17 & 20kW1 Standby Generator
Briggs & Stratton®
The Smart Choice
Reliable back-up power for added peace of mind.
Guard against losses due to power outages with
a Briggs & Stratton Standby Generator.
New Upgraded Control System
• New AVR optimizes generator performance with tighter voltage control
• LCD display that displays multi-line text and graphics
• Default exercise cycle setting of 16 seconds
• Low speed exercise available to save fuel and reduce noise
• Monitors cold temperatures to avoid moisture buildup in engine oil
• Cleaner power with improved frequency regulation
Designed for Easy Installation & Maintenance
• Approved for installation as close as 18" to a building
• Hinged roof and removable side panels for better service access to the
engine and alternator
• Controller, battery charger, and AVR can be replaced separately
• External on/o switch located on back of enclosure
Commercial Vanguard® Engine
• Easy conversion between natural gas (NG) and liquid propane vapor
(LPV) during installation
• Advanced debris management keeping engine clean and cool for
enhanced durability and performance
• Dynamically balanced crankshaft minimized engine noise and vibration
Charging System
• Independent battery charger
• Optimizes battery life with a 3-stage battery charger (bulk,
absorption, and float stage)
Corrosion Resistant Enclosure & Base
• Made with automotive grade galvanneal steel or aluminum
to resist rust
• Powder-coated paint for years of protection against chips
and abrasions
• Certified to withstand hurricane-force winds up to 175mph
Briggs & Stratton® Full Synthetic Generator Oil
• Shields the engine from low temperature sludge buildup
and high temperature deposits
• Reduces engine wear, scoring and abrasion
Compatible with Symphony® II Power
Management System
• Customizable to your home’s needs
• Automatically balances the power of your home’s electrical load
including high wattage items like air conditioning units and
electric ovens
• Oers whole house power with a more aordable home generator
• Compatible transfer switches and modules sold separately
Generator Set Rating
Liquid Propane Vapor Natural Gas Limited Warranty
17kW1040610 Steel 120/24 0 1 60 80 17 70.8 15.3 63.7 5 Year
20kW1040586 Steel 120/240 1 60 100 20 83.3 18 75.5 5 Year
20kW1040588 Aluminum 120/24 0 1 60 100 20 83.3 18 75.5 5 Year
This generator is certified in accordance with UL (Underwriters Laboratories) 2200 (stationary engine generator assemblies) and CSA (Canadian Standards Association) standard C 22.2 No. 100-14 (motors and generators).
The installati on manual contains spe cific ins tructi ons relate d to generator placem ent in addit ion to NFPA 37, including the requirement tha t carbon mo noxide de tectors be installed and maint ained in your h ome.
Single pha se units are r ated at 1. 0 power fac tor and three phase unit s are rated at 0 .8 power factor.
Se e operator ’s manual or BRIGGSand STRATTON.com for complete warranty details.
Up to 175 mph, when in stalled in accordance with the in stallati on manual.
Voltage Phase3Hz
Breaker Amps
Parts, Labor, Travel

Engine Specifications
17 & 20kW¹ Standby Generator
Engine Brand Vanguard
Engine Speed (RPM) 3600
Engine Fuel
Liquid Propane Vapor (LPV) or
Natural Gas (NG)
Engine Cylinder Configuration OHV
Number of Cylinders 2
Displacement (L / Ci) 0.993 / 60.60
Compression Ratio 9:7:1
Governor Type Electronic
Frequency Regulation +/- 0.3 Hz (0.5%)
Valves OHV with Hardened Seats
Ignition System
Fixed Timing Magnetron®
Electric Ignition
Starter Motor Rating Voltage 12 Volt
Battery Required
12 Volt, Group BCI 26 or 51,
540 CCA Minimum
Oil Capacit y (L / qt) 2.3 / 2.46
Low Pressure Switch Included
Lubrication System Full Pressure
Oil Briggs & Stratton 5W30 Full Synthetic
Alternator Specs
Manufacturer Briggs & Stratton
Type Self-Excited, 4-Lead
Voltage Regulator Automatic
Insulation Class F
Peak Motor Starting kVA 17kW - 39 / 20kW - 41
Controller Features
Generator Sensing Single phase voltage monitoring
LCD Display Displays multi-line text and graphics
High Temperature Switch Included
Dura-Bore Cast Iron
Cylinder Sleeve
Fault Display Provides up to 39 detailed fault codes
Exercise Cycle
Six exercise length options
Default: Start and run for 16 seconds;
Abort exercise below 40° F (internal
Fuel Consumption
BTU / hr
ft3 / hr
m3 / hr
g / hr LPV - 3.19 LPV - 2.00 LPV - 1.08
BTU / hr
ft3 / hr
m3 / hr
g / hr LPV - 3.65 LPV - 2.24 LPV - 1.08
This generator is certified in accordance with UL (Underwriters Laboratories) 2200 (stationary engine generator assemblies) and CSA (Canadian Standards Association) standard C 22.2 No. 100-14 (motors and generators).
Fuel consumption rates are estimated based on normal operating conditions at ½ load. Generator operation may be greatly affected by elevation and the cycling
operation of multiple electrical appliances – fuel flow rates may vary depending on these factors.
See oper ator’s manual or BRIGGSandSTRATTON.com for complete warranty details.
Lowest no-load measurement per ISO 3744. Sound level measurement at other locations around generator may b e dif ferent depending upon installation configuration
Full Load 1/2 Load No Load
NG - 248,000
LPV - 295,000
NG - 248
LPV - 118
NG - 7.02
LPV - 3.34
NG - 170,000
LPV - 185,000
NG - 170
LPV - 74
NG - 4.81
LPV - 2.10
NG - 99,000
LPV - 72,000
NG - 99
LPV - 40
NG - 2.80
LPV - 1.13
Full Load 1/2 Load No Load
NG - 260,000
LPV - 337,500
NG - 260
LPV - 135
NG - 7.36
LPV - 3.82
NG - 187,000
LPV - 207,50 0
NG - 187
LPV - 83
NG - 5.30
LPV - 2.35
NG - 99,000
LPV - 100,000
NG - 99
LPV - 40
NG - 2.80
LPV - 1.13
Sound R ating At 7 Meters
Low Idle Mode 64 dBA
No Load 67 dBA
Unlike some other standby generator
manufacturers, our warranty covers parts,
labor AND travel for the full length of the
warranty with no start-up costs!