P.O. Box 309, Menomonee Falls, WI 53052-0309
Phone: 800.BRADLEY (800.272.3539) Fax: 262.253.4161
Express® Lavatory System - MG-Series with Battery Infrared Control
MG-3/BIR3 Installation
Pre-Installation Information
Barrier-free and ADA compliant - standard height mounting
The Express® Lavatory System with Battery Infrared Control (model MG-3/BIR3) must have a rim height
no higher than 34" above finished floor to be compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). When
mounted at 34" rim height, the MG-3/BIR3 Express® meets ADA, ANSI and UFAS requirements for barrierfree clearances, reaches and controls. Always check local codes and ordinances for compliance.
Barrier-free and ADA compliant - juvenile height mounting
The Express® Lavatory System with Battery Infrared Control (model MG-3/BIR3) must have a rim height no
higher than 30" above finished floor to be compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility
Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities: Building Elements Designed for Children’s Use; Final Rule.
Texas Accessibility Standards compliant
The Express® Lavatory System with Battery Infrared Control (model MG-3/BIR3) meets Texas Accessibility
standards (TAS) for barrier-free clearances, reaches and controls. Always check local codes and ordinances
for compliance.
Infrared sensor and solenoid
Each sprayhead is controlled by a separate sensor and solenoid valve, enabling each user to activate a single
flow of water. Each valve uses less than half the maximum of hot water allowed by the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES
90A-1980 Standard.
Supplies required for installation
(8) ³⁄₈" wall anchors, bolts and washers to mount frame and bowl to wall (minimum pull-out rating of 1,000 lbs.)