “IN PROGRESS” state can be
recovered by toggling the port (port disable/enable).
•FOS v7.0.0a and later support the execution of D-Port tests concurrently on up to eight ports on the
•D-Port tests may only be executed on ports configured for “portcfglongdistance port# L0” or normal
port distance mode. Executing D-Port tests on long distance ports may cause tests to fail due to time
out exceeded.
Support of D-Port is extended to R_RDY flow control mode. The R_RDY mode is useful for active
DWDM links that do not work in VC_RDY or EXT_VC_RDY flow control modes.
•A new sub-option “-dwdm” is added to “portcfgdport --enable” CLI to configure D-Port over active
DWDM links. The “-dwdm” option will not execute the optical loopback test while performing D-Port
tests as the active
active DWDM links do not provide necessary support to run optical loopback tests.
Encryption Behavior for the Brocade Encryption Switch (BES) and FS8-18
•SafeNet’s KeySecure hosting NetApp’s LKM (SSKM) is supported for data encryption operations with
FOS v7.0.1 or later.
•Use of SSKM with the Brocade encryption solution is only supported for SSKM operating in
PVM mode. Please see SSKM documentation for operating in PVM mode for details.
Operation in HVM mode is not supported.
• It is recommended to use Tight VNC connection to access the management console forSSKM
and LKM key vaults instead of remote desktop. If remote desktop is used, customer may
encounter the following errors related to smart card reader:
Error communicating with smart card reader.
Card reader already in use by default key.
Unable to complete TEP/TAP process as window for selecting card and entering
password does not appear.
•Please refer to SafeNet Keysecure install documentation for setting up and initially
configuring the SSKM key vaults. There are some changes between setting up the SSKMs and
the LKMs. Please refer SafeNet or NetApp documentation for any LKM to SSKM migration
procedures. This migration is not tested/supported with FOS v7.0.1 or later.
•The following is tested and supported with FOS v7.0.1 or later.
•For crypto tape operations, please ensure to use Emulex FC HBA firmware/drivers
2.82A4/ or higher. Use of lower level firmware/drivers may result in hosts not being able to
access their tape LUNs through a crypto target container.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 24 of 99
•If the migration to FOS v7.0 or later does not occur from 6.4.1a, 6.4.1b, or 6.4.2, the following will
•BES will reboot if auto reboot is enabled otherwise it needs to be rebooted manually for
recovery2010/11/08-04:54:35:485488, [FSS-1009], 4424/886, CHASSIS, ERROR,
MACE, FSS Error: fcsw0-vs: MISMATCH: component., svc.c, line: 2462, comp:FSSK_TH,
•Adding of 3PAR Session/Enclosure LUNs to CTCs is now supported. Session/Enclosure LUNs (LUN
0xFE) used by 3PAR InServ arrays must be added to CryptoTarget (CTC) containers with LUN state set
to “cleartext”, encryption policy set to “cleartext”. BES/FS8-18 will not perform any explicit
enforcement of this requirement.
•The “cryptocfg –manual_rekey –all” command should not be used in environments with multiple
encryption engines (FS8-18 blades) installed in a DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 8510 chassis with more than one
encryption engine has access to the same LUN. In such situations, use the “cryptocfg –manual_rekey <CTC> <LUN Num> <Initiator PWWN>” command to manually rekey these LUNs.
•When host clusters are deployed in an Encryption environment, please note the following
•If two EEs (encryption engines) are part of a HAC (High Availability Cluster), configure the
host/target pair such that they form a multipath from both EEs. Avoid connecting both
the host/target pairs to the same EE. This connectivity does not give full redundancy in
the case of EE failure resulting in HAC failover.
•Since quorum disk plays a vital role in keeping the cluster in sync, please configure the
quorum disk to be outside of the encryption environment.
•The “–key_lifespan” option has no effect for “cryptocfg –add –LUN”, and only has an effect for
“cryptocfg --create –tapepool” for tape pools declared “-encryption_format native”. For all other
encryption cases, a new key is generated each time a medium is rewound and block zero is written or
overwritten. For the same reason, the “Key Life” field in the output of “cryptocfg --show -container -all
–stat” should always be ignored, and the “Key life” field in “cryptocfg --show –tapepool –cfg” is only
significant for native-encrypted pools.
•The Quorum Authentication feature requires a compatible DCFM or Brocade Network Advisor release
(DCFM 10.3 or later for pre-FOS v7.0 and Network Advisor 11.1 or later for FOS v7.0 or later) that
supports this feature. Note, all nodes in the EG must be running FOS v6.3.0 or later for quorum
authentication to be properly supported.
• The System Card feature requires a compatible DCFM or Brocade Network Advisor release (DCFM
10.3 or later for pre-FOS v7.0 and Network Advisor 11.1 or later for FOS v7.0 or later) that supports
this feature. Note, all nodes in the EG must be running FOS v6.3.0 or later for system verification to
be properly supported.
•The Brocade Encryption switch and FS8-18 blade do not support QoS. When using encryption or
Frame Redirection, participating flows should not be included in QoS Zones.
•HP SKM & ESKM are supported with Multiple Nodes and Dual SKM/ESKM Key Vaults. Two-way
certificate exchange is supported. Please refer to the Encryption Admin Guide for configuration
information. If using dual SKMs or ESKMs on BES/FS8-18 Encryption Group, then these SKM / ESKM
Appliances must be clustered. Failure to cluster will result in key creation failure. Otherwise, register
only one SKM / ESKM on the BES/FS8-18 Encryption Group.
•The RSA RKM Appliance A1.6, SW v2.7.1.1 is supported. The procedure for setting up the RKM
Appliance with BES or a DCX/DCX-4S/DCX 8510 with FS8-18 blades is located in the Encryption
Admin Guide.
•Support for registering a 2nd RKM Appliance on BES/FS8-18 is blocked. If the RKM Appliances are
clustered, then the virtual IP address hosted by a 3rd party IP load balancer for the RKM Cluster must
be registered on BES/FS8-18 in the primary slot for Key Vault IP.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 25 of 99
•With Windows and Veritas Volume Manager/Veritas Dynamic Multipathing, when LUN sizes less than
400MB are presented to BES for encryption, a host panic may occur and this configuration is not
supported in the FOS v6.3.1 or later release.
•Hot Code Load from FOS v6.4.1a to FOS v7.0 or later is supported. Cryptographic operations and I/O
will be disrupted but other layer 2 FC traffic will not be disrupted.
•When disk and tape CTCs are hosted on the same encryption engine, re-keying cannot be done while
tape backup or restore operations are running. Re-keying operations must be scheduled at a time that
does not conflict with normal tape I/O operations. The LUNs should not be configured with auto rekey
option when single EE has disk and tape CTCs.
•Gatekeeper LUNs used by SYMAPI on the host for configuring SRDF/TF using in-band management
must be added to their containers with LUN state as “cleartext”, encryption policy as “cleartext” and
without “-newLUN” option.
•For new features added to encryption in FOS v6.4.0, such as, disk device decommissioning,
combined disk-tape encryption support on the same encryption engine, and redundant key ID
metadata option for replication environments, all the nodes in the encryption group must be running
FOS v6.4.0 or higher versions of FOS. Firmware downgrade will be prevented from FOS v6.4.0 to a
lower version if one or more of these features are in use.
• Special Notes for HP Data Protector backup/restore application
• Tape Pool encryption policy specification:
• On Windows Systems, HP Data Protector can be used with tape pool encryption
specification only if the following pool label options are used:
Pick from Barcode
User Supplied – Only 9 characters or less
For other options, behavior defaults to Tape LUN encryption policy.
•On HP-UX systems, HP Data Protector cannot be used with tape pool encryption
specification for any of the pool options. The behavior defaults to Tape LUN
Encryption Policy.
• Tape LUN encryption policy specification:
• No restrictions, tape LUN encryption policy specification can be used with HP Data
Protector on HP-UX and Windows systems.
•BES/FS8-18 will reject the SCSI commands WRITE SAME and EXTENDED COPY, which are related to
VAAI (vStorage APIs for Array Integration) hardware acceleration in vSphere 4.1. This will result in nonVAAI methods of data transfer for the underlying arrays, and may affect the performance of VM related
FCIP (FR4-18i, Brocade 7800 and FX8-24)
• Any firmware activation will disrupt I/O traffic on FCIP links.
• Latency measurements supported on FCIP Tunnels:
o 1GbE & 10GbE - 200ms round trip time and 1% loss.
•After inserting a 4G SFP in GE ports of an FX8-24 blade or 7800 switch, sometimes “sfpshow”
output might display “Cannot read serial data!” . Removing and re-inserting the SFP should
resolve this issue. It is recommended that users perform sfpshow immediately after inserting
the SFP and ensure SFP is seated properly before connecting the cables.
•When running FOS v7.0.0 or later, if any of the following features are enabled in the FCIP
configuration, a downgrade operation to pre-FOS v7.0.0 will be blocked until the features are
removed from the FCIP configuration:
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 26 of 99
o InBand Management
o Multigigabit Circuit
o Shared GE among Logical Switches
o Auto-mode compression option
o VE as XISL
o 10GigE lossless failover
o Modified QoS percentages
o 10GigE ARL
o IP Configuration where multiple GigEs have same subnet values
o For a tunnel configuration on 1GE ports that has more than 4 circuits
o Teradata emulation enabled
o Circuits configured explicitly to be listeners or an initiators
FCoE/DCB/CEE (Brocade 8000 and FCOE10-24)
•When upgrading a Brocade 8000 or DCX/DCX-4S with one or more FCOE10-24 blades from FOS v6.x
to FOS v7.0.0 or later, the user should carefully review Chapter 5 of the FOS v7.0.0 Converged
Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide.
•FOS v7.0 or later supports a new optimized model for provisioning FCoE with fewer configuration steps
to enable FCoE on DCB ports. These changes do not allow the Brocade 8000 to retain FCoE
configuration information following an upgrade to FOS v7.0 or later. After the upgrade to FOS v7.0 or
later, all FCoE edge ports will need to be provisioned with the new model before any FIP FLOGIs will
take place
•Although including Brocade 8000 in the path of TI (Traffic Isolation) and ETI (Enhanced Traffic
Isolation) Zones is not prohibited, it is not supported. Configuring Brocade 8000 in the TI/ETI Zone
path is not recommended and will result in undefined behavior.
•Ethernet L2 traffic with xSTP Hello timer set to less than or equal to 3 seconds may experience
momentary traffic disruption during HA failover.
•The Brocade 8000 balances the FCoE bandwidth across all six port groups (each port group contains
four ports). To get optimum performance for FCoE traffic it is recommended that the user distribute
server CNA connections across these six port groups.
•Hot plugging a CP with firmware level less than FOS v6.3.0 into a DCX or DCX-4S with an active
FCOE10-24 blade will result in the new standby CP not coming up.
•When operating in Converged Mode, tagged traffic on the native VLAN of the switch interface is
processed normally. The host should be configured not to send VLAN tagged traffic on the switch’s
native VLAN.
•When operating in Converged Mode, tagged frames coming with a VLAN tag equal to the configured
native VLAN are dropped.
•The Converged Network Adapter (CNA) may lose connectivity to the Brocade 8000/FCOE10-24 if the
CNA interface is toggled repeatedly over time. This issue is related to the CNA and rebooting the CNA
restores connectivity.
•The Brocade 8000 and FCOE10-24 support only one CEE map on all interfaces connected to CNAs.
Additionally, CEE map is not recommended for use with non-FCoE traffic. QoS commands are
recommended for interfaces carrying non-FCoE traffic.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 27 of 99
•Before upgrading to FOS v6.4.1_fcoe/v6.4.1_fcoe1/v7.0.0 or later, if the CEE map “default” value
already exists, the same “default” value is preserved after upgrading to FOS
v6.4.1_fcoe/v6.4.1_fcoe1/v7.0.0 or later. However, if the CEE map “default” is not configured before
upgrading to FOS v6.4.1_fcoe/v6.4.1_fcoe1/v7.0.0 or later, then after upgrading to FOS
v6.4.1_fcoe/v6.4.1_fcoe1/v7.0.0 or later, the following CEE map “default” will be created
cee-map default
priority-group-table 1 weight 40 pfc
priority-group-table 2 weight 60
priority-table 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
•When upgrading from FOS v6.3.x or v6.4.x to FOS v6.4.1_fcoe/v6.4.1_fcoe1/v7.0.0 or later, the CEE
start up configuration dcf.conf file will be incompatible with the FCoE provisioning changes
implemented in v6.4.1_fcoe and later releases. Users can save the dcf.conf file as a backup and
apply it once the firmware upgrade is completed to get the DCX/DCX-4S to the same startup
configuration as in the older release.
•It is recommended that Spanning Tree Protocol and its variants be disabled on CEE interfaces that are
connected to an FCoE device.
•The Fabric Provided MAC Address (FPMA) and the Fibre Channel Identifier (FCID) assigned to a
VN_Port cannot be associated with any single front-end CEE port on which the FLOGI was received.
•LLDP neighbor information may be released before the timer expires when DCBX is enabled on a CEE
interface. This occurs only when the CEE interface state changes from active to any other state.
When the DCBX is not enabled, the neighbor information is not released until the timer expires,
irrespective of the interface state.
•The FCoE login group name should be unique in a fabric-wide FCoE login management configuration. If
there is a login group name conflict, the merge logic would rename the login group by including the
last three bytes of the switch WWN in the login group name. As long as the OUI of the switch WWNs
are identical this merge logic guarantees uniqueness in any modified login group name (switches with
the same OUI will have unique last 3 bytes in WWN). However, if the participating switches have
different OUIs but identical last three bytes in the switch WWNs, then the merge logic will fail to
guarantee uniqueness of login group names. This will result in one of the login groups being dropped
from the configuration. This means, no device can login to the login group that is dropped as a result
of this name conflict. Users must create a new login group with a non-conflicting name to allow device
• Ethernet switch services must be explicitly enabled using the command “fosconfig –enable ethsw”
before powering on an FCOE10-24 blade. Failure to do so will cause the blade to be faulted (fault 9).
Users can enable ethsw after upgrading firmware without FC traffic interruption.
•The Brocade 8000 does not support non-disruptive hot code loads (HCL). Upgrading the Brocade
8000 to FOS v7.0.x or downgrading from v7.0.x is disruptive to the IO through the switch.
•Upgrading firmware on a DCX or DCX-4S with one or more FCOE10-24 blades from FOS v6.4.1_fcoe1
to FOS v7.0 or later will be non-disruptive to FCoE traffic through FCOE10-24 blades and FC traffic.
•Upgrading firmware on a DCX or DCX-4S with one or more FCOE10-24 blades from FOS v6.3.x, v6.4.x,
and v6.4.1_fcoe to FOS v7.0 or later will be disruptive to any traffic through the FCOE10-24 blades.
•Connecting Brocade 8000 to an FCR-capable switch with fcrbcast config enabled will cause a storm of
broadcast traffic resulting in termination of iswitchd.
•When rebooting a DCX or DCX-4S with an FCOE10-24 blade, Qlogic CNA and LSAN zoning, the switch
will become very unresponsive for a period of time. This is due to the CNA sending excessive MS
queries to the switch.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 28 of 99
•The Brocade 8000 and FCOE10-24 can handle 169 small FCoE frames in bursts. If you are using the
Brocade 8000 or FCOE10-24, and you delete a large number of v-ports with HCM, some of the v-ports
may not appear to be deleted. To correct this, disable and re-enable FCoE with the following CLI
•When a FCOE10-24 blade is powered off during configuration replay, the interface specific
configuration won’t get applied. Later when FCOE10-24 blade is powered on, all physical interfaces
will come up with default configurations. User can execute “copy startup-config running-config”
command to apply the new configuration after powering on the FCOE10-24 blade.
•When IGMP Snooping is disabled on a VLAN, all configured IGMP groups are removed from that VLAN.
User has to reconfigure the IGMP groups after enabling the IGMP snooping on that VLAN.
fcoe ––––disable slot/port
disable slot/port
fcoe fcoe
disable slot/portdisable slot/port
fcoe --
enable slot/port
fcoe fcoe
FCR and Integrated Routing
•With routing and dual backbone fabrics, the backbone fabric ID must be changed to keep the IDs
•When using FC Routing in a backbone to edge configuration with an Mi10K in the edge fabric, users
may experience slow throughput for hosts attached to the Mi10K. Users may encounter this following
a bounced IFL connection between the backbone and edge fabric. This slowdown can be resolved by
disabling/enabling the Mi10K ports for the hosts that are impacted.
•Mi10K Directors operating with firmware prior to M-EOSn v9.9.5 may experience repeated system
faults when attached as an FCR edge switch to a Brocade 7800 EX Port. To avoid this, ensure that the
Mi10K is operating with M-EOSn v9.9.5 or later when in an edge fabric that will be attached to a
Brocade 7800 FCR Backbone.
• VEX edge to VEX edge device sharing will not be supported.
• To allow Hot Code Load on Brocade 5100 when using Integrated Routing, the edge switch connected
to the 5100 must be running Fabric OS v6.1 or later code.
Forward Error Correction (FEC)
•Though FEC capability is generally supported on Condor3 (16G capable FC) ports when operating at
either 10G or 16G speed, it is not supported when using active DWDM links. Hence FEC must be
disabled on Condor3 ports when using active DWDM links by using portCfgFec command. Failure to
disable FEC on active DWDM links may result in link failure during port bring up.
•For FICON qualified releases, please refer to the Appendix: Additional Considerations for FICON
Environments section for details and notes on deployment in FICON environments. (This appendix is
only included for releases that have completed FICON qualification).
FL_Port (Loop) Support
•FL_Port is not supported on FC16-32, FC16-48, FC8-32E, FC8-48E, Brocade 6510, and Brocade
• The FC8-48 and FC8-64 blade support attachment of loop devices.
• Virtual Fabrics must be enabled on the chassis and loop devices may only be attached to ports on
a 48-port or 64-port blade assigned to a non-Default Logical Switch operating with the default 10bit addressing mode (they may not be in the default Logical Switch).
•A maximum of 144 ports may be used for connectivity to loop devices in a single Logical Switch within
a chassis in 10-bit dynamic area mode on DCX-4S.
Fabric OS v7.0.2 Release Notes v1.0 Page 29 of 99
•A maximum of 112 ports may be used for connectivity to loop devices in a single Logical Switch within
a chassis in 10-bit dynamic area mode on DCX.
•Loop devices continue to be supported when attached to ports on the FC8-16, FC8-32 with no new
•If a DCX with an 8-link ICL license is connected to a DCX with a 16-link license, the DCX with the 16link license will report enc_out errors. The errors are harmless, but will continue to increment. These
errors will not be reported if a DCX with a 16-link license is connected to a DCX-4S with only 8-link ICL
• If ICL ports are disabled on only one side of an ICL link, the enabled side may see enc_out errors.
Native Connectivity (M-EOS interoperability)
• A switch running FOS v7.0 or later cannot form E-port connectivity with any M-EOS platform. A switch
running FOS v7.0 or later can only operate in Brocade native mode (interopmode 0). Connectivity
between M-EOS platforms and a switch running FOS v7.0 or later is supported via FCR.
Port Mirroring
•On the Brocade 5300, the port mirroring feature has a limitation where all port mirror resources must
stay within the same ASIC port group. The resources are the configured mirror port, Source Device,
and Destination Device or ISL, if the Destination Device is located on another switch. The ASIC port
groups are 0-15, 16-31, 32-47, 48-63, and 64-79. The routes will be broken if the port mirror
resources are spread across multiple port groups.
•Port Mirroring is not supported on the Brocade 7800.
Port Statistics
• On Condor3-based (16G FC) ports, the enc_in (number of encoding errors inside of frames) and
enc_out (number of encoding errors outside of frames) counters will not be updated when a port is
operating at either 10G or 16G speed. This is due to the different encoding scheme used at 10G and
16G speeds when compared to 8G/4G/2G speeds. Because of this, Fabric Watch alerts and Port
Fencing based on ITW (Invalid Transmission Word) thresholds will not function as these enc_in and
enc_out counters will not be incremented when operating at either 10G or 16G (ITW is computed
based on enc_in and enc_out counters). Also any CLI or GUI that displays enc_in and enc_out
counters will show no incrementing of these counters when a port is operating at either 10G or 16G.
Both enc_in and enc_out counters contain valid information when a Condor3-based port is operating
at speeds other than
other than 10G and 16G.
other thanother than
•Though below OIDs are present in Brocade MIBs, they are not functional in FOS v7.0.2 . Below are the
OIDs that are not functional in FOS v7.0.2:
o swDeviceStatusTrap
o swConnUnitPCSErrorCounter in swConnUnitPortStatExtensionTable
o swDeviceStatus in swSystemTable.
o Addition of swConnUnitPortCapableSpeeds
Virtual Fabrics
•When creating Logical Fabrics that include switches that are not Virtual Fabrics capable, it is possible
to have two Logical Switches with different FIDs in the same fabric connected via a VF incapable
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