Fire Alarm Systems | SP4Z‑A/B Supervised Speaker Audio Splitter
SP4Z‑A/B Supervised Speaker Audio
u Expands one zone to two Class A zones or four
Class B zones
The Cooper Wheelock SAFEPATH4 SP4Z‑A/B is a
supervised two‑zone Class A or four‑zone Class B
speaker audio splitter. It enables a single supervised
speaker audio output to control up to two Class A
supervised speaker audio outputs or up to four Class B
supervised speaker audio outputs.
Certifications and approvals
Cooper Wheelock, Inc. holds these Listings and
Region Certification
USA UL UCST: Audible Signal Appliances, Gener-
al Siganal (UL464)
CSFM see our website
Installation/configuration notes
Compatibility Information
The splitter is compatible with the SP40/2 or SP40S,
the SPB‑80/4, the SPB‑160, and the SPB‑320.
u Operates at either 25 V or 70.7 V
u Provides power‑limited output circuitry
u Mounts inside the system enclosure
Mounting Considerations
The splitter mounts inside the system enclosures as
• One splitter mounts inside the SP40/2 or SP40S
enclosure, connected to the backplane in the upper
right-hand corner.
• One splitter mounts on an SPMB4Z Splitter Mounting
Bracket, connected over the power supply inside the
SPB‑80/4 enclosure.
• Two splitters mount on an SPMB4Z Splitter Mounting
Bracket, connected over the power supply inside the
SPB‑160 enclosure.
• Four splitters mount on two SPMB4Z Splitter
Mounting Brackets, connected over the power
supplies inside the SPB‑320 enclosure.
When the SP4Z‑A/B is mounted in an SP40/2 or
SP40S enclosure, the four‑wire mode cannot be
Wiring Considerations
The terminals accept wiring from 22 AWG to 12 AWG
(ISO 0.34 mm2 to 4 mm2).

2 | SP4Z‑A/B Supervised Speaker Audio Splitter
A single splitter can be set for either Class A or
Class B operation, but not both.
A UL Listed end‑of‑line resistor (10 kΩ, 0.5 W)
must be placed on each unused zone to prevent
an open trouble condition.
Parts included
Quant. Component
1 Splitter
1 Hardware pack
1 Literature pack
Technical specifications
Electrical (Class A Circuit)
Current (alarm and standby): 15 mA at 24 VDC
Output Power (per zone): 40 W
Voltage (audio output): 24 VDC
Voltage (operating): 25.0 V or 70.7 V
Electrical (Class B Circuit)
Current (alarm and standby): 15 mA at 24 VDC
Output Power (per zone): 20 W
Voltage (audio output): 24 VDC
Voltage (operating): 25.0 V or 70.7 V
All hardware and software product names used in this
document are likely to be registered trademarks and
must be treated accordingly.
Ordering information
SP4Z‑A/B Supervised Speaker Audio Splitter
A supervised two‑zone Class A or four‑zone Class B
speaker audio splitter that enables a single supervised
speaker audio output to control up to two Class A
supervised speaker audio outputs or up to four Class B
supervised speaker audio outputs.
Order number SP4Z-A/B
SPMB4Z Speaker Splitter Mounting Bracket
Supports two audio splitters
Order number SPMB4Z