Briggs & Stratton 030239 Owner’s Manual

This generator is ratedin accordance with CSA (CanadianStandardsAssociation)
standard C22.2 No. 100-04 (motors and generators).
Manual No. 197561G3 (15750102000) Revision D (06/01/2009)
Thank youfor purchasingthis quality-built Briggs & Stratton generator.We arepleasedthat you've placedyour confidence in the Briggs & Stratton brand. When operatedand maintainedaccording to the instructions in this manual,your Briggs & Stratton generator will provide manyyears of dependableservice.
future reference.
Thisgenerater requires final assembly befereuse. Referto the Assembly section of this manualfor instructions on final assembly procedures. Followthe instructions completely.
Where te FindUs
You never haveto lookfar to find Briggs & Stratton support and service for your generator. Consult your Yellow Pages.There are over 30,000 Briggs & Stratton authorizedservice dealersworldwide who provide quality service. You canalso contact Briggs & Stratton CustomerService by phone at (800) 743-4115. or on the Internet at BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM.
Model Number Revision
Date Purchased
Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group, LLC 900 North Parkway Jefferson, Wl 53549
Copyright @2009. All rights reserved. No part of this material may bereproduced or transmitted in any form without the expresswritten permission of Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group, LLC.
Tableof Contents
Operation .................................... 11
Starting the Engine .......................................... 11
Connecting ElectricalLoads.................................... 11
Stopping the Engine.......................................... 11
Charginga Battery ........................................... 12
ColdWeather Operation....................................... 12
Don't Overload Generator ..................................... 14
Maintenance .................................. 15
GeneratorMaintenance....................................... 15
Engine Maintenance........................................... 15
Storage ................................................... 16
Troubleshooting ................................ 17
Warranty ..................................... 18
GeneratorOwnerWarranty .................................... 18
Specifications ................................. 2e
Product Specifications........................................ 20
Equipment Description
Safety Symbols and Meanings
Readthis manual careMiyand become familiar
with your generator. }(now its applications, its
mimitationsand any hazards invomved.
Thegeneratoris anengine-driven, revolvingfield, alternating current (AC)generator, it was designedto supply electrical power for operating compatible electricallighting, appliances, tools and motor loads.Thegenerator's revolvingfield is driven at about3,600 rpm by a single-cylinderengine.
NOTICE Exceedinggeneratorswattage/amperagecapacity candamagegeneratorand/or electricaldevices connectedto
, DONOTexceedthegenerator'swattage/amperagecapacity.See
Everyeffort hasbeen madeto ensurethat the information in this manualis both accurateand current. However.the
manufacturer reservesthe right to change,alter or otherwise improve the generatorand this documentationat anytime without prior notice.
The EmissionControl System for this generator is warranted for standardsset by the Environmental ProtectionAgency
and the California Air ResourcesBoard.
The manufacturercannot possibly anticipateevery possible circumstance that might involve a hazard.The warnings in this manual,and the tags and@cab affixedto the unit are. therefore, not all-inclusive, if you usea procedure, work method or operating technique that the manufacturer does not specifically recommend,you must satisfy yourself that it is safefor you and others. Youmust also makesure that the procedure, work methodor operating technique that you choose does not renderthe generator unsafe.
ToxicFumes Kickback
Fire Explosion
Moving Parts FlyingObjects HotSurface
ExplosivePressure ChemicalBurn
A The safetyalertsymbol indicatesa potential personal injury hazard Asignal word (DANGER,WARNING,or
CAUTION)is used with the alert symbol to designatea degreeor level of hazardseriousness.A safetysymbol may be used to representthe type of hazard.The signal word NOT/CEis usedto address practicesnot relatedto personal injury.
A DANGERindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
A WARNINGindicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
A CAUTIONindicates ahazardwhich, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderateinjury.
NOTICEaddress practices not relatedto personal injury.
A WARNING The engine exhaustfrom this product contains chemicalsknown to the Stateof Californiato
cause cancer, birth defects,or other reproductive harm.
Operator's Manual
A WARNING Certain components inthis product and
relatedaccessories contain chemicalsknown to the State
of Californiato cause cancer, birth defects or other
reproductiveharm. Wash handsafter handling.
Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU iN MINUTES,
Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide, This is a poison you cannot see or smell,
NEVER use inside a home
or garage, EVEN iF doors and windows are open,
Onmyuse OUTSIDE and far away from windows,
doors, and vents,
WARNENG Runningengine givesoff carbon
monoxide, anodorless, colorless, poison gas. Breathingcarbon monoxide cancause headache, fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
° OperategeneratorONLYoutdoors. o Installabatteryoperatedcarbonmonoxidealarmnearthe
Keepexhaustgas from entering a confined areathrough windows, doors, ventilation intakes,or other openings.
DO NOTstart or run engine indoors or in an enclosedarea, (even if windows and doors areopen), including the generator compartment of arecreationalvehicle (RV).
WARNING Storage batteriesgive off exp!osive
hydrogengas during recharging. Hydrogengasstays nearbattery for a
long time afterbatteryhasbeencharged. Slightest sparkwill ignite hydrogen andcause explosion. You can be blinded or severelyinjured.
Batteryelectrolyte fluid contains acid andis extremely caustic.
Contactwith battery fluid will causeseverechemicalburns.
° DONOTallowanyopenflame,spark,heat,orfitcigarette
duringandfor severalminutesaftercharginga battery.
o Wearprotectivegoggles,rubberapron,andrubbergloves.
WARNING Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can
result in bodily injury. Kickback will pull hand and
i_ arm toward engine faster than you can let go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
o When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance isfelt
andthen pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
o NEVERstart or stop enginewith electrical devices plugged in
andturned on.
WARNING Generator produces hazardous voltage.
Failure to isolate generator from power utility can result in death or injury to electric utility workers
due to backfeed of electrical energy.
o When using generatorfor backup power, notify utility company.
Useapprovedtransfer equipment to isolate generator from electric utility.
° Usea ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)in any dampor
highly conductive area, such as metal deckingor steel work. ° DO NOTtouch barewires or receptacles. ° DO NOTuse generator with electrical cords which areworn,
frayed,bare or otherwisedamaged. ° DO NOToperategenerator in the rain or wet weather. ° DO NOThandlegenerator or electrical cords while standing in
water, while barefoot,or while hands orfeet arewet. ° DO NOTallow unqualified persons or children to operate or
WARNING Fuel and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death.
Turn generatorOFFand let it cool at least2 minutes before
removing fuel cap, Loosen capslowly to relievepressure in
tank. * Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
o DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion. * iffuel spilis, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
Keep fuel awayfrom sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
* Ensurespark plug, muffler,fuel cap,andair cleanerare in place. * DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
WHENOPERATINGEQUiPIVtENT o DONOTtip engine or equipment at angle which causes fuel to
spill. o This generator is notfor use inmobile equipment or marine
WHENTRANSPORTING,lVtOVINGOR REPAiRiNGEQUIPIVtENT ° Transport/move/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff
valveOFF. ° DONOTtip engine or equipment at anglewhich causesfuel to
spill. o Disconnectspark plug wire.
WHENSTORINGFUEL OR EQUIPIVtENTWITH FUELiN TANK o Store awayfrom furnaces, stoves,water heaters,clothes
dryers, or otherappliancesthat have pilot light or other ignition
source becausethey can ignitefuel vapors.
° This generatordoes not meetU. S. CoastGuard Regulation
33CFR-183and should not beused on marineapplications. , Failure to usethe appropriate U. S. CoastGuard approved
generator could result in death or serious injury and/or
property damage.
WARNING Contact with muffler area can result in
serious burns. Exhaust heat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damage
fuel tank causing a fire.
, DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases. o Allow equipment to cool beforetouching. o Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sidesof
generator including overhead.
o it is aviolation of California PuNic Resource Code,Section
4442, to use or operatethe engineon any forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-covered land unlessthe exhaust
system is equipped with aspark attester, as defined inSection 4442, maintained in effective working order. Other states or
federal jurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a sparkattester designed for the exhaust system
installed on this engine.
o Replacement parts must bethe same and installed in the same
position as the original parts.
_. WARNING Unintentionalsparking can result infire or
electric shock.
WHENADJUSTINGOR MAKINGREPNRSTO YOURGENERATOR ° Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and place
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug_
WHENTESTINGFORENGINESPARK ° Use approved spark plug tester.
° DO NOTcheckfor spark with spark plug removed.
_. WARNENG Starter and other rotating partscan
entanglehands, hair, clothing, or accessories.
, NEVERoperate generator without protective housing or covers. , DO NOTwear looseclothing, jewelry or anythingthat may be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
° Tie uplong hair and removejewelry.
CAUTEON Excessively high operating speeds increase
risk of injury and damage to generator.
Excessively low speeds impose a heavy load.
o DO NOTtamper with governedspeed. Generatorsupplies
correct ratedfrequency and voltage when running at governed
speed. o DO NOTmodify generator in anyway.
NOTICE Exceeding generators wattage/amperage capacity, can damagegeneratorand/or electrical devices connected to
, DO NOTexceedthe generator's wattage/amperagecapacity. See
Don't OverioadGeneratorin the Operationsection.
° Start generatorand letengine stabilize before connecting
electrical loads.
, Connect electrical loads in OFFposition, thenturn ONfor
, Turn electrical loads OFFanddisconnect from generatorbefore
stopping generator.
NOTICE improper treatment of generator candamage it and shorten its fife.
o Usegenerator only for intendeduses. o if you havequestions about intended use,ask dealeror contact
local servicecenter.
- Operategenerator only on levelsurfaces. , DO NOTexposegenerator to excessivemoisture, dust, dirt, or
corrosive vapors.
- DO NOTinsert any objectsthrough cooling slots. if connected devicesoverheat, turn them off anddisconnect them
from generator.
° Shut off generator if:
-electrical output is lost;
-equipment sparks, smokes, or emitsflames;
-unit vibrates excessively_
Your generator requiressome assembly and is readyfor use after it hasbeen properly servicedwith the recommended
fuel andoil. if you haveany problemswith the assemblyof your generator,
pleasecarlthe generatorhelplineat (808)743o4115.if calling for assistance,pleasehavethe model,revision,and serial
numberfrom the identificationlabel available.Seegenerator Controlsand Featuresfor identificationlabellocation.
Add Engine Oil
° Placegeneratoron a level surface.
NOTICE Anyattempt to crank or start the engine beforeit has beenproperly filled with the recommendedoil will
result in equipmentfailure.
* Referto enginemanualfor oilfill information. * Damageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
instructionwill voidwarranty.
Unpack Generater
1. Setthe carton on a rigid, fiat surface.
2. Removeeverything from carton exceptgenerator.
3. Opencarton completely by cutting eachcorner from top to bottom.
4. Leavegeneratoron carton to install wheel kit.
The generator is suppliedwith:
* Engineoil bottle , Battery chargecables
° Operator's manual ° Engineoperator's manual
, Wheelkit
MnstatiWheeJ Kit
Thewheel kit is designedto greatly mprove the portability of your generator.
NOTICE Wheelkit is not intendedfor over°the-roaduse. You will needthe following tool to install these components:
, NeedleNose Priers
_nstall the wheel kit as follows:
1. Tip generator up onto handleend.
2. Slide axle (A) through both axlemounting brackets on cradleframe.
° Referto engine operator's manual andfollow oil
recommendations andinstructions.
NOTICE Checkoil often during enginebreak-in. Referto engine operator's manualfor recommendations.
Add Fuel
NOTICE Referto engine operator's manualand follow fuel
WARNING Fuel and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death.
WHENADDING FUEL ° Turn generator OFFand let it cool at bast 2 minutes before
removing fuel cap. Loosen capslowly to relievepressure in tank
o Fillfuel tank outdoors. o DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
° if fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
o Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames,pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
- DONOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
Cleanarea aroundfuel fill cap,remove cap.
Slowly add unleadedfuel (E)to fuel tank (F). Be careful not to overfill. Allow about 1.5"of tank space (G)for fuel expansionas shown.
Slide a fiat washer (B) andwheel (C) overthe axle.
Slide another fiat washer (B) overthe axle.
insert cotter pin (D) through hob on axle. Bendthe ends of the cotter pin over the axlewith a needle°nose pliers to retain wheel.
Repeatstep 3 thru 5 to secure secondwheel.
Tip generator backdown onto wheels.
I =
3. Install fuel capand let any spilledfuel evaporatebefore starting engine.
_ r_
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Thegenerator neutral is floating, which meansthat the AC stator winding is isolated from the grounding fastener and the ACreceptacle ground pins. On afloating neutral generatorthe AC receptacleground pins are not functional. Electricaldevices, such asa GFCI,requiring a functioning AC receptacleground pin will not operate.
Special Requirements Theremay be Federal,local codes, or ordinancesthat apply
to the intendeduse of the generator. Pleaseconsult a qualified electrician,electrical inspector, or the local agency havingjurisdiction:
o in some areas,generators are requiredto be registered
with local utility companies.
o This generator has a floating neutral andis not for use
on job sites requiring abonded neutral.
Connecting te a Buiiding's Electrical System
Connectionsfor standby powerto a building's electrical system must be made bya qualified electrician. The connection must isolate the generator power from utility power or other alternative power sources and must comply with all applicable laws andelectrical codes.
Generater L0catien
Clearances and Air Mevement
WARNING Exhaustheat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damagefuel tank causing a fire.
o Keepat least5 ft. (152 cm) clearanceon all sidesof generator
including overhead.
Placegenerator outdoors in an areathat will not accumulate deadlyexhaust gas.DONOTplace generator where exhaust gas (A) could accumulateand enterinside or be drawn into a potentially occupied building. Ensureexhaust gas is kept awayfrom any windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openingsthat canallow exhaustgasto collect in a confined area.Prevailingwinds and aircurrents should betaken into consideration when positioning generator.
Using a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU iN MINUTES, Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide, This is
a poisonyou canner see or smell,
_, WARNING Generator produces hazardous voltage,
Failure to isolate generator from power utility can result in death or injury to electric utility workers
due to backfeed of electrical energy.
o When using generatorfor backup power, notify utility company,
Use approvedtransfer equipment to isolategenerator from electric utility.
o Useaground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)in any damp or
highly conductive area,such as metal decking or steel work. o DO NOTtouch bare wires or receptacles. o DO NOTuse generatorwith electrical cords which are worn,
frayed, bareor otherwise damaged. o DO NOToperate generatorin the rain orwet weather. o DO NOThandle generatoror electricalcords while standing in
water, while barefoot,or while hands orfeetare wet.
o DO NOTallow unqualified personsor children to operate or
NEVER use inside a home
or garage, EVEN JF doors and windows are open°
OnJy use OUTSIDE and far away from windows, doors, and vents.
Featuresand Controts
Readthis Operator'sManual and safetyrules before operatingyourgenerator. Comparethe illustrations with your generator,to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
A - FuelTank Capacityof 1.32 U.S.gallons !5.0 LL B - Circuit Breaker (AC) A push-to-reset circuit breakeris
providedto protect the receptacleand generatoragainst
electrical overload.
C- 120 Volt AC,15 Amp, DuplexReceptacle-- May be
usedto supplyelectrical power for the operation of 120 Volt AC, 15Amp, single phase,60 Hzelectrical, lighting, appliance,tool, andmotor loads.
D ° GroundingFastener Consultyour local agency having
jurisdiction for grounding requirements inyour area.
E - 12Volt DC, 8.3 Amp Accessory Sacks May be used
to power 12 Volt DOelectrical devicesor recharge
12 Volt DObatteries.
F - Spark Arrestor Muffler Exhaustmuffler lowersengine
noise andis equipped with a spark arrester screen.
G - _dentificatioo Label- Provides model, revision, and
serial number of generator. Pleasehavethese readily availablewhen calling for assistance.
H - Spark Plug Accessto engine sparkplug. 3 - Air Cleaner Protectsengine by filtering dust and
debris out of intake air.
K =Choke Lever Usedwhen starting a cold engine. L - Recoil Starter Usedto start the engine. IVl- [:uei Valve-- Usedto turn fuel supply on and off to
1!° EngineSwitch Setthis switch to "On" before using
recoil starter. Set switchto "Off" to stop engine.
items NotShown: EngineIdentification -- Provides model, type andcode of
engine. Pleasehavethese readilyavailableif calling for assistance.
0il Drain Plug -- Drainengine oil here. Oil [:ill Cap-- Checkand fill engine with oil here.
Cord Sets and ReceptacJes
Use only high quality, weIHnsulated, grounded extension cords with the generator's 120 Volt duplex receptacle. inspect extensioncords before eachuse.
Checkthe ratings of all extension cords beforeyou use them. Extensioncord sets usedshould be ratedfor 125 Volt
ACloads at 15Amps or greaterfor most electrical devices. Somedevices, however, may not require this type of extension cord. Checkthe operator's manuals of those
devicesfor the manufacturer's recommendations. Keepextension cords asshort as possible to minimize
voltage drop.
WARNING Overloadedelectrical cords can overheat,
arc, and burn resulting in death, bodily injury, and/or property damage.
. ONLYusecordsratedfor yourloads. * Followailsafetiesonelectricalcords.
120 VeitAC, 15 Amp, Duplex Receptacle Theduplex receptacleis protected againstoverload by a
_ush-to-reset circuit breaker.
Useeachreceptacleto operate 120 Volt AC,single-phase, 60 Hz electricalloads requiring up to 1,800 watts (1,8 kW)at 15 Amps of current. Usecord setsthat are rated for 125 Volt ACloads at 15Amps (or greater).
NOTICE Receptacles may be marked with rating value greater than generator output capacity.
, NEVERattempt to power adevice requiring moreamperagethan
generator or receptaclecan supply.
* DONOToverloadthe generator.SeeDon't OverloadGenerator,
12 Volt DCAccessory Jack These receptaclesallows you to rechargea 12 Volt
automotive or utility style storage battery with the battery chargecable provided.Camping-style air pumps, lanterns, fans, or other 12 Volt devices having a cigarettelighter-type plug may also be powered bythese outlets.
Thesereceptaclescan not recharge6 Volt batteries and can not beusedto crank anengine havinga discharged battery. See Charging a Batter}/before attemptingto rechargea battery,
Starting the Engine
Disconnect allelectrical loads from the generator. Usethe following start instructions:
1. Makesure unit is on alevelsurface.
HOTICE Failureto start and operatethe unit on a level surfacewill causethe unit not to start or shut down during operation.
2. Turn fuel valve(A) to "Open" position (fully clockwise).
Placethe engine switch (B) in the "On" position.
4. Start engine accordingto instructions given in the engine operator's manual.
WARNING Starter cord kickbackcrapid retractiom can
result in bodily injury, Kickbackwill pull hand and
_ armtoward enginefaster than you can let go,
could result,
o Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntil resistanceisfelt
o NEVERstartor stopenginewith electricaldevicespluggedin
NOTICE if engine starts after 3 pulls, butfails to run for more than 10 seconds,checkfor proper oil levelin crankcase,This unit may beequipped with alow oil protection device.Seeengine operator's manual.
Broken bones,fractures, bruises, or sprains
WARNING Contact with muffler areacan result in
serious burns. Exhaustheat/gases can ignite
combustibles, structures or damage
fuel tank causing a fire.
, DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexhaustgases, * Mow equipmentto coolbeforetouching, * Keepat bast5 feet(152cm)of clearanceonall sidesof
* it isaviolationofCaliforniaPuNicResourceCode,Section
4442,to useor operatethe engineonanyforest-covered, brush-covered,or grass-coveredlandunlesstheexhaust
systemisequippedwithasparkattester,asdefinedinSection 4442,maintainedin effectiveworkingorder,Otherstatesor
federaljurisdictionsmayhavesimilarlaws, Contactthe originalequipmentmanufacturer,retailer,or dealer
toobtainasparkattesterdesignedfor theexhaustsystem installedonthis engine,
* Replacementpartsmustbethesameandinstalledinthesame
positionasthe originalparts,
Cennecting Electrical Leads
1. Let enginestabilizeand warm up for afew minutes after starti%
2. Plug in and turn on the desired 120 Volt AC,single phase, 60 Hzelectrical loads.
° DONOTconnect 240Volt loadsto the 120 Volt dupbx
receptacle. DONOTconnect 3-phaseloads to the generator.
o DONOTconnect 50 Hz loadsto the generator. o DONOTOVERLOADTHEGENERATOR,See Don't
NOTICE Exceeding generators wattage/amperage capacity can damagegeneratorand/or electrical devices connected to
o DO NOTexceedthe generator's wattage/amperagecapacity. See
Don't OverloadGeneratorin the Operationsection.
* Start generatorand letengine stabilize beforeconnecting
electrical loads.
* Connectelectrical loads in OFFposition, thenturn ONfor
* Turn electricalloads OFFand disconnectfrom generatorbefore
stopping generator.
Stepping the Engine
1. Turn OFFandunplug all electrical loadsfrom generator panel receptacles, NEVERstart or stop enginewith electrical devicesplugged in andturned ON.
2. Let enginerun at no-load for several minutes to stabilize internaltemperatures of engine andgenerator.
3. Moveengine switch to the "Off" position,
4. Turn the fuel valveto the "Close" position (fully counterclockwise).
Charging a Battery
Your generatorhasthe capability of recharging a discharged 12 Volt automotive or utility style storage battery.
, DONOTuse the unit to chargeany 6 Volt batteries. , DONOTuse the unit to crank an enginehaving a
discharged battery.
WARNING Storage batteriesgive off explosive
,,_,_ ...... hydrogengas during recharging.
,_ Hydrogengas stays nearbatteryfor a
long time afterbatteryhasbeencharged. Slightest sparkwill ignite hydrogen andcause explosion. You can be blinded or severelyinjured. Batteryelectrolyte fluid contains acid andis extremely
caustic. Contactwith battery fluid will causeseverechemicalburns.
, DONOTallowanyopenflame,spark,heat,orlitcigarette
duringandfor severalminutesaftercharginga battery.
* Wearprotectivegoggles,rubberapron,andrubbergloves.
TOrecharge12 Volt batteries, proceedas fellows:
1. if necessary,cleanbattery posts orterminals.
2. Checkfluid levelin all battery cells, if necessary, add ONLYdistilled water to cover separatorsin battery cells, DONOTuse tap water.
3. if the battery is equippedwith ventcaps, make sure they are installedand aretight.
4. Connectbattery chargecable connector plug to the 12 Volt DOpanel receptacle.
5. Connectbatterychargecableclamp with redhandleto batterypost or terminal indicatedby Positive, PO$or (+).
6. Connectbattery chargecable clampwith black handle to battery postor terminal indicated by Negative, NEG, or (-).
7. Start generatoras describedin Starting TheEngine.Let the enginerun while battery recharges.
8. When battery has charged, shut down engineas described in Stopping The Engine.
t@TICE Use anautomotive hydrometer to test batterystate of charge andcondition. Follow the hydrometer manufacturer's instructions carefully. Generally,a battery is consideredto be at 100% stateof chargewhen specific gravity of its fluid (as measured by hydrometer) is 1.260 or higher.
ColdWeather Operation
Undercertain weather conditions (temperatures below 40%
[4°0] combinedwith high humidity), your generatormay experienceicing of the carburetor and/or thecrankcase breathersystem. To reducethis problem, you needto perform the following:
1. Makesure generatorhas dean, fresh fuel.
2. Openfuel valve(turn valve to open position).
3. Use SAE5W-30 oil (synthetic preferred,seeengine operator's manual).
4. Checkoil leveldaily or after every eight (8) hours of operation.
5. Maintain generatorfollowing maintenanceschedule in engine operator's manual.
6. Shelter unit from elements.
Positive Negative
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