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Contents Page
1. General Informations ................................................................................................ 4
1.1. List of Figures .............................................................................................................. 4
1.2. List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................... 5
1.3. System Applications and Explanation .................................................................... 7
1.4. Key Features of System E16x442 ............................................................................. 7
1.5. Ordering Key for Systems E16x442.abc ................................................................. 8
1.6. Safety Data.................................................................................................................. 9
1.6.1. Safety Data IEC61508; SIL2 ....................................................................................... 9
1.7. External Tests ............................................................................................................. 9
1.7.1. External tests during normal operation by PLC or operator ........................................ 9
1.7.2. Test of 2oo3 solenoid valve block ............................................................................... 9
2. System Structure and I/Os ...................................................................................... 10
2.1. System Structure ....................................................................................................... 10
2.1.1. Speed Sensors .......................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2. System Components ................................................................................................. 10
2.1.3. System Design .......................................................................................................... 10
2.1.4. System Structure Diagrams ...................................................................................... 11
2.1.5. System Wiring Diagrams........................................................................................... 13
2.1.6. Connection of Sensors to the Speed Signal Inputs ................................................... 15
2.1.7. Position of Terminal Blocks with Version E16E442 ................................................... 16
2.1.8. Position of Terminal Blocks with version E16A442 .................................................. 17
2.2. Inputs of the System ................................................................................................. 18
2.2.1. Speed Signal Inputs .................................................................................................. 18
2.2.2. Direction Signal Inputs (F/R : Forward/Reverse) ....................................................... 18
2.2.3. Input Reset of Alarms ................................................................................................ 18
2.2.4. This chapter is left blank intentionally ....................................................................... 18
2.2.5. This chapter is left blank intentionally ....................................................................... 18
2.2.6. Inputs Test I, Test II, Test III ...................................................................................... 19
2.2.7. Inputs Starter (Override of SP2) ................................................................................ 19
2.2.8. Inputs SP1B valid ...................................................................................................... 19
2.2.9. This chapter is left blank intentionally ....................................................................... 19
2.2.10. Inputs for Voter 1 ....................................................................................................... 19
2.2.11. Inputs for Voters 2 … 6 ............................................................................................. 19
2.3. Outputs of the System ............................................................................................... 20
2.3.1. Output System Warning Alarm .................................................................................. 20
2.3.2. Speed Signal Repeater Outputs................................................................................ 20
2.3.3. Outputs Monitor Warning Alarm ................................................................................ 20
2.3.4. Outputs Speed Alarm SP3 ........................................................................................ 20
2.3.5. Analog Outputs for measured speed (Option)........................................................... 21
2.3.6. Outputs Direction Detection ...................................................................................... 21
2.3.7. Speed Trip Logic Output (2oo3 voted) ...................................................................... 21
2.3.8. Output Trip-Line IV, V, VI .......................................................................................... 21
2.3.9. Outputs Trip-Line I, II, III........................................................................................... 21
2.3.10. Logic Outputs LO1 through LO6 (voted 2oo3) .......................................................... 21
2.3.11. Trip Status of Monitors ............................................................................................. 22
2.4. Power Supply ............................................................................................................ 23
2.5. Data Interface ............................................................................................................ 23
2.5.1. Profibus Interface for Status and Diagnostics of the System .................................... 23
2.5.2. RS232 Interface with Interface Software IS-RS232-E16 (for OEM only) ................... 23
2.5.3. RS232 Interface with Interface Software IS-RS232-E16-L2 (for End User) .............. 23
3. Technical Specifications ........................................................................................ 24
3.1. Technical Data of Inputs ........................................................................................... 24
3.1.1. Technical Data of Speed Signal Inputs ..................................................................... 24 Hall Sensor Inputs ..................................................................................................... 24 Eddy Current Sensor Inputs resp. MPU Inputs ......................................................... 24
3.1.2. Technical Data of Direction Inputs ............................................................................ 24
3.1.3. Technical Data of Binary Inputs (excluding Voter 1) ................................................. 24

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3.1.4. Technical Data of Binary Inputs of Voter 1 ................................................................ 24
3.2. Technical Data of Outputs ......................................................................................... 25
3.2.1. Technical Data of Sensor Signal Repeater Outputs .................................................. 25
3.2.2. Technical Data of Analog Outputs............................................................................. 25
3.2.3. Technical Data of Opto-Relay Outputs ...................................................................... 25
3.2.4. Technical Data of Logic Outputs ............................................................................... 25
3.2.5. Technical Data of Trip-Lines IV, V, VI ....................................................................... 26
3.2.6. Technical Data of Trip-Lines I, II, III .......................................................................... 26
3.3. Technical Data of Power Supply ............................................................................... 27
3.4. Installation Conditions ............................................................................................... 27
3.5. Protection Grade ....................................................................................................... 27
3.6. Connectors ................................................................................................................ 27
3.7. Conformity to Standards............................................................................................ 27
3.8. Dimensions of system E16A442 ............................................................................... 28
3.9. Dimensions of system E16E442 ............................................................................... 29
3.10. Dimensions and Features of E16G442 Enclosure .................................................... 30
3.11. Weight of E16x442 .................................................................................................... 30
4. Safety Notes for Installation and Operation .......................................................... 31
4.1. Safety Notes for Installation ...................................................................................... 31
4.1.1. General Instructions .................................................................................................. 31
4.1.2. EMI ............................................................................................................................ 31
4.2. Safety Notes for Operation ........................................................................................ 31
4.2.1. Safety Notes for Commissioning ............................................................................... 31
5. Description of Monitor E1665 ................................................................................. 32
5.1. Display and Frontside Operational Elements ............................................................ 32
5.1.1. Front View of Monitor E1665 ..................................................................................... 32
5.1.2. Status-LEDs .............................................................................................................. 32
5.1.3. Display during Test Procedures ................................................................................ 32
5.1.4. Values accessible during normal operation .............................................................. 33
5.1.5. Special Display Mode 1 ............................................................................................. 34
5.1.6. Special Display Mode 2 ............................................................................................. 34
5.1.7. Frontside Reset of Alarms and Event Codes ............................................................ 34
5.1.8. Data Interface ............................................................................................................ 34
5.2. Functions of Monitor 1667 ...................................................................................... 35
5.2.1. Speed Measurement ................................................................................................. 35
5.2.2. Functions for Overspeed Protection .......................................................................... 35
5.2.3. Functions for External Trip by Voters ........................................................................ 35
5.2.4. Selftest of Monitor ..................................................................................................... 35
6. Description of Test Interface E1691 ...................................................................... 36
7. Programming of the Monitors ................................................................................ 37
7.1. Programming of the Monitors via Front Keyboard ..................................................... 37
7.2. Programming of the Modules via RS232-Interface ................................................... 38
7.3. Default Values ........................................................................................................... 38
8. Parameters of Monitor E1665 ................................................................................. 39
8.1. Summary of parameters and their default values...................................................... 39
8.2. Description of Parameters and their Settings of Monitor E1665 ............................... 43
9. This chapter is left blank intentionally .................................................................. 71
10. Event codes and Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 71
10.1. Event Codes on display of E1665 ............................................................................. 71
10.2. Troubleshooting if display of Monitor reads E.0.4.x.x ............................................... 72
11. Revision notes ......................................................................................................... 73

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1.2. List of Abbreviations
Technical standards of the "American Petroleum Institute"
Code number according to the "American Wire Gauge" System
Diagnostic Coverage average
Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization)
Change of speed per time unit (Acceleration)
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
Electro magnetic compatibility
Forward/Reverse (Forward/Backward)
Hardware Failure Tolerance
International Electrotechnical Commission
Ingress Protection Number xx according to DIN EN 60529
International Organization for Standardization
Mean Time To Failure dangerous
National Electrical Manufacturers Association Number x
Probability of Failure on Demand average
Protective Extra Low Voltage
Acc. US Underwriter Laboratories resp. Canadian Underwriter Laboratories standards
to be continued on next page

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1.3. System Applications and Explanation
Protection of rotating machinery such as turbines, expanders, compressors and motors with
safety requirements SIL2/ IEC61508 and/or API 670 versus Overspeed and other Critical Conditions.
The E16x442 system incorporates one Test interface type E1691 and three Monitors (channels) A, B and C of type E1665 for the evaluation of speed signals and external trip signals.
The logic blocks for the evaluation of the external trip signals are named "Voter".
The logic results of the three channels are connected internally to form three 2oo3 trip circuits
I, II and III which are named "Trip-Lines".
The Trip-Lines can be connected to a 1oo2 or 2oo3 solenoid valve block.
A released trip status can be latched, this function is named "Trip-Lock".
Trip is released by shut down of the Trip Circuits (Trip-Lines) to the solenoid valve block if:
2oo3 monitors detect Overspeed condition
2oo3 sensor signals are detected as faulty by monitors
2oo3 monitors detect External Trip-Condition by their voters (1oo2, 2oo2, 2oo3 or 3oo3
logic selectable)
1.4. Key Features of System E16x442
Trip Release Function is SIL2/IEC61508 compliant as stand alone unit (without external
testing by DCS or by operator).
Total Response Time to Trip Condition : < 15 milliseconds
Maximum Safety at Maximum Availability by :
TMR (Triple Modular Redundancy) with three monitors E1665.
Triple speed measurement and evaluation by each monitor.
Variable overspeed setpoint depending on acceleration.
Monitoring versus Lowspeed as protection versus incorrect mounting or malfunction of
speed sensors.
Permanent monitoring of speed sensors.
Evaluation of external Trip-Condition signals by voters in each monitor. Response to sig-
nals selectable for each voter individually (logic function, low/high: trip, response time).
Each Trip Line (trip circuit) in 2oo3 technique.
Trip Lines I, II, III, IV, V, VI are formed by safety relays with force guided contact sets.
Trip-Line-Monitoring with Trip-Lock Function (selectable)
The outputs of the Trip Lines I, II and III are permanently monitored. If the Trip-Lock Func-
tion is engaged, a trip condition is detected and locked if 2oo3 trip lines are in trip condition.
By the (selectable) Trip-Lock Function a released trip is latched

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Additional features of the E16x442-System:
Remote test of solenoid valve block by test signals from DCS possible
Display in each module for measured values and diagnostics
Alarm outputs via opto-relays to DCS
Free extra alarm from each monitor
Up to 6 speed setpoints with 2oo3 logic outputs (if voters are not required)
Sensor signal repeater outputs, free floating and push/pull
Optional Analog Output (to represent the speed) 0/4..20 mamps for each monitor
Direction alarm (only with sensors type A5S with direction output)
Parameters may be set by front keys (protected by code-digit) or by
RS232-Interface (password protected)
1.5. Ordering Key for Systems E16x442.abc
c = 1 : Speed Signal Inputs and power supply for A5S sensors
c = 2 : Speed Signal Inputs and power supply for Eddy Current Sensors
c = 3 : Speed Signal Inputs for MPU (magnetic pick up)
b = 1 : 1 Voter in each Monitor for external trip release condition
b = 2 : 6 Voters in each Monitor for external trip release conditions
a = 0 : without Analog Output (to represent the speed)
a = 1 : 1 Analog Output in each Monitor A, B, C
a = 2 : 1 Analog Output rated SIL2 in each Monitor A, B, C
x = A : Surface Mount Version
x = E : 19-Inch Rack File
x = G : Nema 4 Version with front window (surface mount)
E16A442.021 : Surface Mount Version, without Analog Output, with 6 Voters,
Speed Signal Inputs for A5S sensors
E16A442.112 : Surface Mount Version, with Analog Output, with 1 Voter,
Speed Signal Inputs for eddy current sensors or MPU
E16A442.013 : Surface Mount Version, with 1 Voter,
Speed Signal Inputs for MPU

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2. System Structure and I/Os
The structure of the system is shown in chapter 2.1.4. (figures 2 and 3).
The wiring of the system is shown in chapter 2.1.5. (figures 4, 5 and 6).
The indexes ”see 2.x.x” in these figures refer to the corresponding chapters 2.x.x. which describe the according functions.
With versions E16x442.xx1:
Three A5S Differential-Hall-effect sensors, with integrated signal amplifier are placed at the
machine shaft.
The Differential Hall-effect sensors A5S are not susceptible to uniform external magnetic
fields. Air gap variations between machine and sensor do not create false signals.
With versions E16x442.xx2:
Three Speed signals from Eddy Current Sensors or from MPUs are evaluated.
With versions E16x442.xx3:
Three Speed signals from MPU Sensors are evaluated.
The system comprises three Monitors E1665 for speed monitoring and for monitoring of the
external trip conditions and one Test Interface E1691 to process the trip-line test signals and
the trip status signals between Monitors and the PLC.
The Monitors and the Test Interface are connected via a backplane. The backplane does not
hold any active components.
The system is available as
19-Inch Rack File, 3HE 84TE (E16E442) or
for surface mounting (E16A442) or
as NEMA4 version (E16G442).

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2.1.4. System Structure Diagrams
Speed Signals
see 2.2.1
Direction Signals
see 2.2.2
Logic Output
in 2oo3
see 2.3.7
Test I
Test II
see 2.2.6
Sensor Signal
see 2.3.2
Warning Alram
see 2.3.1
SP1B valid
see 2.2.8
Warning Alarm
of Monitor
see 2.3.3
Override of SP2
see 2.2.7
Alarm Output
see 2.3.6
Analog Output
0/4 … 20 mamps
see 2.3.5
Trip IV
Trip V
Trip VI
in 2oo3
(only 1 of 3 trip
lines shown)
see 2.3.8
Wiring of Trip Relay contacts on
System-Backplane forming six 2oo3 Trip Lines
Trip by
Diagram 2)
of Trip Lines with Trip-
Trip by
Diagram 2)
of Trip Lines with Trip-
Trip by
Diagram 2)
of Trip Lines with Trip-
Valve Block
of Monitors
see 2.3.11
Figure 2: E16x442 System Structure Diagram 1 of 2

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Input Signals
Voter 1
see 2.2.10
Trip by Voter
(to Diagram 1)
Trip by Voter
(to Diagram 1)
Trip by Voter
(to Diagram 1)
Input Signals for Voters 2 … 6 . see 2.2.11
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2
Logic Outputs to DCS
If used as Output "Trip of Voter" : low = Trip
If used as Speed Alarm Output : low / high at 'n > SPV' selectable
see 2.3.10
Voter 1
n > SPV1
Voter 2
n > SPV2
Voter 3
n > SPV3
Voter 4
n > SPV4
Voter 5
n > SPV5
Voter 6
n > SPV6
Figure 3: E16x442 System Structure Diagram 2 of 2

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2.1.5. System Wiring Diagrams
all contacts are shown
in de-energized status
Trip Line
see 2.3.9
Trip Line
see 2.3.8
Direction Alarm
from monitor
see 2.3.6
Speed Alarm SP3
from monitor
see 2.3.4
Warning Alarm
from monitor
see 2.3.3
Power Supply
24 volts dc
see 2.4 Monitor C Monitor A Monitor B Monitor C Monitor A Monitor B Monitor C Monitor A Monitor B
Speed Signals see 2.2.1
Direction Signals F/R see 2.2.2
Speed Sensor Signal Repeater Outputs see 2.3.3
Connection of sensors see next pages
high = Starter
(override SP2)
see 2.2.7 high =Test of
Trip-Line III high =SP1B valid
= Reset of Alarms
see 2.2.3
Logic Signal Inputs
terminals 3.X1, 9.X1, 3.X15 of Power Supply)
Sensor connections
Monitor A * = only with
sensors A5S3….
Speed Signal
Repeater Output Monitor A
Sensor connections
Monitor B * = only with
sensors A5S3….
Speed Signal
Repeater Output Monitor B
Sensor connections
Monitor C * = only with
sensors A5S3….
Speed Signal
Repeater Output Monitor C
System Alarm
see 2.3.1
see 2.3.11
Figure 4: E16x442 System Wiring Diagram 1 of 3

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2.1.6. Connection of Sensors to the Speed Signal Inputs
Eddy Current Sensor
with negative
power supply
Eddy Current Sensor
with positive
power supply
Cable screen must be connected to screen bar !
Marks for BRAUN cable leads. Mark D only with sensors equipped with direction detection
Lead colors of BRAUN cables
Pin Nos. of BRAUN Sensors A5S...
Reference 0 volts
** only with D461.21 and
sensors with direction
* only with sensors equipped with direction detection
Figure 6: E16x442 System Wiring Diagram 3 of 3

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2.2. Inputs of the System
2.2.1. Speed Signal Inputs
The speed signals are internally wired to all three Monitors in parallel.
With versions E16x442.xx1:
The speed signal inputs match the values of sensors A5S…
The speed signal inputs are rated SIL2/IEC61508 if sensors of type A5S. (also via barriers
D461) are connected. For other sensors this is only valid, if the sensor supplier guarantees,
that the sensors will not give erratic speed signals due to a common cause failure. The instructions of the sensor supplier must be observed.
Technical Data of inputs see
With versions E16x442.xx2:
The signal inputs match the values of eddy current sensors respective of MPUs.
The speed signal inputs are rated SIL2/IEC61508, if the sensor supplier guarantees, that the
sensors will not give erratic speed signals due to a common cause failure. The instructions of
the sensor supplier must be observed.
Technical Data of inputs see
With versions E16x442.xx3:
The signal inputs match the values of MPUs.
The speed signal inputs are rated SIL2/IEC61508, if the sensor supplier guarantees, that the
sensors will not give erratic speed signals due to a common cause failure. The instructions of
the sensor supplier must be observed.
Technical Data of inputs see
2.2.2. Direction Signal Inputs (F/R : Forward/Reverse)
The direction signal inputs match the values of the sensors A5S with direction signal.
The direction signals are internally wired to all three monitors in parallel.
The direction signal inputs are rated SIL2/IEC61508 (valid only for sensors A5S3..).
Technical Data of inputs see 3.1.2.
2.2.3. Input Reset of Alarms
The Reset signal is internally connected to all modules in parallel. It resets a no longer prevailing, but latched alarm or trip condition.
A signal transition from low to high will reset a latched alarm.
Minimum Time of Reset Signal: > 1 second to ensure correct reset of all modules.
The input “Reset of Alarms” is rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of input see 3.1.3.
2.2.4. This chapter is left blank intentionally
2.2.5. This chapter is left blank intentionally

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2.2.6. Inputs Test I, Test II, Test III
If the input is high, the corresponding Trip-Line will switch to trip condition.
The inputs are not inhibited versus each other.
The input “Test I, II, III” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of inputs see 3.1.3.
2.2.7. Inputs Starter (Override of SP2)
Each monitor has one input for the starter condition. As long as the input is high, the starter
condition is true.
During starter condition the monitoring versus Lowspeed (SP2) is disabled.
The inputs “Starter” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of inputs see 3.1.3.
Each monitor has one input to select SP1B as trip setpoint.
As long as the input is high, setpoint value SP1B (see step P03.03 of E1665) is true.
With open input (low), setpoint value SP1A (see P03.00 of E1665) is true. The inputs “SP!B
valid” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of inputs see 3.1.3.
2.2.9. This chapter is left blank intentionally
2.2.10. Inputs for Voter 1
The input signals for Voter 1 are internally connected to all monitors in parallel.
The input load of Voter 1 meets the requirements for the redundant outputs of a failsafe PLC
(load > 45 ma per input).
The signal truth level (high or low as trip condition), the voting principle (1oo2, 2oo2, 2oo3,
3oo3) and the response time is selectable. Configuration of the voter is done in steps P10.xx
of E1665.
The inputs “Voter 1” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of inputs for Voter 1 see 3.1.4.
2.2.11. Inputs for Voters 2 … 6
The input signals for Voters 2 … 6 are internally connected to all monitors in parallel.
The signal truth level (high or low : trip condition), the voting principle (1oo2, 2oo2, 2oo3,
3oo3) and the response time is selectable for each voter individually. Configuration of voters is
done in steps P11.xx to P15.xx of E1665.
Technical Data of inputs for Voter 2 … 6 see 3.1.3.
The inputs “Voter 2…6” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of inputs for Voter 2 … 6 see 3.1.3.
Systems E16x442.x1x do not have inputs for Voters 2 … 6 .

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2.3. Outputs of the System
2.3.1. Output System Warning Alarm
Output System Warning Alarm is released if
minimum one Monitor signalizes a nonconformity at its voter inputs
minimum one Monitor is faulty
minimum one Monitor is in trip status
The System Warning Alarm has a delay of approx. 10 seconds versus the releasing monitor.
Technical Data of output see 3.2.4
The output “System Warning Alarm” is rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of output see 3.2.4.
2.3.2. Speed Signal Repeater Outputs
Each Monitor repeats the speed signal of its main sensor (Monitor A repeats sensor signal A)
to the periphery.
The Speed Signal Repeater Outputs are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of outputs see 3.2.1.
2.3.3. Outputs Monitor Warning Alarm
The Monitor Warning Alarm (for each Monitor individually) is released if at least one of the following conditions is true:
Monitor releases trip (due to overspeed resp. voter), if selected
Selection in step P02.11 of E1665
Deviation of its own sensors versus both sensors of neighbor Monitors, if monitored
Selection in steps P02.07 through P02.09 of E1665
Measured speed lower than SP2 (after starter condition), if monitored
Selection in step P02.06 of E1665
Sensor Circuit Fault, if monitored
Selections in steps P02.04 and P02.05 of E1665
If starter condition is still true and speed exceeds 50% of nominal speed (as set in step
P01.03), if selected in step P02.06
The Monitor Warning Alarm is not released, if the Monitor detects a nonconformity at its voter
inputs. This status is forwarded to the Test Interface E1691 which then releases the System
Warning Alarm.
The outputs “Monitor Warning Alarm” are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of outputs see 3.2.3.
2.3.4. Outputs Speed Alarm SP3
Each Monitor has a free adjustable speed alarm output SP3.
Configuration of SP3 in steps P05.xx of E1665.
The outputs “Speed Alarm SP3” are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of outputs see 3.2.3.

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2.3.5. Analog Outputs for measured speed (Option)
The (optional) analog outputs have a range of 0/4 .. 20 mamps.
Configuration of the analog output in steps P08.xx of E1665.
The analog outputs of versions E16x442.1xx are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
The analog outputs of Monitors E16x442.2xx are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of outputs see 3.2.2.
2.3.6. Outputs Direction Detection
If operated with sensors A5S with incorporated direction signal output, the sense of direction is
Each Monitor votes the direction input signals 2oo3. Each Monitor has a direction alarm output.
The outputs “Direction Detection” are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of outputs see 3.2.3.
2.3.7. Speed Trip Logic Output (2oo3 voted)
Speed Trip Logic Output is released, if minimum 2 of the 3 monitors detect overspeed condition. If overspeed status is latched, the alarm will persist until reset.
Output high: no speed trip
Output low: speed trip
The Speed Trip Logic Output is rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of output see 3.2.4.
2.3.8. Output Trip-Line IV, V, VI
The Trip-Lines IV, V, VI are 2oo3-circuits formed by contacts of safety trip relays IV and V of
Monitors A,B,C.
Trip is released if minimum two Monitors E1665 are in trip status.
Trip-Lines IV, V, VI are intended to signalize the trip to a DCS or PLC.
Trip-Lines IV, V, VI are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of output see 3.2.5.
2.3.9. Outputs Trip-Line I, II, III
The Trip-Lines I, II, III are 2oo3-circuits formed by the contacts of safety trip relays I resp. II,
resp. III of Monitors A,B,C.
Trip is released if minimum two monitors E1665 are in trip status.
Trip-Lines I, II, III are intended to supply shutdown solenoid valves.
Trip-Lines I, II, III are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of output see 3.2.6.
2.3.10. Logic Outputs LO1 through LO6 (voted 2oo3)
The logic outputs LO may be assigned to signalize a voter trip or to a speed setpoint.
If assigned to Voter Trip: Output high: no trip of Voter
Output low: trip of Voter
If assigned to speed alarm: Output high/low if n > SP is selectable.
The Logic Outputs LO1 through LO6 are rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of outputs see 3.2.4.