DO NOT use the chi ld seat on a
passenger se at fitted with an a ctive
front airbag unl ess your vehicle
manufacture r confirms that it is s afe.
DO NOT use anyt hing, such as a cushi on or coat,
to raise the child seat off the passenger seat. In an
accident the child seat and your car seat belts would
not be able to protect your child as well as they should.
DO NOT use the chi ld seat in the home. I t has not
been design ed for home use and s hould only be us ed
in your car.
DO NOT attempt to d ismantle, modi fy or add to any
part of the ch ild seat or change t he way its harness
or your car seat belts are made or used. The official
approval is no lon ger valid if mod ifications a re made.
NO modificat ions may be made to th e child seat
other than by the ma nufacturer.
DO NOT leave child ren alone in your c ar, even for a
short time .
DO NOT leave loose o bjects, s uch as luggage
or books, in t he back of your car. They must be
properly se cured, becaus e if you have to stop your
car suddenly l oose objects will keep movi ng and can
then cause ser ious injuries. Large and he avy loose
objects a re a particul ar risk.
DO NOT leave foldi ng passenge r seats unlatche d. If
you have to stop your car s uddenly a loos e seat back
could injure your ch ild.
DO NOT allow chil dren to play with or a djust the
child seat.
DO keep this user g uide in the user g uide storage
DO cover the child se at if your car is lef t in direct
sunlight. Fitt ings can become hot to touch in sunny
weather and the cove r may become faded.
DO make sure that the c hild seat does n ot become
trapped by a fol ding passeng er seat or in the do or of
your car.
DO make sure that you ad just the harne ss to fit the
clothes your chi ld is wearing be fore each journ ey – a
fitting for wint er clothes may be to o slack for a child
wearing summe r clothes.
BB0- 665-00 1/8
You must ensure that you follow these instructions carefully and correctly. If this seat is not fitted
securely and your child is not strapped in correctly, your child and other passengers are at serious
risk of injury in the event of an accident
The Hampshire Tradin g Standards Auth ority and
Britax advi se that child car se ats should not b e
bought or sold s econd-hand . Please dispose o f your
child seat safel y. Do not sell or pass it on.
After an accid ent, the child se at and your car seat
belts shou ld be replaced. A lthough they m ay look
undamaged, if yo u were to have another accident
the child seat and y our car seat belt s may not be able
to protect your chi ld as well as they sh ould.
No child seat is e scape proof
Harness sy stems cannot be designed to be
completely “child pro of” and yet comp ly with the
legal require ments of European Standard ECE R4 4.
The harness m ust be fasten ed and adjusted co rrectly
at all times and ch ildren encour aged to remain
within the har ness syste m.
Looking after yo ur child seat
Food and drink m ay find their way insi de the
buckle of the ha rness. This c an stop it from working
properly – it w ill not click. Wash in w arm water until
clean (dia A and B ).
Pull the cover from the top of the seat and bring the
straps through the shel l to the front of the seat and
remove the ches t pads. Unfast en the buckle an d
remove the comfort pad by unfastening the hook and
eye strip. Gently pull the cover off the seat, easing the
shoulder straps adjuster, shoulder straps, and harness
buckle and adjuster strap through the slots in the cover.
To refit the cover, reverse this met hod of removal.
Make sure the straps are not twisted when refitting
through the cover a nd on to the yoke.
IMPOR TANT – The cover is a safet y feature. NEVER
use the child seat w ithout it. Don’t pu t your child’s
safety at ris k by using other make s of replacement
cover, they could stop the ch ild seat from prote cting
your child as well a s it should.
A replacement cover i s available from yo ur Britax
stockist or cont act Britax Customer Ser vice
Departm ent on 01264 386034 .
All Britax p roducts ar e carefully de signed,
manufacture d and tested. However, should this
product prove faulty within 12 months of purchase
due to a materials o r manufactur ing fault pleas e
return it to the or iginal place of pu rchase. We will
then, at our discretion, either repair it free of charge or
replace it with th e same or a similar product.
For guarantee p urposes proo f of purchase wil l be
required. We recom mend that you ret ain your receipt
and attach it to th is user guide. Th ey should be kept
in a safe place.
Britax doe s not accept liabilit y for damage arising
from abuse, misus e or negligence . This guarantee
is not transfe rable and the refore does not a pply to
second-han d product s.
Your statutory rights are not affected by this guarantee.
If in doubt
Not all car seats fit all cars. For advice as to the
suitability of this restraint for your car please use
on our website at www.britax.eu, call
our Customer Service Helpline on 01264 386034 or
email helpline@ uk.britaxeurope.com.
Britax Exce lsior Limited
1 Churchill Way West
Hampshire SP10 3UW
United Kingd om
A Britax Chil dcare company
Customer Ser vice Helpline: 01264 386034
Email: hel pline@uk.b ritaxeurope.com
Switchboard : 01264 333343
Fax: 01264 334146
www.brita x.eu
Introducing your new child car seat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Yoke (behind
belt shield)
Top tether slots
User guide p ocket
Harness height adjuster
Red seat belt lock
Shoulder strap of harness
Red seat belt clamp
Side slot
Lap belt guide
Belt shield
Green handle
Red release button
Catch arm
Catch arm prote ctor
Shoulder strap slots
Chest pads
Seat shell
Harness buckle
Insert ion
Comfort pad
Routing guide
Adjuster b utton
(underneath adjuster strap)
Recline handle
(underneath front of seat)
Adjuster s trap
Green lock ing button
DO store the chil d seat in a safe place w hen it is not
being used. Avoi d placing heav y objects o n top of it
and do not store nea r direct heat sou rces or in direc t
DO always keep th e child seat secure, e ven if it is not
being used by your c hild.
DO make sure that all o ccupants in the ve hicle are
correctly re strained.
DO where necessary, use the insertion guides when
installing the child seat with ISOFIX fittings. Failure to do
so may result in dama ge to your vehicle se at.
IMPOR TANT – ISOFIX should o nly be
used with vehic les which appe ar on the
applications list. An up-to-date
copy of the list can also
be found on the
Britax website – www.britax.co.uk
Britax, whilst taking into account chil d car seat contact
with vehicle seats throughou t the development of new
products, cannot accep t responsibility for damag e
occurring to vehicle seats or seat be lts.
IMPOR TANT – The child seat M UST
only be used wit h ISOFIX (see appl ication
list) or a lap and dia gonal seat belt
(approved to UN /ECE Regulat ion no. 16
or other equiv alent standa rds).
Please read this User Guide carefully BEFORE trying to install your child car seat
Cleaning the cove r
Please read the l abels on the cover fo r washing
instruct ions.
DO NOT tumble dr y the cover – short spin and drip
dry only.
Cleaning the ha rness and seat s hell
Sponge clean ONLY using hand soap and warm water.
DO NOT take apar t, or attempt to take apart, a ny
part of the ha rness or seat wh en cleaning.
DO NOT use solvent s, detergents or washing- up
liquid as these may weaken the harness and the seat.
DO NOT lubricate o r oil any part of the seat.
Removing and r efitting the cover
Press in and hol d the harness r elease butto n and with
your hand below the chest pads (dia 1a, overleaf)
pull BOTH shoulder straps forwards as far as they will
go. Pull up on the shoulder straps at the back of the
seat to lift the yoke from behind the belt shield. Unhook
both shoulder straps from the yoke and unhook both
chest pads from the harness height adjuster.
User Guide
9-18Kg (Group 1)
1037.015 - Duo Plus ISOFIX (UK).1 1 8/8/06 10:12:57