Boss OfficeServ 12 User Manual

General Description Guide
This manual is proprietary to SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. and is protected by copyright. No information contained herein may be copied, translated, transcribed or duplicated for any commercial purposes or disclosed to third parties in any form without the prior written consent of SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
OfficeServ 12 is the trademark of SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Please read this guide before usi ng the OfficeS erv 12, an d follow t he ins tructions to use the Office Serv 12 safely and correctly.
This manual may be changed for the product improvement, standardization and other technical reasons without prior notice.
For further information on the updated manual or the content contained in the manual, contact your Authorized Samsung Reseller.
About this manual
OfficeServ 12, Enterprise IP Solutions System, is a digital telephone system designed for small to medium-sized businesses. This manual provides an overview of the Samsung OfficeServ 12, Enterprise IP Solutions System, including system structure and hardware , feat ures and facilities and specifications.
This guide consists of the following chapters.
9 Introduction to System 9 Hardware Descriptions 9 Specifications 9 Business Feature Package
Supporting Documents
Further detail on all of the aspects covered in this manual is included in the system Installation and Programming guide. The OfficeSe rv 12 system provides the f ollowing manuals for m ore information :
9 General Description Guide
This manual provides an overview of the Samsung OfficeServ 12, Enterprise IP
Solutions System, including system structure and hardware, features and facilities and specifications.
9 Installation Guide
This manual provides the information about installation of the Samsung
OfficeServ 12, Enterprise IP Solutions System, including information about connecting the equipment.
9 Programming Guide
OfficeServ 12 system provides MMC(Man Machine Communication) program. Users can configure the system using the MMC program at the digital telephone . This manual describes how to use the MMC program.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Page I
OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 Introduction
The following special paragraphs are used in this document to point out information that must be read. This information may be set-off from the surrounding text, but is always preceded by a bold title in capital letters. The three categories of these special paragraphs are :
Indicate a potentially hazardous situation which if not av oided, may result in minor or
moderate injury. It m ay als o be used to al ert agai nst unsafe practi ces.
Indicates additional information as a reference
Console Screen Output
9 The lined box with ‘Courier New’ font will be used t o di stingui sh bet ween
the main content and console output screen text.
9Bold Courier New’ font will indicate the value entered by the operator on
the console screen
Revision History
00 7. 2003. First Version
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Page II
For product safety and correct operation, the following information must be given to the operator/user and shall be read before the installation and operation.
Caution Indication of a general caution
Restriction Indication for prohibiting an action for a product
Instruction Indication for commanding a specifically re quired act ion
Barge-In without tone may violate laws concerning the righ t to privacy . SAMSUNG Electronics CO. is in no way responsible for the possible misuse of this
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 SAFETY CONCERNS
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About this manual............................................................................................... .... .......... ... I
Supporting Documents................................. ........................................................................ I
Conventions........................................................................................................................ II
Console Screen Output......... ....................................................... ....................................... II
Revision History........... ......... ..... .... .......... .... ..... ......... .... ..... ......... ..... .... ......... ..... .... ..... ....... II
Symbols................................................... ...................................................... .....................III
CAUTION .................................................................. .........................................................III
CHAPTER 1 Business Feature Package
1 SYSTEM FEATURES...................................................................................................... 4-2
1.1 SYSTEM FEATURE DESCRIPTIONS..................................................................... 4-5
2 STATION FEATURES................ ......... .... ..... ......... ..... ......... .... ..... ......... ..... .... ......... ..... .. 4-31
2.1 STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................... ....... 4-32
3 DISPLAY FEATURES.................................................................................................... 4-40
3.1 DISPLAY FEATURE DESCRIPTIONS................................................................... 4-41
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 Table of Contents
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Business Feature Package
This chapter describes various features of the Of ficeServ 12 system as follows:
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 CHAPTER 4. Business Feature Package
Account Code Entry
Forced-Verified Forced-Not Verified Voluntary Account Code Button All Call Voice Page Attention Tone Authorization Codes Forced Voluntary Auto Attendant† Automatic Hold Background Music Boss/Secretary Service Executive Answer Mode Executive Status Divert Cadence - Integrated Voice Mail* Call Activity Display† Call Costing† Caller Identification Caller ID
Calling Line Identification(CLI) Caller ID Features Name/Number Display Next Call Save Caller ID Number Store Caller ID Number Inquire Park/Hold Caller ID Review List Investigate Abandon Call List Caller ID on SMDR
Number to Name Translation Class of Service Common Bell Control Conference Add On(5 Party) Unsupervised Split Computer T elephony Integration(CTI) TAPI 2.1 Customer Set Relocation
Call Forwarding All Calls Busy No Answer Busy/No Answer Forward DND Follow Me To Voice Mail Preset Destination Call Forward Busy(CFB-Networking Enabled Only)
Call Forward No Response(CFNR-Networking Enabled Only) Call Forward Unconditional Call Hold Exclusive System Remote Call Park and Page Call Pickup Directed Groups Call W aiting/Camp-On Caller Emergency Service ID(CESID) Centrex/PBX Use Chain Dialing
Page All Park Orbits Primeline Selection Private Lines Programmable Line Privacy Programmable Timers Programmed Message Service Recalls Remote Programming-PC
(CFU-Networking Enabled Only)
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 CHAPTER 4. Business Feature Package
Data Security Database Printout Dialed Number Identification Service(DNIS) Direct In Lines Direct Inward Dialing(DID) Time-based Routing Busy or Camp-On Option Direct Inward System Access(DISA) Direct Trunk Selection Directory Names DISA Security Distinctive Ringing Door Lock Release(Programmable) Door phones Easyset Interface Executive Barge-In(Override) With Warning Tone Without Warning Tone Trunk Monitor or Service Observing External Music Interfaces External Page Interfaces Flash Button Operation Flexible Numbering Hot Line Group Conference In Group/Out of Group Incoming Call Distribution Incoming/Outgoing Service Individual Line Control IP phone Interface ISDN Service Basic Rate Interface(BRI) Least Cost Routing Live System Programming From any Display phone With a Personal Computer Meet Me Page and Answer Memory Protection Message Waiting Indications Microphone On/Off per Station Music on Hold-Flexible Music on Hold-Sources
Ring Modes
Time Based Routing
Holiday Schedule
Temporary Override
Ring Over Page
Secretary Pooling
Single Line Connections
Speed Dial Numbers
Station List(50 Max)
System List(500 Max)
Speed Dial by Directory
Spot View Interface
Spot Call Plus
Spot News
Spot Choice
Station Hunt Groups
Station Message Detail Recording(SMDR)
System Alarms
System Maintenance Alarms
System Directory
Tenant Services
Text Message Service
Toll Restriction
Time of Day
By Line or Station
Eight Dialing Classes
Special Code Table
Toll Restriction Override
Tone or Pulse Dialing
Traffic Reporting
Voice Mail Transfer Button
With Camp-On
Trunk Groups
Universal Answer
Virtual Port
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 CHAPTER 4. Business Feature Package
Operator Group Overflow Operator Station Group Override Code Paging Internal Zones(4) External Zones(2) All Internal All External
Voice Dialing
Voice Mail-Inband Integration
VoIP Networking
VoiP Trunk Interface(H.323/SIP)
Walking Class of Service
Wireless LAN Service
* Requires optional hardware and/or software. Ask your dealer for details.
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 CHAPTER 4. Business Feature Package
1.1.1 Account Code Entry
Station users may enter an account code(maximum 12 digits) before hanging up from a call. This account code will appear in the SMDR printout for that call record. phone users may enter this code using an account code button without interrupting a conversation. Single line telephone users must temporarily interrupt the call by hook­flashing and dialing the feature access code. Manually entered account codes can be up to 12 digits long. In some cases users can be forced to enter an account code and this account code ma y o r may not be verified as desc ri bed bel ow.
When set for this option the user must enter an account code for all outgoing calls. The account code entered will be verified from a system list of 200 entries . Forced Verified codes can contain the digits 0~9.
Forced-Not Verified
When set for this option the user must enter an account code for all outgoing calls, but the account code is not verified against the system list. Non verified account codes can contain the digits 0~9 and #.
In this case account codes are not required to make outgoing calls but may be used if desired. This is also the method used to assign an account code to incoming calls. These account codes can contain the digits 0~9 and #.
1.1.2 All Call Voice Page
Users can page all internal and all external paging zones at the same time by dialing the All Pa ge code . phones ma y be restrict e d from making or receivin g pages in system programming. A maximum of 16 phones can be programmed in each internal page zone to receive page announcements.
1.1.3 Attention Tone
To get your attention, a brief tone precedes all page announcements a nd inte rcom voice calls. There are separate programmable duration timers for page and voice announce tones.
1.1.4 Authorization Codes
Authorization codes are used to give permission to make a cal l . A maximum of 100 four to ten-digit authorization codes can be either forced or voluntary. When used,
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 CHAPTER 4. Business Feature Package
authorization codes will automatically change the dialing station’s class of service to the level assigned to the authorization code. Authorization codes may be programmed to print or not print on SMDR.
When a station is programmed for forced authorization, the user must always enter this code before dialing is allowed. The dialed authorization code is verified from the system list of 100 authorization codes.
Any station user can always enter an authorization code before they begin dialing. The dialed authorization code is verified from a system list of 100 authorization codes.
1.1.5 Automatic Hold
While a phone user is enga ge d on a n o ut si de (Trunk line) call, pressing another trunk button, route button or CALL button automatically places the call on hold when Automatic Hold is enabled. Pressing TRSF, CONFERENCE, PAGE or a DSS button always automatically places a Trunk line call on hold. Intercom calls can be automatically held only by pressing TRSF or CONFERENCE. Each phone user can enable or disable Automatic Hold.
1.1.6 Background Music
phone users may choose to hear music through their phone speakers when optional external sources are installed. Each user may adjust this level by the use of a volume control program at the selected phone.
1.1.7 Boss/Secretary Service
Up to four secretaries can be assigned to an executive. The line designated as the executive may not be assigned as a secretary of another executive. When the executive is busy or in DND status, the call is automatically connected to the secretary.
Executive Answer Mode
The secretary can set the response mode for each executive. The response m odes include Ring Mode, Automatic Answer, and Voice Announce.
Executive Status
The status of an executive can be set by the executive or the secretary . Other persons can verify the set status through Easyset Application.
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 CHAPTER 4. Business Feature Package
Divert may only be set from the line designated as an executive. Press the [Divert] button in idle mode to automatically transfer all incoming calls to the secretary. Press the [Divert] button while ringing to transfer the incoming call to the secretary. The Divert function is operated by a toggle button.
1.1.8 Call Activity Display
The OfficeServ 12 will record and buffer all calling activity within the system. With a Call Acti vit y Display(CAD) butt on, the Of fice Serv 12 will displa y a ‘snapshot’ of the following information :
9 The maxim um number of ports that have bee n u s ed 9 The maximum number of trunks that have been used 9 The maximum number of stations that have been used 9 The current number of ports in use 9 The current number of trunks in use 9 The current number of stations in use
1.1.9 Call Costing
The OfficeServ 12 provides programmable call costing tables to calculate the cost of incoming and outgoing calls. Rates are calculated by the number dialed, and may include surcharges. Display phones can be set to show the call duration timer or the call cost. The SMDR report will show either the call duration or the call cost depending on the station selection. One call handled by multiple callers will cost each call segment separately.
1.1.10 Caller Identification
The OfficeServ 12 supports three methods of identifying an incoming caller depending on the circuit t ype as described below.
Caller ID
On an analog, loop start CO line, calling party in form ation i s called Ca ller ID and i s available from the telephone company in t wo formats, Number only and Name and Number, sometimes called Deluxe. The Office Serv 12 i s c ompatible with both formats. Even if the telephone company only offers the number only, a name can be attached to the telephone number of frequent callers via t he CID tra nslation table .
Calling Line Identification (CLI)
On ISDN circuits, calling party information is called CLI and is supported on both BRI and PRI type circuits as de sc ribe d bel ow.
On ISDN circuits the OfficeSe rv 12 onl y suppo rts Num ber deliv ery a nd a name c an
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 CHAPTER 4. Business Feature Package
be attached to the telephone number of frequent callers via the CID translation table.
Caller ID Features
The following features apply to all forms of Caller Identification, however, to make them easier to read caller identifica tion i s referred to as Caller ID.
Name/Number Display
Each LCD phone user can decide if he/she wants to see the name or number in the display. Regardless of which one is selected to be seen first, the NND button is pressed to view the other pieces of information.
Next Call
In the event that you have a call waiting or a camped-on call at your phone, you can press the NEXT button to display the Caller ID information associated with this next call in queue at your station. Either the Caller ID name or number will show in the display depending on your selection.
Save Caller ID Number
At any time during an incoming call that provides Caller ID inform ation, you may press the SAVE button. This saves the Caller ID number in the Save Number feature . Pressing the SAVE number redial button will dial the Caller ID number. The system must be using Least Cost Routing(LCR) to dial the saved number.
Store Caller ID Number
At any time during an incoming call that provides Caller ID inform ation, you may press the STORE button. This saves the Caller ID number as a speed dial number in your personal speed dial list. The system must be using LCR to dial the st ored number .
Inquire Park/Hold
Having been informed that an incoming call is on hold or has been parked, you may view the Caller ID information before you ret rieve the call. This will in fluence how you choose to handle the call.
Caller ID Review List
This feature allows display phone users to review Caller ID information for calls sent to their stations. This list can be from ten to fifty calls in a first in, first out basi s. The list includes calls that you answered and calls that rang your station but that you did not answer. When reviewing this list, you can press one button to dial the person back.
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OfficeServ 12 General Description Guide/Ed.01 CHAPTER 4. Business Feature Package
The system must be using LCR to dial the st ored number . If CID R EVW ALL in the User ON/OFF option set to OFF, only calls that are not answered(missed calls) at the station will be recorded in the Review list.
This feature allows selected stations with a special class of service to investigate any call in progress. If Caller ID information is available for an incoming call, you will know to whom this station user is speaking. On outgoing calls, you can see who was called. After investigating, you may barge-in on the conversation, disconnect the call or hang up.
Abandon Call List
The system has a system-wide abandon call li st t hat st ore s Calle r ID information for calls that rang but were not answered. The list is accessed using the administrator’s passcode. When reviewing this list, you are provided options to CLEAR the entry or DIAL the number. Y ou ca n see the NND button to toggle between the Caller ID name, number and the date and time the call came in. The system m ust be using LCR to dial numbers from the abandon call list. The abandoned call list will store up to 100 unanswered calls.
Caller ID on SMDR
The Station Message Detail Records report can be set to include Caller ID name and Caller ID number for incoming calls. This format expands the printout to 113 characters. Use a wide carriage printer or an 80 column printer set for condensed print.
Number to Name Translation
The system provides a translation table for 1000 entries. When the Caller ID number is received, the table is searched. When a match is found, the system will display the corresponding name.
1.1.11 Call Forwarding
This feature allows the user to redirect(forward) incoming calls. The calls can be redirected to the attendant, a hunt group, voice mail, e xte rnal number or another station user. If the destination station is in Do Not Disturb(DND), the calling party will receive DND/Reorder tone. Calls cannot be forwarded to a door phone. The external number can be set to the forward destination for all kinds of forwarding. So External, CFB, CFNR and CFU option is removed. When the destination is external number, the ICM EXT FWD option must be set to ON. If not, the call forwarding does not accomplished.
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