r Compressor
rator's I
Manual No. 206934GS Revision - (03/13/2008)

Thankyonfor purchasingthis quality-built Briggs & Strattonair compressor.We are pleasedthat you've placedyour
confidence inthe BRUTETM brand.When operatedand maintained according to the instructions in this manual,your Briggs &
Stratton air compressor will provide manyyears of dependableservice.
Thismanual containssafety information to makeyou awareof the hazardsand risks associatedwith air compressors and
how to avoid them. This air compressor has beenmanufacturedto provide an adequatevolume of compressed air for
operating avariety of light-duty airtools (hand grinders, nailers, ratchets, or staplers), spraying equipment, andinflators
requiring less than 5.1 CFMair flow for operation, it is important that you readand understandthese instructions thoroughly
before attemptingto start or operatethis equipment. Save these instructionsfor future reference.
Thisair compressorrequires final assembly before use. Referto the Assembly sectionof this manual for instructions on
final assembly procedures. Follow the instructions completely.
Where toFindUs
You neverhaveto look far to find Briggs & Stratton support andservice for your air compressor. Consult your Yellow Pages.
Thereare over 30,000 Briggs & Stratton authorizedservice dealersworldwide who provide quality service. You can also
contact Briggs & Stratton CustomerService by phoneat (BOO)743-4115, or on the Internet at BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM.
Air Compressor
Model Number
Serial Number
Date Purchased
BRUTETM is atrademark of Bfiggs & Stratton PowerProducts.
Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group, LLC
900 North Parkway
Jefferson, WI 53549
Copyright © 2008 Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group,
LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any meanswithout
the expresswritten permission of Briggs & Stratton Power
Products Group, LLC.
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Table of Contents
OperatorSafety ................................. 4
Equipment Description......................................... 4
Safety Rules................................................. 4
Assembly ..................................... 7
Air Compressor Assembly...................................... 7
Air ToolAssembly ............................................ 9
Featuresand Controls............................ 11
Air Compressor ............................................. 11
Air Tools................................................... 12
Operation .................................... 13
Air Compressor Operating Location.............................. 13
Grounding Instructions ....................................... 13
ExtensionCords............................................. 13
Break-In Procedure .......................................... 13
Starting Your Air Compressor .................................. 14
Compressor Operation........................................ 14
Stopping YourAir Compressor ................................. 14
Air ToolOperation ........................................... 15
Maintenance .................................. 17
GeneralRecommendations .................................... 17
MaintenanceSchedule........................................ 17
Air ToolMaintenance......................................... 17
Air Compressor Maintenance................................... 17
Storage ................................................... 20
Troubleshooting................................ 21
BeforeYou Call ............................................. 21
Air ToolTroubleshooting Chart ................................. 21
Air Compressor Troubleshooting Chart........................... 22
Glossary................................................... 24
Warranty ..................................... 25
Product Specifications............................ 26
Air Compressor ............................................. 26
Air Tools................................................... 26

Readthis manualcarefully and becomefamiliar
with yourair compressor.Knowitsapplications, its
limitationsand any hazardsinvolved.
This manualcontains operation and maintenanceinformation
for a single-stageair compressor that produces 5.1 CFMat
40 PSi (2.8 bars) and 4.2 CFIVlat 90 PSi (6.2 bars) using an
120 Volt A.C. electric motor. This high quality system
featuresa direct drive oil lubepump with cast ironsleeve,an
easystart valve, and an air outlet. This unit also featuresa
motor overload protection featurewith manualrestart.
This air compressor has beenmanufactured to provide an
adequatevolume of compressed airfor operating avariety of
light-duty air tools (hand grinders, nailers, ratchets,
staplers), spraying equipment, and inflators requiring less
than 5.1 CFMair flow for operation.Operatethis compressor
ONLYinan ambient temperature rangefrom 32° to 95°F
(0° to 35°0). This compressor is designed for a maximum of
70% duty per hour atfull load.
Everyeffort hasbeen madeto ensurethat informationin this
manual isaccurateand current. However,we reservethe
right to change,alter or otherwise improvethe product and
this document at any time without prior notice.
Safety Rules
,_ This isthe safetyalert symbol.It is usedto alert
youto potential personal injuryhazards.Obey all
safety messagesthat follow this symbolto avoid
possibleinjury or death.
Thesafety alert symbol (,_.) isused with a signal word
(DANGER,CAUTION,WARNING),a pictorial and/or a safety
messageto alert youto hazards. DANGERindicatesa hazard
which, if not avoided, will result in deathor serious injury.
WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in deathor serious injury. CAUTIONindicates a hazard
which, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate
injury. NOTICEindicatesa situation that could result in
equipment damage. Follow safety messagesto avoid or
reducethe risk of injuryor death.
HazardSymbolsand Meanings
A - Explosion
B - Fire
C- Electric Shock
D - ToxicFumes
E - CompressedAir
F - HotSurface
G- Air Injection
H - Auto-Start
J - Flying Objects
K - ReadManual
4. www.brutepower.com

Failure to read and follow instructions in
_ Operator's Manual result in death,
injury and / or property damage.
• Beforeusing this product, readthis Operator's Manualand
follow all SafetyRulesand OperatingInstructions listed.
• Makethis manualavailable to other users of this equipment.
Contact with compressor or its cord can cause
electric shock or burn.
_¢ Improper grounding can result in electricalshock.
Contact with components under protective cover
cancause electric shock or burn.
• DONOT use grounding adapters. Inspect cord beforeeachuse.
• DONOT operatewith protective covers/ guards removedor
• DONOToperatein wet conditions. Storeunit indoors.
• Disconnectfrom power source and drain pressurefrom tank
when not in use or beforeservicing.
• DONOTmodify the plug provided. If itdoes not fit the available
outlet, a qualified electrician should install aproper outlet.
• Aqualified electrician MUST makerepairsto the cord set or
Certain componentsinthis productand related
accessories containchemicals known to theState of
California to causecancer,birth defectsor other
reproductiveharm. Wash handsafter handling.
Hidden internaltank corrosion can causeviolent
explosion leading to severeinjury and / or
property damage.
Exceedingpressure rating of attachments or
inflatablescan cause severeinjury and / or
property damage.
Tamperingwith or removingASMESafety Valve
cancause explosion leadingto severe injury
and/ or property damage.
DRAINTANKafterevery4 hoursofuseor dailybyopening
drainfitting(s)andtiltingcompressorto emptyaccumulated
DONOTmodifyor repairtankinanyway.
DONOTadjustpressuregreaterthan maximumratingof
attachmentsor inflatables.
DONOTtamperwithor removeASMESafetyValve.Check
SafetyValvehasbeensetto maximumsaferating.
._1_ Spraying flammable or combustible liquids can
• DONOTsprayflammable or combustible liquids while smoking,
• Spray in an open, well ventilatedarea at least20 feet
cause fire or explosion.
Compressor produces sparks during operation,
which canignite flammable or combustible
near sparks,open flames, pilot lights, any ignition source, or in
confined areas.
(6.1 meters) awayfrom compressor or other ignition source.

Compressedair is not breathableand can cause
bodily injury.
Somepaints or solvents may be harmful if
inhaled or ingested,causing severenausea,
fainting or poisoning.
• DONOTusecompressedairfor breathing.
• AlwaysuseNIOSHrespiratorapprovedfor yourapplication
• Readall instructionswith respiratorsoyouarecertainitwill
Operatingair compressor andtubing are HOT
and cancause burns.
• DONOTtouch compressor or tubing.
• Allow compressorto cool before servicing.
('_ Compressor can start any time when plugged in.
• Disconnectfrom power source and drain pressurefrom tank
when not in use or beforeservicing.
Serious damage may result if the break-in instructions are
not closely followed.
• Thisprocedure is requiredbeforethe air compressor is put into
serviceandwhen the CheckValve or a compbte compressor
pump has beenrepbced.
Serious damage may result if operating the unit with
insufficient oil. Check oil level daily or with each use.
, amageto equipment resultingfrom failure to follow thisinstruction will void warranty.
Air tools are critical parts of a high-pressure system.
• Disconnectthe tool from the air supply before changingtools or
accessories,when servicing andwhen not in use.
• Do not wear loosefitting clothing and jewelry that may become
caught in moving parts.
• Do not depresstrigger when connecting theair supply.
• Alwaysuse accessoryfittings designed for use with air tools.
• Makesure allair connections are secureand checkair hoses,air
tools, andaccessoriesfor weakor worn condition before each
• Beforeeach use, drain water out of air compressor tank and
condensationfrom air lines.
_ Compressed air stream from hose or tank drain
can cause soft tissue damage to exposed skin
. and / or property damage.
>_ iand can propel objects leading to severe injury
• DONOTdirect air stream at self or others.
• DONOTattempt to repair air hose(s).
• Alwayswear ANSIZ87.1 approvedsafetyglasses with side
6 www.brutepower.corn

ASSe[[IbJy 3. Slide a M8 flat washer(A) over aM8-1.25 x 30 bolt (B).
Air CompressorAssembly
UnpackAir Compressor
1. Removeaccessoriesand packingfrom carton.
2. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from
top to bottom.
3. Leavecompressor on carton to install wheel kit.
Items in the cartoninclude:
• Air Compressor
• Air Filter
• Wheel Kit
• Bottle of CompressorPump Oil
• PumpOil BreatherCap
• Operator's Manual
• ToolAccessory Kit
If any of the above parts are missing or damaged,call the
helpline at (800) 743-4115.
Also recommended for use:
* Safetyglasses (ANSiZ87.1 approved safety glasses
with side shields)
* Air hose- 25 ft (7.6M), 3/8 inch diameter
* Quick connector fitting - Usetype I/M quick connect
fittings that attachto 1/4 inch NPTthread
* Hearingprotection (ANSi $3.19-1974)in noisy
* Respirator(NlOSH-approved)in dusty environments
* Oil funnel
Slide bolt (8) through centerof cup shapedend in
rubber foot pad (C).
insertthreaded endof bolt through hole infoot bracket
on baseof air tank.
Placea M8 fiat washer (A) on threadedend of bolt
insidefoot bracket.
Using a 14mm wrench and socket wrench, placeM8
hex nut (D) on threaded end of bolt and tighten.
Repeatsteps 3through 7 to installthe secondrubber
foot pad.
Install the Wheel Kit as Follows:
1. Slide M10-1.5x75 bolt (E) through centerof wheel (F).
Yourcompressor is readyfor use when:
Wheelkit isinstalled
Air filter isinstalled
Pumpoil breathercap is installed
Properlyserviced with supplied pump oil
Connectedto asuitable power source
CompletedBreak-in Procedure
Install Wheel Kit
You will needthe following tools to install these
• 14 mm and 17 mm wrench
• Socketwrench with 14mm and 17 mm sockets
Install the FootPadsas Follows:
1. Ensurecompressor is resting on a flat, levelsurface.
2. Carefullylay compressor on its side.
2. Slide a MIO fiat washer (G) over bolt.
3. Placethreadedend of bolt through wheel bracket on
baseof airtank.
NOTE:Besure to install wheelwith raised hub inboard.
4. Placea MIO fiat washer (G) and MIO lockwasher (H)
on threaded endof bolt insidewheel bracket.
5. Using a 17mm wrench and socket wrench, placeMIO
hex nut (J) on threaded end of bolt and tighten.
IMPORTANT:DONOTovertighten the nut. Thewheel must
be able to rotatefreely.
6. Repeatsteps 1through 5 to installthe secondwheel.
7. Return compressor to normal operating position
(resting on wheelsand rubber foot pads).

Install Air Filter
1. Removeshipping cap (A) and install air filter stem (B).
Tighten by hand.
Removeand discard shipping plug.
Using oil funnel, slowly add provided oil into oil fill (!().
Visually inspectoil levelfrequently at sight glass (L) to
avoid overfilling air compressor pump.
2. Placecompressor filter housing (C),filter media (D),
and air filter cover (E) on stem (F). Securewith washer
(G) and wing nut (H).
Add Oil and Install Pump Oil Breather Cap
1. Ensurecompressor is resting on a fiat, levelsurface.
2. Open DrainValve(J) (rotatefully counterclockwise) to
releaseresidual air pressure build-up in air tank.
Serious damagemay resultif operating the unit with
insufficient oil. Checkoil leveldaily or with eachuse.
= amagetoequipmentresultingfrom failuretofollowthisinstructionwillvoidwarranty.
5. install pump oil breathercap (IVl)into the oil fill.
6. Wipe up anyspilled oil.
7. Close Drain Valve(rotate fully clockwise).
Residualcompressed air in pump can propel oil
>,_ and causesoft tissue damageto exposedskin or
eyesleading to severeinjury
• AlwayswearANSiZ87.1approvedsafetyglasseswithside
8 www.brutepewer.cem

Air ToolAssernbly
Theair tools need some assemblyand lubrication beforefirst
use. Usethe following instructions to attach air fittings
(coupling plugs) andlubricate the air motors.
Items in the tool kit cartoninclude:
• 1/2" Air impact Wrench
• 3/8" Air RatchetWrench
• 3/8" to 1/2" Adapter
• 1/2" Square DriveSockets (6)
• 1/4" x 25' CoilAir Hose
• DualHeadTire Chuck
• BlowGun with Grip
• BlowGun Adapter
• Tire Gauge
• ThreadSealingTape
• TaperNozzle
• Male Nipple
• 1/4" Male Connectors (4)
• 1/4" FemaleConnectors (2)
• 1/4" FemaleQuick ConnectCouplers(2)
• RubberNozzle
• SafetyNozzle
• Alien Wrench
• inflation Needles(2)
If any of the above parts are missing or damaged,call the
helpline at (800) 743-4115.
Also required for use:
• Air ToolOil
Purchasethis special oil at your local hardwareor handyman
store. Useonly labeledairtool oil with the lubricatedtools in
this kit.
Yourtool kit is readyfor usewhen:
Air fittings areattached
Properlyserviced with air tool oil
Air Supply
Tools included aresizedto run efficiently with this air
compressor basedon intermittent consumer use.
Air Hose
Usea 10 ft. (3 m) or 25 ft. (7.5 m) (supplied) air hose,
minimum 1/4" (6.35 mm) inside diameter (i.D.) equipped
with 1/4" NPTthreads. Hoseslonger than 25 ft. (7.5 m)
should have an I.D. of 3/8" (9.5 mm) for properperformance
and more convenience.Usefittings or air hoseshaving
smaller I.D.'screatesa severepressure drop and reduces
tool power.
NOTICE Keephoses away from heat, oil and sharp edges.
Replaceany hosethat is damaged,weak or worn. Never
carry a tool by the hose or pull the hoseto move thetool or
the air compressor.
Attach Air Fittings
This kit is supplied with air hoseconnector fittings. Attach a
coupling plug (malefitting) to the tool, asfollows:
1. Removeshipping cap from air inlet of air tool and
discard cap.
2. Wrap malethreads of connector with two turns of
supplied thread seal(teflon) tape, applied
3. Threadplug into air tool's air inlet until snug.
4. Using adjustable wrenches, tighten plug another 1/2 to
1 full turn.
Repeatsteps 1-4 above for the other airtools.
Confirm that the air tool connector fits the quick-connect
coupling (female fitting) atthe end of your air hose.If you
are unable to makethe connection, changethe air hose
coupling as follows:
1. Using adjustable wrenches,detach the quick connect
coupling from the air hose.
2. Carefully removeall traces of sealingtape or joint
compound from threads on air hosefitting.
3. Wrap malethreads of air hosefitting with two turns of
supplied thread sealtape, appliedcounterclockwise.
4. Threadsupplied quick-connect fitting onto air hose,
being careful to not cross thread the connection. Finger
tighten until snug
5. Using adjustable wrenches,tighten plug another 1/2 to
1 full turn.
Your air tools are ready for initial air motor lubrication.

Air Motor Lubrication
iMPORTANT- Theseair toolsrequire lubricationBEFORE
initial use and BEFOREand AFTEReach additionaluse for
the life ofthetool.
Toproperlylubricatethe air tool:
1. Disconnect airtool from air hoseand hold tool upside
2. Pull air tool's trigger and pourone teaspoonof air tool
oil in tool's air inlet fitting.
3. Push or rotate reversecontrol backand forth from stop
to stop to help circulate oil in motor.
4. Connectair tool to air supply and cover its air exhaust
port with a towel. Runthe tool in both forward and
reversedirections for 20 seconds.
5. Excessoil will discharge from exhaustport when air
pressure is applied. Always directexhaust port away
from peopleor objects.
Theair tool is now lubricatedand readyfor use.
Other Recommendations
Theseair tools requirelubrication during operation.This will
extend the life of thetool. As shown below, air (A) is
supplied by the compressor, passesthrough a waterfilter
(B), a pressureregulator (C),an automatic oiler (D), and
through a quick connect air coupling (E). Oneend of the air
hose (G)is fitted with a connection plug (F) and a quick
connect coupler (E). Eachair tool will have a connection
plug (F) to receivethe air (R).
Non-Lubricatedtools, such as the air blow gun tool orthe
tire inflation tool, uses a similar in-line air supply that does
not havethe oiler device (D). NEVERuse an oiler in the air
supply for spray painting operations.
J _ ..... j _i iJ
[o° o o
10 www.brutepower.corn

Featuresand Controls
Air Compressor
Readthis Operator's Manual andsafety rulesbeforeoperating yourair compressor.
Comparethe illustrations with your air compressor,to familiarize yourself with the locationsof various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
A- ON- OFFSwitch-- Pull to ONposition to powerair
compressor. Push to OFFposition to remove power.
B - Pressure Control -- Controls air pressure deliveredto
Quick ConnectFitting.
C- QuickConnect Fitting-- Connect air tools here.
D - SafetyValve-- Valveprotects against excessivetank
pressure by 'popping out' atits factory setting, thus
relieving pressure.
E - Tank Pressure Gauge-- Gaugeindicatesair pressure
within air tank.
F - Regulated Pressure Gauge-- indicates air pressureat
quick connectfitting.
G - Brain Valve-- Valveis located near bottom of air tank
and is used to draincondensation.
H - CheckValve-- When unit is operating,check valveis
open, allowing air to enter tank. At "cut-out" pressure,
checkvalve closes, preventingair from flowing back into
pump. Valveis not serviceable by user.
J - Air Compressor Pump-- Pumpcompressesair into tank.
I{ - Overload Protector- if motor is overloaded,protector
shuts motor off. SeeOverload Protection Reset.
L - Oil Fill Location -- Fill pump with oil here.Oillevelsight
glass indicates pump oil level.
M - Air Filter -- Protectsair compressor by filtering dust
and debris out of intake air.
items Not Illustrated:
identificationLabel- The identification labelcontains serial
number, model number,and revision number information.
Pressure Release Valve-- Located on top of tank adjacent
to quick connect fitting, valveautomatically releasesair from
internal compressor components at "cut-out" pressureor
when unit is shut off. Valveis not serviceable by user.
Pressure Switch -- Automatically starts motor when tank
pressure drops below "cut-in" pressure andstops motor
when pressure risesto "cut-out" pressure.
NOTE:See Glossaryfor definitions.

Air Tools
Readthis Operator'sManual andsafety rules beforeoperating yourair tools.
................................Comparethe illustrationswith your air tools, to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
AirBlow GunTool
1/2" DriveimpactTool
3/8" Drive RatchetWrench
Air Blow GunTool
A - Trigger
B - Install Removable Spray Tip Here
1/2" DriveimpactTool
F - Air Row Control (Regulator)
G - Trigger
H - Air DischargePort
3/8" DriveHatchetWrench
C- Forward/ReverseLever
J - Forward/ReverseButton
K- Oil FiJJLocation
D - Air DischargePort
E - Trigger
12 www.brutepower.com

Air CompressorOperatingLocation
Locate the air compressor ina clean, dryand well-ventilated
areafor operation. The air compressor should beplacedat
least 12 inches (30 cm) away from walls or other
obstructions that could interferewith airflow.
Theair compressor pump and shroud are designedto allow
for proper cooling. Theventilation openings on the
compressor are necessaryto maintain proper operating
temperature. DONOTplace ragsor containers on or near
these openings. Keepthe air filter clear of obstructions that
could reduce airflow to the air compressor.
Operatethe air compressor with unit located on a flat
surface to ensure that it receivesproper lubrication.
If you haveanyproblems with operationof your air
compressor, call air compressor helpline at (800) 743-4115.
If calling for assistance, pleasehavethe model, revision, and
serial number from the identificationlabel available.
1. Thecord set and plug supplied with this unit contains a
grounding pin. This plug MUST be usedwith a
grounded outlet.
_¢ improper grounding can result in electricalshock.
• DONOT use grounding adapters.
• DONOTmodify the plug provided. If itdoes not fit the available
outlet, a qualified electrician should install aproper outlet.
• Aqualified electrician MUST makerepairsto the cord set or
2. Make sure power outlet being used has same
configuration as air compressor's plug.
NOTE:Avoid use of extension cords.
Theair compressor should belocatedwhere it can be
directly plugged into a grounded outlet. DONOTuse an
extensioncord unlessabsolutely necessary.Instead,
increasethe working reachof the air hoseby attaching two
or more air hoses together.
If the use of anextensioncord cannotbe avoided,use these
• Use only a 3-wire extension cord that has a 3-blade
grounding plug, and a 3-slot outlet that will accept the
plug from the air compressor.
• Make sure the cord is ingoodcondition.
• Whencompressor isused outdoors, useonly extension
cords marked "Intended for Outdoor Use".
• Follow these length restrictions:
DistanceNeeded ................ RecommendedGauee
Lessthan 25 ft. (7.5 M) ...................... 12 AWG
25 to 50 ft. (7.5 to 15 M) ..................... 10 AWG
More than 50 ft. (15 M) ............. Not Recommended
Beforefirst useof this equipment, the system must undergo
a break-in operation, asdescribed in this section.
Serious damagemay result ifthe break-in instructionsare
not closely followed.
• Thisprocedureis requiredbeforetheair compressorisputinto
serviceandwhentheCheckValveora completecompressor
1. Make sure ON- OFFswitch (A) is in OFFposition.
3. inspect plug and cord beforeeachuse. DONOTuse
compressor if there aresigns of damage.
IMPORTANT:If thesegrounding instructions are not
completely understood, or if in doubt that air compressor is
correctly grounded, have installation checkedby aqualified
2. Plug power cord into anisolated 120 Volt A.C.
grounded outlet. See GroundingInstructions.
3. Opendrain valve (B) (rotate fully counterclockwise) to
prevent air pressure build-up in air tank during break-in

NOTE:Always drain air tank over awashablesurface or in a
suitable container to preventdamaging or staining surfaces.
4. Pull ON- OFFswitch to ONposition. Compressorwill
5. Runcompressor for 15 minutes. Makesure drain valve
6. After 15 minutes, close drain valve (rotate fully
clockwise). Air tankwill fill to "cut-out" pressure and
compressor will stop.
NOTE:Checkoil level in compressor after break-in.
Thecompressor has completedthe break-in procedureand
is ready for normal use.
Starting YourAir Compressor
1. Make sure ON=OFFswitch (A) is in OFFposition.
You do not haveto use the maximumoperating pressureat
all times becausethe air tool being used often requiresless
pressure. Hereare generalguidelines for setting pressure.
1. With air compressor connectedto proper power and
turned ON,attach desired airtool or accessory to quick
connect fitting. SeeAir ToolOperation.Use
recommendedair hose andquick connectfitting.
2. Activate air tool andturn pressure control knob
clockwise to increaseoutlet pressure.
3. Observe regulated pressure gaugeand adjust pressure
to recommended setting of accessorytool.
NOTE:Youmust adjust outlet air pressurewhile tool is
operating or activated.
4. Alwaysoperate this unit on a level surface to avoid
lubrication problems.
Overload Protection Reset
This compressor is equippedwith an overload protection
feature that protects the motor, if the circuit breakertrips,
wait 15 minutes for the motor to cool. Thenpush the RESET
button (C) locatedon the motor shroud.
2. Plug power cord into an isolated 120Volt A.C.
grounded outlet. See GroundingInstructions.
3. Turn pressurecontrol knob (B)counterclockwise until
knob turns without resistance.
4. Pull ON- OFFswitch to ONposition. Compressorwill
NOTE:If the motor failsto start, referto Troubleshooting.
Theair compressor is fully automaticand is controlled by
the pressureswitch. Thecompressor will run until pressure
in the air tank reachescut-out pressure.Thecompressor will
restart when pressure in the air tankfalls below the cut-in
pressure. SeeGlossaryfor definitions.
NOTE:Always operatethe air compressor in weft-ventilated
areasfree of gasolineor other flammable/combustible
vapors. If the compressor is being usedto spray volatile
chemicals (such as paint), locatethe compressor at least
20 feet (6.1 meters) awayfrom the spray area.
Also see Troubleshootingfor more information.
Stopping YourAir Compressor
1. Push ON=OFFswitch to OFFposition. Compressor
motor will stop.
2. If finished using compressor, unplug compressor's
power cord from outlet.
3. Pull safety valve ring to releasemost of tank's
compressed air. Releasevalvering.
4. Opendrain valveto fully drain air tank.
NOTE:Always drain air tank over awashablesurface or in a
suitable container to preventdamaging or staining surfaces.
NOTE:The compressor generatescondensationwater
(condensate)that accumulates in the air tank. Drainthe
condensateevery4 hours or daily.
5. Closedrain valve.
14 www.brutepower.com

Air ToolOperation
This section will describe proper operationfor eachtool
supplied in the kit.
Beforeeach use,drain water out of the air compressor tank
and condensationfrom the air lines. After clearing air
compressor moisture and lubricating the tool, connect it to
an air hose of a recommendedsize.
1/2 in. Drive Impact Tool
This air impact tool is designed for removing and installing
fasteners and is usedas alight-duty general-purposetool by
hobbyists and mechanics.It is equippedwith a1/2" chuck
and six impact-quality sockets. Thistool is not intendedfor
heavyduty useor for assembly lineoperations.
It employs a constant pressure throttle control, a push-
button reversingcontrol, and a knufled knob air flow control
NOTICE This impacttool requires lubrication BEFORE
initial use and BEFOREand AFTEReach additional use
throughoutits life. Followthe instructionsin Air Motor
Lubrication described in Assemblyto lubricate this tool.
In addition to daily lubrication, perform the Impact
Mechanism Lubrication proceduredescribed in Maintenance
once eachmonth.
impacttool operation causesloud noises.
impacttool attachments can disintegrate without
->"I_ warning while inuse, causing flying debris.
. Whenoperatingairimpacttooi_alwayswearANSI-approved
* AlwayswearANSIZ87.1approvedsafetyglasseswithside
, WearanANSIapproveddustmaskorrespiratorwhenworking
impactTool Operation
Beforeeach use,drain water out of aircompressor tank and
condensationfrom air lines.
Installthe desired socket or attachment. Tugon the socket
or attachmentto ensure it isfirmly attachedto the airtool.
NOTICE Always useaccessoryfittings andsockets designed
for use with impacttools.
NOTICE The impacttool should neverbe usedto set torque.
Use a torque wrench to set the torque.
Toremovenuts, set the tool's regulatorto its maximum setting
by pushingin and turning theknurledknob to position4.
Toinstall nuts, set the regulator to it's minimum (1) or
medium (2 or 3) setting. DONOTover-tighten fasteners.
Forward and reversedirections arecontrolled by apush
button. Pressthe button fully forward for clockwise socket
rotation. Pressthe knob fully backwardfor counter-clockwise
socket rotation.
3/8 in. Drive RatchetWrench
This ratchetwrench is designed for removing andinstalling
different engine parts such aswater pumps, radiators,and
so forth. It is idealfor use in confinedareas where hand
tools are cumbersome.
Ratchet Wrench Operation
NOTICE This ratchet wrench requires lubrication BEFORE
initial use and BEFOREand AFTEReach additional use
throughout its life. Follow the instructions inAir Motor
Lubrication described in Assembly to lubricate this tool.
Using an air ratchetwrench cancause loud
Ratchettool attachmentscan disintegratewithout
warningwhile in use,causingflying debris.
• When operatingratchet wrench, always wear ANSI-approved
hearing protection.
• Alwayswear ANSi Z87.1 approvedsafety glasses with side
• Weara full faceshield if youareworking overhead.
• Wearan ANSiapproved dust maskor respirator whenworking
around metal, wood, and chemical dustsand mists.
Beforeeach use,drain water out of air compressor tank and
condensationfrom air lines.
NOTICE The ratchetwrench should never be used to set
torque. Use a torque wrenchto set thetorque.
Selectthe desired handtool 1/2" socket or adapter and press
onto wrench. Tug socketor adapter to ensureit is attached
Rotatethe reversecontrol leverto the "F" or fully
COUNTERCLOCKWISEposition to tighten fasteners. Depress
the trigger leverfully to activatethe tool. DONOTover-
tighten fasteners.
To removefasteners, rotatethe reversecontrol lever to the
"R" orfully CLOCKWISEposition. Depressthe trigger lever
to activatethe tool.
Other Supplied Accessories
This kit includesa tire inflation tool, an air blow gun tool
with assorted tips, two needleinflators, severaladapters and
adapterfittings and an assortment of 1/2" hex drive sockets.
Thesedevicesare designedfor clearing areasof loosedebris
or liquids, for air bladder inflation, or for installing/removing
Tire Inflation Tool
Touse the tire inflation tool (also called an air chuck):
1. Connecttire inflation tool to air supply.
2. Press tire inflation tool overtire valve stem andpermit
air to enter tire. DONOTover inflate.
3. Use the supplied air pressure gaugeto establish
recommendedair pressure. Recommendedtire
pressures areoften shown on side of tire.

CAUTION!Never aim air stream at living things. Ensureother
people in the sprayarea arewearing safety goggles anddust
masks, asappropriate.
Operatingair blow gun causesflying debris.
--_W Air inflation tools could cause air bladder to
explode,causing flying debris.
• AlwayswearANSIZ87.1approvedsafetyglasseswithside
• WearanANSIapproveddustmaskorrespiratorwhenworking
Touse the air blow gun:
1. Attachthe desired nozzleto the gun finger tight.
2. Connectair blow gun to air supply.
3. Put on ANSiZ87.1 approvedsafety glasses with side
shields. Presstrigger onair blow gun and direct air
stream at debris.
4. Sweepair stream back and forth to blow debris out of
the desired area.
An adapter is supplied to connectthe rubber tip air nozzleto
the air blow gun.
Needle inflator
Touse a needleinflator to inflate a basketballor volleyball,
for example:
1. Connecttire inflation tool to air supply.
2. Lubricate needleinflator with water or other non-
petroleum-based lubricant.
3. Gently and fully insert needleinto air valveon
4. Press tire inflation tool over needleinflator and permit
air to enter bladder.DONOTover inflate.
5. Use supplied air pressuregaugeto establish
recommendedair pressure.
1/2" HexDrive Sockets
The1/2" hex drive sockets are designedto be used with the
impact tool.
Touse a 1/2 in. hex drive socketswith the ratchetwrench:
1. Attach 3/8" to 1/2" hex drive adapterto ratchetwrench.
2. Press desired 1/2" hex drive socket into adapteruntil
fully seated.
3. Connect ratchetwrench to air supply.
4. Follow ratchet instructions given earlier.
16 www.brutepower.corn