Bray 31U User Manual

Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves
Technical Manual
TM1050 - 10/30/2012
Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves
Topic Page(s)
Introduction to Torques ........................................3
Reduced Disc Diameter Bray Valves 30/31/3A ..6
Seating & Unseating Torques .............................. 7
20/21, 30/31 Imperial (Lb-Ins) ...............................8
20/21, 30/31 Metric (N-m) ....................................9
32/33, 35/36 .........................................................10
Imperial (Lb-Ins) & Metric (N-m)
22/23 Imperial (Lb-Ins) & Metric (N-m) ................11
Dynamic Torque Factors
Imperial (Lb-In/psi) ................................................12
Metric (N-m/bar) ................................................... 13
Valve Sizing Coefficients .................................. 14
Imperial (Cv) ......................................................... 15
Metric (Kv) ............................................................ 17
Flange to Valve Bolting Guide ............................. 19
Flange Bolt Tensioning Data ................................ 20
Standard Metal Specifications
20/21 & 22/23 .......................................................23
30/31, 31H, 3A/3AH, 31U ......................................24
32/33, 35/36, 35F, 36H .......................................... 25
All statements, technical information, and recommendations in this bulletin are for
general use only. Consult Bray representatives or factory for the specic requirements
and material selection for your intended application. The right to change or modify product design or product without prior notice is reserved.
Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves – Torques
There are a number of torques which buttery valves may
experience such as:
Tsu - Seating and Unseating Torque
Td - Dynamic Torque Resulting from uid ow
– Bearing Friction Torque
Tss – Stem Seal Friction Torque
Te – Eccentricity Torque resulting from
disc offset from centerline of stem (either single, double or triple offset)
Th – Hydrostatic Torque
Factors which inuence the buttery valve torque values shown above are:
Type of Seat and Seat Material
Interference of Seat I.D. and Disc O.D.
Shaft Diameter
Valve Diameter
Bearing Coefcient of Friction
Angle of Opening
Shut-off Pressure
Fluid Velocity
Disc Shape and Conguration
Piping System and Location/Orientation of Valve in Pipe Line
System Head Characteristics
Physical Size of Disc/Shaft Obstructing Flow
Disc Edge Finish
With respect to Buttery Valves, the two major conditions for determining total valve operating torque (TT) exists as follows:
CASE I (Angle = 0° , Disc in Closed Position)
TT = Th + Tbf + Tss+ T
Total Torque for Case I using a symmetrical disc buttery valve is the sum of hydrostatic torque, bearing friction torque, stem seal, friction torque, and seating/unseating torque.
A. Hydrostatic Torque (Th)
We will ignore discussion of the hydrostatic torque values as they are generally insignicant compared to the seating/unseating, bearing friction and stem seal torque values (the safety factor
applied to seating/unseating, stem seal friction and bearing
friction torque values more than compensates for the hydrostatic torque which is usually less than 2% of these total torques).
B. Bearing Friction Torque (Tbf)
Bearing friction torque occurs because pressure forces against
the disc are transmitted to the stem. As the stem is forced against
the bearing supports, bearing friction torque is created between
the stem material and the support material as the stem is turned.
Bearing friction torques are normally included in the seating/ unseating torque values.
Bearing friction torques can be determined by using the following equation:
Tbf = .785 Cf D
Tbf = Bearing Friction Torque
Cf = Coefcient of Friction (approximately .25 for non-
corroded stem to cast iron body) (dimensionless).
Dv = Valve Diameter (Inches)
d = Diameter of Shaft (Inches)
P = Pressure Differential (psi)
(d/2) P
Introduction : 3
C. Stem Seal Friction Torque (Tss)
For all practical purposes stem seal friction torque values are insignicant when compared to seating/unseating and bearing friction torques. Stem seal friction torques are normally included in the seating/unseating torque values.
All information herein is proprietary and condential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc. The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customer’s detailed knowledge and experience with their application.
Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves – Torques
D. Seating/Unseating Torques (Tsu)
The seating/unseating torque value (Tsu) is a function of the pressure differential, the seat material’s coefcient of friction, the nished surface of the disc edge, the amount of interference between the seat I.D. and disc O.D. when anged in piping, the seat thickness, and the type of service (media) for which the valve
is being used. In determining the Tsu values for Bray resilient
seated buttery valves, Bray has developed Seating/Unseating Torque Charts incorporating all bearing friction and stem seal friction torques for three classes of services for both the valves with standard discs (rated to full pressure) and for valves with reduced diameter discs (rated for 50 psi [3.5 bar]). The three
service classes are:
Class I – Non-Corrosive, Lubricating Service
Class II – General Service
Class III – Severe Service
Please review the guidelines for each class in the technical
manual when determining which Seating/Unseating Torque Class should be used. Most buttery valves are used in Class II, General
Service applications.
E. Total Torque (TT)
The total torque values for Bray symmetrical disc valves for Case I applications are shown in the Seating/Unseating Torque Charts
within this manual.
(Disc in Partial To Full Opening Position)
TT = Tbf + Tss+ T
The total Torque for Case II using a symmetrical disc buttery valve is the summation of bearing friction torque, stem seal friction torque and dynamic torque.
A. Bearing Friction Torque (T
See Case I discussion. This torque value is normally included in the Dynamic Torque Value.
B. Stem Seal Friction Torque (Tss)
See Case I discussion. This torque value is normally included in the Dynamic torque value.
C. Dynamic Torque (Td)
In a symmetrical disc design, dynamic torque occurs between the closed position, 0° and the full open position, 90°. With the disc in the partially open position, velocity of the uid passing the leading
disc edge is less than the velocity passing the trailing edge. This variance in velocity past the leading disc edge and trailing disc edge results in an unbalanced distribution of pressure forces on the upstream side of the face of the disc. The total pressure forces acting perpendicular to the disc face on the leading edge half of the disc are greater than the total pressure acting perpendicular on the trailing half of the disc. This uneven distribution of pressure on
the disc face (exists on both sides of the disc) results in a torsional
force which tries to turn the disc to the closed position (Figure 1). This torsional closing force can become greater than the seating/
unseating torque value depending on the valve angle of opening
and differential pressure.
To determine dynamic torque, the following equation is applied:
= C
Td = Dynamic Torque (lbs- in).
Cdt = Coefcient of Dynamic Torque (based on disc shape
and angle of opening) (dimensionless)
d = Diameter of Disc (Inches)
P = Pressure Differential Across Valve (psi)
Introduction : 4
Figure 1 - Pressure Distribution
Pressure Forces
All information herein is proprietary and condential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc. The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customer’s detailed knowledge and experience with their application.
Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves – Torques
As shown in Figure 2, dynamic torque for Bray’s symmetrical disc valves is at 0° angle of opening and increases until the angle of opening reaches 75°-80°, where it then decreases to a zero value at full open (90°) (no internal friction factors considered, just dynamic torque only).
One nal comment about dynamic torque is that one may minimize the dynamic torque by the orientation of the valve (stem horizontal or vertical) in the pipeline as well as by the location (distance) in the pipeline from elbows, other valves, etc. (See Bray Resilient Seated BFV Operations and Maintenance Manual).
D. Total Torque (T
The total torque required for operating a Bray symmetrical disc buttery valve at an angle opening between 0°and 90° is shown in the Dynamic Torque section of this manual. Note that the dynamic torque includes all internal friction torque values.
Figure 2 - Angle of Opening
The Cdt value for Bray symmetrical disc valves are approximately:
In most applications for buttery valves, especially 20˝ (508mm) or smaller, the maximum torque required to operate the valve will be seating/unseating torque. However, dynamic torque should be
considered particularly in:
• Control applications using larger valves (24˝ [610mm] and
above) where the disc is maintained in the open position
• Applications using larger valves (24˝ [610mm] and above) where the velocity is high (16 ft./sec [5.3m/sec]).
Angle of Opening
10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 75° 80° 90°
0 0.0126 0.0140 0.0251 0.0505 0.0809 0.1394 0.2384 0.3419 0.401 0
Introduction : 5
All information herein is proprietary and condential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc. The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customer’s detailed knowledge and experience with their application.
Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves – Torques
Reduced Disc Diameter
Bray Series 30/31/3A Valves
Bray offers a reduced disc diameter for 4”-20” for Series 30, 31 and 3A valves. The purpose of reducing the disc diameter is to decrease the seating/unseating torques and extend the seat life on
low pressure applications.
By reducing the disc diameter, the interference between the disc O.D. and seat I.D. is decreased and the valve pressure rating,
which is a function of this interference, is reduced to 50 PSI. Less
interference between the disc and seat results in reduced seating/
unseating torques. Lower seating/unseating torque may allow for
the use of a smaller actuator on the valve. In other applications where abrasive dry bulk materials such as cement, sugar, plastic,
pellets, our, etc., are generally pneumatically conveyed at 50
PSI or less, the reduced disc diameter not only reduces the seat-
ing/unseating torque but, very importantly, usually signicantly
increases the service life of the seat.
Bray does the following to differentiate reduced diameter discs from full diameter discs:
Metal Discs: An “ R ” is stamped above the part number
Nylon 11 Coated Discs: Discs are differentiated by the color of
the Nylon 11:
Grey – Full Disc Diameter
White – Reduced Disc Diameter
Introduction : 6
All information herein is proprietary and condential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc. The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customer’s detailed knowledge and experience with their application.
Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves – Seating & Unseating Torques
Seating & Unseating Torques
Bray has developed Seating/Unseating Torque Charts for three Classes of Service for its valves with standard discs (rated for full pressure) and for valves with reduced diameter discs (rated for 50 PSI / 3.5 bar.).
Characteristics of
Media Type
by Media
Reactions of Media
with Seat
Non-Corrosive, Lubricating Service
Class A
Lubricating hydrocarbons;
Aqueous processes and Water
(See Note 1)
Insignificant if any
Insignificant if any
45º to 160ºF
(7º to 71ºC)
The guidelines for selecting a Class to be used for determining
a valve’s seating/unseating torque are given below. Each valve application should comply with all ve Class characteristics in order to be qualied for that Class.
Class B
General Service
Water; aqueous processes; all
other aqueous liquids including
salt water; Lubricating gases
No major corrosion or deposits
from media
Only minor or insignificant in
Within seat temperature limits,
not near limits
Dry, non-lubricating such as air,
Reactions causing swelling and
Class C
Severe Service
dry gas, cement, pneumatic
conveying mediums
Can incur significant
corrosion such as Ductile Iron
disc in water
hardness occur
Near or at seat temperature
Frequency of Valve Cycling
Once weekly or more frequently
1. For aqueous processes and water, Class A torques may be
used only if a Nylon 11 coated disc is selected and all other Class A characteristics apply. Otherwise, Class B torques
should be used.
2. All the material trims may be classied into Class A, B, or
C except Series 20/21 valves with a PTFE Lined Elastomer seat, PTFE molded disc/stem, or rubber molded disc/stem. These trims must always use Class C Seating/Unseating Torque Values unless they are used only in a throttling
application. Valves with bonded seats must always be
classied as Class C.
3. If a valve is used strictly in a throttling application, that is,
it is never put in the closed position but throttled between
20° and 80°, then Class A torques may be used provided you have checked to see that dynamic torques do not exceed the Class A torque values.
Minimum once every 3-6 weeks,
or more frequently
Infrequently, sometimes not
cycled for long periods
4. With the exception of dry, non-lubricating medias, one
is usually safe electing to use Class B torques for sizing
actuators for all other valve service applications. Seating/
Unseating Torque values shown include friction bearing torques for stated differential pressure.
5. Dynamic Torque values are not considered.
See the Dynamic Torque chart in this manual for determination of Dynamic Torque.
6. Do not apply a safety factor to torque values when
determining actuator output torque requirement.
7. For 3-way assemblies where one valve is opening and
another is closing, multiply torque by a 1.5 factor.
Torque : 7
All information herein is proprietary and condential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc. The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customer’s detailed knowledge and experience with their application.
Class A
1.5 2
2.5 3 4 5 6 8
10 12 14 16 18 20
Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves – Seating & Unseating Torques
Series 20/21 and 30/31/3A Torques (Lb-Ins)
Valve Differential Pressure (PSIG)
Full Disc Reduced Disc
0 psi 50 psi 100 psi 150 psi 175 psi 0 psi 50 psi
54 59 65 70 73 54 59
81 86 91 97 100 81 86 109 114 119 123 128 109 114 169 178 187 196 200 169 178 220 236 250 264 273 220 236 341 364 387 410 423 225 248 510 560 610 660 687 324 374 632 712 792 872 912 344 488
1,182 1,341 1,500 1,660 1,741 735 894 1,764 2,018 2,272 2,526 2,653 1,204 1,358 2,701 3,110 3,519 3,928 4,132 1,665 2,074 3,818 4,500 5,182 5,864 –– 2,318 3,000 4,638 5,819 7,000 8,182 –– 2,699 3,880 5,265 7,065 8,865 10,665 –– 2,970 4,788 7,000 9,364 11,728 14,091 –– 3,356 6,243
Class B
General Service
Class C
Severe Service
10 12 14 16 18 20
10 12 14 16 18 20
3 4 5 6 8
3 4 5 6 8
59 65 71 77 80 59 65
89 95 100 106 110 89 95 120 125 130 135 140 120 125 185 195 205 215 220 185 195 245 260 275 290 297 245 260 375 400 425 450 462 252 267 560 615 670 725 755 355 410 695 783 871 953 1,003 427 537
1,300 1,475 1,650 1,825 1,915 808 983 1,960 2,240 2,520 2,800 2,940 1,213 1,493 2,970 3,420 3,870 4,320 4,545 1,830 2,280 4,200 4,950 5,700 6,450 –– 2,550 3,300 5,100 6,400 7,700 9,000 –– 2,967 4,267 5,850 7,850 9,850 11,850 –– 3,267 5,267 7,700 10,300 12,900 15,500 –– 4,267 6,867
74 82 89 97 100 74 82 111 119 125 133 137 111 119 151 157 163 169 175 151 157 231 244 257 269 275 231 244 306 325 344 363 375 306 325 468 500 532 563 582 316 348 700 769 838 907 944 444 513 870 980 1,090 1,200 1,255 525 672
1,625 1,844 2,063 2,282 2,394 1,011 1,230 2,450 2,800 3,150 3,500 3,675 1,517 1,867 3,712 4,275 4,838 5,400 5,682 2,287 2,850 5,251 6,188 7,125 8,063 –– 3,189 4,126 6,375 8,000 9,625 11,250 –– 3,709 5,334 7,315 9,815 12,315 14,815 –– 4,084 6,584 9,625 12,875 16,125 19,375 –– 5,334 8,584
Torque : 8
All information herein is proprietary and condential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc. The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customer’s detailed knowledge and experience with their application.
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