This Service Manual is available under
the following part number:
Languages of this ManualThe Service Manual for this unit can be supplied in the following
The complete Service Manual contains
the following pages:
DesignationPart No.
Service Manual Perfusor® compact, English . . . . . . . . 8713 9112
DesignationPart No.
Service Manual Perfusor® compact, German . . . . . . . . . 8713 9111
Page 0-1 to page 0-10
Page 1-1 to page 1-4
Page 2-1 to page 2-6
Page 3-1 to page 3-18
Page 4-1 to page 4-18
Page 5-1 to page 5-6
Page 6-1 to page 6-2
Page 7-1 to page 7-2
Page 8-1 to page 8-6
Page 9-1 to page 9-2
Page 10-1 to page 10-4
Page 11-1 to page 11-4
Page 12-1 to page 12-2
0- 2 Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb
0-Table of Contents
Important Preliminary RemarksService Work Page 0 - 5
Technical Safety Checks Page 0 - 5
Current Versions Page 0 - 5
Revision Service Page 0 - 5
Responsibility of the Manufacturer Page 0 - 6
Quality Management Page 0 - 6
Checks and Repair Page 0 - 6
Notes on ESD Page 0 - 6
Spare Parts and Test Equipment Page 0 - 7
Setting Off Page 0 - 7
List of Abbreviations Page 0 - 8
Contact PersonsTechnical Training Page 0 - 9
Entry for Technical Training Page 0 - 9
Ordering of Spare Parts and Test Equipment Page 0 - 9
Service Hotline Page 0 - 9
Return of Spare Parts and Test Equipment Page 0 - 9
Safety Officer
(§ 30 MPG) Page 0 - 9
System OverviewPhysical Construction Page 1 - 1
Function Page 1 - 2
Accessories Page 1 - 3
SoftwareApproved Software Versions Page 2 - 1
Version Display during Switch-On Test Page 2 - 1
Extended Version Display during Switch-On Test Page 2 - 1
Error Messages and Alarms Page 2 - 2
Service ProgramSoftware Compatibility Page 3 - 1
Introduction Page 3 - 1
Working with the Service Program Page 3 - 4
What To Do If ... (Trouble Shooting) Page 3 - 5
Menu Description Page 3 - 7
Procedural Instructions for Inspection after
Modifications via the Service Program Page 3 - 13
Unit Calibration Page 3 - 16
Checklist after Operation of the Service Program Page 3 - 18
Unit ElementsFundamental Repair Information Page 4 - 1
Revision DocumentationDescription of Version Page 11 - 1
Version List of the Individual Pages Page 11 - 1
IndexPage 12 - 1
0- 4 Perfusor® compact, 3.0 gb
0-Important Preliminary Remarks
Service WorkThe present manual is for your information only. The possession of
this manual does not authorize the performance of service work.
Service tasks may only be executed by persons, who
-have received appropriate training on the system from
B. Braun
-are included in the revision service
-possess the necessary test equipment and mechanical aids,
-fulfill the personal requirements (training and knowledge).
Technical Safety ChecksThe user is obliged to perform or to have performed the Technical
Safety Checks on those medial products for which these checks
have been prescribed by the manufacturer and to carry them out
according to the indications of the manufacturer as well as the
generally approved technical standards while adhering to the
periods stated (§ 6 MP BetreibV).
B. Braun also recommends training on the Technical Safety
Checks, or to perform at least the steps indicated in the current
version of the manual, as:
-the TSC requires that the instructions in the manuals are
-the manuals are a reference for measurements
-depending on the unit type, the Service Program must be
called which may lead to a dangerous unit condition in case
of inappropriate operation. Furthermore, a special service
connector may be necessary.
Current VersionsThis manual version corresponds to the state when the manual
was written. B Braun reserves the right to make technical
modifications. The state of the revision is indicated by the index
number in the footer of every page.
Revision ServiceThe possession of this manual does not automatically mean
inclusion in the revision service. You will be included in the
revision service after:
-technical training by B. Braun Melsungen or
-a written order placed with the sales department of B. Braun
(fee required).
Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb 0- 5
Important Preliminary Remarks
Responsibility of the ManufacturerThe manufacturer, person who assembles, installs or imports the
device can only be held responsible for safety, reliability and
performance if
-mounting, enhancements, new settings, changes or repairs
are carried out by duly authorized persons,
-the electrical installation in the corresponding room meets
the requirements of the VDE 0107, VDE 0100 part 710 or
IEC 60364-7-710 and the national standards,
-the device is used in accordance with the instructions for use
and the Service Manual,
-the Technical Safety Checks are performed at regular
-a current manual which corresponds to the revision state is
used when carrying out maintenance, repair and service,
-the service technician takes part in the revision service,
-the technician has participated in a technical training course
for the specific B. Braun unit.
Quality ManagementB. Braun is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 and
ISO 13485. This certification also includes maintenance and
The unit has the CE label. The CE label confirms that the device
corresponds to the “Directive of the Council for Medical Products
93/42/EC” of June 14, 1993.
Checks and RepairTraining may only be performed by B. Braun. The possession of the
manual does not authorize the performance of repairs. The
instructions on electrostatic sensitive components (ESD
standards) must be observed.
After repair a device check or diagnosis is to be carried out.
Notes on ESDSemiconductors can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge.
Especially MOS components can be damaged by interference from
electrostatic fields, even without discharge via contact. This type
of damage is not immediately recognizable. Unit malfunctions
can even occur after a longer period of operation.
0- 6 Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb
Important Preliminary Remarks
Each workstation must be equipped according to the
recommendations with the necessary static protective measures,
if ESD components or boards are handled.
Each workstation must be equipped with a conductive table
surface. The conductive surface, the soldering iron or the
soldering stations must be grounded via protective resistors.
Chairs must be of antistatic design. The floor or floor mats should
be of electrically conductive material.
Personnel must wear conductive wristbands which are connected
to a central ground potential via protective resistors, e.g. the
ground contact of a wall outlet. Furthermore it is recommended
Fig.: 0 - 1
Spare Parts and Test EquipmentOnly use original spare parts from the manufacturer. Do not
that personnel wear cotton clothing and electrically conductive
shoes to prevent electrostatic charge.
tamper with assembly groups which can only be exchanged
completely. The spare parts required are listed in the repair
Service personnel are responsible for the calibration of their test
equipment. Original test equipment can be calibrated at the
works of B. Braun. Further information is available upon request.
Setting OffAdditional notes and warnings are set off as follows:
Is used for additional or special notes concerning information and
working steps.
Is used for working steps which may result in damage to the unit,
system or to a connected device.
Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb 0- 7
Important Preliminary Remarks
References to chapters are shown as follows
(see „Setting Off“ ➨ p. 0 - 7)
References to figures and tables are shown as follows
Fig.: 2 - 3 or Table 2 - 1
References to item numbers in figures are shown as follows
(Fig.: 1 - 1 / Item 1)
In this case “Fig.: 1 - 1“ is the figure number and “Item 1“ the item
number within the figure.
When the Service Manual is stored as pdf-file, these references
are displayed green. Click with the mouse button on a reference
to jump to the corresponding source.
Menu commands are described as:
List of AbbreviationsAbbreviations which are not generally known, but are used in this
manual, are listed below.
A-Module Analog Module
E-Module Electronic Module
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
IfU Instructions for Use
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MFC Multi-Function Connector
PS-Module Power Supply Module
TSC Technical Safety Checks
TEMP Temperature
0- 8 Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb
0 - 10
0-Contact Persons
Technical TrainingVia local representative.
Entry for Technical TrainingApplication for a technical training course must be made via the
responsible representative.
Ordering of Spare Parts and Test EquipmentPlease contact your local B. Braun subsidary.
Return of Spare Parts and Test EquipmentB. Braun Melsungen AG
Schwarzenberger Weg 73-79
Wareneingang Werk C
34 212 Melsungen
Safety Officer
(§ 30 MPG)
Dr. Ludwig Schütz
Perfusor® compact, 3.1 gb 0- 9
For your notes:
Contact Persons
0- 10 Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb
1 - 4
Physical Construction
1-System Overview
The Perfusor compact is a compact, stacking, portable and
lightweight syringe pump which is used for precise dosing of
small to high volumes of fluids in infusion and alimentary
The standard delivery rate range is 0.1 to 99.9 ml/h (in increments
of 0.1 ml/h).
All important information is displayed on an LC-display. The
device is easy to operate via the membrane keyboard. The syringes
are changed semi-automatically. The function process and
monitoring is microprocessor controlled. The Perfusor compact
has a long service life and is easy-to-service due to its modular
design. Individual modules can be replaced easily and quickly, and
the Service Program runs on a PC.
Carrying handle
LC display
Syringe holder
Membrane keyboardMFC socket
Axial positioner
Syringe table
and quick reference guide
Unit feet
Battery compartment
Drive head with lock
and push-button sensor
Type plate
Mains power connection
Axial positioner
Snap-in clip
(on both sides)(on both sides)
View from below
Fig.: 1 - 1
Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb 1- 1
System Overview
The electronics of the Perfusor compact consists of the following
1.A-Module with MFC board as the central power supply and
2.E-Module as operating and control unit
3.Drive unit, consisting of
-drive board with the complete sensor technology, light
barriers for syringe pre- and end-alarm, syringe size
recognition and motor operation control
-push-button sensor board for the inserted syringe
-positive locking sensor board for the frictional
connection between nut and spindle of the drive.
Fig.: 1 - 2 Block diagram
1- 2 Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb
System Overview
DesignationOrd. No.
Unit connecting lead 200-240 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3450 2718
Unit connecting lead 100-240 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3450 5423
The software and hardware revision level is displayed on the LCdisplay when the unit is switched on. The characters on the
display must correspond with the indication on the instructions
for use.
The software can only be updated by replacing the E-Module.
Unit Software
PLAA00035.5 PLAA00070.0 (Dianet
PLAA00040.0 PLAA00071.1 (Dianet
PLAA00041.0 PLAA00072.1 (Dianet
PLAA00063.3 PLAA01070 (new hardware)
Version Display during Switch-On Test
Extended Version Display during Switch-On Test
1.Switch on unit.
2.The following information is displayed one after the other on
111 .
AA Reference to the instructions
for use (hard- and software group)
3.The Perfusor® compact switches over to normal operation.
1.Switch on unit.
2.Press the F button and keep the button pressed during normal
switch-on test. The following information (examples) appears
on screen after the information displayed during normal
switch-on test:
00 Hardware identification
1 Software version
41234 operating hours
9Maintenance interval timer
3.Release the F button to exit. The Perfusor® compact switches
over to normal operation.
Perfusor® compact, 3.0 gb 2- 1
Error Messages and Alarms
LC displayDescription
1Different syringe recognition
2Different FP- and CMP condition
3Rate of FP- and CMP different
4Different function mode
5Different rate of delivery
6Different target volume
In case of a unit malfunction a continuous signal is activated, and
the function processor displays an alarm and an error code. The
error code of the control microprocessor can be queried with the
F button. Please state both error codes if you have any questions.
Acknowledge alarm and switch device off.
Device Alarms of the Function Processor
7Different step volume (low)
8Different motor steps
19State/motor state
20Invalid normal state
21return from PlcMain
22Unexpected reset
28No sync at Plc_Down
29No sync at Plc_On
30Different CMP/FP mode ports
31Invalid mode ports
32Invalid variable values
33Error in ROM test
34Different software version
40Unexpected interrupt
49Faulty sensor sync
51Motor on during reverse run
52Step cumulation > 10 steps
53Illegal setting of Mot_Ok
54Different recognition of direction of rotation
55Reverse polarity of motor
Table 2 - 1 (Part 1 of 2)
2- 2 Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb
LC displayDescription
56Invalid syringe
57Overflow of motor step counter
59No sync at Mot_Test
61Different SW button NEC<>H8
62Timeout KBD watchdog
63Error in switch-on test
70Control timer overflow (int)
71Control timer underflow
72Control timer overflow
73100 ms cycle overflow
75Tim_WaitUntil overflow
81Error upon reading of EEPROM
83Error of EEP data consistency
84Ad difference between NEC/H8
85Bw difference between NEC/H8
86Md difference between NEC/H8
90Syringe state in Oper_Syr
91Set syringe type
92Consistency error
93Difference between setting and display
94Timer synchronization
100Division by zero
101Illegal zero pointer
102Illegal switch to default
105No contact to NEC in OFF
110Alarm on CMP side
111 ... 119Motor test 1 ... 9
120Motor current flow in OFF
121Battery discharged during test
125ASSERT error
126Alarm synchron. (fault occurrence)
127Alarm synchron. (back-to-normal)
248Motor test 8 from NEC
251NEC: Battery discharged during test
Table 2 - 1 (Part 2 of 2)
Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb 2- 3
LC displayDescription
128Unexpected reset
129Unexpected hardware interrupt
130Access of zero pointer
131Attempted division by zero
132Internal software error
134State/motor state
135Invalid variable values
136Invalid operating condition
137Illegal mode – port value
138H8 indicates GA F14_H8GA_K16
150Different software versions
Device alarms of the control microprocessor
151Double CRC error
153Different states
154Different rates
155Different F-mode
156Different mode values
157Different alarm recognition
158Different alarm clearance
159Err. current volume
160Err. preselected volume
161Err. volume per step
170Sensor sync. failed
171 ... 174Sensor - dark test error
180ROM test error
181RAM test error
182Keyboard test error column
183Dynamic memory test
184Motor test no sync
185Keyboard test error
186Timer test error
187CPU test error
188Battery test error
191Different software buttons
Table 2 - 2 (Part 1 of 2)
2- 4 Perfusor® compact, 2.1 gb
LC displayDescription
192Keyboard timeout error
200Cycle > 100 ms
202Time > Until
203Watchdog interrupt
204Error when waiting for H8
205Time-out when switching H8 on
206Time-out when switching H8 off
207No sync at Plc_Down
208No sync at Plc_On
209CMP/FP timer – end sync error
220Different phases (busy)
221Different phases (idle)
222Motor on at reverse steps
223Too many pending steps
224Motor current error
225Error of motor step number
226Reverse polarity of motor
227Motor steps overflow
230Different syringe recognition
231CMP/FP syringe state
232CMP/FP syringe type set
241 ... 249Motor test 1 ... 9 errors
250Motor ON in OFF-mode
251Battery voltage low
Table 2 - 2 (Part 2 of 2)
Operating alarms are specified in the instructions for use.
The following description refers to the versions 5.5004 and of the Service Program.
The relevant version is given in square brackets in the illustrations
of each user interface and where the description contains
The Service Program runs in a user-friendly way on a PC. All
functions are easy to operate in the pulldown-menus as in
Service mode is only authorized for service tasks.
-Never connect the MFC service connector or the service cable
when a patient is connected to the unit!
-First switch the unit off before any further use after working
with the MFC service connector.
-Carry out a check according to the procedural instructions for
inspection after the Service Program was run. (see
“Procedural Instructions for Inspection after Modifications
via the Service Program” ➨ p. 3 - 13).
The previous version 5.5004 is included in the installation package for
Perfusor® compact, 3.0 gb 3- 1
[Version 5.5004]
Service Program
Length calibration
Pressure calibration
Serial number
Selection menu
Control microprocessor
Function processor
The special keys on the keyboard have the following functions:
-ESC [Version 5.5004]Cancel
-F2Default EEPROM
-F3Read-out EEPROM
-F4Serial number
-F5Length calibration
-F6Pressure calibration
-Alt + AAlternatively: Alt + bold
-Alt + F4 [Version]Exit
-Tabto jump to next field
[Version]Selection menu
Data saved
EEPROM written
Pressure calibration
Control microproc
Function processor
-to move the cursor
-to move the cursor
When the Service Program is installed and the PC is connected to
the Perfusor compact, the following functions can be executed:
-Drive calibration
-Reading / loading pump data
-Displaying service values
-Displaying and changing parameters
-Documentation of pump hardware modifications
-Saving all data to a diskette, hard disk, or similar
Length calibration
Serial number
Fig.: 3 - 1 Overview of user interfaces
3- 2 Perfusor® compact, 3.0 gb
Fig.: 3 - 2
Service Program
1.Insert the CD.
2.Start the File Manager or Windows Explorer.
3.Start Setup.exe with a double-click.
4.Select language for installation and confirm with
5.In the Welcome dialog box start installation with
6.Accept licenses with
7.Select a program version and continue with
(Fig.: 3 - 2).
8.During installation the program creates the directory
C:\Programme\Serviceprogramm xxx Perfusor compact\
automatically (xxx = version number). Calibration and default
data are also saved in this directory (if no other directory is
specified). The directory name can be changed without any
The system configuration of the PC is not changed when the
Service Program was installed.
1.To uninstall the service program, delete file Plc_serv.exe
[Version 5.5004] or PcsCompact.exe [Version].
To uninstall the service program incl. the service program
directory in full, double-click file uninst.exe to start it.
If the entire directory \Serviceprogramm xxx Perfusor compact\ is
deleted, all unit data is deleted from the PC.
1.Select the language and interface with the
screen display [Version 5.5004].
2.Acknowledge with
menu item. Also select the desired
Perfusor® compact, 3.0 gb 3- 3
Service Program
Working with the Service Program
Fig.: 3 - 3
Legend of fig. 3 - 3:
1MFC connector on the unit
2MFC service cable
1.Connect service cable (Fig.: 3 - 3 / Item 2) to MFC connector
(Fig.: 3 - 3 / Item 1) of unit and to PC serial port (COM 1 or
COM 2).
2.Connect mains power cable to the unit.
3.Start the Service Program on the PC.
4.[Version 5.5004]: To start communication, press the ON key
on the Perfusor® compact until "Release On/Off key" is
displayed on the PC. and are displayed on the LC
[Version]: To start communication, select menu item
File ➨ Connect
compact pressed until disappears from the LC display.
After connection has been established and are
Display / Save the Unit Settings
, then keep the On key on the Perfusor®
1.Menu item
2.Menu item
3.Menu item
4.[Version 5.5004]: Select menu item
new E-Module).
[Version]: Select menu item
Modification data
any modification (e.g. new E-module) or print out with
Adjust Unit Settings
1.Menu item
2.Menu item
3.Desired modifications / display, please see:
Service ➨ Service Values
Processing ➨ Processing values
File ➨ Connect
File ➨ Save
Modi ➨ Modification
and menu item
. Note down parameters prior to any modification (e.g.
Syringe ➨ Syringe selection
Modification ➨
Syringe types
File ➨ Connect
and menu item
. Note down parameters prior to
[Version 5.5004] or
Syringes ➨ Syringe
File ➨
Modification Data
Modification ➨ Modification data
Calibration ➨ Pressure calibration
bolus rate change)
3- 4 Perfusor® compact, 3.0 gb
[Version 5.5004] or
(required in case of
Service Program
Syringes ➨ Syringe selection
Constants ➨ Service interval
4.Menu item
Menu item
5.Enter the user number 0 upon query.
6.Check unit according to the procedure instructions for
inspection (see “Procedural Instructions for Inspection after
Modifications via the Service Program” ➨ p. 3 - 13).
Unit Calibration
The unit must be calibrated (see “Unit Calibration” ➨ p. 3 - 16)
after the E-Module or the drive has been replaced or the bolus
rate changed.
EEPROM ➨ Write
File ➨ Save
saves the data to the hard disk.
transmits data to the device.
What To Do If ... (Trouble Shooting)
Defaut Data
The Service Program contains the Default.dat file with the factory
settings of the unit. These values can be adjusted via the Syringe
or Modes menu if required.
Could communication be started successfully? Does the motor
still not start?
Then: Select Termination. Switch off pump. Repeat
communication start. Switch pump on again.
Perfusor® compact, 3.0 gb 3- 5
Service Program
... the communication to the pump is missing?
Is the service cable connection okay? Is the MFC correctly
Then: Select Termination. Switch off pump.
Repeat communication start. Switch pump on again.
... the communication cannot be started?
Compatibility of service software and unit software checked? Was
the setting with the
item selected correctly? Is the service cable connection okay? Is
the MFC correctly connected?
... the communication starts and is then interrupted?
Then: Press the ON-key on the Perfusor compact until the
symbols and disappear.
File ➨ Configuration
(COM 1 or 2) menu
... the unit does not accept any syringe after a service was
carried out?
Is syringe selection set to "free type", but "free type" was not
Then: Set syringe selection to table / OPS or load corresponding
... Problems under Windows 2000 / XP [Version]
1.Data transmission during reading and writing EEPROM takes
a long time, sporadic program crashes.
-Change settings in file C:\WINNT\System32\CONFIG.NT
-This file can be modified with the program editor, for
example. Change setting for "files=40" (last line) to
"files=99". Do not forget to save.
2.Error message for syringe recognition test during operation.
-Change setting for COM interface in the Control Panel.
-To do this, open the Device Manager and find setting for
the COM interface.
-Under "Port Settings -> Advanced," activate or
deactivate the "Use FIFO Buffer" field.
-This setting can very depending on the hardware.
3- 6 Perfusor® compact, 3.0 gb
+ 60 hidden pages
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