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Document History
TitlePublication numberSummary of changesDate
Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch
MIB Reference
Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch
MIB Reference
Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch
MIB Reference
Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch
MIB Reference
53-1002582-01Added MIB objects for
Brocade 6910 Ethernet
Access Switch Software
Release, including
LacpTimeout, snTrapSys
sn TrapTem per atu reO K,
SupplyOK, snTrapStacking
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats used in this
Text formatting
The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used are as follows:
bold textIdentifies command names
italic textProvides emphasis
code textIdentifies CLI output
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Identifies keywords
Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
Identifies variables
Identifies document titles
The following notice statements are used in this manual.
A note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a
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An Attention statement indicates potential damage to hardware or data.
Related publications
The following Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. documents supplement the information in
this guide and can be located at
For the latest edition of these documents, which contain the most up-to-date information, see
Product Manuals at
To contact Technical Support, go to for the
latest e-mail and telephone contact information.
Document feedback
Quality is our first concern at Brocade and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that a
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Provide the title and version number of the document and as much detail as possible about your
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The Management Information Base (MIB) is a database of objects that can be used by a Network
Management System (NMS) to manage and monitor devices on the network. The MIB can be
retrieved by a network management system that uses Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP). The MIB structure determines the scope of management access allowed by a device. By
using SNMP, a manager application can issue read or write operations within the scope of the MIB.
Obtaining and installing the Brocade 6910 MIBs
You can obtain the Brocade 6910 MIBs by downloading the file from Brocade Technical Support
1Overview of the Brocade 6910 MIB
After obtaining the MIB, follow the instructions for your network management system to be able to
use the MIB with your system.
Downloading the MIB from Technical Support web site
To download the MIB from the Brocade Technical Support Web site, you must have a user name
and password to access the Brocade support site and perform the following.
1. Go to in your Web browser.
2. Login with your user name and password.
3. Click the downloads tab, then click the Knowledge Portal link.
4. Login to the Knowledge portal, then click the Software tab.
5. Click the product name. Each product release has a link for its corresponding MIB.
6. Navigate to the link for the MIB and either open the file or save it to disk.
Downloading the MIB from Brocade FTP site
You can also download the MIB from the Knowledge Portal. Contact Brocade Technical Support for
details. For the latest edition of this document, which contains the most up-to-date information,
refer to the Product Manuals tab at
Importing the Brocade MIB into a UNIX environment
You can import the Brocade 6910 MIB into third-party network management applications, such as
HP OpenView. By default, the Brocade 6910 MIB files are in DOS ASCII format that uses the
following characters:
However, in a UNIX environment, the characters LF are used to indicate the end of a line. No
character indicates the end of a file. Thus, if you need to import the Brocade 6910 MIB into a UNIX
environment, you must use a tool that converts the DOS ASCII into UNIX ASCII, such as the
dos2unix tool.
Reloading MIBs into a third-party NMS
Third party network management systems, such as HP OpenView may have problems reloading
MIB files. Ensure that you must upload the following when reloading the Brocade 6910 MIB:
• Unload the Enterprise MIBs which were installed from the previous upgrade before reloading
any new Enterprise MIB file.
• Unload the Standard MIBs which were installed from the previous upgrade before reloading
any new Standard MIB file.
Standard objects
The Brocade 6910 MIB supports certain standard MIB objects, which are derived from Request for
Comments (RFCs) documents. Refer to Chapter 2, “Supported Standard MIBs” for details on the
supported standard MIBs.
Proprietary objects
Proprietary objects are MIB objects that have been developed specifically to manage the Brocade
6910 switch. This section presents a summarized list of these objects.
Tab le 1 shows the hierarchy of the MIB objects that are proprietary to the Brocade 6910. These
objects may also be referred to as the private (or enterprise) MIBs.
On the MIB tree, the object named “foundry” marks the start of the IronWare MIB objects. The
“foundry” object branches into the “products” branch, which branches further into three major
• switch – Includes general SNMP MIB objects and objects related to switching functions.
• router – Contains objects for routing protocols, such as IP, OSPF. (Layer 3 routing protocols will
be supported in a future release.)
Each of these major nodes are further divided into smaller categories.
Tab le 1 contains a summary of the major categories or MIB object groups under each major node.
The MIB object groups can be divided into the individual MIB objects or additional object groups.
The column “Object Group Name” presents the name of the MIB object. The “Object Identifier”
column shows the MIB object’s identifier (OID). In this guide, the IronWare objects are presented
with their object names and object their identifiers (OIDs). As shown in Ta ble 1, OIDs are presented
in the format brcdIp.x.x.x.x, where:
All chapters in this guide contain details about the MIB objects that are in the Brocade 6910 MIB.
Each object is presented with its object name and OID, the access type available for that object (for
example, read-write or read only), and a description. Objects are grouped according to their
The chapter “Traps and Objects to Enable Traps” on page 57 contains both the objects used to
enable a particular type of trap and the objects that are available for a trap type. For example,
objects to enable Layer 4 traps as well as the Layer 4 trap objects are in the chapter.
SNMPv3 support
SNMPv3 engine is supported on the NetIron XMR/MLX. The SNMPv3 engine can accept V1, V2c,
and V3 packet formats.
This section summarizes the standard objects that are supported in the Brocade 6910 MIB. It does
not document all the supported standard objects, but presents those standard MIBs that are not
fully supported.
For example, although RFC1213 is supported in the Brocade 6910 MIB, some groups and tables in
that MIB are not supported. The section “RFC 1213: Management Information Base (MIB-II)” on
page 7 identifies the groups and tables that are supported and the ones not supported.