BriskHeat B2000241 User Manual

Emergency De-Icer
(HSTAT-R Series)
Read and understand this material before operating or servicing this heater. Failure to understand how to safely operate these heaters could result in an accident causing serious injury or death. These heaters should only be operated by qualified personnel.
XtremeFLEX® HSTAT-R Emergency De-Icer
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................... 2
Safety Alert Symbol .................................................................................. 2
Important Safety Instructions .................................................................... 3
Specifications ............................................................................................ 4
How to Install a De-Icer............................................................................. 4
De-Icer Operation ..................................................................................... 5
Troubleshooting Guide.............................................................................. 6
Warranty Information ................................................................................ 7
Thank you for purchasing an XtremeFLEX® Emergency De-icer from BriskHeat®. Your de-Icer is designed for de-icing, thawing, freeze protection, and supplement heating.
Wrap the flexible de-icer tape around the desired object you want to heat, set the dial for desired heat.
For additional information concerning this, or other BriskHeat® products, please contact BriskHeat® at 1-800-848-7673 (toll free, U.S. / Canada) or 614-294-3376.
The symbol above is used to call your attention to instructions concerning your personal safety. It points out important safety precautions. It means “ATTENTION! Become Alert! Your Personal Safety is involved!” Read the message that follows and be alert to the possibility of personal injury or death.
Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe personal injury or death
Hazards or unsafe practices that COULD result in severe personal injury or death
Hazards or unsafe practices that COULD result in minor personal injury or property damage
Additional copies of this manual are available upon request.
BriskHeat® Corporation. All rights reserved
XtremeFLEX® HSTAT-R Emergency De-Icer
A person who has not read and understood all operating instructions is not qualified to operate this product.
Agency Approvals
73/23/EC (Low Voltage Directive) Approvals valid only when installed in accordance with all applicable
instructions, codes, and regulations.
Do not immerse the de-icer in liquid. Do not use in rain. Keep volatile or combustible material away from
the de-icer when in use.
Use de-icer only in approved locations. Keep sharp metal objects away from the de-
icer. Failure to observe these warnings may result in electric shock, risk of fire, and personal injury.
End-U se r Mu st C om pl y to the Follow in g:
Onl y quali fi ed pe rs on nel a re al lo wed t o
con ne ct el ec trica l wi rin g.
Dis co nn ect a ll su pp ly po we r a t th e sou rc e
bef ore m ak ing a ny po we r c on ne ction s.
All e le ctr ic al wi ri ng mu st f oll ow loca l
ele ct rical c odes. I t is hi ghly re com me nd ed
tha t NEC A rt icle 42 7 is fo llo wed.
Fin al inst al latio n / wir in g is to be i ns pecte d
by th e a ut ho rit y who h as ju ri sdict io n in th e
are a where t he em er gen cy d e- icer is
ins ta lled.
The e nd -u ser i s r es po nsi bl e for p ro vid in g a
sui ta ble d is con ne ct in g d ev ice.
The e nd -u ser i s r es po nsi bl e for p ro vid in g a
sui ta ble e le ctr ical pr otect io n d ev ic e. It i s
hig hl y rec om me nde d th at a groun d fa ult
cir cu it br ea ker i s us ed.
Fai lu re to o bse rve t he se wa rn ings ma y r es ul t i n per so nal i nj ury o r damag e to th e de -i cer .
Do no t use o n pla st ic su rf aces.
Mon it oring o f the d e- ic er is stro ng ly
rec om me nde d.
NEV ER ha nd le th e de -i ce r w hi le it is i n
ope ra tion; a lways d is con ne ct th e de -i cer fro m th e p ow er so ur ce an d allow t o c oo l pri or to h an dli ng .
Ins pe ct de -i ce r b ef or e use .
Do no t use d e- ice r wi th to rn or w or n
sur fa ce s.
Do no t wra p the d e- ic er ov er it se lf .
Do no t rep ai r d am ag ed or f au lty d e- ic ers .
Do no t cru sh or a pp ly se ve re ph ys ica l st res s
on de -i cer t ap e o r co rd as sem bl y.
Unp lu g de-ic er wh en n ot in u se.
Fas te n de- ic er to d ev ice u sing ap prove d
met ho ds on ly .
If sp illag e of fore ign m at te r o nt o de -i cer
occ ur s, di sc onn ec t from po wer s ou rce a nd cle an afte r de -icer h as b ee n all owed to coo l.
Nev er op er at e a d e- ic er wi th ou t a n
app ro priat e hea t si nk (d ev ice b ei ng he at ed is co nside re d a h ea t sin k) .
Mak e su re th ere i s a uni fo rm fit prior t o
ene rg iz ing . If th er e are a ir gaps be twe en t he sur fa ce to b e hea te d and t he de -ice r, ho t spo ts can oc cur t ha t cou ld re sult in bu rn ou ts due t o ove rh eatin g.
Do no t let t he en d ot ta pe stay l ose i n the
air . The d e- ic er he at ing e le men t mu st ma ke 100 % intim at e sur fa ce co nt act w it h m et al sur fa ce s.
Fai lu re to o bse rve t he se wa rn ings ma y r es ul t i n per so nal i nj ury o r damag e to th e de -i cer .
BriskHeat® Corporation. All rights reserved
+ 5 hidden pages