The design features of this valve include a three piece
construction, allowing ease of maintenance without
special tools. These valves feature a “free floating”
ball. The ball is not fixed, but is free to move with the
line pressure. As a result of this feature, these valves
are capable of tight shut-off with flow in either direction
regardless of the position of the valve in the line.
The downstream seat, opposite the pressurized side of
a closed valve, must carry the load exerted by the line
pressure on the ball, while the upstream seat is subject
to little load or wear. Turning the valve end-for-end in
the pipeline will increase useful seat life by dividing seat
wear between the two seats.
1. USE:
The valve should be maintained as part of a preventative
maintenance program and in accordance with Flow-Tek’s
recommended pressure, temperature and corrosion limits
to ensure a long service life. During shipment, storage,
and in operation, the valve should be fully open or fully
closed (“open” is preferred for shipping and storage).
Do not use in throttling service without investigating flow
and pressure conditions.
WARNING: Before installing this equipment, confirm that
it is suitable for the intended service. The identifications
tags describe the maximum allowable service conditions
for this product. Be sure that the installation is protected
by appropriate pressure control and safety devices to
ensure that acceptable limits are not exceeded.
Operation of the valve is done by turning the handle a
1/4 turn (90 degree turn). CW to close, CCW to open.
Valves with actuators should be checked for actuator -valve
alignment. Misalignment will result in high operational
torque and damage to valve stem and seals.
For 1/2”- 2”, if slight leakage is noted at stem, straighten
lock washer tab, tighten stem nut to flatten Bellville Washers, back stem nut off 1/4 turn, secure lock washer tab.
For sizes larger than 2”, simply tighten gland bolts evenly
until leak stops. Do not over tighten.
The valve may be fitted in any position on the pipeline.
Before installing the valves, the pipes must be flushed
clean of dirt, burrs, and welding residues, or the seats
and ball surface will be damaged.
CAUTION: Line must be depressurized before disassembly.
Valve should be cycled to assure there is no pressure is
trapped in valve cavity. Ball valves can trap pressurized
media when closed. Flush line with valve 1/2 open to
remove hazardous media.
WARNING: DO NOT remove packing gland or any other
valve parts while line is under pressure!
Stem seal leakage may be corrected without disassembly
by tightening the packing gland nut until such leakage
stops. If the leakage continues or valve operating torque
becomes excessive, the seals are worn and replacement
will be necessary.
If the valve has been used to control hazardous media,
it must be decontaminated before disassembly.
The handle is parallel with the pipeline.
The handle is perpendicular to the pipeline.
FLOW-TEK, Inc. Tel: 832.912.2300
8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100 Fax: 832.912.2301
Houston, Texas 77041
It is recommended that the following steps be taken for
safe removal and assembly.
As shipped from the factory, Valves contain Silicone based
lubricant. This is for break-in and may be removed by
disassembly and solvent washing, if it is objectionable
for a particular application.
1. Remove flange connections and lift valve from line
for servicing.
NOTE: Care should be taken to avoid scratching or
damaging mating faces. The valve should be adequately supported and in the open position before
2. Loosen handle set screw and remove handle and
stop plate. Next, remove gland nuts, gland flange
and gland.
3. Remove body end cap screws, using proper wrench
size. Lift off body end. One seat should come out
with body end.
4. Repeat the removal procedure for the other flange
end. Take out other seat.
5. To remove the ball, rotate the stem so ball is fully
closed. Lift the ball from body, using a strap and lift
device if necessary. NOTE: Extreme caution should
be taken to avoid damage to the ball.
6. The stem must be removed from inside the body - a
tap on the top of the stem should loosen it. The thrust
washer should come out with the stem. Then remove
the stem packing.
Clean and inspect metal parts. It is not necessary to replace
the ball and stem unless the seating surfaces have been
damaged by abrasion or corrosion. Replacement of all
soft parts is strongly recommend whenever the valve is
disassembled for reconditioning. This is the surest protection against subsequent leakage after valve assembly.
The replacement parts can he ordered in kit form.
NOTE: The valve may be assembled and operated dry
where no lubricants are allowed in the system; however,
a light lubrication of mating parts will aid in assembly
and reduce initial operating torque. Lubricant used must
be compatible with the intended line fluid.
Hold the body in a vise firmly enough so it will not move
but do not crush it.
Put washer protector (11B) and thrust washer (12) on
valve stem (5) and slide the stem into the stem hole in
valve body (1);
Slide the stem packing components (14) onto the stem
until it is sealed against the bottom of the stem hole;
Put packing protector (11A). then packing gland sleeve
(15) onto the stem, and top of the stem packing;
Turn the stem until the stem flat is parallel to the port
centerline (so that the ball can fit onto the stem):
lnstall one seat (4) and two body seals inside an end
cap (2), make sure the spherical curvature side of the
seat will face the ball;
Install the end cap (2) with cap screws (9) and tighten
screws to the values indicated in Table 1.
Rotate the stem to the closed position and install the ball
(3) inside the valve body. The stem flats will fit into the
slot on top of the ball;
Turn the stem so that the ball is in the open position (the
ball will not fall out of the valve);
lnstall the second seat (4) and two body seals inside the
remaining end cap (2), make sure the spherical curvature
side of the seat will face the ball;
Install the end cap (2) with cap screws (9) and tighten
screws to the values indicated in Table 1.
Put Belleville washer (13) together in series mode (bottom Belleville washer curve facing up, the top Belleville
washer curve facing down). and then place them onto
the stem, on top of the packing gland sleeve;
Put tab washer (19) on top of the Belleville washer and
tighten the stem gland nut (26) onto the stem to the required stem gland nut torque value as specified in the
chart. (Note: The use of a bore alignment tool, about
1.0 mm I0.04 inch) less than the internal diameter of
FLOW-TEK, Inc. Tel: 832.912.2300
8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100 Fax: 832.912.2301
Houston, Texas 77041
the end cap and ball, inserted through the end cap and
ball will prevent the ball from turning as the stem gland
nut is lightened on the stem.
Material for the bore alignment tool should be made
from a material softer than 300 Series S.S. so that it
will not inadvertently scratch the valve end cap or ball.
Suggested materials: aluminum T6061. Acetal or other
suitable hard polymer/plastic material.)
Secure the tab washer with one ear bending up; Place
the handle (25) onto the stem, on top of the stem gland
nut (26A);
Secure the handle (25) with the stem lock nut (26).
Put washer protector (11B), thrust washer (12) and stem
bearing (13) on valve stem (5) and slide the stem Into
the stem hole on valve body (1):
Slide the stem packing (14) onto the stem until it is seated
against the upper bottom of the stem hole;
Put packing protector (IlA), then packing gland sleeve
(15) onto the stem, on top of the stem packing;
Install packing gland (16) on top of the packing gland
sleeve, lightly tighten to secure packing gland with packing gland bolt (17).
Install stop housing (20), secure stop housing with housing bolts (21) hand tight. Install travel stop (22) and
snap ring (30):
lnstall one seat (4 ) and two body seals inside an end
cap (2), make sure the spherical curvature side of the
seat will face the ball;
Install the end cap (2) with cap screws (9) and tighten
screws to the values indicated in Table 1.
Turn the stem to the closed position (wrench flats on stem
perpendicular to pipeline);
Install the ball (3) inside the valve body. The stem flats
will fit into the slot on top of the ball;
Turn the stem so that the ball is in the open position (the
ball will not fall out of the valve);
Install the second seat (4) and two body seals inside the
remaining end cap (2), make sure the spherical curvature
side of the seat will face the ball;
Install the end cap (2) with cap screws (9) and tighten
screws to the values indicated in Table 1.
Cycle the valve slowly several times. By cycling slowly,
the seats will conform to the ball. A fast turning motion
initially may damage the seats before they have a chance
to form the proper seal:
Tighten the packing gland bolts (17) gradually until there
is no leakage through the packing. Over-tightening can
result in excess torque and accelerated wear.
Install handle (25) on to the valve stem and secure the
handle with handle bolt (27).
Table 1
Tightening torques for end cap screws
Valve Size
Bolt Torque (lb-in)
FLOW-TEK, Inc. Tel: 832.912.2300
8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100 Fax: 832.912.2301
Houston, Texas 77041