9.6Fault tracing using the error codes .............................................................. 5
10ENGINEERING CHANGE HISTORY PV501 AND PV501-2 .................................... 1
10.1Service record for BREAS PV501/PV501-2
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL1 – 2
Service Manual PV 501/501-2INTRODUCTION
1.1The scope of this manual
This manual provides information for the maintenance and service of both the PV 501
and PV 501-2 ventilators. The PV 501-2 is a further development of the PV 501. The
main differences are that the PV 501-2 delivers a maximum patient pressure of 60 mbar
(compared to the PV 501’s 50 mbar) and that theTrigger setting is adjustable between -
-2 to 6 mbar (compared to the PV 501’s -4 to 6 mbar).
The PV 501and PV 501-2 are designed to give many years of trouble-free breathing
assistance to the user provided that preventative maintenance is done at the specified
intervals described in this manual. Correctly performed maintenance will increase the
ventilator's service life considerably.
All points to be checked and service instructions for the PV 501 and the PV 501-2 are
described in this manual. Where information is only relevant to one of the models it is
clearly marked which model the text/figure refers to, otherwise all information is valid for
both models.
It is also important that any peripheral equipment is checked at the same time as the
maintenance service is done.
Also included is a reference copy of the Operation Manual.
1.2Intended use of the ventilator
PV 501 and the PV 501-2 are volume-controlled, pressure-limited ventilators, specially
designed for long term ventilator assistance at home.
The internal batteries are connected automatically should the mains supply fail or is disconnected. Fully-charged batteries will give a running time of 4 hours.
Thanks to its design, the PV 501 and the PV 501-2 are easy to operate. It does not
require any gas, and together with its low weight, it is ideal for breathing therapy both in
hospital and while travelling.
The PV 501and the PV 501-2 are not intended for intensive care and are aimed for
adults and children weighing about 30 kg or more.
1.3Design and function of the ventilator
The PV 501and the PV 501-2 are built around a bellows that is compressed and drawn
out by a ball screw driven by an electronically controlled servo motor. The micro-processor controlled electronics calculate the correct speed and running time for the motor by
reading the settings for tidal volume, frequency and the I/E-relationship. The setting limits for pressures and the trigger level are monitored. If the mains supply or the external
battery supply should fail during operation, the internal batteries are automatically connected and an indication of this is given on the front panel. If the battery supply voltage
drops too low, both audible and visual alarms are given. The ventilator's modular design
makes maintenance easy.
1.4Intended audience
This Service Manual is intended for technicians who have medical/technical training and
knowledge about the construction and function of the ventilator.
It is not intended for clinic personnel or patients.
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL1 – 1
INTRODUCTIONService Manual PV 501/501-2
Breas Medical reserves the right to make changes to the product and the contents of
this manual without prior notice.
1.5Service personnel's training requirements
Thanks to their simple construction using a modular system, no special competence is
required other than general medical technical training on ventilators.
Always contact BREAS MEDICAL if there are any questions or if training is required.
All service must, however, be performed according to the instructions in this manual.
1 – 2BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue:N-1
All routine maintenance checks and additional se rvice instructions for the PV
501and PV 501-2 are described in this chapter. For information about fault-tracing, detailed drawings, board schematics, spare parts etc, please refer to the
respective chapters in this Service Manual.
The checks described in the Patient Instruction delivered with the ventilator
should be followed by the patient and/or care provi ders.
3.1Verifying the components and software installed
Check the Engineering Change History document in the Appendices section
(Chapter 10) for a history of all the changes made and at which serial No they
were introduced.
If in any doubt, read the component designation on the motor unit, circuit boards
and PROMs as upgrades can have been made but not recorded.
3.2Maintenance Service Schedule
A complete maintenance service (as described in this chapter) must be done
every 12th month. If the ventilator is used for continuous operation (24 hours
per day) a complete maintenance service must be done every 6th month.
At every 500th operation hour or more frequent if
necessary (especially in town environments).
Every 6 months if the ventilator is used for continuous operation i.e. 24 hours per day, otherwise
every 12th month.
Additional service action (when required)
At 20.000 running hoursReplace motor unit and hoses.
The internal batteries should be replaced every 24
•Replace the alarm batteries every 5th year
counted from date of delivery or when
Replace the patient air inlet filter.
Done by the patient/care provider.
Replace during maintenance service.
Complete maintenance service according to this instruction.
Replace the internal batteries
Replace the alarm batteries.
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL3 – 1
Every 12th month or every 6th month if the ventilator is used
for continuous operation (24 hours per day)
Replace the patient air inlet filter.2
Clean the ventilator air intake filter2
Motor Unit
Lubricate the ball screw7.2
Replace the check valve membranes in bellows end cover7.3
Leakage test of motor unit and tubes7.4
Checking the pressure sensor offset and gain. 8.5.1
Check operation using internal battery8.9
Check operation using external battery2
Check electrical safety levels8.13
Internal Batteries (lead-ac id)
The internal batteries should be replaced every 24 months or when necessary.
Section No.
See Ch./
Alarm Batteries
Replace every 5th year counted from date of delivery or when last
Accessories (where applicable)
Inspect patient circuit2
Replace membrane in exhalation valve2
Clean PEEP adapter, replace O-ring2
Every 20000 operation hours
Replace the complete Motor unit6.6
3.3Special safety precautions
•Avoid working with the mains c onnect ed when the casi ng is r emoved. Always tes t
run using internal battery power.
•Insulate the wires for the inter nal batte ri es when they are di sconne cted to prev ent
short circuits.
•Explosive gases or liquids must not be kept or used close to the ventilator.
•Always follow good ESD practices when working with the ventilator.
3 – 2BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
3.4Equipment required
•Test lung (1L) with exhalation valve.
•Measuring equipment for tidal vol ume and minut e volume/frequency. (Timeter,
Spirometeor or equivalent).
3.5Replacement parts required
Have the following spare parts at hand:
Part No.
000 139Internal battery (lead)
000 036Alarm battery (Ni-Cd)
001 141Motor unit, BEI
000 557Grease (BREAS 283 AZ)
000 004Motor unit, Maxon
000 248Filter, patient air
002 123Service kit, check valves
002 178Membrane kit, exhalation valve
3.6Maintenance instructions
•Fill out the registration part of the Service Record. Check that the following markings can be read:
•Make, model designation and serial number.
•All warning texts on labels.
•Any inventory control markings.
•Document the current patient settings.
•Note the number of running hours. Does the motor unit need to be replaced?
•Check any comments or events made on the previous service record.
3.6.2Information from the user
•Before starting the service request the following information from the patient:
•Has the ventilator functioned problem-free, such as running failure?
•How does the patient check the function of the ventilator? How often?
•How often is the filter changed?
•What is the patient's need of filters unt il the next service point?
3.6.3Validity of documentation
•Check that the patient instructions are up-to-date.
•Check if any modification or update of the ventilator is to be performed during the
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL3 – 3
3.7External checks
3.7.1External damage and wear
•Clean the surface with a mild detergent.
•Clean the filter for the machine ventila tor air inlet. Use a vacuum cleaner or wash
and dry the filter before fitting.
•Check that there is no visible damage on the surfaces and other components.
•Check that all texts for controls etc. are readable.
•Turn all knobs and check that their operation feels OK.
•Check that nothing is loose, (including the handles).
•Check that the cover for the adjustment panel is secu red properly.
3.7.2Power cables and plugs
•Check the power cable and its plugs, and the power socket in the rear panel.
•Check that the cable securing clamp is undamaged.
•Check other external battery cables, where applicable.
3.7.3Minimum function check
•Connect the ventilator to the mains and check that the LED for Mains/Charging is
•Start the ventilator and check that it oper ates normally and no abnormal noise is
heard. Check that the lighting for the press u re gauge is on.
•Check the condition of the internal batteries. They should, when fully charged, be
able to run the PV 501 for at least 2 hours. If not they must be replaced.
3.8Internal Checks
3.8.1Open hood and rear panel
•Remove the mains power cable.
•Open the hood and rear panel. Remove stabiliser bar, see chapter 6.
•Remove any dirt or dust that has collected in the ventil ator, also from the folds in
the bellows.
3.8.3Cables and connectors
•Check all cables and thei r connectors for an y damage. Check at the fr ont and rear
panels where cables can be pinched.
3.8.4Component fastening
•Check that the batteries are properly fastened.
•Check that the motor unit is properly fastened.
•Check that all parts on the front and rear panels are properly fastened.
3 – 4BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
3.8.5Mains supply
•Check that the power inlet socket is undamaged and that it is properly fastened.
•Check that the touch protection cover is undamaged and that it is properly fastened over the power inlet socket.
•Check that the transformer is properly fastened.
•Check the wiring to the transformer.
3.8.6Remove and check / replace the motor unit.
The motor unit must be checked at each service. At 20.000 running hours the
entire motor unit assembly must be replaced. See Chapter 6 for removing the
motor unit.
Checking the motor unit
•Check that the motor is properly fastened.
•Check that the shaft coupling screws are properly tightened.
•Check that the encoders are undamaged and properly fastened.
3.8.7Grease the ball screw
Use only BREAS grease type 283 AZ. See chapter 7.
3.8.8Replace the membranes in the check valves
•The membranes must be changed at each maintenance service. See chapter 7.
3.8.9Leakage check of hoses and bellows
•Check the function of the outlet check valves. See chapter 7.
3.8.10 Reassemble the motor unit
Before reassembling the motor unit, check if the internal batteries need to be
replaced as this is best done with the motor unit removed, see 3.8.6.
•Reassemble the motor unit. See Chapter 6.
3.8.11Checking the offset and gain of the pressure transducer
•See Chapter 8, Section 8.5.1 for detail ed inf o rmation.
3.8.12 Checking the instrument accuracy
•Check using a manometer conne cted to the exh. valve connec tion t hat the i ndic ating instrument gives the correct indicati on and that the needle moves "softly".
See Chapter 8, Section
NOTE! Make small pressure changes, the indicating instrument should be
"slower" compared with the manometer.
3.8.13 Internal battery test
The internal batteries should be fully charged or charged for at l east 12 hours with
the ventilator turned off before this test is carried out. The batteries, when fully
charged, should operate the PV 501 for at least 2 hours, if not t he batteries must
be replaced. See Chapter 8, Section 10.
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL3 – 5
3.8.14 Reassemble the casing
See Chapter 6 for information.
3.9Electrical safety
Follow the instructions for the following checks in Chapter 8.
•Check mains supply value
•Check isolation against the value obtained at the delivery inspection
•Check leakage current. Do not forget to reverse the polarity.
•Check patient leakage current.
•Leakage current at mains voltage at patient connected part
3.10Final checks before delivery
3.10.1 Function check/leakage
•Start the ventilator with the pat ient circuit and reservoir bag connected as shown
in the figure below. Check that everything seems normal. Create a pressure of
approximately 30 cm H
0 and listen for any leakage.
3.10.2 Check the tidal volume/frequency
Set: Tidal vol ume:1L
•Measure the tidal volume and that the volume per minute is cor rect.
(Accuracy ± 10%).
When checking using a volume monitor, an exhalation valve with a peep valve
connector can be required. The volume monitor is then connected to the peep
valve outlet on the exhalation valve.
Setting error
Setting error
Setting errorSetting error
Peep valve connector
cm HO
cm HOcm HO
cm HO
cm HO
cm HO
cm HOcm HO
Volume monitor
Test lung / Reservoir bag
Fig. 3-1Tidal volume check
3 – 6BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
3.10.3 Calculating the tidal volume/patient pressure
The tidal volume delivered is always slightly less than the tidal volume setting.
This difference is due to the effect of the patient pressure on the compliance of
the bellows.
The diagram below shows these differences at different patient pressures.
Settings: I/E = 1:2, Breath rate = 15 breaths/min. with the patient circuit con-
Set volume/l itr e s
Fig. 3-2Volume/Patient pressure diagramme
A patient needs a tidal volume of 0,7 litres and has an airway pressure of 20 cm
O. Start from 0.7 on the axis for “ Delivered volume”. Draw a horizont al line unti l
it crosses the line for 20 cm H
O patient pressure. From this point, go straight
down and read off the value the tidal vol ume setti ng should be. In this case the
ventilator setting is 0.8 litres.
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL3 – 7
3.10.4 Checking the pressure limit
Set:Low pressure10 cmH2O
High pressure40 cmH
•Check the accuracy (±10%). Check that LED indicati on is given as well as an
audible alarm.
•Also check that the solenoid valve for high pressure "clicks". You can clearly hear
the solenoid valve activate at the following inhalation.
3.10.5 Checking low pressure alarm/alarm mute
•Turn the vent ilator on without anything connected to the patient air outlet. Wait 15
sec until the alarm for "Low pressure" is activated. Press the alarm mute button
and check that the alarm is heard again after approx. 2 min.
3.10.6 Trigger
•Set the trigger knob to -1 c m H20. Create a negative pressure an d check that ther e
is a triggered inhalation. The green LED should light.
3.10.7 Battery operation
•Disconnect the mains cable while the ventilat or is running. Check that the ventilator automatically changes over to internal battery and an alarm is given.
•Reconnect the mains power and check that indication "MAINS" comes on.
3.10.8 Checking accessories
Patient circuit
•Inspect the patient circuit and replace it if necessary.
Replacing the membrane assembly in the exhalation valve
This instruction applies to BREAS exhalation valves, see figure below.
Fig. 3-3Mounting the exhalation valve
•Remove the PEEP adapter , if installed. See "Cleaning the PEEP adapter".
3 – 8BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
•Unscrew and remove the complete membrane assembly (1).
•Clean the inside of the exhalation valve using a moist rag or wash in hot water
using a washing-up liquid. Let it air dry.
•Screw on the new membrane assembly
•If a PEEP valve is to be used, fit the O-ring seal for the PEEP valve as shown in
fig. 3-5.
•Connect the exhalation valve to a test lung. Check that no leakage occurs during
the exhalation phase.
3.10.9 Cleaning the PEEP adapter
Fig. 3-4Mounting the exhalation valve with PEEP adapter
•Remove the plastic nut (1) holding the PEEP adapter.
•Pull the adapter (2) up from the exhalation valve.
•Clean using a moist rag or wash in hot water using a washing-up l iqui d. Let the
adapter air dry.
•Check that the O-ring seal (3) is properly in place on the exhalation valve (under
the edge of the membrane assembly cover as shown in the figure below).
Note! Do not fit the O-r ing to the membrane assembly before screwing it on.
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL3 – 9
Fig. 3-5Mounting the O-ring for the PEEP adapter
•Fit the PEEP adapter to the exhalation valve and screw on the plastic nut
•Check any other accessories.
3.10.10Set the correct values for the patient
•Adjust the settings to the prescribed values for the patient.
•Change the air filter. Check that the patient has enough filters to last until the next
The patient settings should be checked by a physician at least once a year.
3 – 10BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
Service Manual PV 501/501-2REPLACEMENT PARTS
The illustration belo w shows the PV501/PV501-2, seen f rom above, with the ho od
and rear panel unscrewed and laid flat against the work surface.
The figure below shows the main units making up the PV501/PV501-2. The following pages contain detailed exploded drawings for each of the main units and
model. Last in this chapter is a complete list of part numbers.
Pos. No.
1Hood assembly
2Motor unit
3Base plate assembly
4Rear panel assembly
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL4 – 1
REPLACEMENT PARTSService Manual PV 501/501-2
4.2Exploded drawing, Base Plate Assembly PV 501
4 – 2BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
Service Manual PV 501/501-2REPLACEMENT PARTS
4.3Exploded drawing, Base Plate Assembly PV 501-2
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL4 – 3
REPLACEMENT PARTSService Manual PV 501/501-2
4.4Exploded drawing, Motor Unit Assembly PV 501
4 – 4BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
Service Manual PV 501/501-2REPLACEMENT PARTS
4.5Exploded drawing, Motor Unit Assembly PV 501-2
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL4 – 5
REPLACEMENT PARTSService Manual PV 501/501-2
4.6Exploded drawing, Rear Panel Assembly PV 501
4 – 6BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
Service Manual PV 501/501-2REPLACEMENT PARTS
4.7Exploded drawing, Rear Panel Assembly PV 501-2
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL4 – 7
REPLACEMENT PARTSService Manual PV 501/501-2
4.8Exploded drawing, Hood Assembly 501
4 – 8BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
Service Manual PV 501/501-2REPLACEMENT PARTS
4.9Exploded drawing, Hood Assembly 501-2
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL4 – 9
REPLACEMENT PARTSService Manual PV 501/501-2
4.10Part Number List
Part No.DescriptionNotes
2Base plate, complete
4 Motor unit, Maxon - complete
5 Hood, complete, SE
6 Complete, Eng
7 Complete, Ger
8 Rear panel, complete, Eng
9 Rear panel, complete, Ger
10 Hood, complete, Eng
11 Hood, complete, Ger
12 Rear panel, blank
13 Potentiometer box
14 Magnet - potentiometer box
15 Air-hose connection - patient exhale
17Side unit - motor bracket
18Motor plate
19Rear panel - Swedish text
21Bottom plate
22Angle bracket - front / hood
24Cooler angle element
25Angle bracket - reading prong (l imit position)
26Ball screw - complete
27Motor bracket
29Panel - potentiometer panel Swedish text
30Panel - patient air Swedish text
31Rubber mount, shock absorbing (opto-switch)
32Pressure sensor
33Circuit board - CPU, PV501
34Circuit board- MDA, PV501
35Circuit board- potentiometer board
36Battery Ni/Cd or Ni/Mh alarm back-up
45Decal - "ON / OFF"
50Cylomer - G12
51Cable marking - plus
52Cable marking - minus
53Transf ormer - 115V
54Opening - front
55Cross bar
56Spacing- motor bracket
4 – 10BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
Service Manual PV 501/501-2REPLACEMENT PARTS
58Battery - large 24 V lead
64Hour counter - 24V
65Flexible tube - inlet (2.5")
66WAGO - 6-pole angled
67WAGO - 2-pole angled
68Reference pressure - valve
70Reference pressure - reducer sleeve
71Mains inlet
72Touch protection
73Air-filter box
74Air-hose connection - inhale
75Chassis pinning device XLR
76Fuse holder
77Screen guard - 60x60
78Filter holder
79Contact housing - black
80Contact housing - red
82Marking point - black
83Marking point - red
85Motor connection
86Angle bracket- reading prong (column plate)
87Air-hose connection - drive pack
88Bellows side unit - fixed
89Angle element - limit position (plastic)
90Non-return valve
91Opto switch - limit position
92Opto switch - column plate
93Column plate
95WAGO - 8-pole angled
96Nipple - LCN-M5-PK3
97O-ring - air-hose connection drive pack
98Bellows side unit - moveable
99Nipple - SCN-M10-PK4
100Guide - large
101Guide - small
102Push-button board - on / off
103Push-button board - battery test
104Scale - graduated
105O-ring - air-hose connection inlet
106Panel - potentiometer panel English text
107Ribbon cable
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REPLACEMENT PARTSService Manual PV 501/501-2
109Magnetic valve
110Cyl, isolator
111Decal - "ON / OFF"
113Flexible tube - out (5")
114Angle pipe - out
116Arrow - large guide
117Arrow - small guide
118Cover - large guide
119Cover - small guide
121Nipple - CN-M5-PK3
122Rear panel - English text
123Insulation - side unit left
124Insulation - side unit right
125Insulation - bottom
126Insulation - hood
127Panel - patient air English text
128Mains cable
130Packing - bellows side unit
134Decal - "EIN / AUS"
136Rear panel - German text
137Panel - potentiometer panel German text
138Panel - patient air German text
139Battery pack, complete
140Text plate (IT)
141Panel, pot. panel (IT)
142Panel, patient air (IT)
143Text plate (SP)
144Panel, pot. panel (SP)
145Panel, patient air (SP)
146End cover for motor console, new version
147Motor console, new version
148Motor coupling, Rotex
149Bellows end cover fixed, new version
150Bellows end cover moving, new version
156Spacer sleeve, moving end cover
157Opto-switch, Optek
160Shrink tubing - end position
184115/230 switch, PV501-2
215Rubber foot
220Hook - WAGO-terminal block
4 – 12BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
Service Manual PV 501/501-2REPLACEMENT PARTS
248Filter, air (5 pcs/packet)
287Patient circuit (L-C)
378Motor (BEI)
381Decal "Pression de service" Fr
382Decal "Reglage/Arret" Fr
383Panel, pot. panel (Fr)
384Panel, patient air (Fr)
385Text plate (Fr)
387Decal "TIL/FRA" DK
388Panel, pot. panel (Dk)
389Text plate (DK)
391Decal "TIL/FRA" NL
392Panel, pot. panel (NL)
393Panel, patient air (NL)
394Text plate (NL)
395Bearing sleeve (PUR drive screw)
396Bearing sleeve for bearing (drive screw)
397Flange (PUR drive package)'
398Flange (drive package)
458Membrane, check valve
515Serial No. decal with EAN code
516Filter for machine ventilation
600Tape - potentiometer box
601Cellular rubber border
602Air-hose 4 x 6 - frosted
604Fuse TT 315mA
605Fuse - T160mA
606Fuse - F3,15A
611M3 x 8 with washer
612M3 - tooth nut
613Heat conducting paste - HTC10S
614Shrink tubing - 6.4 mm
615Shrink tubing- 3.2 mm
616Shrink tubing - 2.4 mm
617Shrink tubing - 12.7 mm
618Shrink tubing- 1.6 mm
632Clips for ribbon cable
633Strain relief - 4 mm
634Strain relief - 3.5 mm
635Cable tie brace
636Cable tie- 8"
637Cable tie- 4"
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL4 – 13
REPLACEMENT PARTSService Manual PV 501/501-2
638Cable tie- 14"
6395 mm plate spacing
641Blue Festo tubing
642Mains cable straps
643Black screw 201 - RXS 3.5 x 19
644Clear tubing 9 x 12
645Clear tubing 4 x 7
646Clear tubing 3 x 6
647Clear tubing 3 x 5
648SPAX 4 x 20
649SPAX 3 x 12
650SGA 22
651Seeger - AK-26 , or Sgh 32
652M6 x 25 - bolt
653M6 x 22 - washer
654M6 - flat washer
655M6 - locking nut
656M5 x 80 F
657M5 x 50 F
658M5 x 20 socket head cap screw
659M5 x 16 F
660M5 x 16
661M5 - toothed plate connector
662M5 - flat washer
663M5 - nut
664M5 - locking nut
665M4 x 8 F
666M4 x 8
667M4 x 45
668M4 x 30
669M4 x 20
670M4 x 16 F
671M4 x 16
672M4 x 12
673M4 x 10 F
674M4 - wing nut
675M4 - toothed plate connector
676M4 - flat washer
677M4 - nut
678M4 - locking nut
679M3 x 8
680M3 x 6 F
681M3 x 6
4 – 14BREAS MEDICALDoc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1
Service Manual PV 501/501-2REPLACEMENT PARTS
682M3 x 16 F
683M3 x 12 black socket head cap screw
684M3 x 12
685M3 x 10 F
686M3 x 10
687M3 - toothed plate connector
688M3 - flat plate
689M3 - nut
690M3 - threaded bar
691M2 x 10
692M10 - toothed plate connector
693KFXS 2.9 x 9.5 F
694Fibre washer
699Hook - for WAGO-terminal block
700Packing - battery base
701Plastic spacing - 4 x 15
702Plastic spacing - 4 x 10
703Plastic spacing - 3 x 10
704Blind plug - angle bracket hole
705Double-sided tape
706Mains cable discharger
708O-ring - potentiometer board
709Fuse - 1.25 A
711Cable tie - mini
713M4 x 6 socket head cap screw
714IC - MDA
716Pressure sensor
723Magnetic strip (0.01 m)
727Cable tie, driller
740Screw MFZ steel M4*10 Black, chrome Poz
741M3 x 6 F - black, PV501-2
753O-ring, check valve
795Metal cable tie
796Washer, support washer (drive unit)
797Sliding bearing sleeve (drive unit)
798Sliding bearing sleeve (PUR drive unit)
799Spacer sleeve (drive unit)
800Seal (drive unit)
1141Drive unit complete (BEI)
1145Rubber washer for transformer
1146Metal washer for transformer
1410Transformer, PV501-2
1636Opening front, PV501-2
1720Lock/keys, PV501-2
Doc. No.: 1523EN Issue: N-1BREAS MEDICAL4 – 15
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