Broadcom BCM20732S Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Guide
Bluetooth® Module, BCM20732S
Thank you for purchasing a Broadcom Bluetooth Module. Before you begin to use the Bluetooth Module, you will require the following items:
The Software Installation Compact Disc included with your Bluetooth Module.
Installing the Software
1. Insert the Bluetooth Module installation compact disc (CD) into the CD-ROM or DVD drive of your computer.
2. If the Main Menu screen appears automatically, select Install software and click OK. If the Main Menu screen does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run, type x:\setup.exe (where x is the CD-ROM or DVD drive letter of your computer), and click OK.
3. Click Next, click Finish, and then restart your computer.
4. Right-click the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar notification area (system tray) and click Start Using Bluetooth. Follow the instructions provided by the Initial Bluetooth Configuration Wizard.
NOTE: Before you begin, however, please review the Bluetooth Module User’s Guide. This document provides important information and instructions that will help you do the things you want to do with your Bluetooth enabled computer.
Authentication A Bluetooth security feature that is used to verify identity; it requires a
Authorization A Yes-or-No Bluetooth security feature that requires operator intervention to
Bluetooth device
Bluetooth PIN The alphanumeric string (up to 16 characters) that is typed to respond to a Code Bluetooth PIN Code Request. Also referred to as a Passkey.
Client Software applications on this computer that allow this computer to use the Applications Bluetooth services provided by remote Bluetooth devices.
Link Key An internally generated unique security key (based on a Passkey, the
Local Services Services that this computer provides to other Bluetooth devices.
Paired Devices
Secure A setting that requires a Passkey or Link Key each time you attempt to make Connection a connection. All data exchanged over the Bluetooth connection is encrypted.
Bluetooth PIN Code from the remote device.
avoid having the connection time out and fail.
Bluetooth enabled hardware such as a computer, printer, fax, mouse, keyboard, cell phone, headset, or PDA.
A short-range (9.14 meters/30 feet) networking protocol that allows enabled devices to automatically recognize each other. Bluetooth wireless
technology allows quick and easy connectivity of Bluetooth enabled devices.
Bluetooth Device Address, and an internally generated random number) that is exchanged by paired devices as proof of identity before a connection is established.
Bluetooth devices must be paired before they can connect. Paired devices share a unique Link Key, which they exchange each time they connect.
Depending on other configuration options, authorization may also be required.
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