I rte
This generator is ratedin accordance with CSA (CanadianStandards
Association) standard C22.2 No. 100-04 (motors and generators).
o _ 8 Manual No. 311157GS Revision B

Thank yau for purchasingthis quality-built Briggs & Stratton generator.We are pleasedthat you've placedyour confidence in
the Briggs & Stratton brand. When operatedand maintainedaccording to the instructions in this manual,your Briggs &
Stratton generator will provide manyyears of dependableservice.
This manual cantains safety information to makeyou awareof the hazardsand risks associatedwith generatorsand how to
avoidthem. Thisgenerator is designed andintendedonly for supplying electrical powerfor operatingcompatible electrical
fighting, appliances,tools and motor loads, and is not intendedfor any other purpose, it is important that you readand
understand these instructions thoroughly before attempting to start or operatethis equipment. Save these instructiansfor
future reference.
Thisgenerator requires final assembly befereuse. Referto the Assemblysection of this manualfor instructions on final
assembly procedures. Followthe instructions completely.
Where te Find Us
You never haveto lookfar to find Briggs & Stratton support andservice for your generator. Consult your Yellow Pages.There
are over 30,000 Briggs & Stratton authorizedservice dealersworldwide who provide quality service. You canalso contact
Briggs & Stratton CustomerService by phone at (800) 743-4115, or on the Internet at BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM.
Model Number
Serial Number
Date Purchased
Copyright © 2010. Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group, LLC
Milwaukee, Wl, USA.All rights reserved.
trademark of Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Milwaukee, Wl, USA

Tableef Contents
Operation .................................... 11
Starting the Engine .......................................... 11
Connecting ElectricalLoads.................................... 11
Stopping the Engine.......................................... 12
POWERSMARTMode ........................................ 12
Charginga Battery .......................................... 12
Don't Overload Generator ..................................... 13
Maintenance .................................. 14
MaintenanceSchedule........................................ 14
GeneratorMaintenance....................................... 14
Engine Maintenance.......................................... 15
Storage ................................................... 18
Troubleshooting ................................ 19
Wiring Diagram............................................. 20
Warranties .................................... 21
Emissions Control SystemWarranty............................. 21
GeneratorOwnerWarranty 23
Specifications ................................. 24
Product Specifications........................................ 24
Common ServiceParts ....................................... 24
Frangais Espa_ol

Equipment Description
Safety Symbols and Meanings
Readthis manuamcareMmyand become familiar
with your generator. }{now itsappmications,its
mimitationsand any hazardsinvomved.
Thegeneratoris anengine-driven, revolvingfield, alternating
and direct current(AC & DC)generator, it was designedto
supply ebctricaI power for operating compatibb ebctricaI
fighting, appfiances,tools and motor loads.The generator's
revolving field is driven atabout 4,500 rpm (with
POWERSMARTmodeswitch off) by asingb-cyfinder engine.
NOTICE Exceedinggeneratorswattage/amperagecapacity,
can damagegeneratorand/or electrical devicesconnected
to it.
, DONOTexceedthegenerator'swattage/amperagecapacity.See
Everyeffort hasbeen madeto ensurethat the information n
this manualis both accurateand current. However.the
manufacturer reservesthe right to change,alter or otherwise
improve the generatorand this documentationat anytime
without prior notice.
The EmissionControl System for this generator is warranted
for standardsset by the Environmental ProtectionAgency
and the California Air ResourcesBoard.
MmpertantSafety Mnfermatien
The manufacturercannot possibly anticipateevery possible
circumstance that might involve a hazard.The warnings in
this manual,and the tags anddecals affixedto the unit are.
therefore, not aft-inclusive. Ifyou usea procedure, work
method or operating technique that the manutacturer does
not specifically recommend,you must satisfy yourself that it
is safefor you and others. Youmust also makesurethat the
procedure, work methodor operating technique that you
choose does not renderthe generator unsafe.
ExplosivePressure ChemicalBurn
Thesafety alert symbol indicatesa potentialpersonal
injury hazard Asignal word (DANGER,WARNING,or
CAUTION)is used with the alert symbol to designatea
degreeor level of hazardseriousness.A safety symbol may
be used to representthe type of hazard.The signal word
/VOT/CEis usedto address practicesnot relatedto personal
A DANGERindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, wi//
result in death or serious injury.
A WARNENGindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
A OAUT_ONindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderateinjury.
NOTICEaddress practices not relatedto personal injury.
FlyingObjects Hot Surface
Operator's Manual

Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU iN MINUTES,
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is
a poison you cannot see or smell,
A WARNING Starter cord kickback(rapid retraction) will
pull hand andarm toward enginefasterthan you
,_can letgo which could causebroken bones,
fractures, bruises, or sprains resulting in serious
o Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntilresistanceisfelt
andthenpull rapidlytoavoidkickback.
o NEVERstartor stopenginewithelectricaldevicespluggedin
NEVER use inside a home
or garage, EVEN mFdoors
and windows ere open.
Only use OUTSIDE and
far away from windows,
doors, and vents.
WARNENG Runningengine givesoff carbon
monoxide, anodorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxidecould result in death,
serious injury, headache,fatigue,dizziness,
vomiting, confusion, seizures,nauseaor fainting.
, Operatethis productONLYoutdoors.
o Installabatteryoperatedcarbonmonoxidealarmnearthe
o Keepexhaustgas from entering a confined areathrough
windows, doors, ventilation intakes,or other openings.
° DO NOToperatethis product insideany building, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marine applications, or enclosure,
evenif windows anddoors are open.
A WARNENG The engine exhaustfrom this product
contains chemicalsknown to the Stateof Californiato
causecancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
A WARNING Storage batteriesgive off explosive
hydrogengas during recharging.
Hydrogen gas stays nearbatteryfor a
long time after battery has been
charged. Slightest spark could ignite hydrogencausing
explosion resulting in death,serious injury' and/or
property damage.
Batteryelectrolyte fluid contains acid andis extremely
caustic. Contactwith battery fluid could causechemical
burns resulting in serious injury and/or property damage.
o DONOTallowanyopenflame,spark,heat,orlitcigarette
duringandfor severalminutesafterchargingabattery.
o Wearprotectivegoggles,rubberapron,andrubbergloves.
, DONOTcontinueto chargea batterythatbecomeshotor is
fully charged.
o DONOTleavebatteryunattended.
,a, WARNING Fuel and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive which could
_ ause burns, fire or explosion resulting
in death, serious injury and/or property'
o Turn generatorengineOFFand letit cool at least 2 minutes
before removingfuel cap. Loosencapslowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
° Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
° DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
° Iffuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
o Checkfuel lines, tank, cap andfittings frequently for cracks or
leaks. Replaceif necessary.
° DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
• Ensure spark plug, muffler, fuel cap,and air cleanerare in
o DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
° DO NOToperatethis product inside any building, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marine applications, or enclosure.
o DONOTtip engine or equipment at angle which causesfuel to
° DONOTstop engineby moving choke control to "Choke"
position (l'q).
° Transport/move/repair with fueltank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff
o DONOTtip engine or equipment at angle which causesfuel to
o Disconnectspark plug wire.
o Storeawayfrom furnaces, stoves,water heaters,clothes
dryers, or otherappliancesthat have pilot light or other ignition
source becausethey could ignitefuel vapors.
o Thisgenerator does not meetU. S. CoastGuard Regulation
33CFR-183and should not beused on marineapplications.
o Failureto usethe appropriate U. S. Coast Guard approved
generator could result in deathor serious injury and/or property

, DO NOTconnect generator to a building's electrical system.
* DO NOTtouch barewires or receptacles.
* DO NOTuse generator with electrical cords which areworn,
frayed, bareor otherwise damaged.
* DO NOToperate generator in the rain orwet weather.
* DO NOThandle generator or electricalcords while standing in
water, while barefoot,or while hands orfeetare wet.
* DO NOTallow unqualified personsor children to operate or
A WARNING Exhaust heat/gases could ignite
combustibles, structures or damage fuel
tank causing a fire, resulting in death,
serious injury and/or property damage.
Contact with muffler area could cause burns resulting in
serious injury.
, DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases.
* Allow equipment to cool beforetouching.
* Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sidesof
generator including overhead.
* it is aviolation of California PuNic ResourceCode, Section
4442, to use or operatethe engineon any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unlessthe exhaust
system is equipped with aspark attester, as defined inSection
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other states or
federal jurisdictions may have similar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a sparkattester designed for the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
* Replacement parts must bethe same and installed in the same
position as the original parts.
,a, WARNING Unintentionalsparking could causefire or
electric shock resulting in death or
serious injury.
* Disconnectthe spark plug wire from the spark plugand place
the wire where it cannotcontact spark plug.
* Useapproved spark plugtester.
* DO NOTcheckfor spark with spark plug removed.
,A CAUTION Excessively high operating speeds could
result in minor injury and/or generator damage.
Excessively low speeds impose a heavy load.
, DO NOTtamper with governor spring, links or other partsto
increase enginespeed. Generatorsuppliescorrect rated
frequency and voltage when running at governed speed.
* DO NOTmodify generator inany way.
NOTICE Exceedinggeneratorswattage/amperagecapacity
could damagegeneratorand/or electricaldevicesconnected
to it.
o DO NOTexceedthe generator's wattage/amperage capacity. See
Don't OverloadGeneratorin the Operationsection.
* Start generatorand let engine stabilizebeforeconnecting
electrical loads.
* Connectebctrical loads in OFFposition, thenturn ONfor
Turn electricalloads OFFanddisconnect from generator before
stopping generator.
A WARNENG Starter and other rotating parts could
entangle hands, hair, clothing, or accessories
resulting in serious injury.
, NEVERoperategenerator without protective housing or covers.
* DO NOTwear looseclothing, jewelry or anythingthat could be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
* Tie up long hairand removejewelry.
HOTICE improper treatment of generator could damage it
and shorten its life.
, Use generator only for intendeduses.
* if you havequestions about intended use,ask dealeror contact
local servicecenter.
* Operategenerator only on levelsurfaces.
* DO NOTexposegenerator to excessivemoisture, dust, dirt, or
corrosive vapors.
* DO NOTinsert any objects through cooling slots.
* if connected devicesoverheat, turn them off anddisconnect them
from generator.
* Shut off generator if:
-electrical output is lost;
-equipment sparks, smokes, or emitsflames;
-unit vibrates excessively.

Your generator requiressome assembly and is readyfor use
after it hasbeen properly servicedwith the recommended
fuel andoil.
if you haveany problemswith the assemblyof your generator,
pleasecall the generatorhelplineat (808) 743o4115. if calling
for assistance,pleasehavethe model,revision,and serial
numberfrom the identificationlabel available.SeeGenerator
FeaturesandControlsfor identificationlabellocation.
NOTICE improper treatment of generator could damage it
and shorten its life.
° DONOTattempttocrankorstarttheenginebeforeit hasbeen
5. Replaceoil fill cap andfully tighten.
6. Replacethe maintenancecover andhand tighten the
two maintenancecover screws.
Add Fuel
1. Setthe carton on arigid, fiat surface.
2. Removeeverything from carton except generator.
3. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from
top to bottom.
The generater is supplied with:
. Battery chargecables
° Operator's manual
, Engineoil bottle
Add Engine Oil
1. Placegeneratoron a levelsurface.
2. Loosenthe two maintenance cover screwsand remove
the side maintenancecover.
Cleanarea aroundoil fill and removeyellow oil fill cap.
4. Using oil funnel (optional), slowly pour contents of
provided oil bottle into oil fill openingto the point of
overflowing at oil fill cap.
Fuel must meet these requirements:
, Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.
, A minimum of 87 octane/87 AKI (91 RON).For high
altitude use, seeHigh Altitude.
° Gasolinewith up to 10% ethanol (gasohol) or up to
15% MTBE (methyltertiary butylether) is acceptable.
NOTICE Avoid generatordamage.
Failureto follow Operator's Manualfor fuel
recommendationsvoids warranty.
o DONOTuseunapprovedgasolinesuchasE85.
- DONOTmixoil ingasoline.
o DONOTmodifyengineto runonalternatefuels,
To protectthe fuelsystem from gum formation,mix in afuel
stabilizerwhen addingfuel. SeeStorage.All fuel is notthe
same.if you experiencestarting or performanceproblems after
usingfuel, switch to a differentfuel provideror changebrands.
This engineiscertifiedto operateon gasoline.The emission
control system for this engineis EM(EngineModifications).
A WARNING Fuelandits vapors areextremelyflammable
andexplosivewhich could causeburns,
fire or explosionresulting in death,
seriousinjury and/orproperty damage.
° Turn generatorengineOFFand let it cool at least2 minutes
before removingfuel cap. Loosencapslowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
° Fill fuel tank outdoors.
° DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
, if fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
o Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
, Checkfuel lines,tank, cap andfittings frequently for cracks or
leaks. Replaceif necessary.
, DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
1. Cleanarea aroundfuel fill cap, remove cap.

Slowly add unleadedfuel to red fuel levelindicator (A)
in fuel tank. Becareful notto fill abovethe indicator.
This allows adequatespace for fuel expansion.
Special Requirements
Theremay be Federal,local codes, or ordinancesthat apply
to the intendeduse of the generator. Pleaseconsult a
qualified electrician,electrical inspector, or the local agency
. Thisgenerator has afloating neutral and is not for use
on job sites requiring a bondedneutral.
Generater Lecatien
Clearances and Air Mevement
3. Install fuel capand let anyspilled fuel evaporatebefore
starting engine.
High Altitude
At altitudes over 5,000 feet (1524 meters), a minimum
85 octane/ 85 AKI (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable.To
remain emissions compliant, high altitude adjustment is
required. Operationwithout this adjustment will cause
decreasedperformance, increasedfuel consumption, and
increased emissions. Seea Briggs & Stratton Authorized
Dealerfor highaltitude adjustment information. Operationof
the engineat altitudes below 2,500 feet (762 meters)with
the high altitude kit is not recommended.
FuelTank CapVentLever
Thefuel tank cap is providedwith a vent lever (B)to sealthe
fuel tank. Thevent levermust be in the "ON" position for the
engineto run.
,A WARNING Exhaustheat/gasescould ignite
combustibles, structures or damagefuel tank
causing afire, resulting in death,serious injury
and/or propertydamage.
. Keepatleast5 ft. (152cm)clearanceonall sidesof generator
Placegenerator outdoors in anareathat will not accumulate
deadlyexhaust gas.DONOTplace generator where exhaust
gas (C) could accumulate andenter inside or bedrawn into a
potentially occupied building. Ensureexhaust gas is kept
awayfrom any windows, doors; ventilation intakes, or other
openings that canallow exhaustgasto collect in aconfined
area.Prevailingwinds and air currents should betaken into
consideration when positioning generator.
Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU UNMINUTES,
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide, This is
a poison you cannot see or smell,
NEVER use inside a home Only use OUTSIDE and
Whenthe engineis not inuse, leavethe vent lever in the
"OFF" positionto reducethe possibility of fuel leakage.Allow
or garage, EVEN iF doors far away from windows,
and windows are open, doors, and vents,
the engineto cool before turning the vent leverto the "OFF"
Thegenerator neutral is floating, which meansthat the AC
stator winding is isolated from the grounding fastener and
the ACreceptacle ground pins. Ona floating neutral
generatorthe AC receptacleground pins are not functional.
Electricaldevices, such asa GFCI,requiring a functioning AC
receptacleground pin will not operate.

Featuresand Controts
Readthis Operator's Manual and safetyrules before operatingyour generater.
Comparethe illustrations with your generator,to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
A o FuelTank CapVent Lever-- Turn the vent leverto the
"On" position when operating generator.Turn to the
"Off" position when not in use.
B o FuelTank Capacityof 1.0 U.S.gallons (3.7 L).
CoChokeLever Usedwhen starting a cold engine.
B oSide Maintenance Cover Removeto gain accessto
the aircleaner and oil service.
E oRecoil Starter Usedto start the engine manually.
F oEngine Switch Set this switch to "On" before using
recoil starter. Setswitch to "Off" to stop engine.Also
turns fuel valve on andoff.
G oOutput Indicater A green LEDlight comes onwhen
the generator isworking correctly and producing power
atthe receptacles.
H o12 VeJtBCReceptaeJe Usethis receptaclewith
battery chargecables to chargea 12 Volt battery.This
receptacleis protected by a push to resetcircuit breaker.
J oGroundingFastener Consult your local agencyhaving
jurisdiction for grounding requirementsin your area.
Ko120 Volt ac, 20 Amp, Uupiex Receptade Maybe
usedto supplyelectrical power for the operation of
120 Volt AC, 20Amp, single phase,60 Hzelectrical,
lighting, appliance,tool, andmotor loads.
L oOverload Alarm A red LED light comes on and cuts
powerto the receptacleswhen the generatoris
M oLawOil Endicater A yellow LEDlight comes onwhen
the oil in the generatordrops below a preset level.
N oPOWERSMARTSwitch Usethis switch to turn the
POWERSMARTmode on and off.
P o SparkAttester Muffler Exhaustmuffler lowers engine
noiseand is equippedwith a spark arresterscreen.
R oTap Maintenance (;aver -- Removeto gain accessto
the spark plug.
Hems NetShawn:
Air Cleaner (under side maintenance cever) -- Protects
engine by filtering dust anddebris out of intakeair.
Identificatien Label- Provides model, revision, andserial
number of generator. Pleasehavethese readily available
when calling for assistance.
Oii Fiii Cap (under side maintenance cover) -- Checkand
add engine oil here.

CordSets andReceptacles
Use only high quality, weiHnsuiated, grounded extension
cords with the generator's receptacles. Inspect extension
cords before eachuse.
Checkthe ratings of all extension cords beforeyou use
them. Extensioncord sets usedshould beratedfor AC loads
15 Amps or greater. Check operator's manuals ofdevicesto
be powered for the manufacturer's recommendations.
Keepextension cords asshort as possible to minimize
voltage drop.
A WARNING Damagedor overloadedelectrical cords
could overheat, arc,and burn resulting in death,
serious injury, and/or property damage.
o ONLYusecordsratedfor yourloads.
o Followallsafetiesonelectricalcords.
o Inspectcordsetsbeforeeachuse.
120 VoltAC, 20 Amp, Duplex Receptacle
Theduplex receptacleis protected againstoverload by an
internal overload system.
12 Volt DCReceptacle
Themaximum current available for the battery chargecircuit
is 5 Amps. A DCcircuit breaker protectsthis receptaclefrom
overloads, if an overload occurs, the circuit breakerwill trip
(push button pops out). Wait a few minutes and pushthe
button in to resetthe circuit breaker.
This receptacleallows you to rechargea 12Volt automotive
or utility style storagebatterywith the battery charge cable
This receptaclecan not be usedto crankan enginehaving a
discharged battery. SeeCharginga Battery beforeattempting
to rechargea battery.
NOTICE Whenusing the batterj chargecircuit, turn the
POWERSMARTswitch to the "Off" position.
Use receptacleto operate120 Volt AC, single-phase, 60 Hz
electrical loads requiring upto 1,600 watts (1,6 kW) at
13.3 Amps of current. Use cord sets that areratedfor
125 Volt ACloads at 15 Amps (or greater).
HOTICE Receptacles may be marked with rating value
greater than generator output capacity.
o NEVERattempt to power adevice requiring moreamperagethan
generator or receptaclecan supply,
o DONOToverloadthe generator.See Don't OverloadGenerator,
Output Indicator
Thegreen LED output indicator light comes on whenthe
generator is operatingnormally, it indicatesthat the
generator is producing power atthe receptacles.
0verioad Alarm
The redLEDoverload alarm light comes on and cuts power
to the receptaclesif you overloadthe generator.Thegreen
output indicator light will also go off. if the generator was
overloaded,you must turn off andunplug all electrical loads,
shut down the generator and restart it to continue in normal
operating mode.
Low 0ii Indicator
Thelow oil indicator system is designedto prevent engine
damagecaused by not enough engine oil. if the engineoil
level drops below a preset level,the yellow LEDlow oil
indicator light comes on and an oil switch will stopthe
engine, if the enginestops or theyellow LEDlow oil
indicator light comes on whenyou pullthe recoil handle,
checkthe engineoil level.

Starting the Engine
Disconnect allelectrical loads from the generator. Usethe
following start instructions:
1. Makesure unit is on a levelsurface.
NOTICE Failureto start and operatethe unit ona level
surface could causethe unit not to start or shut down during
2. Makesure POWERSMARTswitch (A) is in "Off"
3. Turn the engine switch (B) to the "On" position.
4. Turn fuel cap vent lever(C) to "On" position.
5. Push chokelever (D) to "Cheke" position.
NOTICE To helpstart the enginefor the veryfirst time, after
running out of fuel or aftera long periodof storage,fill fuel
tank as described in Add Fuel it will require more than
severalstart attempts until the air in the fuel system has
been purged.
6A, Grasprecoilhandleand pull slowly until slight resistance
is felt. Thenpull rapidlyto start engine.
, if enginestarts, proceedto step 8.
, if enginefails to start, proceedto step 7.
To start engine thereafter:
6B. Grasprecoilhandleand pull slowly until slight resistance
is felt. Thenpull rapidlyonetime only to start engine.
,a, WARNING Starter cord kickback(rapid retraction) will
i_ pull hand andarmtoward enginefaster than you
can letgo which could causebroken bones,
fractures, bruises, or sprains resulting in serious
, Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntil resistanceisfelt
andthenpull rapidlytoavoidkickback,
* NEVERstartor stopenginewith electricaldevicespluggedin
, if enginestarts, proceedto step 8.
, if enginefails to start, proceedto step 7.
7. Movechoke leverto half choke position, and pull recoil
, if enginefails to start, repeat steps 5 thru 6.
8. Slowly movechoke lever to "Run" position, if engine
falters, move chokelever to halfchoke position until
engine runs smoothly, and then to "Run" position.
NOTICE if engine floods, move chokeleverto "Run"
position and crank until engine starts.
: NOTICE if enginestarts after 3 pulls but fails to run, or if
unit shuts down during operation, makesure unit is on a
level surfaceand check for proper oil level incrankcase.This
unit is equippedwith a low oil protection device, if so,oil
must beat proper levelfor engineto start.
_k WARNING Exhaust heat/gases could ignite
combustibles, structures or damage fuel
tank causing a fire, resulting in death,
serious injury and/or property damage.
Contact with muffler area could cause burns resulting in
serious injury',
, DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases,
, Mow equipment to cool beforetouching,
, Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sides of
generator including overhead,
, it is aviolation of California PuNic Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operatethe engine on any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unlessthe exhaust
system is equipped with aspark arrester, as defined in Section
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other states or
federaljurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain aspark arrester designedfor the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
. Replacement parts must bethe same and installed in the same
position as the original parts.
Cennecting Electrical Leads
4. Makesurethe green output indicator light comes on (it
may take up to three seconds).
2. Let enginestabilize and warm up for a few minutes
after starting.
3. Plug inand turn on the desired 420 Volt AC,single
phase, 60 Hzelectrical loads.

° DO NOTconnect 240Volt loadsto the 120 Volt duplex
, DONOTconnect 3-phaseloads to the generator.
, DONOTconnect 50 Hzloads to the generator.
NOTICE Exceeding generators wattage/amperage capacity
could damage generator and/or electrical devices connected
to it.
, DO NOTexceedthe generator's wattage/amperagecapacity. See
Don't OverloadGeneratorin the Operationsection.
o Start generator and let engine stabilize before connecting
electrical loads.
, Connectelectrical loads in OFFposition, thenturn ONfor
, Turn electricalloads OFFand disconnectfrom generator before
stopping generator.
Stepping the Engine
1. Turn OFFandunplug all electricalloads from generator
panel receptacles. NEVERstart or stop enginewith
electrical devicesplugged in andturned ON.
2. Move POWERSMARTswitch to "Off" position.
3. Let enginerun at no-loadfor severalminutes to
stabilize internaltemperatures of engine andgenerator.
4. Turn engineswitch to the "Off" position.
WARNING Fueland itsvapors areextremelyflammable
and explosivewhich could causeburns,
fire or explosionresulting in death,
serious injury and/orproperty damage.
, DONOTstopenginebymovingchokecontrolto "Choke"
,A WARNING Storagebatteriesgive off explosive
.... < hydrogengasduring recharging.
,t_i_ _ Hydrogengas stays nearbattery for a
long time afterbattery,hasbeencharged.
Slightest sparkcould ignite hydrogencausing explosion
resulting in death,serious injury and/or propertydamage.
Batteryelectrolyte fluid contains acid andis extremely
caustic. Contactwith battery fluid could causechemical
burns resulting in serious injury and/or property damage.
o DONOTallowanyopenflame,spark,heat,or litcigarette
duringandfor severalminutesaftercharginga battery.
o Wearprotectivegoggles,rubberapron,andrubbergloves.
o DONOTcontinueto chargea batterythatbecomeshotor is
o DONOTleavebatteryunattended.
To recharge12 Volt batteries, proceedas follows:
1. If necessary,,clean battery,posts or terminals.
A WARNING Battery posts, terminals and related
accessoriescontain leadand leadcompounds, chemicals
known to the State of Californiato cause cancerand
reproductiveharm. Wash handsafter handling.
2. Checkfluid levelin all battery cells, if necessary,add
ONLYdistilled waterto cover separators in battery
cells. DONOTuse tap water.
3. if the batten/is equippedwith ventcaps, make sure
they are installedand aretight.
4. Connectbatterycharge cableclamp with redhandleto
batterypost or terminalindicatedby Positive, POSor (+).
5. Turn fuel cap vent leverto the "Off" position.
This feature is designedto greatlyimprove fuel economy.
Whenthis switch is turned ON,the engine speed wi
increase as electrical loads are connected,and decreasedas
electrical loadsare removed.
With the switch off, the enginewill run at full governed
speed.Always havethe switch OFFwhen starting and
stopping the engine.
NOTfCE Always havethe switch OFFwhen starting or
stopping the generator orwhen usingthe DCreceptacle.
Charging a Battery
Your generatorhasthe capability of recharging a discharged
12 Volt automotive or utility style storage battery,.
" Not for usewith any other type of battery,.
, DONOTusethe unit to chargeany 6 Volt batteries.
, DONOTusethe unit to crank anengine having a
discharged battery'.
5. Connectbattery chargecable clampwith black handle
to battery postor terminal indicated by Negative, NEG,
or (-).
6. Connectbattery chargecable connector plugto the
12 Volt DOpanel receptacle.
7. Start generatoras described in Starting TheEngine. Let
the enginerun while battery,recharges.
HOTICE Normally a period of 30 to 120 minutes is
sufficient to recharge aweak battery.
8. When batteryhascharged, shut down engineas
described in Stopping h_e Engine.
9. Removethe battery charging cablefrom the generator
and then disconnect from the battery posts.
HOTICE Useanautomotivehydrometerto test batterystateof
chargeand condition.Followthe hydrometermanufacturer's
instructionscarefully.Generally,a batteryis consideredto beat
100% state of chargewhen specificgravity of its fluid (as
measuredby hydrometer)is 1.260or higher.

Don't OverloadGenerator
You must make sureyour generator cansupply enough
rated (running) and surge (starting) watts for the items you
will power at the same time. Followthese simple steps:
1. Selectthe items you will power at the sametime.
2. Totalthe rated(running) watts of these items. This is
the amount of power your generator must produce to
keepyour items running. SeeWattage ReferenceGuide.
3. Estimatehow many surge (starting) watts you will need.
Surge wattage is the short burst of power neededto
start electric motor-driven tools or appliancessuch as a
circular saw or refrigerator. Becausenotall motors start
atthe sametime, total surgewatts can be estimatedby
adding only the item(s) with the highest additionalsurge
watts to the total ratedwatts from step2.
Rated (Running)
Teat orAppliance
Window Fan
Security System
Light (75 Watts)
Total Rated (Running) Watts = 1555
HighestAdditional SurgeWatts = 600
Total Generator Output Required = 2155
Power Management
To prolong the fifeof your generatorand attacheddevices, it
is important to take carewhen adding eUectricaIloadsto your
generator. There should be nothing connected to the
generator outbts before starting its engine.Thecorrect and
safe way to manage generator power isto sequentiaflyadd
loads asfoflows:
1. With nothing connected to the generator,start the
engine as described inthis manual.
2. Hug in andturn onthe first load, preferablythe largest
load you have.
3. Permitthe generatoroutput to stabilize (engineruns
smoothly and attacheddeviceoperates properly).
4. Hug in andturn onthe next load.
5. Again, permitthe generator to stabilize.
6. Repeatsteps 4 and5 for eachadditional load.
1555 Total
Running Watts
Additienal Surge
(Starting) Watts
NEVERadd more loadsthan the generator capacity. Take
special care to consider surge loads in generator capacity,as
described above.
Wattage Reference Guide
Tool or Appliance
Light Bulb- 75 watt
Sump Pump
Refrigerator/Freezer- 18 cf
Water Weft Pump- 1/3 hp
Window AC- 10,000 BTU
Window Fan
FurnaceFanBlowero 1/2 hp....
500 500
800 1200
800 1600
1000 2000
1200 1800
300 600
800 1300
Ki, hen ........
oven-looo ' t,
C6ffee Maker ....
Hot Hate ....
....._olor Television- 27 in
PersonalComputer w/17 in
Security System
AM/FM Clock Radio
GarageDoor Opener- 1/2 hp
ElectricWater Heater- 40 gallon
DIY/Jah Site
Quartz HalogenWork Light
Airless Sprayer- 1/3 hp
Reciprocating Saw
Electric Drill- 1/2 hp
Circular Saw - 7ol/4 in
Miter Saw- 10 in
TablePlaner - 6 in
TableSaw/RadialArm Saw- 10in
Air Compressor - 1-1/2 hp
480 520
600 1200
960 960
1000 1000
1500 1500
1800 1800
1800 1800
2000 2000
2500 2500
* Wattageslisted are approximate only,
appliancefor actualwattage.
Checktool or

Maintenance Schedule
Follow the hourly or calendarintervals, whichever occurs
first More frequent serviceis required when operating in
adverseconditions noted below.
Emissiens Centrei
Maintenance, replacement, er repair ef the emissiens
eentrel devices and systems may be perfermedby any
nenoreadengine repair establishment or individual.
However,to obtain "no charge" emissions control service,
the work must be performed by afactory authorized dealer.
Seethe Emissions !@rranty.
o Cleandebris
o Checkengineoil level
o Changeengine oil
o Service engineair cleanerand breatherfilted
o Cleanfuel strainer
o Changeengine oil!
o Service sparkplug
o inspect muffler and spark arrester
o Checkvalve clearance
1 Service more often under dirty or dusty conemons.
General Recemmendatiens
Regular maintenancewill improve the performance and
extendthe life of the generator. Seeany authorizeddealer for
Thegenerator's warranty doesnot cover items that have
been subjected to operator abuseor negligence.To receive
full valuefrom the warranty,the operator must ma_ntainthe
generator asinstructed inthis manual.
NOTICE improper treatment of generator could damage it
and shorten its life.
o NEVERoperategeneratorwithoutprotectivehousingor coversto
Generater Maintenance
Generatormaintenanceconsists of keepingthe unit clean
and dry. Operateand storethe unit in a clean dry
environment where it will not beexposedto excessivedust,
dirt, moisture, or any corrosive vapors. Coolingair slots in
the generator must not become cloggedwith snow, leaves,
or any other foreign material.
NOTICE DONOTuse water or other liquids to clean
generator. Liquids canenter engine fuel system, causing
poor performance and/or failure to occur, in addition, if
liquid enters generator through cooling air slots, someof the
liquid will beretainedin voids and cracks of the rotor and
stator winding insulation. Liquid and dirt buildup on the
generator internalwindings will eventuallydecreasethe
insulation resistanceof these windings.
Daily or before use,look around and underneath the
generatorfor signs of oil or fuel leaks.Cleanaccumulated
debris from inside andoutside the generator. Keepthe
linkage, spring and other engine controls clean. Keepthe
areaaround and behindthe muffler free from any
combustible debris, inspect cooling air slots andopenings
on generator, Theseopenings must be kept cleanand
Engine parts should be keptcleanto reducethe riskof
overheating and ignition of accumulateddebris:
o Use adamp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
NOTICE improper treatment of generator could damage it
and shorten its life.
o DO NOTexposegenerator to excessivemoisture, dust, dirt, or
corrosive vapors.
o DONOTinsert any objects through cooling slots.
Someadjustments will needto bemade periodically to
properly maintainyour generator.
All serviceand adjustments should bemade at bast once
eachseason.Follow the requirementsin the Maintenance
Schedulechart above.
HOTICE Onceayear you should clean or replacethe spark
plug and replacethe air filter. Anew spark plug and cleanair
filter assure proper fuel-air mixture and help your engine run
better and last longer.
o Use asoft bristle brush to loosen cakedon dirt or oil.
o Use avacuum cleanerto pick up loosedirt and debris.

2. Removethefuelcap(A)andfuelstrainer(B).
3. Washfuel strainer in liquid detergent andwater.
4. Wipefuel strainer clean with a clean,dr}' cloth.
5. Carefully reinstallthe fuel strainer and fuelcap.
Engine Maintenance
WARNING Unintentionalsparking could cause fire or
electric shock resulting in death or
serious injury.
° Disconnectthesparkplugwirefromthe sparkplugandplace
thewirewhereit cannotcontactsparkplug_
° Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
° DONOTcheckfor sparkwithsparkplugremoved.
HOTICE Synthetic oil meeting ILSACGF-2.API
certification markand API service symbol with
"SJiCF ENERGYCONSERVING"or higher, is an
acceptableoil at alltemperatures. Useof synthetic
oil does not alter required oil change intervals.
Checking Oil Level
Oil levelshould be checked prior to each useor at bast
ever}.8 hours of operation. Keepoil level maintained.
1. Makesure generatoris on a levelsurface.
2. Loosenthe side maintenancecover screws and remove
the side maintenancecover.
Cleanarea aroundoil fill and remove oil fill cap.
Verify oil is atthe point of overflowing at oil fill opening.
Oil Recemmendatiens
We recommendthe useof Briggs & Stratton Warranty
Certified oils for best performance. Otherhigh-quality
detergent oils are acceptableif classifiedfor serviceSF, SG,
SH, SJ or higher. DONOTuse specialadditives.
Outdoor temperaturesdetermine theproper oil viscosity for
the engine. Usethe chart to select the best viscosity for the
outdoor temperature rangeexpected.
--¢'_, , 40
"_|--. _ _ _ 30
_u_ n_' !1-°_ 20
* Below 40°F(4°C) the use of SAE30 will result in hard starting.
** Above 80°F(27°C) the useof 10W30 maycause increased oil
consumption. Checkoil level more frequently.
' -30
5. Replaceand tighten oil fill cap.
6, Reinstallthe side maintenancecover and handtighten
the coverscrews.
Adding Engine Oil
1. Makesure generatoris on a levelsurface.
2. Repeatsteps 2 through 4 to checkoil levelas described
in CheckingOil Level
3. if needed,slowly pour oil into oil fill opening to the
point of overflowing at oil fill.
4. Replaceand tighten oil fill cap.
5. Reinstallthe side maintenancecover and handtighten
the coverscrews.

Changing EngineOil
if you are usingyour generator under extremely dirty or
dusty conditions, or in extremely hot weather,changethe oil
more often.
Service Air Cleaner
Your enginewill not run properly andmay be damagedif
you runit with a dirty air cleaner. Servicemore often if
operating underdirty or dusty conditions,
CAUTEON Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact
with used motor oil.
o Used motor oil hasbeenshown to cause skin cancer in certain
laboratory animals.
o Thoroughly wash exposedareaswith soap and water.
Changethe oil while the engine is still warm from running,
1, Makesure generator is on a levelsurface.
2, Loosenthe side maintenancecover screws and remove
the side maintenancecover.
3, Cleanarea aroundoil fill andremove oil fill cap,
4, Tip your generator to drain oil from oil fill into a
suitable container makingsure you tip your unit toward
the oil filler neck. Whencrankcase is empty, return
generatorto upright position.
5, Slowly pour oil (about 13,5 oz.)into oil fill opening to
the point of overflowing at oil fill cap, DONOToverfill
T{}service the air cleaner, follow these steps:
1. Loosenthe side maintenancecover screws and remove
the side maintenancecover.
2, Loosen aircleaner cover screw (A) andremove air
cleanercover (B),
) \1
3. Carefullyremovefoam air deaner (C) by pullingit out
towards you.
4. Carefullyremove breather filter(D)by pullingit out
towards you.
5. Wash foam airdeaner and breather filterin liquid
detergent and water only. Squeezedry in a cleancloth,
6, SATURATEfoam air cleaner incleanengine oil and
squeezein a cleancloth to remove excessoil.
7. Reinstall cleanor new foam air cleaner inside base.
8, Reinstall cleanor new breatherfilter inside base,
9, Reinstallthe air cleanercover and tighten screw,
10. Reinstallthe side maintenancecover and handtighten
the coverscrews,
6, Reinstall oil fill cap, Fingertighten cap securely,
7, Wipe upany spilled oil,
8, Reinstallthe side maintenancecover and handtighten
the coverscrews.
Service Spark Plug
Changingthe spark plug will helpyour engineto start easier
and run better,
1. Loosenthe four handlescrews and removehandle.

2. Removetop maintenancecover.
3. Cleanarea aroundspark plug and removespark plug
Removespark plug and inspect spark plug.
Checkelectrodegap with wire feeler gaugeand reset
spark plug gapto recommendedgap if necessary(see
6, Replacespark plug if electrodes are pitted, burned or
porcelain is cracked. Usethe recommended
replacementplug. SeeSpecifications.
7, Install spark plug andtighten firmly, Reinstallspark
plug boot.
8, Reinstalltop maintenancecover.
9, Reinstall handleand tighten the four handlescrews.
Clean and inspectthe spark attester as feiiews:
1. To removemuffler guard, remove four screws that
connects guard to generator.
2. Removescrewthat attachesspark arresterscreento
muffler. Removespark attester screen.
inspect screenand obtain a replacementif torn,
perforated or otherwise damaged.DONOTusea
defective screen, if screen is not damaged, clean it with
a brush.
4. Reattachscreen to muffler. Reattachmuffler guard,
inspect Muffler and Spark Arrester
inspect the muffler for cracks, corrosion, or other damage.
Removethe sparkarrester, if equipped,and inspectfor
damageor carbon blockage, if replacementparts are
required, makesureto useonly original equipment
WARNING Exhaust heat/gases could ignite
combustibles, structures or damage fuel
tank causing a fire, resulting in death,
serious injury and/or property damage.
Contact with muffler area could cause burns resulting in
serious injury.
o DO NOTtouch hot parts andAVOID hotexhaust gases,
o Allow equipment to cool beforetouching,
o Keepat bast 5 feet (152cm) of cbarance on all sides of
generator including overhead,
o it is aviolation of California PuNic Resource Code, Section
4442, to use or operatethe engineon any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unbss the exhaust
system is equipped with aspark attester, as defined inSection
4442, maintained in effective working order, Other states or
federal jurisdictions may have similar laws,
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or deabr
to obtain a sparkattester designed for the exhaust system
installed on this engine,
o Replacementparts must bethe sameand installed inthe same
position as the original parts,
CheckValve Clearance
Regularvalve clearancecheck andadjustment will improve
performance andextend enginelife. This procedure cannot
be done without partial engine disassemblyand the useof
specialtools. Forthis reasonwe recommendthat you have
an authorized ServiceDealercheck andadjust valve
clearanceat recommended intervals (see Maintenance
Schedulein the Maintenancesection).

Thegenerator shouWbe started at bast once everyseven
days and allowed to run at bast 30 minutes, if this cannot be
done and you must store the unit for more than 30 days,use
the following guidelinesto prepareit for storage.
Generator Storage
° Cleanthe generator as outlined in Cleaning.
° Checkthat cooling air slots and openings on generator
are open and unobstructed.
LongTerm Storage instructions
Fuelcan becomestale when stored over 30 days.Stab fuel
causesacid andgum deposits to form inthe fuel system or
on essentialcarburetor parts. To keepfuel fresh, use Briggs
& Stratton FRESHSTART@fuel stabilizer, available as a
liquid additive or a drip concentrate cartridge.
Thereis noneedto drain gasoline from the engineif afuel
stabilizer is addedaccording to instructions. Runthe engine
for 2 minutesto circulate the stabilizerthroughout the fuel
system. The engine andfuel canthen be stored upto
24 months.
if gasoline inthe enginehasnot beentreated with a fuel
stabilizer, it must be drainedinto an approvedcontainer. Run
the engineuntil it stops from lack of fuel. The useof afuel
stabilizer inthe storage container is recommended to
maintain freshness.
ChangeEngine Oil
While engineis still warm, drain oil from crankcase.Refill
with recommendedgrade.See ChangingEngine Oil.
Other Storage Tips
1. DONOTstore fuel from one seasonto another unlessit
has beentreatedas described in Long TermStorage
2. Replacefuel container if it starts to rust. Rustand/or
dirt in fuel can causeproblems if it's used with this
3. Coverunit with a suitableprotective cover that does not
retain moisture.
WARNING Storagecovers could causea fire
resulting in death,serious injury'and/or property'
° DO NOTplacea storage cover over a hot generator.
° Let equipment cool for a sufficient time before placing the
cover on the equipment.
4. Store generator in clean,dry area.
A WARNING Fueland itsvapors areextremelyflammable
and explosivewhich could causeburns.
fire or explosionresulting in death,
serious injury and/orproperty damage.
° Store away from furnaces, stoves, water heaters, clothes dryers
or other appliances that have pilot light or other ignition source
becausethey could ignite fuel vapors.
. Turn generatorengineOFFand bt it cool al least 2 minutes
before removingfuel cap. Loosencapslowly to relieve pressure
in tanL
° Drain fuel tank outdoors.
° Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, open flames,pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
° Checkfuel lines,tank, cap andfittings frequently for cracks or
leaks. Replaceif necessary.
* DO NOTlight a cigarette or smoke.

Engineisrunning, but no AC
output is available.
Enginerunsgood at no°load but
"begs down" when leadsore
Enginewiii not start; shots
down when running or starts
and runsrough.
1. Redovedoad alarm light is on. Generator
is overloaded.
2, Greenoutput indicator light not on, Fault
in generator.
3, Poor connection or defectivecord set.
4, Connecteddevice is bad,
1, Short circuit in a connectedload,
2, Enginespeed istoo slow,
3, Generatoris overloaded,
4, Shorted generatorcircuit.
1, Engineswitch setto "Off".
2, Fuelcap vent lever is in "Off" position.
1. SeeDon't OverloadGeneratorin
Operationsection. Shut down
generator andrestart.
2. Contactauthorized servicefacility.
3, Checkand repair.
4. Connectanother devicethat is in good
1. Disconnect shortedelectrical load.
2. Contactauthorized servicefacility.
3. SeeDon't OverloadGeneratorin
4. Contactauthorized servicefacility.
1, Set engineswitch to "On".
2. Turn fuel cap vent leverto "On"
to proper levelor place
on level surface.
or replaceair cleaner,
Drain fuel tankand carburetor; fill with
fresh fuel,
Connectwire to spark plug,
Engine"hunts" or falters.
1, Loadis too high.
2, Dirty air filter,
Carburetor is running too rich or too ban,
8, Replacespark plug,
9. Drain fuel tank and carburetor; fill with
fresh fuel.
10. Wait 5 minutes andreocrankengine.
11. Contactauthorized servicefacility.
12. Contactauthorized servicefacility.
13. Contactauthorized servicefacility.
1. SeeDon't OverloadGeneratorin
2, Replaceair filter,
Contact authorized servicefacility,

Wiring Diagram
RED _ RED .............

California, LJ.S. EPA, and Briggs & $tratton
Corporation Emissions Control Warranty
Your Warranty Rights And Obligations
TheCalifornia Air ResourcesBoard,U.S. EPA,and Briggs &
Stratton (B&S) are pleasedto explainthe emissions control
system warranty onyour ModelYear 2008 andlater
engine/equipment, in California, new small off-road engines
must bedesigned, built, andequipped to meetthe State's
stringent anti-smog standards. B&Smust warrant the
emissions control system on your engine/equipmentfor the
periods of time listed below providedthere hasbeen no
abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance of your small off-
road engine.
Your emissions control system may include parts such as
the carburetor or fuel injection system, fuel tank, ignition
system, and catalytic converter. Also includedmay be hoses.
belts, connectors, sensors, andother emissionsorelated
assemblies.Wherea warrantable condition exists. B&Swill
repair your engine/equipmentat no cost to you including
diagnosis, parts, and labor.
Manufacturer's Warranty Coverage:
Small off-road engines arewarranted for two years, if any
emissions-related part onyour engine/equipment is
defective,the part will be repairedor replacedby B&S.
Owner's Warranty Responsibilities:
* Asthe small engine/equipment owner, you are
responsiblefor the performance of the required
maintenancefist@ in your owner's manual. B&S
recommendsthat you retainall receipts covering
maintenanceon your engine/equipment, but B&S
cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or
your failure to ensurethe performanceof allscheduled
* Asthe engine/equipmentowner, you should however
be aware that B&Smay denyyou warranty coverageif
your engine/equipmentor apart hasfailed dueto
abuse, neglect, improper maintenance,or unapproved
, Youare responsiblefor presentingyour
engine/equipmentto aB&S distribution center,
servicing dealer,or other equivalententity, as
applicable, as soon as a problem exists. Thewarranty
repairsshould becompleted in a reasonableamount of
time, not to exceed30 days. if you haveany questions
regardingyour warranty rights and responsibilities, you
should contact B&Sat (414) 259-5262.
griggs & Stratton EmissionsControl Warranty Provisions
Thefoflowing arespecific provisions relativeto your
Emissions Control Warranty Coverage.it is in addition to the
B&S enginewarranty for non-regulated engines found in the
Operator's Manual.
1. WarrantedEmissions Parts
Coverageunderthis warranty extends onlyto the parts
listed below (the emissions control systems parts) to
the extentthese parts were presenton the engine
a. FuelMetering System
, Cold start enrichment system (soft choke)
, Carburetorand internal parts
, Fuelpump
, Fuelfine, fuel fine fittings, clamps
, Fueltank, capand tether
, Carboncanister
b. Air induction System
• Air cleaner
- intake manifold
- Purge andvent line
c. ignition System
o Spark plug(s)
• Magneto ignition system
d. CatalystSystem
• Catalyticconverter
- Exhaustmanifold
- Air injection system or pulse valve
e. Miscellaneousitems Used in Above Systems
- Vacuum,temperature, position, time sensitive
valvesand switches
- Connectors andassemblies
Length of Coverage
For aperiod of two yearsfrom date of original
purchase, B&Swarrants to the original purchaser and
eachsubsequent purchaserthat the engineis designed,
built, and equippedso asto conform with all applicable
regulations adoptedby the Air ResourcesBoard;that it
is free from defects in material and workmanship that
could causethe failure of a warranted part; andthat it
is identicalin all materialrespects to the engine
described in the manufacturer's application for
certification. Thewarranty period beginson the datethe
engine is originally purchased.

3. ConsequentialCoverage
4. ClaimsandCoverageExclusions
LookFor Relevant EmissionsDurability Periodand Air
indexEnformationOnYour EngineEmissionsLabel
Enginesthat are certifiedto meetthe CaliforniaAir
ResourcesBoard (CARB)Emissions Standardmust display
information regardingthe Emissions Durability Period and
the Air index. Briggs & Stratton makesthis information
availableto the consumer on our emissions labels. The
engine emissions labelwill indicatecertification information.
TheEmissions Durability Period describesthe number of
hours of actual runningtime for which the engine is certified
to beemissions compliant, assuming proper maintenancein
accordancewith the Operating& Maintenanceinstructions.
Thefollowing categoriesare used:
Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 125 hours
of actual engine running time.
Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 250 hours
of actual engine running time,
Engine is certified to be emissions compliant for 500 hours
of actual engine running time.
Forexample,a typical walbbehind lawn mower is used 20to
25 hours peryear. Therefore,the Emissions Durability
Period of an engine with an intermediaterating would
equateto 10 to 12 years. Briggs & Stratton enginesare
certified to meet the UnitedStates EnvironmentalProtection
Agency (USEPA)Phase2 emissions standards. For Phase2
certified engines,the Emissions CompliancePeriod referred
to on the EmissionsCompliance labelindicatesthe number
ot operating hours for which the enginehas beenshown to
meet Federalemissions requirements.
Forengines lessthan 225 cc displacement.
CategoryC= 125 hours
CategoryB = 250 hours
CategoryA = 500 hours
Forengines of 225 cc or more displacement.
CategoryC= 250 hours
CategoryB = 500 hours
CategoryA = 1000 hours

Effective November 1,2009; replaces all undated Warranties and all Warranties dated before November 1,2009.
Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group, LLC will repair or replace, free of charge, any part(s) of the portable generator that is defective in material or
workmanship or both. Transportation charges on product submitted for repair or replacementunder this warrants,'must be borne by purchaser. This
warranty is effective for the time periods and subject to the conditions stated below. For warranty service, find the nearestAuthorized Service Dealerin
our dealer Iocator map at BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM.
states orcountries do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, and somestates or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation
of incidental or consequential damages, sothe above limitation and exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and
you may also haveother rights which vary'from state to state or country'to country'.
commercial use 1 yCer
The warranty period begins onthe date of purchase by the first retail end user, and continues for the period of time stated above. "Consumer Use"means
personal residential household useby a retail consumer. "Commercial Use"means all other uses,including use for commercial, income producing or rental
purposes. Once equipment has experienced commerdal use, it shaftthereafter be considered as commercial use for purposes of this warrants,'.
Wewelcomewarrantyrepairandapologizetoyoufor beinginconvenienced.AnyAuthorizedServiceDealermayperformwarrantyrepairs.Mostwarrants,'
repairsarehandledroutinely,butsometimesrequestsfor warrantyservicemaynotbeappropriate.Forexample,warrantyservicewouldnotapplyif
equipmentdamageoccurredbecauseofmisuse,lackof routinemaintenance,shipping,handling,warehousingor improperinstallation.Similarly,the
warrants,'isvoidif themanufacturingdateortheseriajnumberontheportablegeneratorhasbeenremovedorthe equipmenthasbeenalteredor modified.
Duringthewarrantyperiod,theAuthorizedServiceDealer,atitsoption,will repairor replaceanypartthat,uponexamination,isfoundto bedefectiveunder
normaluseandservice.Thiswarrants,'will notcoverthefollowingrepairsandequipment:
Normal Wear: Outdoor PowerEquipment, like all mechanical devices, needs periodic parts and serviceto perform well. This warrants,'does not cover
repair when normal use has exhausted the life of a part or the equipment.
installation and Maintenance: This warrants,'does not apply to equipment or parts that have been subjected to improper or unauthorized installation or
alteration and modification, misuse, negligence, accident, overloading, overspeeding, improper maintenance, repair or storage so as, in our judgment,
to adversely affect its performance and reliability'.This warrants,'also does not cover normal maintenance such as air filters, adjustments, fuel system
cleaning and obstruction (due to chemical, dirt, carbon, lime, and so forth).
Other Exclusions: This warranty excludes wear items such as o-rings, filters, etc, or malfunctions resulting from accidents, abuse, modifications,
alterations, or improper servicing orfreezing or chemical deterioration. Accessory'parts such as starting batteries, generator adapter cord sets and
storage covers are excluded from the product warrants,'.This warranty excludes used, reconditioned, and demonstration equipment, equipment used
for prime power in placeof utility' power, equipment used in life support applications, and failures dueto acts of God and other force majeure events
beyond the manufacturers control. 198189E,Rev.C,11/2/2009