SYS TEM OP ER A TION................................................................................................... ............... 27
BTR-300 OP ER A TION................................................................................................... .............. 27
POWER ................................................................................................... ............................... 27
LO CAL HEAD SET VOL UME ............................................................................................. 27
PUSH TO TALK/LOCK TO TALK SWITCH ...................................................................... 27
TR-300 OP ER A TION ................................................................................................... ................. 28
POWER ................................................................................................... ............................... 28
BAT TERY CHECK................................................................................................... ............ 28
HEAD SET VOL UME ................................................................................................... ........ 28
PUSH TO TALK/PUSH TO TRANS MIT SWITCH............................................................ 28
BAT TERY RE MOVAL................................................................................................... ...... 29
EN ABLING AU DIO................................................................................................... .................. 30
POR TA BLES ................................................................................................... ...................... 30
WIRED IN TER COM................................................................................................... .......... 30
AUX IL IARY ................................................................................................... ....................... 30
SETTING SYS TEM GAIN LEVELS ........................................................................................... 31
AD JUSTING GAIN ................................................................................................... ............ 31
BTR-200 BASE STATION ................................................................................................... .31
TR-200 POR TA BLE ................................................................................................... ........... 31
IN TER COM GAIN ................................................................................................... ............. 32
AUX IL IARY GAIN ................................................................................................... ............ 32
SYS TEM WALK-THRU ................................................................................................... .............. 33
TROU BLE SHOOTING................................................................................................... .............. 34
BAT TERY IN FOR MA TION................................................................................................... ....... 35
GEN ERAL ................................................................................................... .................................. 35
BC-4 BAT TERY CHARGER ................................................................................................... ..... 35
REC OM MENDED HEAD SETS ................................................................................................... .36
AC CES SORIES ................................................................................................... ............................ 38
WAR RANTY SER VICE IN FOR MA TION ................................................................................... 40
FCC IN FOR MA TION ................................................................................................... .................. 41
This man ual cov ers the BTR-300 Base Sta tion
and the TR-300 Por ta ble Trans ceiver.
The Telex Models BTR-300 and TR-300 were
spe cif i cally de signed to pro vide the user with a
highly flex i ble wire less two-way com mu ni ca tion sys tem with the ca pa bil ity of in ter face
with a wired in ter com sys tem and other aux il iary au dio.
At the BTR-300 op er a tor’s com mand, the
remotes may com mu ni cate with each other,
with a wired in ter com sys tem or with an aux il iary sys tem. The BTR-300 Base Sta tion with
its one trans mit and four re ceive chan nels was
de signed to op er ate in full du plex (si mul ta neous two-way com mu ni ca tions) with up to
four TR-300 Belt Pack trans ceiv ers (one trans mit and one re ceive chan nel) See block di a gram in Fig ure 1.
Fig ure 1
Block Di a gram of Sys tem
The sys tem op er ates on se lected fre quen cies
within the 150-216 MHz band.
The BTR-300 sys tem is fully com pat i ble with a
num ber of other wired in ter com man u fac tur ers
units. See the BTR-300 Setup Sec tion for ad di tional in for ma tion.
The TR-300 Trans ceiver op er ates in the con tin u ous trans mit mode with the au dio ac ti vated by
a switch. As many as four TR-300 belt-pack
trans ceiv ers can op er ate in a fully du plex net work with one Telex Model BTR-300 Base
Sta tion.
The TR-300P Trans ceiver op er ates in the
Push-to-transmit mode (the trans mit and talk
func tion are ac ti vated to gether). Any num ber
of TR-300P trans ceiv ers can be used in a
half-duplex net work with one BTR-300 Base
Sta tion. Op er ate only one TR-300P at a time.
At tempting to use two trans mit ters si mul ta neously on the same chan nel will cause in ter fer ence.
Over all
In put Power ....................................................................... 13.0 VAC RMS/600 mA with sup plied adap tor
or fil tered 12 to 14 VDC/600 mA source.
In ter com Out put ......... 50 mV (Low) or 330 mV (Hi) RMS into 300 ohm load typ i cal (at rated de vi a tion)
In ter com In put (Gain Min i mum) ............................................. 300 mV RMS typ i cal (for rated de vi a tion)
Aux il iary Out put ........................................... 430 mV RMS into 600 ohm load typ i cal (at rated de vi a tion)
Aux il iary In put (Gain Max i mum) ............................................. 60 mV RMS typ i cal (for rated de vi a tion)
Lo cal Head set In put ........................................................................................... 2 mV RMS in put nom i nal
1.5 mV RMS in put at com pres sion (Dy namic)
Lo cal Head set Out put ................................................................. 32 mW max i mum out put into 600 ohmst
Tem per a ture Range ....................................................................................... -4°F to 130°F (-20°C to 55°C)
Di men sions ................................................................................................... .15.75" W x 1.75" H x 10.5" D
(40 cm x 4.5 cm x 26 cm)
Weight ................................................................................................... .................................... 4.5 lbs (2 kg)
Trans mit
RF Fre quency Range ................................................................................................... .......... 150-216 MHz
RF Fre quency Sta bil ity .................................................................................... Crys tal Con trolled, 0.005%
RF Power Out put ................................................................................................... ............. 50 mW Typ i cal
Mod u la tion ................................................................................................... ............. FM, 3 KHz de vi a tion.
115 mi cro-seconds Pre-emphasis
Trasmit An tenna ................................................................................................... ........ 5/8-wave (sup plied)
SO239 con nec tor on chas sis
Mod u la tion Lim iter ................................................................................................... .... In ter nal Com pres sor
Mod u la tion Fre quency Range ................................................................................... 300 to 5000 Hz ±2 dB
Ra di ated Har monics and Spu ri ous Emis sions ................................................................................. -45 dBC,
Ex ceeds FCC Spec i fi ca tions
FCC ................................................................................................ Type Ac cepted Un der Parts 90 and 74
Re ceive
RF Fre quency Range ................................................................................................... ............ 150-216 MHz
RF Fre quency Sta bil ity ...................................................................................... Crys tal Con trolled, 0.005%
Type ................................................................................................. Dual Con ver sion super het ero dyne, FM
RF Sen si tiv ity ...................................................................................... Less than 0.5 µV for 12 dB SINAD
IF Se lec tiv ity ............................................................................. 3 dB at 30 kHz (4 pole Monolythic Fil ter)
Im age Re jec tion ................................................................................................... ................ 65 dB or better
Squelch Quieting ................................................................................................... ............................... 90 dB
Squelch Thresh old ................................................................................................... ......... 1.0 µV (In ter nal)
Sig nal-to-Noise Ra tio ................................................................................................... ........................ 90 dB
Re ceive An tenna ................................................................................................... ....... 5/8-wave (sup plied)
SO239 con nec tor on chas sis
Dis tor tion ................................................................................................... .. Less than 1% at Rated Out put
The Telex Model BTR-300 is a Base Sta tion
with one trans mit ter and four re ceiv ers. It is de signed for por ta ble two way com mu ni ca tion
with the ca pa bil ity for in ter face to other au dio
sys tems. Fea tures in clude:
• An ex tremely flex i ble unit that has the ca -
pa bil ity to com mu ni cate at one time with
any num ber of the avail able por ta ble sta tions (up to four) or wired sta tions (in ter com and/or other au dio source).
• Powered by an ex ter nal AC wall sup ply
(sup plied), via the power jack on the rear of
the unit. It can also be pow ered by any fil tered 12 to 14 VDC/600 mA source or 13.0
VAC RMS 600 mA source.
• In ter com con nec tions with the abil ity to in -
ter face with most wired in ter com sys tems.
• RF LED in di ca tor for each por ta ble sta tion.
• All metal case for su pe rior shield ing.
• Ta ble or rack mount able.
FRONT PANEL ( Re fer to Fig ure 3)
Power ON/OFF Switch: Push this switch once
to turn power ON; push it again to turn the
power OFF.
Power ON In di ca tor: The Power ON In di ca tor is il lu mi nated when the Power ON/OFF
Switch is pushed in the ON Po si tion.
Lo cal Head set Con nec tor: 4 Pin XLR Con nec tor for In put/Out put. The head set jack will
ac cept many Telex model head sets. Com pat i ble
with other in ter com head sets with four pin
XLR con nec tors that are wired as shown in
Fig ure 2.
Mic On-Push-to-Talk/Lock-to-Talk Switch:
En ables the lo cal head set mi cro phone au dio
func tion.
NOTE: DOES NOT con trol base sta tion RF
trans mit.
Lo cal Push-to-Talk In di ca tor: Will be il lu mi nated when ever the talk func tion is on.
Lo cal Mi cro phone Gain Con trol and
Overmodulation In di ca tor: A screw driver
ad just able con trol is pro vided to con trol the in put level of the lo cal head set mic. This in put is
pro tected from over loads by means of a gain
com pres sor whose op er a tion is sig naled by the
gain LED in di ca tor.
Por ta ble En able Switches and In di ca tors:
When in the “IN” po si tion, the En able switches
al low the user of the cor re spond ing por ta ble
unit to be heard by oth ers con nected to the sys tem. When in the “OUT” po si tion, the re spec tive por ta ble will be muted, but this por ta ble
will still be able to hear all other se lected
remotes and in ter faces. The in di ca tors nor mally show the pres ence of a por ta ble trans ceiver in use on the chan nel cor re spond ing to
that in di ca tor.
Fig ure 2
Head set XLR Con nec tor Wiring
Lo cal Head set Vol ume: Ad justs vol ume toLo cal Head set. DOES NOT AF FECT MI CRO PHONE GAIN.
Ext In ter com Switch, Level Con trol, and In di ca tor: This switch en ables the wired in ter -
com in ter face when “IN”, and dis ables it when
“OUT”. For RTS in ter coms, the “IN” po si tion
is chan nel A and the “OUT” po si tion is chan nel B. A screw driver ad just able con trol is pro vided to con trol the in put level of the wired
in ter com.
Aux il iary Au dio En able Switch, Level Con trol, and In di ca tor: The switch en ables and
dis ables the Aux il iary in ter face when “IN” and
“OUT”, re spec tively. The func tion of the level
con trol here is the same as that de scribed for
the in ter com.
Head set Mi cro phone Se lect Switch: This
switch al lows the user to se lect ei ther an
Electret or Dy namic mi cro phone.
In ter com Con nec tors: Con nec tions to in ter face the BTR-300 with a wired in ter com sys tem.
Aux il iary Out put/In put Con nec tors: Can be
used for 2-way (four wire) in put and out put to
the BTR-300 or as a sim plex in put or out put.
Typ i cal uses are 4 wire low level in ter com’s,
tape re cord ers, pub lic ad dress in puts or out puts, or when op er at ing two BTR-300 units si mul ta neously.
REAR PANEL (Re fer to Fig ure 4)
Trans mit and Re ceive An tenna Con nec tors:
At tach 5/8-wave an tenna s (sup plied) to these
con nec tors. An tenna color should match the
con nec tor color dot.
Trans mit Switch: Slide switch that al lows the
op er a tor to se lect one of three trans mit modes.
In the “OFF” po si tion, the trans mit ter is al ways
off. This mode may be used if the base is func tion ing solely as a mon i tor. In the “CONT” po si tion, the trans mit ter is al ways on. This
con tin u ous mode is rec om mended over the
“RE MOTE” mode. In the “RE MOTE” po si tion, the trans mit ter is en abled only when one
or more portables are ac tive.
Power Jack: For ex ter nal AC wall sup ply
adap tor (sup plied) or any fil tered 12 to 14
VDC/600 mA source, or 13.0 VAC RMS/600
mA source.
Speaker Jack: Al lows the user to con nect an
ex ter nal speaker (8 ohms min i mum) to the unit.
Speaker Gain Con trol: Screw driver ad just able. Ad just the gain con trol clock wise to in crease speaker gain or coun ter clock wise to
de crease speaker gain.
NOTE: Leave set ting coun ter clock wise if no
speaker is at tached.
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