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iv4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual
53-1000571-01 Rev. A
About this document
This document is a hardware reference manual, written for SAN administrators who are using any
Blade Server that supports the Brocade 4424 Blade Server Fibre Channel SAN I/O Module. It
provides the information needed to understand the installation, configuration, and maintenance of
the Brocade 4424 SAN I/O Module.
Through this document, the Brocade 4424 SAN I/O Module is referred to as the SAN I/O Module.
How this document is organized
This document is organized to help you find information that you need as quickly as possible. The
document contains the following components:
• Chapter 1, “Introducing the SAN I/O Module,”describes the SAN I/O Module and explains its
basic concepts and features. This chapter also provides instructions for unpacking the SAN I/O
Module from its shipping container, references to the appropriate publication for installing the
module into the Blade Server Enclosure, and Fibre Channel port cabling guidelines.
• Chapter 2, “Configuring the SAN I/O Module” describes how to change the SAN I/O Module’s IP
address, connect the module to the Ethernet network and fabric, change between Access
Gateway and fabric switch modes, activate Ports on Demand (POD), and connect to the SAN
I/O Module using Web Tools.
• Chapter 3, “Operating the SAN I/O Module,” provides details about operating and replacing a
4424 Module.
• Appendix A, “SAN I/O Module specifications,” is a product specification reference.
Supported hardware and software
This document includes information specific to the Brocade 4424 SAN I/O Module running
Brocade Fabric OS. For more information about the Fabric OS supported by this product, refer to
the related publications on the Brocade Family Documentation CD-ROM shipped with the SAN I/O
What’s new in this document
This is a new document. For further information, see the Brocade release notes for the Fabric OS
released with this product.
4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manualv
Document conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notices formats.
Text formatting
The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used in this document are as follows:
bold textIdentifies command names
italic textProvides emphasis
code textIdentifies CLI output
For readability, command names in the narrative portions of this guide are presented in mixed
letter case: for example, switchShow. In actual examples, command letter case is often all
lowercase. Otherwise, this manual specifically notes those cases in which a command is case
Identifies GUI elements
Identifies keywords and operands
Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
Identifies variables
Identifies paths and Internet addresses
Identifies document titles
Identifies syntax examples
Notes, attention, caution, and danger
The following notices appear in this document.
A note provides a tip, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference to related
An attention alerts you to potential damage to hardware, firmware, software or data.
A caution alerts you to potential injury to personnel.
A danger alerts you to potential lethal injury to personnel.
For definitions of SAN-specific terms, visit the Storage Networking Industry Association online
dictionary at
vi4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual
Additional information
This section lists additional Brocade and industry-specific documentation that you might find
Brocade resources
The following related documentation is provided on the Brocade Family Documentation and
Brocade 4424 Documentation CD-ROMs packaged with the SAN I/O Module and on the Brocade
Web site, through Brocade Connect.
Go to and click Brocade Connect to register at no cost for a user ID and
Fabric OS
• Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
• Fabric OS Command Reference Manual
• Fabric OS MIB Reference Manual
• Fabric OS System Error Message Reference Manual
• Access Gateway Administrator’s Guide
• SAN TECH NOTE - Preparing to Install the Brocade Access Gateway
Fabric OS Optional Features
• Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
• Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guide
Brocade 4424 Blade Server Fibre Channel SAN I/O Module
• Brocade 4424 Blade Server Fibre Channel SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual (this
• Brocade 4424 QuickStart Guide.
• Brocade release notes for Fabric OS version supported by the Brocade 4424.
For practical discussions about SAN design, implementation, and maintenance, you can obtain
Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches through:
For additional Brocade documentation, visit the Brocade SAN Info Center and click the Resource
Library location:
Release notes are available on the Brocade Connect Web site and are also bundled with the Fabric
OS firmware.
4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manualvii
Optional brocade features
Optional Brocade features include:
Advanced Performance Monitoring
Enables more effective end-to-end SAN performance analysis to enhance performance tuning,
increase productivity, optimize resource utilization, and reduce costs.
Extended Fabrics
Supports the reliable, high-speed connectivity of Brocade switches over dark fiber or Dense
Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) equipment at distances up to 500 kilometers to enhance
business continuance operations.
Fabric Watch
Continuously monitors SAN fabrics for potential faults based on thresholds set for a variety of
SAN fabric elements and events—automatically alerting administrators to potential problems
before they become costly failures.
ISL Trunking
Optimizes the performance and availability of SAN fabrics while simplifying ISL management.
Two 4 Gbit/sec Brocade switches can automatically group up to eight ISLs into a single logical
“trunk,” with a total throughput of up to 32 Gbit/sec.
Other industry resources
For additional resource information, visit the Technical Committee T11 Web site. This Web site
provides interface standards for high-performance and mass storage applications for Fibre
Channel, storage management, as well as other applications:
For information about the Fibre Channel industry, visit the Fibre Channel Industry Association Web
Getting technical help
Contact your SAN I/O Module support supplier for hardware, firmware, and software support,
including product repairs and part ordering. To expedite your call, have the following information
1. General Information
• Technical Support contract number, if applicable
• SAN I/O Module model
• SAN I/O Module operating system version
• Error numbers and messages received
• supportSave command output
• Detailed description of the problem and specific questions
viii4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual
• Description of any troubleshooting steps already performed and results
• Serial console and Telnet session logs
• syslog message logs
2. SAN I/O Module Serial Number
The SAN I/O Module serial number and corresponding bar code are provided on the serial
number label attached to the module. Following is an example of a serial number and barcode:
3. World Wide Name (WWN). Use the CLI wwn or switchShow commands to display the WWN.
4. Software licenses. Use the CLI licenseIdShow command to display the list of licenses and
corresponding license IDs available on the unit.
Document feedback
Because quality is our first concern at Brocade, we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy
and completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that
a topic needs further development, we want to hear from you. Forward your feedback to:
Provide the title and version number and as much detail as possible about your comment,
including the topic heading and page number and your suggestions for improvement.
4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manualix
x4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual
Introducing the SAN I/O Module
The Brocade 4424 is a 24-port Fibre Channel module with 8 external ports and 16 internal ports
designed for installation in a Dell PowerEdge M1000e Blade Server Enclosure. The product ships
with 12 ports enabled and can be upgraded to 24 ports through Ports on Demand (POD) licensing.
These ports support link speeds up to 4Gbit/sec.
Dual function and access gateway configurations
The SAN I/O Module ships in one of two configurations:
• Dual Function configuration. In this configuration, the SAN I/O Module operates in Standard
Full Fabric Switch mode by default. The module can also operate in Access Gateway mode.
• Access Gateway configuration. In this configuration the SAN I/O Module operates exclusively in
Access Gateway mode. Access Gateway simplifies SAN deployment by using NPIV. NPIV
provides Fibre Channel switch functions that improve SAN I/O Module scalability,
manageability, and interoperability. For more information on Access Gateway, refer to the
-For a list of SAN I/O Module F_Ports mapped to N_Ports in the SAN I/O Module as shipped
from the factory, refer to “Access Gateway Mode default port mapping” on page 25.
-For general information and details on using Access Gateway, refer to the Brocade Access
Gateway Administrator’s Guide.
-Since Access Gateway relies on NPIV technology for its connection to the edge fabric you
may have to prepare the edge fabric before connecting it to Access Gateway. Please refer
to the SAN TECH NOTE –Preparing to Install the Brocade Access Gateway for specific
When shipped in Access Gateway configuration, a Switch (Fabric) license is required to operate the
module in Standard Full Fabric Switch mode.
Access Gateway cannot be connected directly into an array; it requires a fabric to support NPIV.
Determining module configuration
The factory configuration type is identified by the part number on a label attached to the module.
Refer to Figure 3 on page 5 for label location.
• If the part number is DL-4424-0001, then the SAN I/O Module is configured in Standard Full
Fabric Switch mode. Note that Full Fabric Switch mode is the default setting when shipped
from the factory. Access Gateway mode can also be enabled on this module.
4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual1
• If the part number is DL-4424-0002, then the SAN I/O Module is configured to run exclusively
in Access Gateway mode. To operate in Full Fabric Switch mode, you must have a Switch
You may also use the CLI licenseshow command to determine whether the module is Dual Function
(Switch/Access Gateway), or single-function Access Gateway. This command displays current
license keys, along with a list of licensed products enabled by these keys. A Dual Function
(Switch/Access Gateway) module should have a “Fabric license” in the command output.
Features available on the SAN I/O Module depend on whether the module is configured in Access
Gateway or Standard Full Fabric Switch mode.
Full Fabric Switch mode
The SAN I/O Module has the following features:
• Up to 8 external autosensing (1, 2, and 4 Gbit/sec) Fibre Channel ports. These are universal
and self-configuring ports are capable of becoming one of the following port types:
-F_Port (fabric enabled)
-FL_Port (fabric loop enabled)
-E_Port (expansion port)
These ports are capable of Brocade ISL Trunking with appropriate licensing.
• Up to 16 internal backplane F_Ports. Each port is capable of automatic negotiation to the
highest common speed of all connected devices at 4 Gbit/sec.
• Dynamic ports on demand, which allows any port to be activated as needed based on available
• Frame filtering that augments the hardware zoning capabilities of the Brocade ASIC, which
implements hardware zoning at the port level of the SAN I/O Module.
• Brocade ASIC expanded capabilities, including World Wide Name (WWN) and device-level
• Hardware zoning, implemented by means of a firmware-accessible table per output port.
• Extensive diagnostics and monitoring capabilities.
• Unicast and broadcast data traffic support.
• Up to eight SWL small form-factor pluggable (SFP) optical transceivers.
The SAN I/O Module ships with four 4 Gbit/sec SFPs. If you purchase a POD license, you will
receive an additional four SFPs.
• One serial console port on the front panel (RJ45 connector).
• The following light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for each external port.
-One green/amber LED to indicate status for each port.
-One green/amber LED to indicate link speed for each port.
24424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual
If dark, the port is unlicensed.
• The following system LEDs:
-One green power LED to indicate module power-on.
-One green/amber LED to indicate module status.
-One blue, identify module and flash blue to locate module.
See “Interpreting LED activity” on page 22 for details about the SAN I/O Module LEDs.
Access Gateway mode
• Up to 8 autosensing (1, 2, and 4 Gbit/sec) Fibre Channel ports. These are universal and
self-configuring ports capable of becoming:
-F_Port (fabric enabled)
-N_Port (fabric enabled)
• Up to 16 internal backplane F_Ports. Each port is capable of automatic negotiation to the
highest common speed.of all connected devices at 4 Gbit/sec.
• Dynamic ports on demand, which allows any port to be activated as needed based on available
• Up to eight SWL small-form-factor pluggable (SFP) optical transceivers.
The SAN I/O Module ships with four 4 Gbit/sec SFPs. If you purchase a POD license, you will
receive an additional four SFPs.
• One serial console port on the front panel (RJ45 connector).
• The following light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for each external port:
-One green/amber LED to indicate status for each port.
-One green/amber LED to indicate link speed for each port
If dark, the port is unlicensed.
• The following system light-emitting diodes (LEDs):
-One green power LED to indicate module power-on.
-One green/amber LED to indicate module status.
-One blue, identify module and flash blue to locate module.
See “Interpreting LED activity” on page 22 for details about the SAN I/O Module LEDs.
Ports on Demand (POD)
The SAN I/O Module ships with 12 active ports. You can allocate a POD license to activate 12
additional ports. The SAN I/O Module supports two licensing methods: static and dynamic (module
• For Dynamic POD, 12 licenses are available for the first 12 active ports. Ports 17 and 18 are
licensed at the factory. The remaining 10 licenses are assigned to active ports as required.
Once licenses are issued, they can be moved from one port to another, making port licensing
more flexible.
4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual3
Hardware Description
• For static POD, Tabl e 1 shows the base internal and external ports that are licensed, as well as
the additional 12 ports that can be activated with a POD license. For details about activating
and deactivating additional ports when you have POD licensing, refer to “Activating Ports on
Demand (POD)” on page 17.
TABLE 1Ports available
Port LicensingExternal PortsInternal Ports
Base17, 18, 19, and 201, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and
POD0, 21, 22, and 239, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
Hardware Description
This section describes the physical SAN I/O Module as shipped from the factory. For specifications,
such as installed memory, weight and physical dimensions, facility requirements, architectural
specifications, and regulatory compliance, refer to Appendix A, “SAN I/O Module specifications”
15, and 16
Port side
Externally accessible ports and LEDs are on the port side of the SAN I/O Module. The port side
faces out when the SAN I/O Module is inserted into the I/O bay of the Blade Server enclosure.
Figure 1 details the port side. For a complete description of the locations and interpretations of
these LEDs, see “Interpreting LED activity” on page 22.
Access the I/O module handle at the front of the port side of the SAN I/O Module. By lifting the
handle’s release latch, you can open the handle to remove and insert the unit from the Blade
Server Enclosure.
FIGURE 1Port Side View
1. Ports with port status and port speed LEDs
2. RJ45 console port
3. SAN I/O Module status LED
4. Power status LED
5. Server management LED
6. SAN I/O Module handle
44424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual
Hardware Description
The nonport (SAN I/O Module status) LEDs, shown as item 3 of Figure 1, display SAN I/O
Module-level information as shown in Figure 2.
FIGURE 2Other Status LEDs
1SAN I/O Module status LED
2Power status LED
3Server Management LED
Nonport side
The nonport side of the SAN I/O Module (shown in Figure 3) is seated into the enclosure. You do
not need to line up the SAN I/O Module as it will seat correctly when the insertion arm is closed.
When the SAN I/O Module is inserted, the backplane connectors activate a connection port,
allowing the SAN I/O Module to be configured in the Blade Server Enclosure.
FIGURE 3Nonport Side, Viewed from Top
1. I/O module handle. Lifting the handle’s release latch opens the handle to install and remove
the module from the Blade Server Enclosure.
2. Product label including serial number.
3. Connectors
4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual5
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