Briggs & Stratton 040396-00, 040395-00, 040394-00, 040392-00, 040393-00 Installation Guide

Thankyoufor purchasingthis quality-built Briggs &Stratton home generator.We are pleasedthat you've placedyour
confidence in the Briggs & Stratton brand.When operatedand maintained according to the instructions in the operator's manual, your home generator will provide manyyears of dependableservice.
This manual eentains safety information to makeyou awareof the hazardsand risks associatedwith residential generator systems and how to avoidthem. This generator system is designed and intendedonly for useas an optional home standby systemthat provides an alternatesource of electric power and to serve loads such asheating, refrigeration systems, and communication systems that, when stopped during any power outage, could cause discomfort or inconvenience.Savethese originai instructionsfor future reference.
Where te Find Us
You never haveto look far to find support and service for your generator. Consultyour Yellow Pages.Therearemany Briggs & Stratton authorized servicedealersworldwide who provide quality service. You canalso contact Briggs & Stratton Customer Serviceby phoneat 888-743-4115 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PMCT, or click on Finda Dealerat BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM,which provides a list of authorized dealers.
Fer Future Reference
Pleasefill out the information below and keepwith your receiptto assist in unit identification _e__Dturepurchase issues.
gate ef Purchase
IVledeiNumber IVledeiRevisien
Serial Number
Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group, LLC P.O. Box 702
Milwaukee, Wl 53201o0702
Copyright @2012. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproducedor transmitted in anyform without the express written permission of Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group, LLC.
Tableof Contents
Frangais Espaffo[
mrnportantSafety mnstructions
SAVETHESEiNSTRUCTiONS- This manual contains important instructions that should be followed during
installation and maintenanceof the generator and batteries. Safety Symbols and Meanings
Explosion Fire
Toxic Fumes Rotating Parts Hot Surface
Ebctrical Shock
Auto Start
Lift Hazard
Explosive Pressure Chemical Burn
WARNINGRunningengine gives off carbon monoxide,
an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxide could result
in death, serious injury, headache,fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,nausea
or fainting.
o Operatethis product ONLYoutdoors in an areathat will
not accumulatedeadlyexhaustgas.
o Keepexhaustgasawayfrom anywindows, doors,
ventilation intakes,soffit vents, crawl spaces,opengarage
doors or other openings that canallow exhaustgas
to enter insideor be drawn into a potentially occupied
building or structure.
o Carbon monoxide detector(s) MUST be installed and
maintainedindoors according to the manufacturer's instructions/recommendations. Smokealarms cannot
detectcarbon monoxide gas.
WARNINGThe engineexhaust from this product
contains chemicals known tC_be State of Californiato causecancer birth reproductive harm.
of Californi_ _8causecancer, birth defects, or other reproduc_v8 harm. Wash hands after handling.
degree or levelof hazardseriousness. may be usedto representthe type of word NOTICEis usedto address practl
personal injury.
DANGERindicatesa hazardwhich, if not :led, will
result in deathor serious injury. A WARNING indicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided could
result in deathor serious injury.
CAUTIONindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided could
result in minor or moderate injury. NO77CEaddressespractices not relatedto personal injury. The manufacturer cannot possibly anticipateevery possible
circumstance that might involve a hazard.Thewarnings in this manual,and the tags and decals affixedto the unit are, therefore, not albinclusive, if you use a procedure, work method or operatingtechnique that the manufacturer does not specifically recommend, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others. You must also makesure that the procedure, work method or operating technique that you choose does not renderthe generatorsystem unsafe.
....._::NA:RNING Storage batteries give off explosive
hydrogen gas during recharging, Slightest spark will ignite hydrogen and cause explosion, resulting in death, serious injury and/or
property damage. Batteryelectrolyte fluid contains acid and is extremely caustic. Contactwith battery contents could causesevere
chemical burns.
A battery presents a risk of electrical shock and high short
circuit current.
o DO NOTdispose of batteryin a fire. Recyclebatter},. o DO NOTallow any openflame, spark, heat,or lit cigarette
during andfor several minutes after charginga battery. o DO NOTopen or mutilate the battery. o Wear protective goggles, rubber apron, rubber boots and
rubber gloves. o Removewatches, rings, or other metal objects. o Usetools having insulated handles.
,A WARNINGPropaneand Natural Gasareextremely
flammableand explosive,which could cause
burns,fire or explosion resulting in death, serious injury and/or property damage.
o Install the fuel supply system accordingto NFPA37 and
other applicablefuel-gas codes.
o Before placing the generator into service,the fuel system
lines must be properly purged and leaktested.
o Afterthe generatoris installed,you should inspectthe fuel
system periodically.
o NO leakageis permitted. o DO NOToperate engine if smell of fuel is present or other
explosiveconditions exist.
o DO NOTsmoke aroundthe generator.Wipe up any oil
spills immedbtely. Ensurethat no combustible materials are left in the generator compartment, Keepthe areanear
the generatordean andfree of debris.
WARNENGHazardousVoltage - Contact with power
lines could cause electric shock or burns, resulting in deathor serious injury. Lifting Hazard/ HeavyObject- Could result in serious injury',
o if rifting or hoisting equipment is used, DONOTcontact
anypower lines.
, DONOTUiftormovegeneratorwithg !assistance.
o Use lifting pipes as described in L#fing the Generator. o DO NOTlift unit by roof as dam get generator
will occur.
WARNmNGGeneratorproduces hazardousvoltage.
Failureto properly ground generatorcould result in electrocution.
Failureto isolate generatorfrom utility power could result in deathor serious injury to electric utility workers due to backfeed of electrical energy.
o When using generator for backup power, notify
utility company. o DO NOTtouch barewires or bare receptacles.
o DO NOTuse generatorwith electricalcords which are
worn, frayed, bare or otherwise damaged.
o DO NOThandle generatoror electrical cords while
standing in water, while barefoot, or while hands or
feet arewet.
o if you must work around a unit while it is operating,
stand on an insulateddry surfaceto reducethe risk of
a shock hazard. o DO NOTallow unqualified persons or children to operate
or service generator. .......
o in caseof an accident electricalshock,
immediately shut down ¢8_source of electrical power and
contactthe local au_horit_s Avoid direct contact with
the victim....
o Despite ofthe generator operatingthis
equipmen_impruSently,neglectingits maintenanceor
being ea_bss: bould cause possible injury'or death.
at all times while working on this equipment.
on the equipment whenyou are physically
performing any maintenanceon the generator,
batterycableindicated by a NEI;ATEVE,
NEGor (-) first. Whenfinished, reconnectthat cablelast.
After your system is installed, the generator may crank
and start without warning any time there is a power
failure. To prevent possible injury,,always setthe
generator'ssystem switch to OFF,removethe sewice
disconnect from the disconnect box AND removethe
15 Amp fuse BEFOREworking on the equipment.
orstructuresresultingindeath,serious injuryand/orpropertydamage.Contactwith mufflerareacouldcauseburnsresultingin seriousinjury.
o DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexhaustgases. o Allowequipmenttocoolbeforetouching. o Exhaustoutletsideofweatherproofenclosuremust
haveatbast5ft.(1.5m)minimumclearancefromany structure,shurbs,treesoranykindofvegetation.
o Standbygeneratorweatherproofenclosuremustbeat
bast5ft.(1.5m)fromwindows,doors,anywallopening, shrubsorvegetationover12inches(30.5cm)inheight.
o Standbygeneratorweatherproofenclosuremusthavea
minimumof5ft.(1.5m)overheadclearancefromany structure,overhangortrees.
o DONOTplaceweatherproofenclosureunderadeckor
o Useonlyflexiblefuellineprovided.Connectprovidedfuel
linetogenerator,DONOTusewithorsubstituteanyother flexiblefuelline.
o Smokedetector(s)MUSTbeinstalledandmaintained
indoorsaccordingtothemanufacturer'sinstructions/ recommendations.Carbonmonoxidealarmscannot
o KeepatbastminimumdistancesshowninGenera!
Location Guiddines to insure for proper generatorcooling and maintenanceclearances.
o it is a violation of California PuNic ReSourceCode
Section4442, to useor operate on any forest- covered,brusbcovered, or gras:_:c_#re8 land unless
the exhaustsystem is equipped with _ spark arrester as
definedin Section4442, in effectiveworking ....
order. Otherstates or federalj#risdictions may have ................
similar laws........ ..........................................................
Contactthe original equipment md_ui_Ct rer re_aii
dealerto obtain a spark arrester deslgned ........
system installed on this engine.
o Replacementparts must bethe same in the
same position asthe original parts.
,& WARNINGStarter and other rotating parts could
entanglehands, hair, clothing, or accessories resulting in serious injury.
o NEVERoperategeneratorwithout protective housings,
covers,or guardsin place.
o DO NOTwear loose clothing, jewelry or anythingthat
could be caught in the starter or other rotating parts. o Tie up long hair and removejewelry. o Before servicing, remove 15 Amp fuse from control panel
and disconnect Negative (NEGor °) batterycane.
CAUTIONInstalling the 15A fuse could causethe
(_ engineto start at anytime without warning
resulting in minor or moderate injury.
o Observethat the 15 Amp fuse has beenremoved from the
control panelfor shipping.
o DO NOTinstall this fuse until all plumbing andwiring has
beencompletedand inspected.
CAUTIONExcessivelyhigh operating speeds could
result in minor injury and/or equipment damage, Excessivelylow speeds imposea heavyload on generator.
o DO NOTtamper with governed speed.Generatorsupplies
correct ratedfrequencyand voltage when running at governedspeed.
o DO NOTmodify generator in anyway.
NOTICE improper treatment:of generatorcould damage it
and shorten its life. .......
generatoronly uses.
o if you havequest o@ ab6Utintendeduse contact your
authorized .....
o Operate on level surfaces. o Adequate un@structed flow of cooling andventilating air
is criti@li6 edrrectgeneratoroperation.
panels/doors must be installed wheneverthe
exposegeneratorto excessivemoisture, dust,
or corrosive vapors.
o Remainalertat all times while working on this equipment.
Neverwork onthe equipmentwhen you are physically
or mentally fatigued. o DONOTstart enginewith air cleaneror air cleaner
cover removed. o DONOTinsert any objectsthrough cooling slots.
o DONOTuse the generator or anyof its parts as a step.
Steppingon the unit could cause stress and breakparts.
This may result in dangerousoperatingconditions from
baking exhaustgases,fuel leakage,oil leakage,etc. o if connected devices overheat,turn them off and
disconnect them from generator. Shut off generator andcontactanauthorizeddeakerif
- electrical output is lost;
- equipment sparks, smokes, or emits flames;
- unit vibrates excessively;
- unit makes unusual noises.
This product isonly for use asan optional generator system which provides an alternatesource of electric power and to serve loads such as heating, refrigeration systems, and communication systemsthat, when stopped during any power outage, could causediscomfort or inconvenience.
NOTICE This product does NOTqualify for either an emergencystandbyor bgaiiy required standbysystem as
defined by NFPA70 (NEC).
, Emergencygenerator systems are intended to
automatically supply illumination, power,or both, to designatedareasand equipmentin the eventof failure of the normal supply. Emergencysystems may also provide power for such functions asventilation where essentialto maintain life, where current interruption of the normal supply would produce serious life safety or healthhazards.
° LegallyRequiredstandby generatorsystems are
intendedto automaticallysupply power to selected loads in the event of failure of the normal source
which could create hazardsor hamper rescueor fire- fighting operations.
Everyeffort has beenmadeto ensurethat information inthis manual is accurateand current. Howeve6we reservethe
right to change,alter, or otherwise product and this document at anytime without _rio_notice.
Mnstalling DeaieriCentracter Respensibilities
° Readand observethe safety rubs. , Install only an UL approved transfer switch that is
, Readand follow the instructions given in this
, Installation must strictly comply with all applicable
, Allow sufficient room on all sides of the generator for
CetdWeather Kit
if operating the generator below 30°F (-1°0), it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDEDthat a Model 6231 Cold Weather Kit
(includes oil warmers and battery warmer) be installed. Theseitems areavailable at your local servicing dealer. Forcold weather areas (below 0°F (-18°C)) it is also
recommendedthat a BCl, Size75, wet bad-acid battery be
used of 630 CCAminimum.
if you needmore information,on this matter, pleasecall
(800) 743-4115 between and5:00 PMCT.
OnUycurrent,censed profess onaUs
should attempt home generat_ 5ysiem installations. .....................
Installations must strictly comply with ai! applicable industry standards laws and regulati6_
compatible with the generator.
installation and start-up manual.
codes, industry standards, laws, and regulations.
maintenanceand servicing.
Owner Respensibilities ......................
® Readand follow the instructions given in'he
operator's manual.
° Followa regularschedule in maintaining, caring for
and using your generator, as specified in the operator's manual.
° Carbonmonoxide detector(s) MUST be installed and
maintained indoors according to the manufacturer's instructions/recommendations. Smoke alarms cannot
detect carbon monoxide gas.
° Smokedetector(s) MUSTbe installedand maintained
indoors accordingto the manufacturer'sinstructions/
recommendations. Carbon monoxidealarms cannot
if you havequestions about intended use,ask your installer or dealer or call 800-743-4115 between
8:00 AM and 5:00 PM CT.
Unpacking Precautions
The unit is shipped readyfor installation. Avoid damagefrom dropping, bumping, collision, etc. Store and unpack carton with the proper side up, as noted on the shipping carton.
Delive_ Inspection
After removing the carton, carefully inspect the generatorfor any damagethat may have occurred during shipment.
if loss or damageis noted attime of delivery,,havethe person(s) making delivery note all damageon the freight bill and affix his signature under the consignor's memo of loss or damage, if loss or damage is noted after delivery,, separatethe damagedmaterials and contactthe carrier
for claim procedures. Parts damagedin shipping are not warranted.
Shipment Contents
The heine generater system is supplied with:
o Oil (5W30 Synthetic) o Flexiblesteel fuel line
o Installation and start-up manual o Operator's manual o Spareaccess roof keys o Spare 15 Amp ATO-type fuse
Not included:
o Carbon monoxide detector(s) o Smoke detector(s) o Starting battery, o Connecting wire and conduit o Fuel supply valves/plumbing o Crane,lifting straps, chains or cables o Two 60" lengths of 3/4" nominal minimum scheduled
40 steel pipe (NOTcon@it) o Torque screwdriver, _;_ 5_:inch-pound range
o Voltac uen ........ ....
Proper installation of the home generator requires the completion of the following tasks:
l l
l l
l l l
l l
l l l
l l l
l l
l l l
l l l
l l
[] CarbonMonoxide(CO)detectorinstalledandinworking
[] Smokedetector(s)instalbdandinworkingorder.
Requiredpermits have been obtained.
Generatorphced in an areafree from Carbon Monoxide
(CO)buiNup. See Placementof Standby Generator to Redacethe Risk of CarbonIVtonoxidePoisoning.
Generatorplacedin an area compliant to NFPA37. See
Placementof Standby Generator to Redace the Risk of Fire.
Generatorplacedin an areafree from water damage. See
Other General LocationGuidelines. Generatorplacedin an areafree from utiliity and other
home systems. See Other General LocationGuidelines.
Generatorplacedin a debris free zone.See Other General LocationGuidelines.
Generatorplacedon fiat ground with provisions for water
drainage.See Other General LocationGuidelines.
Faei GeneratorModel:
] Generatorisconnectedtofuelsourcewithflexiblefuelline, ......
hasnofuel leaksandconformsto localcodes.SeeThe GeneratorSerial _mb_: GaseousFaeiSystem.
[] Properfuel pressure has been measuredwith all gas installing C_tra_or information
appliances operating. See The Gaseeas Fael System. Name:......... ......
[] FueUsystemhasbeenconfiguredfi_heproperfueUsuppUy:A'
Natura gas (NG) or quefed pet:_aeu_(LP) See Fae Q_ ess:_
Converson ..... ....... ....
[] Fueltype: (circle one) , ......................... '
[] Fuelpipesizeused: 1=1/4" 1=1a Can
SeeNFPA54, Chapter6. ......................
[] Fuelpressure at fuel inlet port o8 a_d di........... Signature:
full load andall gas appliances and _p@rati_g
[] Generatorneutral is connectedto Automati_ Transfer Signature:
Switch. SeeGenerator ACConnection System.
[] Generatoris grounded. See Groundingthe Generator and Inspector information
NFPA78,NEC,Article 258.358. Name:
[] Generatoris connectedto the transfer switch with the
specifiedwiring. See Utility Circuit Connection and Address:
TransferSwitch Communication.
[] Generatoris connectedto the transfer switch with the
specifiedwiring. #18AWGtwisted pairwiring from the generator control panelto the transfer switch is installed in a separate conduit from high voltage wires unless
the insulation rating on all wiring is ratedfor 600V.See TransferSwitch Communication.
[] Dipswitches in most transfer switches must be set to
correspond to the wattageof the generator. See Transfer Switch Operator/Installation IVtanual.
........... Ph_n@'FAX'
. .... Plumber:
[] Coldweather kit is instalbd in temperaturesbelow 30°F
(4°0). SeeColdWeather Kit.
[] Correct battery type is instalbd and fully charged. See
Final Installation Considerations. Generatorengine oil level is at full mark. SeeFinal
Installation Considerations. Circuit breaker is in the ONposition.
Utility was shut off to test the operation of generator and
transfer switch. Note anyfault codesandmakecorrections asrequired.
ACVoltage Output
[] FrequencyOutput.
Owner _nfermation Name:
Unit information
inspection Date:
Thisgenerator has been....installed perthe manufacturer's
Installing ContractorSignature: Date:
Intentionally Left Blank
Generator Placement
Beforeinstallinggenerator,consultwith home owner and conveythe following requirements,which must besatisfied beforethe installationiscomplete.
Therearetwo equally important safetyconcernsin regardsto carbon monoxidepoisoning andfire. Thereare alsoseveral generallocation guidelinesthat must bemet beforethe installationin consideredcomplete.
,& WARNEN6Runningengine gives off carbon monoxide,
an odorless, colorless, poison gas. Breathing carbon monoxide could result in death
serious injury, headache,fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures,nauseaor fainting.
° Operatethis productONLYoutdoors inan areathat wil
not accumulatedeadlyexhaustgas.
° Keepexhaustgas awayfrom any windows, doors,
ventilationintakes, soffit vents, crawl spaces,open garage doors or other openings that canallow exhaustgas
to enter insideor be drawn into a potentially occupied
building or structure.
° Carbonmonoxide detector(s) MUST be installed and
maintainedindoors accordingto the manufacturer's instructions/recommendations. Smoke alarms cannot
detectcarbon monoxide gas.
Exhaust Side of the Generater
A - Exhaustoutlet side of weatherproof enclosure B - Air inlet side of weatherproof enclosure
The arrowsinthe figurebelowpointtoPOTENTMALpointsofentn/forCarbonMonoxideGas.
All fossil fuel burning equipment, 8u@aS§_andby E_Sureexhaustgas is kept awayfrom: generators, contains carbon mo86_idei_O) gas in the windows
engine exhaust. COgas is odQ_@S _6ierlessand tasteless ........ P. a....
and is unlikely to be noticed is overcome. .........................._ o_uu_
COgas can kill you so it is requiPedthat _h__Q D oventilation intakes
included as part of the installation: 2 ....
° Install generatoroutdoors in an ar_athat
accumulate deadly exhaust gas...... .....
° DONOTinstall generatorwhere exhaustgas could
accumulate and enter inside or be drawn into a potentially occupied building or structure.
° Bylaw it ,srequired in many statesto havea Carbon
Monoxide (CO) detector in operatingcondition in your home. Carbon monoxide detector(s) (A) MUST be installed and maintained indoors according to the
manufacturer's instructions / recommendations. A CO monitor is an electric devicethat detectshazardous
levels of CO.Whenthere is a buildup of CO,the monitor will alert the occupants byflashing visual indicator light and alarm. Smoke alarms cannot detect COgas.
° Your neighbor(s) home may beexposedto the engine
exhaustfrom your standby generator and must be considered when installing your standby generator.
E osoffit vents F ogaragedoors
G - crawl spaces or other openings that can allow exhaustgasto enter insideor be drawn into a potentially occupied building or structure.
o Directthestandbygeneratorexhaustawayfromor
paralleltothebuildingorstructure.DONOTdirect thegeneratorexhausttowardsapotentbllyoccupied building,structure,windows,doors,ventibtionintakes, soffitvents,crawlspaces,opengaragedoorsorother openingswhereexhaustgascouldaccumulateand enterinsideorbedrawnintopotentbllyoccupied buildingorstructure.
o DONOTplacestandbygeneratorinanyareawhere
leavesordebrisnormallyaccumulates.Position standbygeneratorinanareawherewindswillcarry theexhaustgasawayfromanypotentiallyoccupied buildingorstructure.
o Placefh_ standby generator in a preparedlocation that
is flat _ad h_s provisions for water drainage.
outlet openings. Install the standbygenerator where it will not affect or
obstruct and services including covered, concealedand underground, such as telephone, electric, fuel (natural gas/LPG vapor), irrigation, air conditioning, cable, septic, sewer, well and so forth.
Install the standbygenerator where leaves,grass, snow, etc. will not obstruct air inlet and outlet openings, if prevailing winds will cause blowing or drifting, you may needto construct a windbreak to protect the unit.
Placement of Standby Generator to REDUCE THE RMSEOF NRE
Examplesof standby generator locationsto reducethe risk of fire:
NFPA37 2010, section 4.1.4, EnginesLocatedOutdoors. Engines,and their weatherproof housings if provided, that are installed outdoors shall be located at bast 1.5m (5 ft) from openings in walls and at bast 1.5m (5 ft) from structures havingcombustiblewalls. A minimum separationshallnot be requiredwhereeitherof the following conditionsexist:
1. Theadjacentwall of the structure has afire resistance rating of at bast 1 hour.
2. Theweatherproof enclosure is constructed of noncombustible materials and it has been
demonstratedthat afire within the enclosurewill not ignite combustible materials outsidethe enclosure. *
AnnexA ExplanatoryMaterial A,4.1.4 (2) Meansof demonstrating compliance are by
means of full-scale fire tests or by calculation procedures, such as those given in NFPA555, Guideon Methods for EvaluatingPotential for RoomFlashover.
Tocomply with condition 2 abovethe weatherproof enclosure has beenconstructed completely of non-combustible
materials andfulloscalefire tests havebeenconducted to demonstratethat afire within the enclosurewill not ignite combustible materials outsidethe enclosure.
trees or any kind of vegetation.
Standbygeneratorweatherproof enclosuremust beat bast 5
ft. (1.5 m) from windows, doors, any wall opening, shrubs or
vegetationover 12 inches (30.5 cm) in height. Standbygeneratorweatherproof enclosuremust havea
minimum of 5 ft. (1.5 m) overheadclearancefrom any structure, overhangor trees.
DONOTplaceweatherproof enclosure under a deck or other
type of structure that may confine airflow.
Useonly flexible fuel line provided. Connectprovided fuel line to generator,DONOTuse with or substitute any otherflexible fuel
line. Smokedetector(s) MUST be installed and maintainedindoors
accordingto the manufacturer's instructions/recommendations. Carbon monoxidealarms cannot detectsmoke.
DONOTplaceweatherproof enclosure in manner other than shown in illustrations.
minimum of 5 feet (1.5 m) overheadclearancefrom anystructure, overhangor trees.
NOTICEDONOTplaceweatherproof enclosure under a deck or other type of covered structure that may confine airflow.
5 ft (1.5/rrn)
@ ®
18 in. 5ft (1.5_n)
Legendfer GeneraterLeeatienste reducethe riskef fire.
A Standby weatherproofenclosure must be at least5
ft (1.5 m) from windows, doors, anywall opening, shrubs or vegetation over12 inches (30.5 cm)in height.
B Exhaust outlet side of weatherproof enclosure must
haveat least5 ft (1.5 m) minimum clearancefrom anystructure, shrubs, trees or anykind of vegetation.
C Standby weatherproof enclosure must havea
minimum of 5 feet (1.5 m) overheadclearancefrom anystructure, overhangor trees.
NOTICEDONOTplaceweatherproof enclosure under a deck or other type of covered structure that may confine airflow.
Electricaland FuelMnietLocations
The 3/4 inch N,RT,fuel inlet connector (A) and electrical inlet
location (B)is shown below,
A ½ inch knocbout is provided for the electrical inleL This
inlet may be enlargedor supplementedto accommodate
a maximum conduit size of 1 ½ inches. Ensurethat the
installed conduit(s) enter the unit in the zoneshown in the drawing such that they properly enter the electrical box and do not interfere with the fully opened roofl
The homegenerator is suppliedwith a basethat unless
mandatedby local code, doesnot requirea concrete sla&
f ........ ............
S ................
Lifting the Generator
,_ WARNINGHazardousVoltage - Contact with power
lines could cause electric shock or burns, resulting in deathor serious injury.
Lifting Hazard/ HeavyObject- Could result in serious injury.
, if lifting or hoistingequipment is used,DONOTcontact
anypower lines.
, DONOTlift or move generatorwithout assistance. , Uselifting pipesas described in Lifting the Generator. , DONOTlift unit by roof as damageto generator
will occur.
Thegeneratorweighs more than 500 pounds (227 kg).
Proper tools, equipment and qualified personnel should be
used in all phasesof handling and moving the generator.
Two60" lengths of 3/4" nominal minimum scheduled40
steel pipe (A), supplied bythe installer,are requiredto lift the
generator manually,insert pipes through the lifting holes (B)
located nearthe unit's base.
You may alsolift the unit using a "hook andhoist" method
attachedto the lifting pipes, provided that you usea spreader
bar to ensure that the chains or cables DONOTtouch the
generator's roof.
Cencrete Anchering ef Unit
in areas determinedto be hurricane pr60e, it is
recommendedto anchorthe to concrete. The concreteanchors must hold 800 Ibs (i j) Thereare four (C) 7/16 inch hol_ Iocatio% _Qund the
generatorin which to anchorthe ...........
NOTICE Unless mandated by local or .....
concreteslab is not required.
Access Ports
Thegenerator is equipped with an enclosurethat has several access panels,as shown.
Theaccess panels and the components located behind them are listed below:
A °Roof (Control Panel,air filter, oil dipstick, and circuit
breaker) B °Front Access Panel(oil drain and oil filter) C°Battery Panel(battery and generatordata label) D °RearAccess Panel(fuel regulator, fuel selector, and
engine starter) E -Control PanelCover (field wiring andcontrol wires)
Eachgeneratoris shippedwith a set of identical keys.These keysfit in the lock on the front removablepanekThe roof must be unlocked in order for it to open.
Te epen roof:
1. insert key into lock (A) of front panel. Gently push down on roof above the lock to aid in turning the key. Turn key one quarterturn clockwise.
2. Lift roof to the open position.
Te remeve frent panel:
1, Removethe two bolts(B)that securethe panelto theunit.
2. Lift panelto remove from unit.
To remeve rear panel
1, Ensurethe roof is in the open position.
2. Removethetwo bolts (C)that securethe panelto the unit.
3. Lift panelto remove from unit.
TOsecure rear panel:
1, Slide panel into
2. Securethe bolts.
Tesecure frent panel:
1. Placepanel in unit.
2. Securethe panel with two bolts,
To remove batte_g
1, Ensure isln the open position.
2. Rer bolts (B) that secure the panel to the
3, Lift up on panel and remove.
To secure battery panel:
1. Placepanel in unit.
2. Securethe panel with two bolts.
® <9
o A union (C) or flanged connection shall be provided
downstream to permit removal of standby.
TOTHEiNSTALLER:Consult with the generator owner(s} and convey any technical considerations that might affect their installationplans before applying these general guidelines.
Thefollowing general rulesapply to gaseousfuel system piping:
,A WARNIN6Propaneand NaturalGasareextremelyflammable
explosionresultingin death,seriousinjuryand/ or propertydamage.
Beforeplacingthegeneratorintoservi@ hefuelsystemlines
mustbeproperlypurgedandleaktested. .........
ermitted. ...........
to federaland local codes, rigidly mounted and protected againstvibration.
o Pipingshould be protected from physicaldamage
where it passesthrough flower beds, shrub beds,and other cultivated areas where damage could occur.
HOTICEThe illustration is representativeof atypical installation. Your installation may differ.
o Install the flexiblesteelfuel line (B) (supplied) between
the generatorfuel inlet port (A) and rigid piping to preventthermal expansion,contraction, or any
standby movement from causing excessivestress on the piping material.
o A manometer port should be provided (D). A digital
manometer, P/N19495, is availableatyour Briggs & Stratton service center.When the initial test runs are
completed, the manometer is removedand the port is plugged.The msno port permits temporary
installation of _ma ter to ensure that the engine recei_e_She_orrect fuel pressure to operate
efficient y !br_Bg_ut its operating range.
o Where_heformation of hydratesor iceis knownto
occu _iping should beprotectedagainstfreezing.The
aationof hardpiping should include asediment
wherecondensateis not likelyto freeze.
minimum of one accessible,approvedmanual shutoff valve (E) shall be installed in the fuel supply line within 6 ft. (180 cm) of the home generator.
o A manualfuel shut-off valveshould be installed in the
interior of the building.
o Where local conditions include earthquake,
tornado, unstableground, or flood hazards, special consideration shaftbe given to increasestrength and flexibility of piping supports and connections.
Piping must be of the correct sizeto maintain the
requiredsupply pressuresand volume flow under varying generator load conditions with all gas appliancesconnectedto the fuel systemturned on and operating.
Usea pipe sealantor joint compound approvedfor usewith NG/LPGon all threaded fittings to reducethe possibility of leakage.
instailed piping must beproperly purged and leaktested, in accordancewith applicablecodes
and standards.
Fuel Consumption
Estimatedfuel supply requirements at half andfull load for natural gas and LP vapor fuels are shown below.
LP Vapor (Propane)
3/4 Load
1/2 Load
1/4 Load
Cu FtiHr
Gal/Hr (liquN)
Cu FtiHr
Cu FtiHr
Gal/Hr (liquN)
Cu R/Hr
Gal/Hr (liquN)
Cu Ft/Hr
Gal/Hr (liquid)
16kW 15kW
113 109
3.14 3.03
282500 272500
96 90
2.67 2.5
240000 225000
71 68
1.97 1.89
177500 170000
53 51
1.47 1.42
132500 127500
40 40
1.11 1.11
100000 100000
Recommended Energy LP Vapor Natural
Content of Fuel Gas
HeatingValue: BTUper gallon (gross**) 91,547
Cubic feet (gas) 2,500 1,000
Fuel Pressure
Naturat Gas
Full Load
3/4 Load
CuFd Hr
(18 kW)
240000 2 00_ ....
135 12 ...............119
135000 125000 119000
99 99 99
99000 99000 99000
gas line shutoff valves are OPENand that
fuel pressure is available whenever automatic
in is desired.
Power Loss
Air density is less at high altitudes, resulting in less available engine power. Specifically, engine power will decrease3.5%
for each 1,000feet (300 meters) abovesealevel and 1% for each 10° F(5.6°C) above 77% (25°C). Makesure you and your installer consider these factors when determining total generator load.
Fuel Pipe Sizing
Thereare numerous on-line or otherwise-puNished
referencesfor fuel pip sizing. For example,NFPA54-Natural FuelGas Code,2006 (item #: 320-6031-06) is a
common resource. The installer should consider the specific gravity of gas and
compensate for a nominal amount of restriction from bends, fittings, etc. if an unusual number of fittings, bends,or other
restrictions are used, referto federal and local codes
for guidance.
Fuel Conversion
The engine of your generator system is factory calibrated to run on natural gas (NG)or on liquefied petroleum (LP) vapor, To convert to either fuel, follow these steps:
NOTICE Units are set to NG at the factory'.
1, insert key into lock of front panel.Gently push down
on roof above the lock to aid in turning the key,Turn key one quarterturn clockwise,
2, Lift roof to the open position. 3, Pressthe control board OFFbutton,
4, Remove15 Amp fuse from control panel, 5, Removethe rear panel, 6, Locatethe fuel selectorswitch (A), locatedon top of
the fuel regulator (B). Using a 5 mm Allen wrench, turn the selector switch to either LPor NG,
7, Install tamper proof plug supplied with unit.
Hug fits over fuel selector switch with convex sidefacing out. Secureplug with drop of
cyanoacrylate(super) glue, 8, Reinstallthe rearpanel, 9, Reinstall15 Amp fuse incontrol panel,
10, Pressthe control boardAUTObutton.
System Connectors
Low Voltage connections to signal fault contacts, transfer switch communication and auxiliary 12VDCpowerare madevia a flew connection terminal block in control board area.Compare this illustration with your generator to familiarize yourself
with the locationof these connections.
A ° Two PinTerminal Block -- Used_8_Qnnectutility
240 VACfrom fuse block in th_ control board. Connectonly one wire
B Fault Contacts -- Use NCto hook up
siren, light, etc. to alert y_ in case faulL
reversestate (NOgoesto NCand
fault condition. .... .........
CoTransferSwitch Communication (TxRx ....
GNI)) _ Connectto transfer switch for communication interface using 18AWGtwisted pair
Eight Pin Terminal Block _ Usedto connect signal
wires to the control board. Connectonly one wire per
F - Power Connection (Line 1 and Line2) _ Power
connection to transfer switch.
G - Neutral and lSround Connection _ Connectto transfer
switch neutral and ground
GND Not requiredfor optional monitor, Availablefor optional hardwired
system status panelaccessory,//6154.
Forpoweroutputconnection(Line1, Line2, Neutral,andGround),refertothefollowingtable:
15 kW 17 kW 20 kW
Poweroutput connections minimum 300V, 75°0
6AWGCopper 4AWGCopper 4AWGCopper 4AWGAluminum 3AWGAluminum 2AWGAluminum
oReferenceNEC2011table310.15(B)(16) oUseNationalElectricCodefor correctionfactorsandwiresizecalculations.
Forutility circuitconnection(UtilityAandUtilityB)use#14AWGminimum300voltwire.
Fortransferswitchcommunicationuse#18AWGtwistedpairconductors,nogreaterthan 200ft in length,300voltwire.
Whenconnectingto theterminalblock,fastenonlyonewireto eachconnectorscrew.
Torqueterminalblockscrewsto4.4in-lb (0.49Newtonmeter).
Torquecircuitbreakerconnectionsto 45in-lb(5 Newtonmeter).
Generator AC Connection System
A single-phase, three-wire ACconnection system is usedin the home generator. The stator assembly consists of a pair of stationary windings with two leads brought out of each winding. The junction of leads22 and 33 forms the neutral lead,as shown schematically and as a wiring diagram. A complete schematic and wiring diagram can be found laterin
this manual. NOTICENeutral is not bonded to ground at generator.
NOTICE Generator must be usedwith only an ULapproved transfer switch that is compatible with the generator.
33 Js
0 22 84 .....:11
Circuit .....
Ground Neutral Line2 Line 1
\ /
Grounding the Generater
The homegenerator must be installed as part of a system that includes a listed transfer switch, with neutral to ground bonding at the transfer switch in accordancewith installation instructions. Unless mandatedby local code, additional grounding to earth at the generator is not required. Any grounding at generator must use metal piercing lock washers (or equal), UL listed terminals installed per terminal supplier's instructions, and comply with nationalelectrical codes and local requirements.
Utility Circuit Connection
"240V Utility" leads must be routed in conduit. The "240V Utility" leadsdeliver powerto the generator's circuit board, optional batterywarmer and optional oil warmer. This power also chargesthe batter},.When power on these leads is lost, the generatorwill start.
Using installerosuppliedminimum 30or, 6 AWGcopper wire, or 300V, 4 AWG aluminum wire*, connect eachcontrol
circuit terminal in the generator (Utility A and Utility B)to the fuse block in the automatic transfer switch.
*UseNational Electric Code for correction factors and wire
size calculations.
Generater Power Connection
Using installer supplied minimum 300V, 6 AW6 wire, connect generator power output Line 1, Line 2, neutral and ground to the corresponding Line 1, Line2, neutral and ground in the transfer switch.
Transfer Switch Communication
Using installer supplied #18 AW6 twisted pair conductors, no greater than 200 ft in length, connect Tx Rxand Tx Rx GNDfrom the generatorterminal block to T!R and 6ND on the transfer switch control board. When making connections, obeywire type and torque specifications printed on the circuit breakerand neutral/ground connectors.
'1 i
.................... y
............................. J
System Control Panel
Thegenerator control panel, located insidethe generator housing, is shown below.
Brief descriptions of the controls used during installation are: Thegenerator control board, located insidethe generator,
under the roof, is shown below. Brief descriptions of the controls used during installation are:
A o Menu/Programming Navigation Battens -- SeeMenu
section for details
2 o Mini US2 Port-- Authorized DealerService Use Only CoE;eneraterOperatienCentral2u_ans
°"AUTO" Normal operating position_ Pressand hold button to put unit into Automatic mode. if an utility power outage is sensed,the system will start the generator_When utility power is restored, auto lets the engine stabilize internal temperatures, shuts off the generator, and waits for the next utility outage.
°"OFF" Turns off running generator, prevents unit from starting, and resetsany detectedfaults_
OFFmust be pressed and held for more than 5 seconds in order to reset service codes.
o"NiANUAL"Usedto manually startthe generator.
"AUTO" LED_ LEDwill light when unit is placed into Auto mode_ LEDwill blink if exercisecycle is not set or
set to OFF.
D- 15 Amp Fuse_ Protectsthe home generator DC
control circuits_ if the fuse has 'blown' (melted open) or was removed, the engine cannot crank or start_Replace the fuse using only an identical ATO15A fuse. One sparefuse is supplied with the uniL
E oCaret _ This protective cover must be openedto access
the fuse and the USBport_
F oI}igitai I}ispiay -- Displays generator mode,menu
options, servicecodes, and service engine indicators
More information may be found in Controls in the operator's manual,
The following chart shows the icons for the buttons that control the system control panel.
i O1_I
Thefollowing chart describes keyse_le_ct:_ iOra_ces£i_gdifferent programming modes;
< >
Genecai Set Up Scceen
Forgeneralset up, pressand holdthe left arrow and right arrow[_-] _ for 3 seconds.Followthe prompts asoutlined below.
NOTE: Date and Time were set at the factory and stored in the control panel memory. The Exercise Cycle was also set at the factory. The default exercise cycle occurs on Tuesdays, at 2:00 RM. Central Standard Time. To updated or change these settings, follow the steps below.
L_ L_
Display will scroll last service code event, date, time, and
temperature of when the event occured.
Control Panel Prompts
in Automatic Mode,the display screenwill display via scrolling text:
, GENERATORREADY- if the unit is in standby and utility
power is present.
, GENERATORON- if the unit is running and utility power is
not present.
, SERVICECODE- if a system fault has beendetected.
i _E"ERATQ,READY°rsERv!cEcaPEDEsc,_pTmo.
(WhenGeneratorNOTRunning,AutoMode) I
General System Parameters Toview general system parameters, pressthe MENUbutton.
Thefollowing will scroll across the digital display andthen move to the next item:
° Runtime , Date ° Time
ARROWat any
_?IiSS@_;};_}_}_;j_@_il ¸i_¸i¸_¸¸¸¸¸¸
Advanced Settings Screen Advanced setting parametersare presetatthe factory for atypical installation. To view AdvancedSettings items and/or to
changeitems, follow the instructions listed below. HOTfCEAdvanced settings are eritieai to the operation of the unit. Carefui consideration should be taken when working
in the Advanced Settings menu. Exercise caution when selectingand verifyingparameters for the generator and region
where the generator is being operated. Confirm aii settings before operating the generator for the first time.
Foradvancedmenu items, pressand holdthe left arrow, right arrow, andescapekey_ _1 _ for 3 seconds. Follow
the prompts asoutlined below.
must be pressed onceto enterthe menuand again to changeany setting. After eachconfirmation of a setting, the selection
will display solid for 2 seconds before moving to the next program item.
% i:i iiiiiiiiii..................
_ _ Stepper otor_b'T6=T_
_ _ will sweep through throttle
l v sual verif cat on
+ 74 hidden pages