Operating Guidelines
(BS611, BS611EU, BS815XLT & BS815XLTCE)
Refer to the External Components List Diagram
Seasoning & Preparation
For Use
Seasoning the Bradley Smoker® is an ongoing
process, the more you use it, the better tasting
your foods will be.
Seasoning is mainly to remove the impartial
new Bradley Smoker® is not necessarily how
you want your food to taste.
Seasoning Method:
• Clean Racks, Drip Tray, Drip Bowl and
Rectangular Tray and place in smoker.
• Fill the Drip Bowl half full of water.
• Load the Feeder Tube with 5 Bisquettes.
Bisquettes will not advance onto the Burner.
• Note: each Bisquette burns for 20 minutes.
• Open the Damper at the top of the
Smoker Tower.
• Plug smoker into its own designated outlet.
• Turn on the Smoke Generator by pressing
• Pre-heat Bisquette Burner for 20 minutes.
• Press Bisquette Advance Button (6) until
a Bisquette is on the Bisquette Burner (F).
• Turn on the smoker by rotating the
medium (about the 6 o’clock position). Wait
should read 66°C (150°F). If it is higher,
bring down the temperature by rotating the
3 o’clock position and vice versa until the
temperature reads 66°C (150°F).
• Smoke the tower continuously at 66°C
(150°F) for 1 hour, or until Bisquettes are out.
• Your Smoker will be seasoned having
reached 66°C (150°F) and smoked in for 1
Getting Started
Bowl half full of water.
• Turn on the Smoke Generator by pressing
heats the Bisquette burner.
• When the Smoker Generator Indicator
Light (5) is on, this means the Generator has
• Press the Bisquette Advance Button (6)
to push a Bisquette onto the Bisquette
burner (F).
Note: After the advance button has been
pressed, a new cycle will start, (or) in
approximately 20 minutes the next Bisquette
will advance.
• Pre-heat oven to the desired temperature
you want to cook at.
• Place your food onto the cooking racks
and load them into the smoker.
• Set the damper at the desired opening.
Do not close the damper all the way when
the smoke is running.
• You may need to adjust the Heat On/
temperature as per the door thermometer.
Cold Smoke: use the smoke generator only.
Unplug the Short Power Cord.
Hot Smoke: the smoke generator and
thermometer will only read the air
temperature inside the tower. To get a more
accurate temperature of the food being smoked,
use a meat thermometer. Keep in mind that
the ambient temperature will
the cooking
temperature of the smoker.
“ Remember to clean your smoker after
each use.”