Fire Alarm Systems | SP40S Series Facility Communication Systems
SP40S Series Facility Communication
One system provides multi‑function facility
Background music (BGM) system with supervision
Supervised emergency and fire voice evacuation
system that complies with NFPA 72 requirements
Interfaces with telephone system for general paging
Built‑in power for visual notification appliances
Expandable for larger system requirements (with
optional equipment)
The Cooper Wheelock SAFEPATH4 SP40S is a series of
multi‑function supervised paging, messaging, background
music, and emergency voice evacuation systems with
24 VDC battery backup. These single‑channel systems can
deliver 40 W of supervised high‑fidelity audio power and 2 A
of supervised 24 VDC synchronized strobe power.
The SP40S and SP40S‑B can function as an evacuation
system, emergency messaging system, paging system,
employee notification system, and background music
system according to the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA 72 [2002], section 6.8.4 Combination
Systems). They are listed under UL864, 9th edition for fire
code applications requiring delivery of supervised audio
and voice messaging with strobes and notification
appliance circuits (NACs) for visual alerting. They are
Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA 1910.165)
compliant, not requiring reliability inspections every two
months or the usually required spare parts inventory. They
have wide‑ranging applications from small to large facilities
and operate on contact closure message activation.
The SP40S and SP40S‑B comes with an on‑board digital
voice messaging system with eight standard messages
having a maximum length per message of 30 seconds
including tones:
Message 1
Fire Three rounds of Code 3 horn followed by a male voice saying,
"May I have your attention please! A fire emergency has been
reported in the building. While this is being verified, please
leave the building by the nearest exit. Do not use the elevators."
Message 2
Fire Three rounds of Code 3 horn followed by a female voice say-
ing, "May I have your attention please! A fire emergency has
been reported in the building. While this is being verified,
please leave the building by the nearest exit. Do not use the
Message 3
Fire Three rounds of Code 3 horn followed by a male voice saying,
"May I have your attention please! A fire emergency has been
reported in the building. While this is being verified, please
leave the building by the nearest exit."
Message 4
Fire Three rounds of Code 3 horn followed by a female voice say-
ing, "May I have your attention please! A fire emergency has
been reported in the building. While this is being verified,
please leave the building by the nearest exit."

2 | SP40S Series Facility Communication Systems
Message 5
Fire Three rounds of Code 3 horn followed by a male voice saying,
"May I have your attention please! A fire emergency has been
reported in the building. While this is being verified, please
leave the building and report to the designated assembly area
for your group."
Message 6
Weather Five sec of 1 kHz tone followed by a male voice saying, "May
I have your attention please! The National Weather Service
has issued a severe weather warning for our area."
Message 7
All Clear Five sec of 1 kHz tone followed by a male voice saying, "May
I have your attention please! The building emergency has
ended. An all clear has been given. Please resume normal
Message 8
Test Five sec of 1 kHz tone followed by a male voice saying, "May
I have your attention please! This is a test of the Wheelock
evacuation system; repeat, this is only a test."
Any or all of these standard messages are field
programmable and each message can be selected to have a
Code 3 pre‑alert tone, a 1 kHz continuous pre‑alert tone, or
no pre‑alert tone. Post‑alert tones are also selectable and
match the pre‑alert tones for individual messages.
The SP40S systems also come with a hand‑held
microphone, a power supply and battery charger, and
numerous additional features.
These systems are expandable to 5280 W using the
SPB‑80/4, SPB‑160, or SPB‑320 Supervised Audio Power
Inputs and Activation
Each system has thirteen priority‑ordered audio inputs:
Priority Input Input Type
1 On‑board microphone Push‑to‑talk microphone
2 Auxiliary Remote microphone or remote
microphone expander
3 Digital message input 1 Contact closure activation
4 Digital message input 2 Contact closure activation
5 Digital message input 3 Contact closure activation
6 Digital message input 4 Contact closure activation
7 Digital message input 5 Contact closure activation
8 Digital message input 6 Contact closure activation
9 Digital message input 7 Contact closure activation
10 Digital message input 8 Contact closure activation
11 Night ringer input Contact closure activation
Priority Input Input Type
12 Telephone paging input Page port input
13 Background music input Line level input, 600 Ω, input volt-
age must be less than 2.5 V peak
to peak, or 0.3 VRMS
These systems provide 2 A of 24 VDC supervised strobe
power with built‑in selectable Wheelock synchronization.
The 24 VDC supervised and synchronized power can be
expanded by adding optional power boosters. A DIP switch
setting connects strobe activation to activation of any of the
eight standard messages.
Background Music (BGM)
The background music output requires line level input for
the music source and the system is fully supervised while in
BGM mode. There are volume and tone controls. In
background music mode, the system has a frequency
response from 100 Hz to 15 kHz.
General Paging
For general paging, these systems easily connect to most
existing phone systems through the page port, CO port, or
line level signals. They can support night ringer or security
alert connections and automatically mute the background
music. There are tone and volume controls. In general
paging mode, these systems have a frequency response
from 275 Hz to 6.5 kHz.
These systems provide 40 W of supervised audio power for
25 V or 70.7 V power‑limited speakers.
Voice Evacuation
The voice evacuation function complies with the
requirements of NFPA 72. All NAC circuits are supervised
and all strobes can be synchronized. These systems come
with eight messages that are automatically activated by a
NAC input from the fire alarm control panel (FACP). Any
message can be erased and the message time can be field‑recorded as a custom message (30 sec maximum each).
These messages are automatically over‑ridden by a live
microphone transmission.
Certifications and Approvals
Cooper Wheelock, Inc. holds these Listings and Approvals:
Region Certification
USA UL SP40S: UOXX: Control Unit Accessories,
System (UL864, 9th edition)
CSFM SP40S: 6911-0785: 157