Bosch SP4RMX Specfications

Fire Alarm Systems | SP4‑RMX Remote Microphone Expansion Module
The Cooper Wheelock SAFEPATH4 SP4‑RMX Remote Microphone Expansion Module is an outboard expansion module used with the SP40/2 or SP40S Facilities Communications Systems. The module expands the number of optional remote microphones (SPRM) to three. Each module provides a line level, 600 Ω auxiliary audio output.
Two SP4‑RMX modules can be used when connected to an SP40/2 or SP40S control panel. This provides a maximum of six remote microphones providing All Call for the entire system.
Microphone Priorities
There are two configurations for the priority levels of remote microphones. One configuration sets the priorities so that remote microphone 1 (RM1) has priority over the other two (RM2 and RM3) remote microphones and RM2 has priority over RM3. This means that if RM3 is broadcasting, either RM1 or RM2 can override it. The other configuration gives top priority to the first microphone to broadcast so that neither of the other microphones can broadcast until the first completes its message.
Certifications and Approvals
Cooper Wheelock, Inc. holds these Listings and Approvals:
Region Certification
USA UL UOQY: Emergency Communication and
Relocation Equipment (UL864, 9th edition), UOXX: Control Unit Accessories, System (UL864, 9th edition) (Cooper Wheelock)
CSFM 6911-0785: 157
ADA Complies with Americans with Disabilities Act
OSHA Complies with Occupational Safety and
Health Administration OSHA 1910.165
Installation/Configuration Notes
Compatibility Information
The SP4‑RMX Remote Microphone Expansion Module is compatible with the SP40/2 or SP40S Facilities Communications Systems.
SP4‑RMX Remote Microphone Expansion Module
Expands one remote microphone (SPRM) from the SP40/2 or SP40S control panel to three
Provides one line level, 600 Ω auxiliary audio output
Provides up to six remote microphones when using two SP4‑RMX modules
Provides multiple on‑board diagnostics with three status conditions: standby, alarm, and trouble
Operates on 24 VDC supplied by the SP40/2 or SP40S control panel
2 | SP4‑RMX Remote Microphone Expansion Module
Mounting Considerations
The SP4‑RMX is mounted in its own enclosure and is designed for indoor use only. To meet NFPA and UL requirements for the interconnection of fire alarm control equipment, the module must be mounted in the same room as and be within 20 ft (6 m) of the SP40/2 or SP40S control panel.
Wiring Considerations Between SP40/2 or SP40S control panel and SP4-RMX modules
All wiring between the module and the control panel must be within conduit and no longer than 20 ft (6 m). Use 14 AWG (1.9 mm) to 22 AWG (0.7 mm) shielded wire with one end of the shield connected at either the SP40/2 or SP40S control panel or at the SP4‑RMX module.
Between each SPRM microphone and the SP4-RMX module
Use 14 AWG (1.9 mm) to 22 AWG (0.7 mm) shielded wire with one end of the shield connected at the SP4‑RMX module. The maximum wire length is 2000 ft (609 m) and the maximum capacitance for the total wire run is 0.05 μF.
Parts Included
Quant. Component
1 Expansion module
1 Literature pack
Technical Specifications
Environmental Considerations
Relative Humidity: 85±5% at +86±3.6°F (+30±2°C), non‑condensing
Operating: +32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C)
Storage: -4°F to +158°F (-20°C to +70°C)
Auxiliary Audio: 1 VRMS
Mechanical Properties
Color: Black
Dimensions (H x W x D): 13.0 in. X 7.6 in. x 2.15 in.
(33 cm x 19.4 cm x 5.4 cm)
Material: 0.05 in. (1.3 mm) thick steel
Weight: 3.8 lb (1.7 kg)
Relay Ratings
K1 and K3: 2 A, 30 VDC, 1 pF
K2, K4, K5, and K6: 1 A, 30 VDC, 1 pF
Power Requirements
Voltage (input): 24 VDC nominal
Current (input)
RM Page: 52 mA maximum
Standby: 62 mA maximum
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SAFEPATH is a registered trademark of Cooper Wheelock, Inc.
Ordering Information
SP4‑RMX Remote Microphone Expansion Module
Expands the number of optional remote mi­crophones (SPRM) to three
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180
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