Brocade Communications Systems 7800 User Manual

Brocade 7800 QuickStart Guide
Complete the steps in this guide to install and set up your Brocade 7800 switch in a single-switch configuration using EZSwitchSetup. See the Brocade 7800 Hardware Reference Manual and the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide (located on the Brocade Family Documentation CD) if you want to choose a different setup.
Getting Ready
Ensure that you have the items listed below. Write down the IP network values in the space provided.
Powering up and connecting cables to the switch
The Connect Cables screen shows you the connections you need to make.
1. Connect the power cord to the switch and to a power source (1). The power and status LEDs display amber then green. This can take from one to three minutes.
Fixed IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) for the switch (no DHCP server): __________________________________________________
Subnet mask value: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Brocade switch World Wide Name (WWN): located on the switch ID pullout: ________________________________________
Ethernet connection (hub or switch) Ethernet and Fibre Channel Cables
EZSwitchSetup CD Setup computer
Host computer with an installed HBA Disk array
Standard screw driver Optical transceivers (SFPs)
Browser that allows pop-up windows
Installing and starting EZSwitchSetup
1. Insert the EZSwitchSetup CD into the CD-ROM drive of your setup computer. The installer will autostart in about a minute.
2. Follow the EZSwitchSetup directions for installation. Installation will take a few minutes after you click OK.
3. Wait for EZSwitchSetup to start, which should happen automatically after it is installed. For Windows and Linux instructions, refer to the EZSwitchSetup Administrator’s Guide.
2. Connect the switch and the setup computer to the same LAN, using Ethernet cables (3, 5) and an Ethernet hub or switch (2). Be sure the Ethernet hub or switch is connected to a power source (6).
3. If you want to use a serial connection for setup, connect your setup computer COM port (7) to the serial port on the switch, using the serial cable shipped with the switch (4). The serial connection settings are as follows:
Bits per second: 9600
Databits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none
4. Click Next.
If you chose to use the Ethernet connection, the Discover Switch screen is displayed. Enter the switch WWN, following
the instructions on the Discover Switch screen. After completing switch discovery, the Set Switch IP Address screen is displayed.
If you chose to use the serial port connection, the Set Switch IP Address screen is immediately displayed.
4. On the EZSwitchSetup Introduction screen, choose the option that matches your setup configuration:
Ethernet connection. This option uses the Ethernet LAN connection you will use for running EZSwitchSetup Manager.
Direct connection to the switch with a serial cable.
Most users will find it more convenient to use the Ethernet connection.
5. Click Next. The Connect Cables screen is displayed.
Setting the switch IP address
1. Enter the required information on the Set Switch IP Address screen.
2. If prompted to install Active X or a version of the Java runtime environment, do so. Reboot the setup computer, if required.
3. Click Next.
The Confirm IP Address screen is displayed.
4. Click Next to confirm the addresses.
A Continue Configuration screen is displayed.
5. Click Continue with EZManager.
Set the switch password
1. Click Next on the EZManager Welcome to Switch Configuration screen.
The Set Parameters screen is displayed.
2. Create a new administrator account password in the Set Parameters screen.
3. Enter a new name for the switch (optional step).
4. Adjust the date and time for your time zone (optional step).
5. Click Next.
1. Install the SFP transceivers in the ports on the switch to match the ports shown on the screen.
a. Remove any protector plugs from the SFP transceivers you are going to use.
b. Position and insert each SFP transceiver until it is firmly seated.
2. Make the physical connections to your host and storage devices. Match the physical connections shown on the Configure Ports and Connect Devices screen.
c. Close the latching bale.
a. Remove plastic protector caps from the cable ends (if there are any), and position the cable connector so that it is oriented correctly.
b. Insert the cable connector into the SFP until it is firmly seated and the latching mechanism clicks.
c. The Configure Ports and Connect Devices screen shows missing, valid, and invalid connections as you cable the switch. Note that it can take up to 15 seconds for the connection to display as a valid connection. Verify that the connections are all green and click Next.
Configure the zones and perform device selection
1. Select Typical Zoning on the Select Zoning screen and click Next.
Typical Zoning is the default zone configuration.
2. Enter the number and types of devices that you are connecting to the switch on the Device Selection screen. EZSwitchSetup uses these values to automatically configure the ports on your switch.
Connect devices
The Configure Ports and Connect Devices screen displays a graphical representation of the switch with the device connections based on the information that you entered when you configured zones and performed device selection. The screen shows the connections as missing until you connect the devices that you specified.
3. Finish screen: Congratulations - you’ve successfully completed the setup! If you used the serial connection for setup, you can remove the serial cable.
Additional configuration options, such as custom zoning, are available from EZManager. See the EZSwitchSetup Administrator’s Guide for more information on custom zoning, and other switch configuration and management options.
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