Bose AM-5 User Manual

The Bose^
oustimass Speaker System
Own er’s Gui de
Before you begin...
We would like to iHanK you for purchasing the Bose^ AM-5'“ Acoustimass''' speaker system. We are confident that the acfvanced technology and quality construction ot the AM-5 system will provide you with a litetirTK ol musical listening pleasure.
The operating principles and wiring configuration of the AM S system are significantly different from those of conven tional speakers. This not only allows the AM-5 astern to provide you with great sound, but also offers ptacement fienfiiiity not available from conventional speakers. For best results, and an easy installation, please take the time to read this owner's guide.
Unpacking the AM-5 System
After opening the carton, remove all packaging material and
carefully lilt out the components of the AM-S system. Save all the cartons and packing material in case the system needs to be transporied at a later lime, if any of the com ponents appear damaged, do not attempt to use the system. Instead, repack the system in its original carton and notify your authorized Bose dealer immediately.
The Bose AM 5 Acouslimass ^em.
Setting Up the System
The AM-5 system otters many advantages not available from a conventional speaker astern. For one, the system adjusts to deliver the combination of reflecled and direct sound opti mal lor any listening environment. For another, the system delivers this lifelike combination of reflected and direct sound while using very little of your living space.
Before you can install and adjust (he system's componenfs. lake a minute to familianze yourself with them. M)ur system should include;
2 Cube speaker arrays
1 Acouslimass''mc^ule(thelarger black cabinet)
4 Wires
A. Select the location where you intend to place Ihe tell and
right cube speaker arrays. Note that wires from the arrays connect to (he Acouslimass module, so you should locate the cube speaker arrays so that the wires will reach the location you chose for №e module.
Note: White the wires provided are adequate for most instai­latrons. you may increase the distance behveen the cube speaker arr^ and the Acouslimass module by splicing m additional
wire, and mal« sure you maintain the correct phase (" " to
" -I-' and * -" to" - ’), and properly connect the wires.
B. One of the real benelils ol your AM-5 system is its flexibil
C. In average sized listening rooms, the oest stereophonic
Note: For video applications, separation can be less than 3 feet While this may slightly reouce oerformance. it will allow the cube speaker arrays to be located on each side of a TV or
ш If you do so. use similar gauge or thicker
ity. By positioning the bottom cube and rotating the (op cube of each cube speaker array, you can adjust the spatial balance of your system to match your room or musicaltaste.
Though there is no ‘correcf position (or the cube speaker arrays or the angle behveen them, the most lifelike sound will be achieved by providing a balance of direct and reflected sound. Figure 1 shows some typical
installations, and suggested positions.
effects result when the left and nghl cube speaker arrays are spaced 6 to 12 feet apart (aoproximately 1.8-3.6 m). However, ^u can still achieve excellent results with sepa ration as little as 3 feet (approximatefy 1 m) or as great as
15 feet (approximately 4 5 m). Note (hat when you are using a balance of reflecteo and direct sound, the switch on (he back ol the lower cube of each array should oe set to the "Reflected* posrtion.
monitor For more ioformation on video applications, see Part F of this section.
D. 'A)u can also use the cube speaker arrays in direct mode
(with both cubes facing forward). While this eliminates the bendits of combining direct artd reflected sourM], it may be ^>prQpriate for very small listerúng areas (like desks or cúbreles). When used in this mode, the switch on the back of each array should be sei to ihe ‘Direcr position.
E. The Acoustimass'* module can be located virtually any
where in your lislening room (Figure 2) in either a vertical or horizontal position. Its unique Acoustimass'" speaker
technology de!ii«s room filling bass from almost any where. Feet free to hide the Acoustimass module under a bed or table, or e/en behind a sofa. Just remember not to block the two tournl openings in the end of the unit. M)u should allow at least 2 inches (approximately 5 cm) of open space between these openings and the wall or oiher surface.
Unlike conventional lloorstanding or bookshell speakers, you can ñne tune the bass response of your AM-5 sys tem without compromising accurate stereo imaging Just
change the location of the Acoustimass '' module within your listening room. For typical listening environments, positioning the module along a wall 3 to 5 feet (approxi­m^efy 1 to 1.5 mders)from a com& provides a normal balance of frequencies from your AM S system. Moving the module closer to Ihe walls and/or corners of your room win increase bass response, while moving H towards the center of your room wll decrease it. tn most moms, if should be reasonably ea^ to choose a location which is convenient, yet provides pleasing bass response.
F The cube speaker arrays of your AM 5 system are mag
netically shielded (or use with video systems. This allows you to position the cube speaker arrays close to
your TV or monitor without adversely affecting the pic lure quakty (as happens with conventionai. nonshiefded speakers). In addition, angling the top half of each array in slightly win improve on screen localization and opti­miK your ^stem (or video
Oxeci ftetteatrtg
Oired RvKeciif’O
Direct n«n«oi«>g
Connecting the AM-5 System to Your Stereo
CAUTION: Before attempting to connect the AM-5 system, unplug your receiver or amplifier from the wall outlet.
Note; Many receivers slate *use with 8*16 ohm
speakers '. While the AM-5 system is rated at 4 ohms by lEC standard, the speaker s impedance actually averages between 6 and Ô ohms, over most ot its ODeratKKi range Therefore, the AM-5 should be compatible with any quality receiver or amplifier This includes electronics that call out use only
8-16 ohm speakers '
A Locate the wires v^ich v/ere packeo with the system, 'ibu
will find (our idenbeal sets. Tivo seis connect the cube speaker arrays to the Acoustimass module, while the other twp sets connect the Acoustimass module to your receiver or amoiilier.
Examine the ends of the wires. For each set. one wire will
have a red marker For each connection you make, always connect (he wire v/ith the red marker to the ' ~ terminal.
.ocate the terminais on the rear of the left cube soeaker
brray Depress the red ("r^ tao. insert Bie lead with the
red marker (Figure 3). and release the tao The lead shoufq be held snugly m place by (he terminal. Repeat
Ihe orocess lor the black terminal and ihe other lead.
D- Locate the terminals marked "OUTPUTS TO CUBE
SPEAKERS" on the rear of the Acoustimass’'' module
(Figure 4). Connect the other end of wires from the left
Figure! Adjusting ihe comtxnalionoirenecled^ direct
sound (cuDe speaker arrays not lo scale). Feet free to expenment wiih (be setting which sounds best in your tislenirig nxxn Ocn'l kxgei to set the Direct/Renecting ^ switch on the rear ol each oonom cube to me orooer postion.
Figure 2 Sorr^ oi the possible ioca№ns lot the Acac-stimass'''
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