Braun 3765 User Manual


Charger Type 3757

Handle Type 3765

T vel Case Type 3760 Smart Plug Type 492-5214

English 9

Español 17

Français 27


Braun GmbH

Frankfurter Strasse 145

61476 Kronberg


Charger Type 3757

Handle Type 3765

Travel Case Type 3760

Smart Plug Type 492-5214

Tipo de cargador 3757 Tipo de mango 3765

Tipo de estuche portátil 3760 Tipo de enchufe inteligente 492-5214

Type de chargeur 3757 Type de manche 3765 Type d‘étui de voyage 3760 Type de prise intelligente 492-5214

90761125/XI-15 GB/E/F

Braun 3765 User Manual




















































































































B - l ra O
































Your Oral-B® toothbrush has been carefully designed to offer you and your family a unique brushing experience that is both safe and effective.

When using electrical products, especially when children are present, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:

Read all instructions before using.


In order to reduce the risk of electrocution:

1.Do not use while bathing.

2.Do not place or store the charger, smart plug or charging travel case where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink.

3.Do not place the charger, smart plug or charging travel case in water or other liquid.

4.Do not reach for a charger, smart plug or charging travel case that has fallen into water. Unplug immediately.


To reduce the risk of burns, electrocution, fire or injury:

1.Close supervision is necessary when this product is used by, on, or near children or persons with disabilities.

2.Use this product only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer.

3.Keep cord away from heated surfaces.

4.Never drop the appliance or insert any object into any opening of the appliance.

5.Never operate this product if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged or if it has been dropped into water. If any of these occur, please contact a service center and return the product for examination and repair.

6.Do not use on self when drowsy or on another who is drowsy or sleeping.

7.Do not use outdoors or operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen is being administered.


1.Periodically check the entire product/cords/accessories for damage. A damaged or non-functioning unit should no longer be used. If the product/cords/accessories are damaged, take it to an Oral-B Service Center.

2.If the toothbrush handle is dropped, the brush head should be replaced before the next use even if no damage is visible.

3.Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. This can cause an electric shock.

4.When unplugging, always hold the power plug instead of the cord.

5.Do not modify or repair the product. This may cause fire, electric shock or injury. Consult your dealer for repairs or contact an Oral-B Service Center.

6.The appliance has no user serviceable parts. Do not open and dissemble device except when disposing of the battery. Follow handling and disposal instructions of the battery/device described in this manual.

7.Usage by children under age 3 is not recommended.

8.This toothbrush is a personal care device and is not intended for use on multiple patients in a dental practice or institution.

9.Replace brush (head) every 3 months or sooner if brush head becomes worn.

10.The charging travel case is provided with a special cord set (smart plug), which has an integrated Safety Extra Low Voltage power supply. Do not exchange or tamper with any part of it, otherwise there is risk of an electric shock. Only use the special cord set provided with your appliance.


If you are undergoing treatment for any oral care condition, consult your dental professional prior to use.




Su cepillo de dientes Oral-B® ha sido diseñado cuidadosamente para ofrecerle a usted y a su familia la posibilidad de disfrutar de una extraordinaria experiencia de cepillado que sea a la vez segura y eficaz.

Cuando use un aparato eléctrico, especialmente si hay niños presentes, tome las medidas de seguridad básicas, entre las cuales se incluyen las siguientes:

Lea todas las instrucciones antes de usar el producto.


Para disminuir el riesgo de electrocución:

1.No lo use mientras se baña o se ducha.

2.No coloque ni guarde el cargador, el enchufe inteligente o el estuche portátil con cargador donde pudieran caerse a la bañera o al lavamanos.

3.No coloque el cargador, el enchufe inteligente o el estuche portátil con cargador en agua ni en otros líquidos.

4.Si el cargador, el enchufe inteligente o el estuche portátil con cargador se caen al agua, no trate de sacarlos. Desenchúfelos de inmediato.


Para disminuir el riesgo de quemaduras, electrocución, incendio o lesiones:

1.Supervise detenidamente el uso de este aparato cuando sea empleado por, en o cerca de niños o personas discapacitadas.

2.Use este producto solamente para el propósito indicado tal como se describe en este manual. No utilice accesorios que no estén recomendados por el fabricante.

3.Mantenga el cable lejos de superficies calientes.

4.No deje caer el aparato ni le introduzca ningún objeto.

5.No use este producto si el enchufe o el cable están dañados, o si no funciona debidamente, si se ha caído o dañado, o si se ha caído al agua. Ante cualquiera de estos eventos, comuníquese con un centro de servicio técnico y envíe el producto para su revisión y reparación.

6.No lo use en usted mismo si está adormecido ni en otras personas que estén adormecidas o dormidas.

7.No lo use al aire libre ni en lugares donde se estén usando productos en aerosol (spray) o donde se esté administrando oxígeno.


1.Revise con frecuencia el producto, los cables y los accesorios para asegurarse de que no estén dañados. No se debe usar una unidad dañada o que no funcione. Si el producto, sus cables o accesorios están dañados, llévelos a un centro de servicio Oral-B.

2.Si el mango del cepillo dental se cae, se debe cambiar el cabezal del cepillo antes de volver a usarlo, incluso cuando a simple vista parezca no haber sufrido daño alguno.

3.No toque el enchufe con las manos mojadas, ya que puede sufrir una descarga eléctrica.

4.Para desenchufar el aparato, asegúrese de jalar del enchufe y no del cable.

5.No modifique ni repare el producto. Esto puede provocar un incendio, una descarga eléctrica o lesiones. Consulte con su distribuidor o comuníquese con el centro de servicio Oral-B para obtener información sobre reparaciones.

6.Ninguna parte del aparato puede ser reparada por usted mismo. No abra ni desmonte el aparato, excepto si va a desechar la batería. Siga las instrucciones de manipulación y desecho de la batería/el aparato que se describen en este manual.

7.Niños menores de tres años de edad no deben usar este producto.

8.Este cepillo dental es un aparato de cuidado personal y no está diseñado para ser usado en varios pacientes en un consultorio o institución dental.

9.Reemplace el cabezal del cepillo cada 3 meses o antes si este se desgasta.

10.El estuche portátil con cargador está equipado con un cable eléctrico especial (enchufe inteligente) que tiene integrado un transformador de seguridad de voltaje extra bajo. Si cambia o manipula alguna de sus piezas estará en riesgo de descarga eléctrica. Use solamente el cable eléctrico especial provisto con este aparato.


Si está bajo tratamiento por alguna enfermedad bucal, consulte a su profesional dental antes de usar este producto.




Votre brosse à dents Oral-B® a été soigneusement conçue pour vous offrir à vous et à votre famille une expérience de brossage unique à la fois sécuritaire et efficace.

Toujours suivre les consignes de sécurité suivantes lorsqu’un appareil électrique est utilisé, surtout en présence d‘un enfant :

Lire toutes les instructions avant d’utiliser cet appareil.


Pour réduire les risques d’électrocution :

1.Ne pas utiliser dans le bain ou la douche.

2.Éviter de placer ou de ranger le chargeur, la prise intelligente ou l‘étui de voyage chargeur à un endroit d’où ils pourraient tomber ou être poussés dans la baignoire ou le lavabo.

3.Éviter d’immerger le chargeur, la prise intelligente ou l‘étui de voyage chargeur dans l’eau ou dans tout autre liquide.

4.Ne pas toucher le chargeur, la prise intelligente ou l‘étui de voyage chargeur s’ils sont tombés dans l’eau. Les débrancher immédiatement.


Afin de réduire les risques de brûlure, d’électrocution, d’incendie ou de blessure :

1.L’utilisation de ce produit par un jeune enfant ou une personne handicapée, ou en présence de ces derniers, doit être faite sous étroite supervision.

2.Ce produit est conçu pour être utilisé conformément au mode d’emploi. Ne pas utiliser d’accessoires non recommandés par le fabricant.

3.Tenir le cordon loin des surfaces chaudes.

4.Ne jamais laisser tomber l’appareil ni introduire un objet dans un quelconque orifice de l’appareil.

5.Ne jamais utiliser ce produit si la prise ou le cordon sont endommagés, s’il ne fonctionne pas correctement, s’il est tombé, s’il a été endommagé ou s’il a été immergé dans l’eau. Si l’une de ces situations se produit, veuillez communiquer avec un centre de services et retourner le produit pour qu’il soit examiné et réparé.

6.Ne pas utiliser si vous êtes somnolent ou sur une autre personne somnolente ou endormie.

7.Ne pas utiliser à l’extérieur ni à des endroits où des aérosols sont pulvérisés ou que de l’oxygène est administré.


1.Vérifier périodiquement que le produit/le cordon/les accessoires en entier ne sont pas endommagés. Ne pas utiliser un appareil endommagé ou qui ne fonctionne plus. Si le produit/le cordon/les accessoires sont endommagés, les apporter dans un centre de services Oral-B.

2.Si l’appareil tombe, la brossette devrait être remplacée avant d’être utilisée et ce, même si aucun dommage n’est apparent.

3.Ne pas toucher la prise d’alimentation avec les mains mouillées. Il y a risque d’électrocution.

4.Au moment de débrancher l’appareil, toujours tirer la prise, jamais le cordon d’alimentation.

5.Ne pas modifier ou réparer le produit. Cela pourrait causer un incendie, une électrocution ou une blessure. Communiquer avec le détaillant ou le centre de services Oral-B si des réparations sont nécessaires.

6.Cet appareil ne contient aucune pièce pouvant être réparée par l’utilisateur. Ne pas l’ouvrir ni le démonter, sauf pour en retirer la pile. Manipuler cet appareil et retirer la pile conformément au mode d’emploi.

7.Ce produit n’est pas conçu pour les enfants de moins de trois ans.

8.Cette brosse à dents est un appareil de soins personnels et n’est pas conçue pour être utilisée avec plusieurs patients dans un cabinet dentaire ou une institution.

9.Remplacer la brossette tous les 3 mois, ou plus tôt si la brossette est usée.

10.L’étui de voyage chargeur est offert avec un cordon d’alimentation spécial (prise intelligente) dans lequel est intégrée une sortie de basse tension de sécurité. Ne pas modifier ou échanger aucune des parties, car autrement, il y a des risques d’électrocution. Utiliser le cordon d’alimentation spécial uniquement avec votre appareil.


Consultez votre professionnel dentaire avant usage si vous suivez tout traitement pour une affection buccale.




Important Information

Your Oral-B toothbrush can be used with your smartphone (find details under «Connecting your toothbrush to your Smartphone»).

To avoid electromagnetic interference and/or compatibility conflicts, deactivate the radio transmission of your toothbrush handle (5) before using it in restricted surroundings, such as aircrafts or specially marked areas in hospitals.

Deactivate radio transmission by simultaneously pressing the on/off (3) and mode button (4) for 2 seconds until the radio transmission display (7) goes off. Follow the same procedure to reactivate transmission again.

Persons with pacemakers should always keep the toothbrush more than six inches (15 centimeters) from the pacemaker while turned on. Anytime you suspect interference is taking place, deactivate the radio transmission of your handle.


1 Brush head

2 Smart Ring

3On/off button

4Brushing mode button


6Brushing mode display

7Radio transmission display (with Bluetooth®

wireless technology)

8Charge level display

9Charging unit (basic charger and brush head compartment with protective cover)

10Smartphone holder (depending on model) 10a Holding brackets

10b Lever arm

10c Pull tab

10d Suction cup

11Charging travel case (depending on model) 11a Charge indicator light

11b USB port

11c Smart plug port

11d Inner lid (with smartphone holder)

11e Removable inlay

12Smart plug (depending on model)


For voltage specifications refer to the bottom of the charging unit.

Noise level: 68 dB(A)

First use – Connecting and charging

Prior to first use, you may briefly place the handle (5) on the plugged-in charging unit (9) to activate it. Once the charge level display (8) illuminates, it is ready for use. Note: In case battery is empty (no lights illuminated on charge level display), charge at least for 30 minutes.

Charging and operating information

Your toothbrush has a waterproof handle, is electrically safe and designed for use in the bathroom.

To charge the handle (5), place it on the plugged-in charging unit (9). The charge level is indicated on the charge level display (8). The flashing lights indicate that the handle is charging (picture ); once it is fully charged, the lights turn off. A full charge takes about 12 hours and enables up to 12 days of regular brushing (twice a day, 2 minutes). Note: At a very low charge level, the lights might not flash immediately; it can take up to 10 minutes.

If the battery is running low, a red light is flashing on the charge level display and the motor is reducing its speed. Once the battery is empty, the motor will stop; it will need at least a 30-minute charge for one usage.

You can always store the handle on the plugged-in charging unit to maintain it at full power; a battery overcharge is prevented by device.

Note: Store handle at room temperature for optimal battery maintenance.

Caution: Do not expose handle to temperatures higher than 50°C.

Using your toothbrush

Brushing technique

Wet brush head and apply any kind of toothpaste. To avoid splashing, guide the brush head to your teeth before switching on the handle (picture ). When brushing your teeth with one of the Oral-B oscillatingrotating brush heads guide the brush head slowly from tooth to tooth, spending a few seconds on each tooth surface (picture ). When using the Oral-B «Deep Sweep» brush head place the toothbrush bristles against the teeth at a slight angle towards the gumline. Apply light pressure and start brushing in back and forth motions, just like you would do with a manual toothbrush.

With any brush head start brushing the outsides, then the insides and finally the chewing surfaces. Brush all four quadrants of your mouth equally. You may also consult your dentist or dental hygienist about the right technique for you.

In the first days of using any electric toothbrush, your gums may bleed slightly. In general, bleeding should stop after a few days. Should it persist after 2 weeks, please consult your dentist or dental hygienist. If you have sensitive teeth and/or gums, Oral-B recommends using the «Sensitive» mode (optional in combination with an Oral-B «Sensitive» brush head).

Smart Ring features

Your toothbrush is equipped with a Smart Ring (2) that has various functionalities indicated via different colors of light:

White (default) = Operating and visual timer light (choose individual color via Oral-B™ app settings)

Red = Pressure sensor light

Blue = Bluetooth® pairing indicator



You can choose between «Professional» or «2-Minute» timer.

The «2-Minute» timer signals with a long stuttering sound and a flashing light of the Smart Ring (2) that the professionally recommended 2-minute brushing time has been reached.

The «Professional» timer signals with a short stuttering sound and a flashing light of the Smart Ring at 30-seconds intervals to move to the next quadrant of your mouth (picture ). A long stuttering sound and a flashing light indicate the end of the professionally recommended 2-minute brushing time.

The timer memorizes the elapsed brushing time, even when the handle is briefly switched off during brushing. The timer resets if pausing longer than 30 seconds, briefly pressing the mode button (4) during pause or placing the handle on the plugged-in charger.

Note: During the use of special Oral-B™ app features, the visual timer light may be deactivated.

Timer setup:

Your toothbrush comes with the «Professional» timer activated. To change this, press and hold the mode button (4) for 2 seconds. Toggle between timer selection by pressing the on/off button (3). Confirm selection by pressing the mode button.

2 LED’s illuminated indicate «2-Minute» timer

4 LED’s illuminated indicate «Professional» timer

Note: You can also set/advance the timer functionality via Oral-B™ App.

Pressure sensor

If you put excessive pressure on your teeth, the Smart Ring (2) will light up in red and the motor speed will be reduced in «Daily Clean», «Pro Clean» and «Sensitive» mode (picture ). Periodically check the operation of the pressure sensor by pressing moderately on the brush head during use.

Brushing modes (depending on model)

Your toothbrush offers different brushing modes indicated on the brushing mode display (6) on your handle («Daily Clean» mode does not illuminate on the brushing mode display):

«Daily Clean»

– Standard mode for daily mouth

«Pro Clean»


– For an extraordinary clean


feeling (operated with a higher



– Gentle, yet thorough cleaning

«3D White»

for sensitive areas

– Polishing for occasional or

«Gum Care»

everyday use

– Gentle massage of gums

«Tongue Clean»

– Tongue cleaning for occasional


or everyday use

When operating the «Tongue Clean» mode, we recommend using the «Sensitive» brush head. You can brush your tongue either with or without toothpaste. Brush the whole area of your tongue systematically in gentle movements. The recommended brushing time is 20 seconds; indicated with a flashing light of the Smart Ring.

Your toothbrush automatically starts in the mode selected last. To switch to other modes, successively press the mode button during use (picture ). To return from any mode back to «Daily Clean» mode, press and hold the mode button (4).

Note: You can also set/advance the mode functionality via Oral-B™ App.

Brush heads

Oral-B offers you a variety of different Oral-B brush heads that fit your Oral-B toothbrush handle.

Our oscillating-rotating brush heads can be used for tooth-by-tooth precision cleaning.

Oral-B CrossAction brush head

Our most advanced brush head. Angled bristles for a precise clean. Lifts and powers away plaque.

Oral-B FlossAction brush head

features micropulse bristles that allow for an outstanding plaque removal in the interdental areas.

Oral-B 3D White brush head

features a special polishing cup to naturally whiten your teeth. Please note that children under 12 years old should not use the Oral-B «3D White» brush head.

Oral-B Sensitive brush head

features an extra soft bristle structure that is gentle on teeth and gums.

Our dynamic «Deep Sweep» brush head can be used with all common brushing techniques.


Oral-B Deep Sweep brush head

features triple zone cleaning action for outstanding plaque removal, even in between teeth.

Oral-B brush heads feature light blue INDICATOR® bristles to help you monitor brush head replacement need. With thorough brushing, twice a day for two minutes, the blue color will fade halfway approximately within 3 months, indicating the need to exchange your brush head. If the bristles splay before the color recedes, you may exert too much pressure on teeth and gums.

We do not recommend using the Oral-B «FlossAction» or Oral-B «3D White» brush head with braces. You may use the Oral-B «Ortho» brush head, specifically designed to clean around braces and wires.

Connecting your toothbrush to your Smartphone

The Oral-B™ App is available for mobile devices running iOS or Android operating systems. It can be downloaded for free from App StoreSM or Google Play™.

The Oral-B™ App gives you the opportunity to chart your brushing progress and customize your toothbrush settings (for many more benefits see the Oral-B™ App instructions).

Start the Oral-B™ App. The app will guide you through the entire Bluetooth pairing procedure. Note: Oral-B™ App functionality is limited if Bluetooth wireless technology is deactivated on your smartphone (for directions please refer to your smartphone’s user manual).

Any app instructions will be displayed on your smartphone.

If Bluetooth wireless technology is activated on your handle, the Bluetooth symbol on the radio transmission display (7) illuminates. Once the handle is paired, the Smart Ring (2) flashes briefly.

Keep your smartphone in close proximity (within 5m/16ft distance) when using it with the handle. Make sure the smartphone is safely positioned in a dry place.

Note: Your smartphone must support Bluetooth 4.0 (or higher)/Bluetooth Smart in order to pair your handle.

Cleaning recommendations

After brushing, rinse your brush head under running

water with the handle switched on. Switch off and remove the brush head. Clean handle and brush head separately; wipe them dry before reassembling. Unplug the charging unit before cleaning. Brush head compartment and protective cover are dishwasher-safe. Basic charger should be cleaned with a damp cloth only (picture ).


Smartphone Holder

Before each use, make sure mirror, suction cup surface (10d) and holding brackets (10a) are always clean and dry (picture A1). Press your smartphone holder (10) gently, centered at nose level on the mirror. Then mount the holder by carefully pressing the lever arm (10b) towards the mirror until it snaps in (picture A2).

Note: Only affix on mirror to ensure safe and correct conditions. For use in bathroom only. Do not use in automobiles.

Always make sure the smartphone holder is securely mounted on the mirror before inserting your smartphone. Place your smartphone (portrait) sideways in between the holding brackets (10a) by pressing against one bracket with your phone and sliding the other bracket to the side (picture A2). Follow the same procedure to remove your phone again.

Adjust the overall position for the required angle by moving the ball joint of the holder (picture A3). Instructions for the best angle will be given via app.

Once done, remove your phone from the holder. Take off the smartphone holder by flipping the lever arm back and pulling the tab carefully (picture A4 1./2.). Affix smartphone holder with each use again.

The smartphone holder should be cleaned with a damp cloth only. Store in clean and dry place. If not in use, always remove your smartphone from the holder.

Note: Smartphone width required for usage: minimum 58mm (2.28 in), maximum 83mm (3.27 in). Caution: Small parts may come off, keep out of reach of children.

Charging Travel Case

To charge your handle (5) place it on the pin in the charging travel case (11) and connect it to an electric outlet, using the extra smart plug (12) provided.

The flashing light (11a) of the charging travel case indicates that the handle is charging. Once the handle is fully charged the light turns off. A full charge can take up to 12 hours (picture B1).

Note: You may use the USB port (11b) to charge an electric device while the charging travel case is plugged in. The handle can only be charged with the smart plug (12)/(11c) not via USB port.

The inner lid of the travel case has a built-in smartphone holder (11d), which can hold your


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