Brightstar A785X User Manual

User Manual
Avvio 785S
For your Safety .................................................................. 4
Get started ........................................................................ 8
Insert SIM card ...................................................................... 8
Insert Memory card .............................................................. 9
Install Battery ........................................................................ 9
Charge the Battery or Connect to a computer .................... 10
Notices on using the battery ............................................... 11
PIN code ............................................................................. 12
Icons and indicators ............................................................ 14
Mobile Phone Profile....................................................... 17
Make it yours .................................................................. 18
Switch on/off ...................................................................... 19
Sleep mode ......................................................................... 19
Adjusting the volume .......................................................... 19
Add Widgets and more icons to Home Screen .................... 21
Lock and Unlock the Screen ................................................ 22
Connect your phone to a computer .................................... 23
Copy files to and from the SD card ..................................... 23
Enter Launcher ................................................................ 24
Open and Switch Applications ............................................ 24
Switch to Recently Used Application................................... 25
Use of Menu Function ..................................................... 26
Browser .............................................................................. 26
Calculator............................................................................ 26
Calendar ............................................................................. 27
Camera ............................................................................... 28
Clock ................................................................................... 31
Downloads .......................................................................... 32
Email ................................................................................... 32
File manager ....................................................................... 32
FM Radio............................................................................. 33
Gallery ................................................................................ 34
Gmail .................................................................................. 35
Latitude .............................................................................. 36
Maps ................................................................................... 36
Local ................................................................................... 36
Messaging ........................................................................... 37
Music .................................................................................. 42
Navigations ......................................................................... 42
People ................................................................................. 42
Phone ................................................................................. 44
Play store ............................................................................ 46
Search ................................................................................. 48
Settings ............................................................................... 49
SIM Toolkit .......................................................................... 57
Sound Recorder .................................................................. 57
Talk ..................................................................................... 58
Video player ........................................................................ 59
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ................................... 60
Keyboard............................................................................. 60
Wi-Fi ................................................................................... 61
Bluetooth ............................................................................ 65
Maintenance & Safety ..................................................... 73
FFoorr yyoouurr SSaaffeettyy
For your safety and proper use of the mobile phone, please read the following guidelines carefully:
Do not switch the mobile phone on when close to
chemical factory, gas station or other explosive objects.
While driving, please use headset for safety purposes,
unless otherwise in emergency, always stop the car on
roadside to have a call conversation.
Because the use of the mobile phone can cause
interference in the aircraft, never use the mobile phone
in an aircraft. The use of the mobile phone is dangerous
and illegal; do switch off the mobile phone before
Pay special attention to the use of the mobile phone
near heart pacemaker, deaf-aid and some other medical
equipment, because the mobile phone can cause
interference with them.
Non genuine accessories will harm your device and
could result in warranty cancellation
Do not dismantle the mobile phone without
permission. In case of failure, please contact the supplier
as soon as possible.
Do not plug the charger into the mobile phone and
charge without battery. Always power off the mobile
phone when taking out the battery; otherwise the
memory of the phone may be damaged.
When charging the mobile phone, always keep it in the
place with good ventilation, heat sink and away from
flammable and explosive objects.
In order to avoid demagnetization, always keep the
mobile phone away from magnetic objects such as CD,
credit card etc.
Ensure the mobile phone not to contact any liquid;
once such case occurs, remove the battery and contact
the supplier immediately.
Do not use the mobile phone in the environment with
too high or too low temperature, never expose the
mobile phone under strong sunshine or too wet
environment. The suitable temperature for the phone
and accessories is 0-40. The height to use the phone
shall be less than 2,000m.
Do not use liquid or wet cloth with a strong cleanser to
clean the mobile phone.
This mobile phone has shooting, video and audio
recording functions, which shall be used as per the
related laws and regulations.
Always keep the mobile phone out of children’s reach.
Do not throw or vibrate the mobile phone because
violent treatment to the mobile phone may damage the
inner circuits and precise structures.
Please do not discard the waste battery into general
household garbage. Please deal with the waste battery
according to the provisions.
Warning: Company will not bear any responsibility for
any incompliance with the above guidelines or improper
use of the mobile phone. Our company keeps the right to
make modifications to any of the content here in this
user guide without public announcement in advance. The
content of this manual may vary from the actual content
displayed on a mobile phone. In such case, the latter
shall govern.
GGeett ssttaarrtteedd
IInnsseerrtt SSIIMM ccaarrdd
TThhee pphhoonnee iiss aa DDuuaall SSIIMM mmoobbiillee pphhoonnee aalllloowwiinngg yyoouu ttoo uussee tthhee ffaacciilliittyy ooff ttwwoo nneettwwoorrkkss.. TToo iinnsseerrtt SSIIMM ccaarrdd((ss))::
11)) SSwwiittcchh ooffff tthhee mmoobbiillee pphhoonnee aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee rreeaarr ccoovveerr aanndd bbaatttteerryy..
22)) IInnsseerrtt tthhee SSIIMM ccaarrdd ccoorrrreeccttllyy iinn tthhee ccaarrdd sslloott((ss)) ((SSeeee ffiigguurree bbeellooww))
33)) FFiinnaallllyy iinnsseerrtt tthhee bbaatttteerryy aanndd rreeppllaaccee tthhee rreeaarr ccoovveerr ooff tthhee mmoobbiillee pphhoonnee..
SIM1 Card
SIM 2 Card
IInnsseerrtt MMeemmoorryy ccaarrdd
11)) PPoowweerr ooffff tthhee mmoobbiillee pphhoonnee aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee rreeaarr ccoovveerr aanndd bbaatttteerryy..
22)) IInnsseerrtt tthhee MMiiccrroo SSDD ccaarrdd iinnttoo tthhee sslloott..
33)) FFiinnaallllyy iinnsseerrtt tthhee bbaatttteerryy aanndd tthhee rreeaarr ccoovveerr ooff tthhee mmoobbiillee pphhoonnee.. NNoottee:: UUssee oonnllyy ccoommppaattiibbllee mmeemmoorryy ccaarrddss ffoorr uussee wwiitthh tthhiiss ddeevviiccee.. IInnccoommppaattiibbllee mmeemmoorryy ccaarrddss mmaayy ddaammaaggee tthhee ccaarrdd oorr tthhee ddeevviiccee aanndd ccoorrrruupptt tthhee ddaattaa ssttoorreedd iinn tthhee ccaarrdd..
IInnssttaallll BBaatttteerryy
TThhee mmoobbiillee pphhoonnee mmuusstt bbee uusseedd wwiitthh oorriiggiinnaall bbaatttteerryy aanndd aacccceessssoorriieess.. WWhheenn tthhee bbaatttteerryy iiss iiddllee,, iitt iiss rreeccoommmmeennddeedd ttoo ppuutt iitt iinnttoo tthhee pprrootteeccttiioonn bbooxx..
Micro SD card
pprreevveenntt tthhee bbaatttteerryy ccoonnttaacctt ppaattcchh bbeeiinngg ddaammaaggeedd.. ((SSeeee ffiigguurree bbeellooww))
CChhaarrggee tthhee BBaatttteerryy oorr CCoonnnneecctt ttoo aa ccoommppuutteerr
YYoouu ccaann cchhaarrggee yyoouurr bbaatttteerryy uussiinngg tthhee cchhaarrggeerr oorr ccoonnnneecctt tthhee UUSSBB ccaabbllee ((ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhiiss pphhoonnee)) ttoo tthhee ccoommppuutteerr.. NNoottee:: PPlleeaassee uussee tthhee ssppeecciiffiicc bbaatttteerryy,, ootthheerrwwiissee iitt mmaayy ccaauussee eexxpplloossiioonn..
Note: DDoo iinnssttaallll tthhee bbaatttteerryy aass ppeerr tthhee ddiiaaggrraamm ssoo aass
uusseedd ttoo cchhaarrggee tthhee bbaatttteerryy,, pplleeaassee cchheecckk ffiirrsstt iiff tthheeyy aarree
oorriiggiinnaall oorr rreeccooggnniizzeedd bbyy tthhee oorriiggiinnaall mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr.. TThhee
uussee ooff ootthheerr aacccceessssoorriieess mmaayy ddaammaaggee yyoouurr mmoobbiillee pphhoonnee
aanndd ccaauussee rriisskkss!! AAllwwaayyss uussee tthheemm iinnddoooorr aanndd ddrryy ppllaacceess..
YYoouu ccaann uussee aa sshhiieellddeedd UUSSBB ccaabbllee ccoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo tthhee ccoommppuutteerr ffoorr ddaattaa ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn..
NNoottiicceess oonn uussiinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy
Warning: WWhheenn aa ttrraavveell cchhaarrggeerr aanndd iittss aacccceessssoorriieess aarree
The performance of the battery is affected by many factors, including radio barrier network settings, signal strength, work temperature, chosen and used functions or settings as well as phone accessories, data or other applications. For optimal performances, please follow the rules below:
New battery or the battery has been idle for a long
time, need charging for longer time also. The standard voltage scope for the battery is 3.6V-4.2V.
While charging, keep the battery at room
temperature or similar temperature.
As time pass by, the battery will gradually be worn
and thus need longer time to charge. This is normal. However, after normal charging, if call duration decreases but charging time increases, you need to buy another battery from the original manufacturer or authorized by
the original manufacturer. The battery of inferior quality
PPIINN ccooddee
can damage your mobile phone and cause danger!
If the phone is overused at low battery when
charging, there might need a longer time for the charge indicator to be shown on the screen.
Note: Please dispose of the battery according to the local regulations. Try to recycle the battery as possible. Do not treat the waste battery as common waste. Warning: Do not throw the battery into the fire so as to prevent fire. A broken battery may cause explosion.
Most SIM cards are preset with a PIN (personal identification number) that is provided by your mobile operator. When prompted, enter the preset PIN, and then tap Enter. If you enter the wrong PIN three times, the SIM card is locked. You can unblock it with the PUK (PIN Unblocking Key) obtained from your mobile operator. See "Restoring a SIM card that has been locked out" in the Security chapter for details. PIN1 Code: It is the personal identification number used to enter SIM and able to prevent others using SIM card without permission. If the mobile phone has activated the PIN1 code protection, when the mobile phone is
switched on, the screen will display “Input PIN”. In the process of inputting PIN1 code, the screen will use “.” to
represent the input content. While obtaining SIM, you can obtain its PIN1 code. PIN2 Code: It is the personal identification number used
for some special functions such as paid call etc.
PUK Code and PUK2 Code(8-digit)
To change the locked PIN code, you need to use PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code. To change the locked PIN2 code, you need to use PUK2 code. If these two codes are not provided together with the SIM cards, ask the local service provider for them. To learn how to enable or disable the SIM PIN, see "Protecting Your SIM card with a PIN" in the Security chapter. Warning: If the PIN code is inputted wrongly for three consecutive times, the SIM card will be locked. Please contact the network operator immediately for help. Attempting to unlock the code may make the SIM card ineffective permanently.
IIccoonnss aanndd iinnddiiccaattoorrss
Signal Strength: Shows the strength of the
receiving signal. Greater the number of bars, stronger the signal strength.
GPRS: Shows the strength of the receiving GPRS signal. Greater the number of bars, stronger the signal strength.
Missed Calls: Appears when there is missed call(s).
Text Message: Appears when a new incoming text message is received and is unread.
Unread MMS: Appears when a new multimedia message is received and is unread.
WiFi On: Appears when WiFi is on. Greater the number of bars, better the signal strength
Call on hold: Appears when the call is on hold.
Some of the following icon will appear on the status bar.
Call: Appears when you are in the call.
Mute: While mute is on, the contact can’t
hear your voice.
Speaker: While this is on, the loudspeaker is on.
Bluetooth Headset: Appears when the Bluetooth headset is connected.
Bluetooth Connected: Appears w hen the Bluetooth device is connected.
Vibrator On: Appears when the Vibration mode is active.
Silent Appears when totally decreased the volume from Vibrate mode.
Alarm On: Appears when you set the alarm.
USB: Appears when USB is connected
Flight mode: Appears when Flight mode is on.
Battery Strength: Shows the level of your
battery. The more bars you see, the more power you have left.
Headset: appears when you insert an earphone into the headset.
FM Radio: Appears when you turn on the FM radio.
Music: Appears when song is playing.
MMoobbiillee PPhhoonnee PPrrooffiillee
TThhee ssmmaarrtt pphhoonnee ssuuppppoorrttss 33GG CCaarrdd aanndd ggiivveess yyoouu mmaarrvveelloouuss ffeeeelliinnggss ttoo eexxppeerriieennccee oonn CCaammeerraa,, VViiddeeoo rreeccoorrddeerr,, FFMM rraaddiioo,, MMuussiicc aanndd SSoouunndd rreeccoorrddeerr.. LLeett yyoouu iinnssttaallll vvaarriioouuss AAPPPPss,, ggaammeess,, aanndd mmoorree ((ssuuppppoorrttss AAPPKK ffoorrmmaatt)) bbyy ddoowwnnllooaaddiinngg ffrroomm AAnnddrrooiidd MMaarrkkeett..
Headset port
USB Jack Front camera
Volume Camera Lens
LCD Power
MMaakkee iitt yyoouurrss
aa)) HHoommee ssccrreeeenn:: IItt iiss yyoouurr ssttaarrttiinngg ppooiinntt ttoo aacccceessss aallll tthhee ffeeaattuurreess oonn yyoouurr pphhoonnee.. IItt ddiissppllaayyss aapppplliiccaattiioonn iiccoonnss,, wwiiddggeettss,, sshhoorrttccuuttss,, aanndd ootthheerr ffeeaattuurreess.. LLoonngg pprreessss hhoommee ssccrreeeenn aanndd aadddd SShhoorrttccuuttss,, WWiiddggeettss,, FFoollddeerrss aanndd WWaallllppaappeerr.. bb)) NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn BBaarr:: AAtt tthhee ttoopp ooff tthhee ssccrreeeenn,, tthhee SSttaattuuss bbaarr ddiissppllaayyss tthhee ttiimmee,, ssttaattuuss,, aanndd nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonnss.. IIff tthheerree iiss aa nneeww mmeessssaaggee,, mmiisssseedd ccaallll oorr ssoommeetthhiinngg iinn tthhee nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn bbaarr,, yyoouu ccaann ddrraagg iitt ddoowwnn ttoo ooppeenn nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn ppaanneell aanndd cclliicckk tthhee ddeessiirreedd oonnee ttoo hhaavvee aa vviieeww.. WWhheenn yyoouu ffiinniisshheedd,, yyoouu ccaann cclloossee iitt bbyy ddrraaggggiinngg tthhee ppaanneell uupp oorr pprreessssiinngg ““BBaacckk””.. cc)) LLaauunncchheerr:: TToouucchh tthhee LLaauunncchheerr iiccoonn aatt tthhee bboottttoomm ooff tthhee ssccrreeeenn ttoo vviieeww aallll iinnssttaalllleedd aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..
SSwwiittcchh oonn//ooffff
SSlleeeepp mmooddee
AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee vvoolluummee
Once you installed your SIM card, battery and Micro SD card, press the POWER button to switch on your phone. The moment you long press the POWER button, it will
show the phone options, choose to touch the “Power off”
on the screen to turn the unit off.
To make your phone to enter sleep mode, go to settings → Display →Sleep.
1. Switching to Sleep mode
Manual: Quick pressing the Power button will turn the display off temporarily and your phone will go to sleep mode.
Automatic: If you leave the phone idle for a certain period of time, your phone will change to Sleep mode automatically.
2. Waking up from Sleep mode Your phone wakes up automatically when you have an incoming call. To wake up your phone manually, press the POWER button, and tap the Lock Icon then drag to the Home Button icon to Unlock (see figure below).
1. Adjusting the ringer volume: (1) Press VOLUME UP or VOLUME DOWN buttons on the left side of the phone to adjust the ringer volume.
(2)When it’s in the lowest level already, pressing the
VOLUME DOWN once will change the phone to Vibration Mode. While in Vibration Mode, the vibration icon will appear on the status bar.
(3)When it’s in Vibration Mode already, pressing the
VOLUME UP once will change to Ringer Mode. (4) To switch the phone to Silent Mode directly and quickly, press and hold Power button, and then, when the option menu appears, tap Silent icon.
2. Adjusting the media volume
(1) Press VOLUME UP or VOLUME DOWN buttons on the left side of the phone to adjust the media volume to the level you want. At the same time, the music/video volume window appears on the screen, which displays
the level of volume synchronously with your adjustment.
AAdddd WWiiddggeettss aanndd mmoorree iiccoonnss ttoo HHoommee SSccrreeeenn
3. You can also adjust the volume through settings screen. Press HOME > Applications, and then tap Settings >Audio profiles> tap General > Volume. When the volume window appears, drag the slider to the left to lower the volume or to the right to increase the volume. You can adjust the volume of ringtone and alarm here. Tap OK to close the window.
a) Adding widgets and icons to home screen
Enter Launcher and long press and hold an application till the screen vibrates, and then release your finger hold.
b) Rearranging or removing widgets and icons on your Home screen
1) Long press and hold the widget or icon you want to move. Once the phone vibrates, don't release your hold on the icon. Drag the widget or icon to a new location on the screen.
2) Press and hold on an icon till the phone vibrates, and drag the widgets or icon to remove!
LLoocckk aanndd UUnnlloocckk tthhee SSccrreeeenn
Press power button to enter Sleep mode and meanwhile the screen will be locked; press power button again to wake up and then drag the lock to the right side to unlock.
CCoonnnneecctt yyoouurr pphhoonnee ttoo aa ccoommppuutteerr
CCooppyy ffiilleess ttoo aanndd ffrroomm tthhee SSDD ccaarrdd
Once you use the USB cable to connect your phone to a computer, the LED will turn red if the battery is not full. It will charge the phone automatically. When the charge is finished, the LED will turn green. The status bar displays “USB connected”. Drag down the indications on status bar. You can set the USB connection from the following aspects:
1. USB debugging connected
USB debugging Select to choose debug mode when USB is connected
Stay awake Choose to make the screen never sleep while charging
Allow mock locations
2. USB connected Turn on/off USB storage here. Select to copy files to/from your computer.
1. Connect your phone to the computer with the supplied USB cable.
2. When the USB icon appears on the notification bar, slide down then tap USB connected.
3. On the computer, the connected phone is recognized as a removable disk. Navigate to this removable disk and open it.
4. Then you can copy the files from the computer to the root folder of the storage card in the phone and vice versa.
5. Disconnect the phone from the computer:
EEnntteerr LLaauunncchheerr
OOppeenn aanndd SSwwiittcchh AApppplliiccaattiioonnss
TThhee LLaauunncchheerr hhoollddss iiccoonnss ffoorr aallll ooff tthhee aapppplliiccaattiioonnss oonn yyoouurr pphhoonnee,, iinncclluuddiinngg aannyy aapppplliiccaattiioonn tthhaatt yyoouu ddoowwnnllooaaddeedd ffrroomm AAnnddrrooiidd MMaarrkkeett oorr ootthheerr ssoouurrcceess.. OOnn tthhee HHoommee ssccrreeeenn,, ttoouucchh tthhee LLaauunncchheerr IIccoon
mmaaiinn mmeennuu.. PPrreessss HHoommee iiccoonn oorr BBaacckk iiccoonn ttoo cclloossee tthhee LLaauunncchheerr..
TToouucchh aann aapppplliiccaattiioonn ttoo
ooppeenn iitt..
SSlliiddee tthhee LLaauunncchheerr lleefftt oorr
rriigghhtt ttoo bbrriinngg mmoorree iiccoonnss
iinnttoo vviieeww..
Remove the USB cable as your computer’s safety
ttoo ooppeenn tthhee
+ 55 hidden pages