This generator is ratedin accordance with CSA(Canadian Standards
Association) standard C22,2 No, 100o04(motors and generators),
Manual No. 310736GS Revision B

Thank youfor purchasingthis quality-built Briggs & Stratton generator.We are pleasedthat you've placedyour confidence in
the Briggs & Stratton brand. When operatedandmaintained accordingto the instructions in this manual,your Briggs &
Stratton generator will provide manyyears of dependableservice.
This manual contains safety information to makeyou awareof the hazardsand risks associatedwith generators andhow to
avoidthem. Thisgenerator is designed andintendedonly for supplying electrical powerfor operatingcompatible electrical
fighting, appliances,tools and motor loads, and is not intendedfor any other purpose, it is important that you readand
understand these instructions thoroughly beforeattempting to start or operatethis equipment. Save these original
instructions far future reference.
Thisgenerator requiresfinal assembly befare use. Referto the Assemblysection of this manualfor instructions on final
assembly procedures. Followthe instructions completely.
Where to Find Us
You never have to lookfar to find Briggs & Stratton support and servicefor your generator.Consultyour Yellow Pages.There
are over 30,000 Briggs & Stratton authorizedservice dealersworldwide who provide quality service.You canalso contact
Briggs & Stratton CustomerServiceby phone at(800) 743-4115, or on the Internet at BRiGGSandSTRATTON.CONL
Model Number
Serial Number
Model Number
Type Number
Code Number
gate Purchased
Copyright © 2010. Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group, LLC
Milwaukee, Wl, USA.All rights reserved.
trademark of Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Milwaukee, Wl, USA

Tableof Contents
Operation .................................... 12
Starting the Engine .......................................... 12
Connecting ElectricalLoads.................................... 13
Stopping the Engne.......................................... 13
ColdWeather Operation....................................... 13
Don't Overload Generator ..................................... 15
Maintenance .................................. 16
MaintenanceSchedule........................................ 16
GeneratorMaintenance....................................... 16
Engine Maintenance.......................................... 17
Storage ................................................... 20
Treublesheeting ................................ 21
Warranties .................................... 22
Emissions Control SystemWarranty............................. 22
GeneratorOwnerWarranty .................................... 24
Specifications 26
Product Specifications........................................ 26
Common ServiceParts ....................................... 26

Equipment Description
Readthis manual careMiyand become familiar
with your generator. }(now itsapplications, its
mimitationsand any hazards invomved.
Thegeneratoris anengine-driven, revolvingfield, alternating
current (AC)generator, it was designedto supply electrical
power for operating compatible electricallighting, appliances,
tools and motor loads.Thegenerator's revolvingfield is
driven at about3,600 rpm by a single-cylinderengine.
NOTICE Exceedinggeneratorswattage/amperagecapacity
candamagegeneratorand/or electricaldevices connectedto
. DONOTexceedthegenerator'swattage/amperagecapacity.See
Everyeffort hasbeen madeto ensurethat the information in
this manualis both accurateand current. However.the
manufacturer reservesthe right to change,alter or otherwise
improve the generatorand this documentationat anytime
without prior notice.
The EmissionControl Systemfor this generator is warranted
for standardsset by the Environmental ProtectionAgency
and the California Air ResourcesBoard.
MmpertantSafety Mnfermatien
Themanufacturer cannot possibly anticipateevery possible
circumstance that might involvea hazard.Thewarnings in
this manual, andthe tags anddecals affixedto the unit are,
therefore, not alloinclusive,if you usea procedure,work
method or operating technique that the manufacturer does
not specifically recommend, you must satisfy yourself that it
is safefor you andothers. You must also makesure that the
procedure, work methodor operating technique that you
choose does not renderthe generator unsafe.
Safety Symbais and Meanings
ToxicFumes Kickback ElectricalShock
Fire Explosion Operator'sManual
MovingParts FlyingObjects HotSurface
,& The safety alertsymbol indicatesa potentialpersonal
injury hazard A signal word _DANGER.WARNING,or
CAUTIONI s usedwith the alert symbol to designatea
degreeor level of hazardseriousness.A safety symbol may
be used to representthe type of hazard.Thesignal word
NOT/CEis usedto address practicesnot relatedto personal
,a_BANGERindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, wi//
result in deathor serious injury.
A WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
A CAUTIONindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderateinjury.
NOTICEaddress practices not relatedto personal injury.

Using a generator indoors CAN KiLLYOU iN MINUTES,
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide, This is
a poison you cannot see or smell,
,a, WARNING Startercord kickback(rapid retraction)will
pull hand andarmtoward engine fasterthan you
can letgo which could causebroken bones,
fractures, bruises, or sprains resulting in
serious injury'.
o Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntilresistanceisfelt
andthenpull rapidlytoavoidkickback.
o NEVERstartor stopenginewith electricaldevicespluggedin
NEVER use inside a home
or garage, EVEN mFdoors
and windows are open,
Only use OUTSIDE and
far away from windows,
doors, and vents,
WARNING Runningengine gives off carbon
monoxide, anodorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxidecould result in death,
serious injury, headache,fatigue,dizziness,
vomiting, confusion, seizures,nauseaor fainting.
. Operatethis productONLYoutdoors.
o Installabatteryoperatedcarbonmonoxidealarmnearthe
° Keepexhaustgas from entering a confined areathrough
windows, doors, ventilation intakes,or other openings.
* DO NOToperatethis product insideany building, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marine applications, or enclosure,
evenif windows anddoors are open.
A WARNENG Theengine exhaustfrom this product
contains chemicalsknown to the Stateof Californiato
causecancer, birth defects,or other reproductive harm.
* This generator does not meet U. S. CoastGuard Regulation
33CFR-183and should not be usedon marine applications.
* Failureto usethe appropriate U.S. CoastGuard approved
generator could result in deathor serious injury and/or property
,a, WARNING Fuel and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive which could
cause burns, fire or explosion resulting
in death, serious injury and/or property
° Turn generatorengineOFFand letit cool at least2 minutes
before removingfuel cap. Loosencap slowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
, Fillor drain fuel tank outdoors.
, DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
, Iffuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
o Checkfuel lines, tank, cap andfittings frequently for cracks or
leaks. Replaceif necessary.
° DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
• Ensure spark plug, muffler, fuel cap, andair cleanerare in
o DONOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
° DO NOToperatethis product inside anybuilding, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marine applications, or enclosure.
o DONOTtip engine or equipmentat anglewhich causesfuel to
° DONOTstop engineby moving choke control to "Choke"
position (N).
° Transport/move/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff
o DONOTtip engine or equipmentat anglewhich causesfuel to
o Disconnectspark plug wire.
o Storeawayfrom furnaces, stoves, water heaters,clothes
dryers, or otherappliancesthat have pilot light or other ignition
source becausethey could ignitefuel vapors.

, Whenusinggeneratorforbackuppower,notifyutilitycompany.
, Useagroundfaultcircuitinterrupter(GFCI)inanydampor
, DONOTtouchbarewiresorreceptacles.
, DONOTusegeneratorwithelectricalcordswhichareworn,
, DONOToperategeneratorintherainorwetweather.
, DONOThandlegeneratororelectricalcordswhilestandingin
, DONOTallowunqualifiedpersonsorchildrentooperateor
A WARNINGExhaustheat/gasescouldignite
. DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexhaustgases.
,A CAUTION Excessively high operating speeds could
result in minor injury and/or generator damage.
Excessively low speeds impose a heavy load.
° DO NOTtamper with governor spring, links or other partsto
increase enginespeed. Generatorsupplies correct rated
frequency and voltage when running at governed speed.
* DO NOTmodify generator in anyway.
NOTICE Exceedinggeneratorswattage/amperagecapacity
could damagegenerator and/or electricaldevicesconnected
to it.
o DONOTexceedthe generator's wattage/amperagecapacity. See
Don't OverloadGeneratorin the Operationsection.
o Startgenerator and let engine stabilize beforeconnecting
electrical loads.
° Connectelectrical loads in OFFposition, thenturn ONfor
, Turn electricalloads OFFand disconnectfrom generatorbefore
stopping generator.
NOTICE improper treatment of generator could damage it
and shorten its life.
* Usegenerator only for intendeduses.
° if you havequestions about intended use,ask dealeror contact
local servicecenter.
o Operategenerator only on levelsurfaces.
o DONOTexposegeneratorto excessivemoisture, dust, dirt, or
corrosive vapors.
DO NOTinsert any objectsthrough cooling slots.
if connected devicesoverheat, turn them off anddisconnect them
from generator.
0 Shut off generator if:
-electrical output is lost;
-equipment sparks, smokes, or emitsflames;
-unit vibrates excessively.
A WARNING Unintentional sparking could causefire or
electric shock resulting in death or
serious injury.
o Disconnectthe spark plug wire from the spark plug and place
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
o Useapproved spark plug tester.
. DO NOTcheckfor spark with spark plug removed.
A WARNING Starter and other rotating parts could
entangle hands, hair, clothing, or accessoriesresulting in serious injury.
o NEVERoperate generatorwithout protective housing or covers.
o DONOTwear looseclothing, jewelry or anything that could be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
° Tieup long hairand remove jewelry.

Your generator requiressome assembly and is readyfor use
after it hasbeen properly servicedwith the recommended
fuel andoil level is verified.
if you haveany problemswith the assemblyof your generator,
pleasecall the generatorhelplineat (800) 743-4115. if calling
for assistance,pleasehavethe model, revision, and serial
numberfrom the identificationlabel available.Seegenerator
FeaturesandControlsfor identificationlabellocation.
, Pliers
, Safety glasses
install the wheel kit as feiiews:
1. Tip generator so that engine end is up.
2. Slideaxle (A)through both mounting brackets.
3. Slidea wheel (B) over the axle.
4. Place a washer(C) on axleand thenplace an e-ring (D)
in axlegroove.
5. Install e-ring with pliers, squeezingfrom top of e-ring
to bottom of axle.
Unpack Generater
1. Setthe carton on a rigid, fiat surface.
2. Remove everything from carton except generator.
3. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from
top to bottom.
4. Leave generator on cartonto install wheel kit.
The generator is supplied with:
* Operator's manual
° Axle
° Wheelkit
MnstatlWheel Kit
NOTICE Wheelkit is not intendedfor over-the-road use.
You will needthe following tools to install thesecomponents:
, 13 mm wrench
, Socket wrench with a 13 mm socket
,a, CAUTION E-rings could causeeye injury.
E-rings could spring backand becomeairborne
when installing or removing, resulting in
moderate injury.
, Alwaysweareyeprotectionwheninstalling/removinge-rings,
6. Repeatstep 3 thru 5 to secure secondwheel.
7. Attach support leg (E) using two 13mm wrencheswith
25mm capscrews (F) and locknuts (G).
8. Return generatorto normal operatingposition (resting
on wheels andsupport leg).
9. Centerlifting handleIH} onsupport leg endof cradle.
Attach handleusingtwo 13mm wrenches with 45mm
capscrews (J) and lock nuts(G).
10. Checkeachfastenerto ensureit is secure.

VerifyEngineOil Level
Thegeneratorengine is shippedfrom the factory filled with
oil (API SJor higher 10W-30). This allowsfor generator
operation inthe widest rangeof temperatureand climate
conditions. Beforestarting the engine,check oil leveland
ensurethat engineis serviced asdescribed in Maintenance.
NOTICE See Oilin the Maintenancesectionto review oil
recomendations.Verify provided oil in engine isthe correct
viscosity for current ambient temperature.
NOTICE Any attemptto crank or start the engine before it
has beenproperly filled with the recommended oil could
result in equipment failure.
o Referto Maintenancefor oilfill information.
o Damagetoequipmentresultingfrom failuretofollowthis
must meet these requirements:
Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.
A minimum of 87 octane/87AKI (91 RONL High
altitude use, seeHigh Aititude.
Gasolinewith upto 10%ethanol (gasohol) or up to
15% MTBE(methyl tertiary butyl ether_is acceptable.
WARNING Fueland its vaporsareextremelyflammable
and explosivewhich could causeburns,
fire or explosionresulting indeath,
serious injury and/orproperty damage.
o TurngeneratorengineOFFandletit coolat least2 minutes
beforeremovingfuelcap.Loosencapslowlyto relievepressure
° Fillfueltankoutdoors.
o DONOToverfilltank.Allowspacefor fuelexpansion.
o iffuelspills,waituntil it evaporatesbeforestartingengine.
o Keepfuelawayfromsparks,openflames,pilotlights,heat,and
o Checkfuel lines,tank,capandfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor
leaks.Replaceif necessary.
o DONOTlighta cigaretteor smoke.
1. Cleanarea around fuel fill cap, removecap.
2. Slowly addunleadedgasoline (A) to fuel tank (B). Be
careful notto overfill. Allow about 1.5" (4 cm) of tank
space (C) for fuel expansion.
NOTICE Avoid generatordamage.
Failureto follow Operator's Manualfor fuel
recommendations voidswarranty.
o DONOTuseunapprovedgasolinesuchas E85.
, DONOTmixoil ingasoline_
o DONOTmodifyengineto runonalternatefuels.
Toprotectthe fuelsystem from gum formation, muxin a fuel
stabilizerwhen addingfuel. SeeStorage.All fuel is notthe
same.if you experiencestarting or performanceproblemsafter
usingfuel, switch to adifferentfuel provideror changebrands.
This engineiscertifiedto operateon gasoline.The emission
control system for this engineis EM(EngineModifications).
3. install fuel cap and et anyspilled fuel evaporatebefore
starting engine.
High Altitude
At altitudes over 5,000 feet €1524meters), a minimum
85 octane/ 85 AKI (89 RON}gasoline is acceptable.To
remainemissions compliant, high altitude adjustment is
required.Operationwithout this adjustment will cause
decreasedperformance increasedfuel consumption, and
increasedemussions.Seean authorizeddealerfor high
altitude aajustment information. Operation of the engine at
altitudes below 2,500feet (762 meters) with the high altitude
kit is not recommended.

System Ground
Thegenerator hasa system groundthat connects the
generatorframe components to the ground terminals onthe
ACoutput receptacles.Thesystem ground is connectedto
the ACneutral wire (the neutral is bondedto the generator
Special Requirements
Theremay be Federalor StateOccupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA)regulations, local codes,or
ordinances that applyto the intended useof the generator.
Pleaseconsult a qualified electrician, electrical inspector, or
the local agencyhavingjurisdiction:
, in someareas,generators are requiredto be registered
with local utility companies.
, if the generator is usedat a construction site, there
may be additional regulations which must beobserved.
Cennecting te a Buiiding's Electrical System
Connectionsfor standby powerto a building's electrical
system must be made bya qualified electrician. The
connection must isolate the generator powerfrom utility
power and must comply with all applicablelaws and
electrical codes.
Generater Lecatien
Clearances and Air Movement
A WARNING Exhaustheat/gases could ignite
combustibles, structures or damagefueltank
causing afire, resultingin death,serious injury
and/or propertydamage.
o Keepat least5 ft. (1.5m) clearanceonall sidesof generator
Placegenerator outdoors in anareathat will not accumulate
deadlyexhaust gas.DONOTplace generator where exhaust
gas (A) could accumulateand enterinside or be drawn into
a potentially occupied building. Ensureexhaustgas is kept
awayfrom any windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other
openingsthat canallow exhaustgasto collect in a confined
area.Prevailingwinds and aircurrents should betaken into
consideration when positioning generator.
Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU iN MINUTES.
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is
a poison you cannot see or smell.
WARNING Generatorvoltage could cause electrical
shock or burn resulting in deathor serious
, Useapprovedtransfer equipment to preventbackfeed by
isohfing generatorfrom electric utility workers.
, When using generatorfor backup power, notify utility company.
, Useaground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)in any dampor
highly conductive area,such as metal deckingor steel work.
, DO NOTtouch bare wires or receptacles.
, DO NOTuse generatorwith electrical cords which are worn,
frayed, bareor otherwise damaged.
, DO NOToperate generatorin the rain orwet weather.
, DO NOThandle generatoror electricalcords while standing in
water, while barefoot,or while hands orfeet are wet.
, DO NOTallow unqualified personsor children to operate or
NEVER use inside a home
or garage, EVEN iF doors
and windows areopen.
Only use OUTSIDE and
far away from windows,
doors, and vents.

Featuresand Controts
Readthis Operator's Manual and safetyrules before operating your generator.
Comparethe illustrations with your generator,to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
A - FuelValve-- Usedto turn fuel supply on andoff to
B ° ChokeLever Usedwhen starting acold engine.
C- Air Cleaner Protects engine byfiltering dust and
debris out of intake air.
I} ° Recoil Starter Usedto start the engine manually.
E - EngineIdentifieatinn Provides model, type and code
of engine. Pleasehavethese readily availableif cafling for
F - Rocker Switch Setthis switch to run (I) beforeusing
recoil starter. Setswitch to stop (0) to stop engine.
G - 0il Fill Cap Checkand add engineoil here.
H ° identification Label- Provides model, revisionand
serial number of generator. Pleasehavethese readily
availablewhen calling for assistance.
J =GroundingFastener Consultyour localagency having
jurisdiction for grounding requirements inyour area.
t( - Oil Drain Plug -- Drain engine oil here.
L =Rocker Switell Circuit Breaker The receptaclesare
provided with a rocker switch circuit breakerto protect
the generatoragainst electrical overload.
IVl=120 VomtAc, 20 Amp, DupmexReceptacles May be
usedto supplyelectrica powerfor the operation of
120 Volt AC. 20Amp, single phase,60 Hzelectrical,
lighting, appliance,tool and motor loads.
N =120/240 Volt AC,30 Amp LockingReceptacle May
be used to supply electrical power for the operation of
120 and/or 240Volt AC,30 Amp, single phase,60 Hz
electrical, lighting, appliance,tool and motor loads.
P - Spark Attester IVluffier Exhaust muffler lowers engine
noiseand is equippedwith a spark arrester screen.
R ° Fuel Tank Capacityof seven (7) U.S.gallons.

CordSets andReceptacles
Use only high quality, well-insulated, grounded extension
cords with the generator's 120 Volt duplex receptacle.
inspect extensioncords before eachuse.
Checkthe ratings of all extension cords beforeyou use
them. Extensioncord sets usedshould beratedfor 125Volt
ACloads at 20Amps or greaterfor most electrical devices.
Somedevices, however, may not require this type of
extension cord. Checkthe operator's manuals of those
devicesfor the manufacturer's recommendations.
Keepextension cords asshort as possible to minimize
voltage drop.
This receptaclepowers 120/240 Volt AC,60 Hz,single phase
loads requiring up to 5,000 watts of power (5.0 kW) at
20.8 Ampsfor 240 Volts or two independent120 Volt loads
at 20.8 Amps each.The outlet is protected by atwo pole
rocker switch circuit breaker.
NOTICE Receptacles may be marked with rating value
greater than generator output capacity,.
o NEVERattempt to power adevice requiring more amperagethan
generator or receptaclecan supply.
° DONOToverloadthe generator. SeeDon't OverloadGenerator,
WARNING Damagedor overloadedelectrical cords
could overheat,arc, and burn resulting in death,
serious injury',and/or property'damage.
° ONLYuse cords ratedfor your loads.
° Followall safeties on electricalcords.
o inspect cord sets before eachuse.
120/240 vomtAC,30 Amp, LockingReceptacle
Use a NEMAL14-30 plug with this receptacle.Connecta
4-wire cord set ratedfor 250 Volt AC loadsat 30Amps !or
greater). You can usethe same4-wire cord if you plan to
run a 120 Volt load.
4-Wire Cord Set
120 Volt AC, 20 Amp, Duplex Receptacles
Theduplex receptaclesare protected against overload by a
two pole rockerswitch circuit breaker.
Useeachreceptacleto operate120 Volt AC,single-phase,
60 Hz electricalloads requiring up to 2,400 watts (2.4 kW) at
20 Amps of current. Usecord setsthat are rated for 125 Volt
ACloads at 20Amps (or greater), inspect cord sets before
Y(Hot) | X(Hot)
NENtA L14°30 /_L7 Ground (Green)

Starting the Engine
Disconnect allelectrical loads from the generator. Usethe
following start instructions (seeFeaturesand Controlsfor
location of controls described below):
1. Makesure unit is on a levelsurface.
NOTICE Failureto start and operate the unit on a level
surfacewill causethe unit not to start or shut downduring
2. Turn fuel valve to "On" position. Fuelvalve handle
should bevertical (pointing toward ground) for fuel to
3. Push engine rockerswitch to run position (E).
4. Push choke lever (A) to "Choke" position (lXt).
6. Movechoke leverto "Naif" chokeposition, and pull
recoil handletwice.
° if engine fails to start, repeat steps 5 thru 7.
7. Slowly movechoke lever to "Run" position (l{l). if
engine falters, movechoke leverto "Half" choke
position until engine runs smoothly, andthen to "Run"
position (I÷I).
NOTICE if enginefloods, placechoke leverin "Run"
position (l{I) andcrank until engine starts.
NOTICE if enginestarts after 3 pulls but fails to run, or if
unit shuts down during operation, makesure unit is on a
level surfaceand check for proper oil level incrankcase.This
unit maybe equippedwith a low oil protection device, if so,
oil must be at proper level for engine to start.
A WARNING Exhaust heat/gases could ignite
combustibles, structures or damage fuel
tank causing a fire, resulting in death,
serious injury and/or property damage.
Contact with muffler area could cause burns resulting in
serious injury'.
° DO NOTtouch hot parts andAVOIDhot exhaust gases.
o Allow equipmentto cool beforetouching.
* Keepat least5 feet (1.5 m) of clearanceon all sidesof
generator including overhead.
° it is aviolation of California PuNic Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operatethe engine on any forest=covered,
brush-covered, or grass=coveredland unless the exhaust
system is equipped with aspark arrester, as defined in Section
4442, maintained in effective working order. Other states or
federaljurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain aspark arrester designedfor the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
o Replacementparts must bethe sameand installed inthe same
position as the original parts.
Grasp recoil handleand pull slowly until slight
resistanceis felt. Then pull rapidly onetime only to
start engine.
° if engine starts, proceedto step 7.
, if enginefails to start, proceedto step 6.
WARNING Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction)will
pull hand andarmtoward enginefaster than you
can letgo which could causebrokenbones,
fractures, bruises, or sprains resulting in
serious injury'.
° Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntil resistanceisfelt
. NEVERstartor stopenginewith electricaldevicespluggedin

1, Let engine stabilizeand warm up for a few minutes
after starting.
2. Ensure circuit breakeron control panelis in "On"
3. Hug in andturn on the desired 120 and/or 240Volt
AC,single phase,60 Hz electrical loads.
NOTICE When plugging into the 120 Volt receptacles,plug
items to be powered in sequenceasshown below.
o DONOTconnect 240 Volt loadsto the 120 Volt duplex
o DONOTconnect 3-phaseloads to the generator.
o DONOTconnect 50 Hzloads to the generator.
NOTICE Exceeding generators wattage/amperage capacity
could damage generator and,or electrical devices connected
to it.
o DONOTexceedthe generator's wattage/amperagecapacity, See
Don't OverloadGeneratorin the Operationsection,
o Startgenerator and let engine stabilize beforeconnecting
electrical loads.
o Connectelectrical loadsin OFFposition, thenturn ONfor
o Turn electrical loads OFFand disconnectfrom generator before
stopping generator.
Stepping the Engine
1. Turn OFFand unplug aii electrical loads from generator
panel receptacles. NEVERstart or stop enginewith
electrical devicesplugged in and turned ON.
2. Let engine run at no-loadfor several minutes to
stabilize internaltemperatures of engine andgenerator.
3. Push engine rockerswitch to stop position (0).
WARNJN6 Fueland its vaporsareextremelyflammable
and explosivewhich could causeburns,
fire or explosionresulting indeath,
serious injup7and/or property damage.
o DONOTstopengineby movingchokecontrolto"Ohoke"
4. Move fuel valveto "Off" position.
Cold Weather Operation
Undercertain weather conditions (temperatures below 40°F
[4°0] combinedwith high humidity), your generatormay
experienceicing of the carburetor and/or the crankcase
breathersystem. To reducethis problem, you needto
perform the following:
1. Makesure generatorhas clean,fresh fuel.
2. Openfuel valve (turn valve to open position).
3. UseSAE5W-30 oil.
4. Check oil leveldaily or after everyeight (8) hours of
5. Maintain generatorfollowing MaintenanceSchedulein
6. Shelter unit from elements.

@eating a TemporaryCold Weather Shelter
1. Fortemporary shelter,the original shipping carton can
be used.
2. Cut off top carton flaps and one long sideof carton to
expose muffler side of unit. if required,tape up other
sides of carton to fit over generatoras shown.
Typical Generator
NOTICE if required, removewheel kit to fit carton over
generator asshown.
3. Cut appropriate slots to access receptaclesof unit.
4. Faceexposedend awayfrom wind and elements.
5. Locate generatoras described inthe section Generator
Location. Keepexhaust gasfrom entering a confined
areathrough windows, doors, ventilation intakesor
other openings.
A WARNLNG Running engine gives off carbon
monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathing carbon monoxide could result in death,
serious injury, headache, fatigue, dizziness,
vomiting, confusion, seizures, nausea or fainting.
o Operatethis product ONLYoutdoors.
o Installa battery operatedcarbon monoxidealarm nearthe
o Keepexhaustgas from entering a confined areathrough
windows, doors, ventilation intakes,or other openings.
o DONOToperatethis product insideany building, carport,
porch, mobile equipment, marine applications, or enclosure,
evenif windows anddoors are open.
Start generatoras described in the section Starting the
Engine,then placecarton over generator. Keepat bast
5 ft. (1.5 m) clearanceon all sidesof generator
including overheadwith shelter in place.
WARNLNG Exhaustheat/gasescould ignite
combustibles, structures or damagefuel
tank causinga fire, resultingin death,
serious injury and/or property damage.
Contact with muffler area could causeburns resulting in
serious injury.
o DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexhaustgases.
o Mow equipmentto coolbeforetouching.
o Keepat least5 feet(1.5m)of clearanceonail sidesof
o Removeshelterwhentemperaturesareabove40°F[4%1.
7. Removeshelter when temperatures areabove40°F
8. Turn engine OFFandlet cool two (2) minutes before
refueling. Let anyspilled fuel evaporatebefore starting
BuiLdinga ComdWeather SheLter
li Using non combustible materialwith a fire rating of at
bast one hour, build a shelterthat wiiI enclose three
sides and the top of the generator. Makesure muffler
side of generator is exposed.
NOTICE Contactyour local building material supplier for
non combustible materials with afire rating of at bast one
NOTICE Besure shelter caneasily be repositionedfor
changein wind direction.
2. DONOTenclose generatorany more than shown.
Sheltershould hold enough heat createdby the
generatorto prevent icing problem.
NOTICE if awheel kit is installed on the generator, enlarge
shelter accordingly,
3, Followsteps 3 through 8 asdescribed previously in
Creating a TemporaryCold WeatherShelter.

Bon't Overload Generator
You must make sureyour generator cansupply enough
rated (running) and surge (starting) watts for the items you
will power at the same time. Followthese simple steps:
1. Selectthe itemsyou will power at the same time.
2. Totalthe rated(running) watts of these items.This is the
amount of poweryour generatormust produceto keep
your items running. SeeWattageReferenceGuide.
3. Estimatehow many surge (starting) watts you will need.
Surge wattage is the short burst of power neededto
start electric motor-driven tools or appliancessuch as a
circular saw or refrigerator. Becausenotall motors start
atthe sametime, total surgewatts can be estimatedby
adding only the item(s) with the highest additionalsurge
watts to the total ratedwatts from step2.
Deep Freezer
Light (75 Watts)
NEVERadd more loadsthan the generator capacity. Take
special care to consider surge loads in generator capacity,as
described above.
Rated* Additional
W£ts Watts
LightBulbo75 watt
Refrigerator/Freezer- 18Cu.Ft.
500 500
800 1200
800 1600
1000 2000
1200 1800
300 600
800 1300
EleS_ricStove=Single .....
.....° ........
DVDiCDPlaye¢ ......
VCR .....
Total Rated (Running) Watts = 3075
HighestAdditional SurgeWatts = 1800
Total Generator Output Required : 4875
Power Management
To prolong the life of your generatorand attacheddevices, it
is important to take carewhen addingelectrical loadsto your
generator. There should be nothing connected to the
generator outlets beforestarting its engine. The correct and
safe way to manage generator power isto sequentiallyadd
loads asfollows:
1. With nothing connectedto the generator,start the
engine as described inthis manual.
2. Hug in andturn on the first load, preferablythe largest
load you have.
3. Permit the generator output to stabilize (engine runs
smoothly and attacheddeviceoperates properly).
4. Hug in andturn on the next load.
5. Again, permit the generatorto stabilize.
6. Repeatsteps 4 and 5 for eachadditional load.
AMIFM Clock Radio
GarageDoor Opener- 112HP
Electric Water Heater- 40 Gallon
BIY/Job Site
Quartz Halogen Work Light
Airless Sprayer o1/3 HP
Reciprocating Saw
Electric Drill- 112HP
Circular Sawo 7 1/4"
Miter Saw o 10"
Table Planer- 6"
TableSaw/Radial Arm Sawo10"
Air Compressor - 1-1/2 HP
* Wattages listed are approximate only. Check tool
appliance for actual wattage.
480 520
600 1200
960 960
1000 1000
1500 1500
1800 1800
1800 1800
2000 2000
2500 2500

Maintenance Schedule
Follow the hourly or calendarintervals, whichever occurs
first More frequent service is required when operating in
adverseconditions noted below.
Emissiens Centrei
Maintenance, replacement, er repair ef the emissiens
eentrel devices and systems may be perfermedby any
hen°read engine repair establishment er individual.
However,to obtain "no charge" emissions control service,
the work must be performed by afactory authorized dealer,
Seethe Emissions !@rranty,
o Changeengine oil
o Cleandebris
o Checkengineoil level
o Service engineair cleanerpre4ilter 1
o Changeengine oiP
o Service engineair cleaner paper filter1
o Service sparkplug
o inspect muffler and spark arrester
o Cleancooling system_
Service more often under dirty or dusty conamons.
General Recemmendatiens
Regular maintenancewill improve the performance and
extendthe life of the generator. Seeany authorizeddealer for
Thegenerator's warranty doesnot cover items that have
been subjected to operator abuseor negligence.To receive
full valuefrom the warranty, the operator must maintainthe
generator asinstructed inthis manual.
Someadjustments will needto bemade periodically to
properly maintainyour generator.
All serviceand adjustments should bemade at bast once
eachseason.Follow the requirementsin the Maintenance
Schedulechart above.
HOTICE Oncea year you should cleanor replace the spark
plug and replacethe air filter. A new spark plug and cleanair
filter assure proper fueloairmixture and help your engine run
better and last longer.
Generater Maintenance
Generatormaintenanceconsists of keepingthe unit clean
and dry. Operateand storethe unit in a clean dry
environment where it will not beexposedto excessivedust,
dirt, moisture, or any corrosive vapors. Coolingair slots in
the generator must not become cloggedwith snow, leaves,
or any other foreign material.
HOTICE DONOTusewater or other liquids to clean
generator. Liquids canenter enginefuel system, causing
poor performance and/or failure to occur, in addition, if
liquid enters generator through cooling air slots, someof the
liquid will beretainedin voids andcracks of the rotor and
stator winding insulation. Liquid and dirt buildup on the
generator internalwindings will eventuallydecreasethe
insulation resistanceof these windings.
Daily or before use,look around and underneath the
generatorfor signs of oil or fuel leaks.Cleanaccumulated
debris from inside andoutside the generator. Keepthe
linkage, spring and other engine controls clean. Keepthe
areaaround and behindthe muffler free from any
combustible debris, inspect cooling air slots andopenings
on generator, Theseopenings must be kept cleanand
Engine parts should be keptcleanto reducethe riskof
overheating and ignition of accumulateddebris:
o Use adamp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
HOTICE improper treatment of generator could damage it
and shorten its life.
o DONOTexposegeneratorto excessivemoisture, dust, dirt, or
corrosive vapors.
o DONOTinsert any objects through cooling slots.
o Use asoft bristle brush to loosen cakedon dirt or oil.
o Use avacuum cleanerto pick up loose dirt and debris.