12 Jan 2007
Brocade 5000
QuickStart Guide
Supporting Fabric OS v5.2.1
Supporting Brocade 5000

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Document History
Title Publication Number Summary of Changes Date
Brocade 5000 QuickStart Guide 53-1000425-01 New document 12 Jan 2007
4 of 12 Brocade 5000 QuickStart Guide
Publication Number: 53-1000425-01

This QuickStart guide is intended as an overview to help experienced installers unpack, install, and configure a
Brocade 5000 switch quickly. For detailed installation and configuration instructions, refer to the Brocade 5000
Hardware Reference Manual.
You can install the Brocade 5000 in the following ways:
• As a standalone unit on a flat surface, as described in this document.
• In an EIA cabinet using the Mounting Ears provided with the switch. For detailed instructions, refer to the
Brocade 5000 Rack Mounting Ears Installation Procedure.
• In an EIA cabinet using the Fixed Rack Mount Kit (optional). For detailed instructions, refer to the Brocade Fixed
Rack Mount Kit Installation Procedure.
• In an EIA cabinet using the Slide Rack Mount Kit (optional). For detailed instructions, refer to the Brocade Slide
Rack Mount Kit Installation Procedure.
Refer to the following sections of this guide for specific information:
• “Time and Items Required” on page 5
• “Site Planning and Safety Guidelines” on page 6
• “Items Included with the Brocade 5000” on page 7
• “Installing the Brocade 5000 in an EIA Cabinet” on page 8
• “Configuring the Brocade 5000” on page 8
Time and Items Required
Tab le 1 lists the main installation tasks for the Brocade 5000 switch and the estimated time required . These time
estimates assume a prepared installation site and appropriate power and network connectivity.
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Publication Number: 53-1000425-01